Fetching owner-uploaded or user-uploaded photos from Google Maps - api

I would like to fetch user-uploaded or owner-uploaded photos of locations using some Google API.
For example:
In this place: http://g.co/maps/pxbse , you can see an owner-uploaded photo of this place in the place's popup window on the map. Additionally, if you click on this photo, you'll be taken to a more detailed page about this place where you can see a list of photos uploaded either by the owner or other google users.
Is there any way to fetch these photos by using the Google Maps API?
(Please note: I have checked out Panoramio and Google Street View API and these do not suit my needs)

There is no way to get that photo at this point. The Google Places API does not support retrieving the photo.

What you're looking at is a Google Place. You would access this data using the Google Places API.
Update: You're right. The API mentions an icon URL that's included in a place details response, but doesn't seem to indicate all the owner uploaded images.
What I recommend is attending the Google Maps API office hours on May 1, 2012 at 13:00 Pacific Time. There is a Google Moderator set up to post questions before hand. You can attend the hangout using Google Plus (make sure to follow +Google Maps API) or they stream them to YouTube live.


Getting photo timestamp using Drive API

As Google Photos API is not available yet, I am trying to fetch Photos information over Drive API.
I can access all interested information except one: Photo Timestamp - the value used by Google Photos to order photos in albums and the timeline.
In Google Photos web interface it is possible to set Photo Timestamp including a time zone. This information is not available over Drive API.
For example, you can change Photo Timestamp by editing Data & Time of the photo in Google Photos web interface, but this change will not be reflected in any of the fields that are exposed through Drive API for pictures.
Do I miss anything?
There is no Google Photos version of 'timestamp' in Drive API. The only way you can access gphoto:timestamp element is to use Picasa Web Albums Data API.
For example when I ran
in my browser, it returned a feed of album entries. The timestamp element looks like this:
< gphoto:timestamp >1118992182000< /gphoto:timestamp >
You can read more of that in the guide. Hope this helps.

Custom Twitter Pictures in stream

There are multiple servies that let you insert pictures and videos into the twitter stream. - with instagram and youtube being two of the first that come to mind.
The question is - how do I do that?
If I want a custom image, and I want to link them back to my site - do I have to use the /statuses/update_with_media.json endpoint (which adds it to pics.twitter.com) along with my own link? Meaning two links?
Is there a trick to how these sites do it, or are they officially supported by Twitter?
To play "in-line" on Twitter.com. Only a select few services will allow this.
in case of videos for example, refer to this article on Twitters website.
You would need two links if you wanted to host a picture on Twitter itself and have it link to another place. The pictures hyper-link would be converted and another link would need to be added next to it.
How do I add an image to a tweet or how does twitter decide which image urls to render
Is there a public API or meta data to integrate with Twitter new media system?
(PS great CI articles, thanks for all your help! :)

How to get user's location from Google Account

How can one get user's location from Google? I can't find any suitable API for that, this is seems rather odd given the many places where Google tracks my location. It doesn't seem to be contained in user's profile, not every Google user uses Google+ so that can't be used either, and no one is actually using Latitude.
Latitude for those that use it, Google+ profile for those that use it and have entered a location, and Android GPS API are the only location APIs that Google publicly provides. You might consider using the HTML5 Geolocation API.
Now the Google latitude is defunct only Google+ is the viable option.
The location can easily be shared within google+ but I haven't found any solution (yet) to extract it to my application (yet!).

Video hosting on YouTube, Vimeo, or alternatives

I want to allow users to store some videos on YouTube using my website. These videos are personal videos for the person storing them. The videos would presumably be transferred from my site to the YouTube site using the APIs. I would imagine all the videos would be stored in a single account (that I make as the site operator). It is important to note that the videos correspond to the individuals that save them - i.e. all users can't see all videos. The security access is done by my server and should not be accessible by anyone on the Internet.
A user must go through my website, enter his password, etc. (that I validate) and then I provide him access to his videos and once he is successfully authenticated, he can see his videos - that he views on my website.
Is this possible using YouTube or Vimeo APIs?
YouTube Direct API seems to be something similar to Your needs. Have a look at it.
Edit: Link, thanks #Simon.

How to programmatically retrieve the total number of Google +1's for a URL

Now that Google has officially released their +1 button for websites, I'd like to find a way to retrieve the total number of +1's for a specific URL programmatically.
For example, I'd like to access this value independently of the +1 button for use in tooltips, as shown for RSS subscribers below.
More information on the +1 button: https://code.google.com/apis/+1button/
Google+ metrics: Activity by URL gives the sum total of all +1's for a URL, as well as the number of +1's for a specified time frame. It is only accessible via Google Analytics on the webmaster dashboard.
Google now has an API for retrieving Google +1's. It is still in early developer preview though. Google+ History API tells you how to sign up for the preview.