Can you disable apache logs for a single site using htaccess or in the Virtual Host settings? - apache

I'm working on a web site where the client doesn't want ANY logging on the site for privacy reasons. The site will be hosted on the same Apache Web Server as a number of other websites which is why I can just turn logging off in Apache. Is there some way to disable logging for an individual site using htaccess rules or by adding something to the VirtualHost settings?

The options seem to be
Sending to /dev/null on *nix or C:/nul on Windows (see here)
Removing the base logging directives and duplicating them in each vhost (so there is no logging on for vhosts by default)
Seems like there should be some better way to do this, but that's what I've found.

Yes, just comment out (using a '#') the ErrorLog and CustomLog entries in the httpd conf for your virtual host.

I achieve this by making the logging dependent on a non-existing environment variable. So in the VirtualHost you can have:
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/my_access_log combined env=DISABLED
and so long as there is no environment variable called DISABLED then you'll get no logs.
I actually arrived here looking for a neater solution but this works without having to change the global httpd.conf.
Edit: removed reference to .htaccess because CustomLog only applies in the global config or in the virtual host config as pointed out by #Basj


Apache as a proxy for multiple nginx servers

I'm starting from the bitnami jenkins stack. Everything is working perfectly with jenkins.
http://sample:8080/jenkins (works fine)
I'm trying to add additional directories to apache to proxy to nginx:
I can get to the other_tool homepage, but references to that other tool break down because they are looking for http://sample:8080/relative_url rather than http://sample:8080/other_tool/relative_url
I can pull config settings from the necessary files as needed, but it is on an air-gapped network so wholesale posting would be a challenge
The apache conf looks like:
<Directory /other_tool>
ProxyPass http://localhost:9999
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:9999
The nginx configuration is a standard "/" with root directory. I'm not as familiar with nginx so I can't recall the exact information off the top of my head. If needed I will provide it.
I could try to switch the jenkins hosting over to nginx, but I'm not sure that simplifies anything.
I can't open more ports on the machine. I can't use a subdomain as that would require additional DNS entries that I do not control.
Ideas or suggestions?

Apache 2.4.x ip blacklist

I'm looking for an easy way to blacklist IP addresses in Apache 2.4.x. My web site logs ip addresses that tried illegal operations into a text file. I would like to use this text file within Apache to deny all access to all vhosts to this ip list. What would be the best way (easiest and least resource consuming way) ?
Found this but this is only for 2.2.. Not sure how this applies to 2.4..
edit: this is a windows x64 box running apache x64
#vastlysuperiorman called it right, csf/lfd is the best at this. Unfortunately, they only run on linux.
This free utility promises to provide the same functionality: dynamically monitor access attempts and auto-block IP addresses. You can unblock with a command, in case of false positives. Certainly worth a short.
An alternative could be to create a VM (if your platform supports virtualization) deploy a very small spec linux box, and use that as a proxy. This should be easy to implement. BTW, why not just use linux? .. :-)
(this should have been a comment on #vastlysuperiorman's post, but I don't have enough SO reps to comment on the post of others)
Edited to suggest a possible apache 2.4 based solution:
To translate ACL directives between the 2.2 and 2.4 in apache
2.2 Syntax
order Deny,Allow
include conf/IPList.conf
Allow from all
2.4 Syntax
DocumentRoot /some/local/dir
<Directory /some/local/dir/>
Require all granted
Include conf/IPList.conf
#this will also work
<Location />
Require all granted
Include conf/IPList.conf
# conf/ is actually in /etc/apache2/conf/IPList.conf
# (ie, paths are relative to where apache is installed.
# I guess you can also use the full path to the list.
And inside conf/IPList.conf, you will have individual lines with entries like the following
Require not ip
Require not ip
Require not ip
Using mod-rewrite and a list of IPs for banning
For a redirect-to-another-page to work, you need to keep the RewriteRule outside the base URL you are guarding.
For instance, the redirect would not work under a Directory directive on DocumentRoot or a Location directive on '/', because the ban affects the status page we want to display.
So, best to keep this outside a Directory or Location directive, or link to a status page on another unprotected web server.
#Required set of rewrite rules
RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap hosts-deny txt:/etc/apache/banned-hosts
RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND [OR]
RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_HOST}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND
RewriteRule ^ /why-am-i-banned.html
## inside our banned hosts file, we have:
## /etc/apache2/banned-hosts (maintain the format .. its not just a plain text file)
## - - - -
# inside our status page, could be html as below or a plain text file with '.txt' extension
<html xmlns="">
<title>Why is my IP banned?</title>
<h2>Why is my IP address banned?</h2>
To manage spammers and for other security needs, our server automatically blocks
suspicious IP address. If however you reckon your IP address has been blocked
wrongfully, please contact us.
And of course, you can parse your log files and populate conf/IPList.conf or /etc/apache2/banned-hosts as appropriate ..
As a short term solution
An alternative that will allow you to use the 2.2 syntax, is to install mod_access_compat module and continue using your deprecated 2.2 style 'Deny,Allow' directives. But this is only advisable as a short-term solution since that module is just there to aid transition, and would probably go away in future versions of apache 2.4
I too have not seen a good alternative for blocking access dynamically from within Apache itself. There are "hacky" ways: you could set an environment variable to contain a list of IPs and then use the module with ${REMOTE_ADDR} and the env function, but that's a stretch. Details on the Expression Parser
However, I have used several light weight modules that are helpful in protecting your Apache server.
ConfigServer Firewall (CSF/LFD) is a great solution for linux systems. It provides a simple method for managing iptables, and can be set up to do brute force detection and blocking. Info here
Add the following line to /etc/csf/csf.deny to include your custom IP block list:
Include /var/www/example.deny
Alternately, update your script to append IP addresses to csf.deny either directly:
echo $badIP >> /etc/csf/csf.deny
or using the CSF command line option (preferred):
csf -d
CSF readme here
mod_security is one of my favorite Apache/nginx modules. It detects dangerous GET and POST requests and blocks access accordingly. When set up properly, it will trigger CSF to block the IP addresses that frequently violate rules. Details here

Apache always get 403 permisson after changing DocumentRoot

I'm just a newbie for Apache. I just installed apache 2.2 on the FreeBSD box at my home office. The instruction on FreeBSD documentation is that I can change the DocumentRoot directive in order to use the customized directory data. Therefore, I replaced...
but something is not right. There's index.html file inside the directory, but it seems that apache could not read the directory/file.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
The permission of
I wonder what could be wrong here. Also, in my case, I am not going to host more than one website for this FreeBSD box, so I didn't look at using VirtualHost at all. Is this a good practice just to change the DirectoryRoot directive?
Somewhere in the apache config is a line like:
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory "/usr/local/www/apache22/data">
You must change this path too, to make it work. This directive contains for example:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Which give initial user access to the directory.
one possibility that comes to mind is SELinux blocking web process from accessing that folder. If this is the case, you would see it in selinux log. You would have to check the context for your original web root with:
ls -Zl
and then apply it to your new web folder:
chcon whatevercontextyousaw public_html
Or, instead, if its not a production server that requires security (like a development machine behind a firewall), you might want to just turn selinux off.
Just one idea. Could be a number of other things.

Apache2 httpd.conf help

I have a domain, for example, It is already configured to point to
Basically, i want to point to
and to point to
How can I do this with the httpd.conf file for Apache2? Thanks
Assuming you are only serving one domain (, you can change your DocumentRoot to /var/www/4.0/
and set an Alias for the /foobar like
Alias /foobar /var/www/moo
If you are serving more than one domain from the same Apache, then you need to use the DocumentRoot within a VirtualHost tag.
More info is here:
I think you're going about this the wrong way with httpd.conf, but I'll answer your question as you asked it first and then explain about that.
There are two settings in httpd.conf relevant to this.
The DocumentRoot setting is the important one, it configures the base directory from which to serve. Change it as so:
DocumentRoot "/var/www"
DocumentRoot "/var/www/4.0"
Be sure not to use any / after the 4.0, it's not needed.
A little under 30 lines below this setting is another, which should say:
As the comment above it says, change it to "/var/www/4.0" too.
This would set to the 4.0 directory (first part) and apply the relevant settings to this directory too (second part).
But I don't think you should do that, setting apache to serve the 4.0/ directory with httpd.conf makes a mess for serving the other directories. I'd suggest you read about redirects and how to implement them with whatever language you're using. Then you can point one URL to another without it ever being noticed in the browser (unless they're really trying to).
So without changing DocumentRoot from "/var/www", you can edit /var/www/index.php (or whatever) and have it redirect to /var/www/4.0/. The same can be done in /var/www/foobar/index.php to display /var/www/moo/ instead, but here I'd really just rename the "foobar" directory on the server to "moo". If you want to get elaborate, look into mod_rewrite, but I'd advise you to try all your alternatives first and only use it if you really need to, it's quite a complex tool.

How to setup sub-domains like blogspot

What should do to setup a sub-domain for the users when they sign-up into my site.
What are the infrastructure required? I am using Linux servers.
You can either use a specific DNS (CNAME or A/AAAA) entry for each known subdomain, or a wild-card DNS entry that'll accept *
foo IN A
bar IN A
* IN A
The advantage of this latter is that no changes are required to either DNS or Apache configuration once the service is running. The disadvantage is that all such wildcard lookups must (by definition) end up returning the same IP address.
The Apache configuration will depend on your requirements, both for end-user control and security. Note that if the users have permission to run CGI scripts on the server then additional setup will be needed to ensure that that's done securely.
Depending on whether content is static or dynamic this will also affect your configuration:
Use mod_vhost_alias to map individual virtual hosts into their individual directories on the server.
If you really want, create a separate <VirtualHost> section for each known site, but then you'll have to restart Apache each time a new user signs up
Use a single <VirtualHost> and then look at the hostname part of the requested URL (from the $SERVER_NAME environment variable) in the scripts that render the output to figure out which user's content to display.
You can make a CNAME entry/ A Record in your DNS settings, for each subdomain
A CNAME record is a record in your
Domain Management Settings that allows
you to control a subdomain of your
To automate it along with registration, you can write a script which is executed for each user, when s/he registers.
You can refer to this link, as well, for a step-by-step process for Apache:
How to setup subdomains in apache
(since you mentioned Linux, I assume it must be APache. Please mention if it is otherwise)
Alternate Solution
You can also refer to the wildcard solution, given by Alnitak, in the same thread. I find his is an easier way. :)
infrastructure includes access the the dns server to add a wildcard entry, and rewrite rules in Apache.
Try these answers:
How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?
How to make subdomain user accounts in a webapp
or this link:
If your using Linux server's I'm assuming your using Apache as your webserver.
You'll have to setup proper DNS routing for the sub domain as well as a virtual host.
Virtual Hosts are fairly easy to setup but I'm not sure how easy it is to do them on the fly progmatically.
Most of the time it's as easy as editing your apache config file and adding the following:
Port 80
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /www/user-bob
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /www/user-sally
The VirtualHost Documention will probably of some use to you.
Apache allows you to specify any number of 'sites' based on subdomains on a single server. Creating a new 'site definition' file with the appropriate subdomain information in it, along with proper DNS wildcards, will do what you want.
In other words, the process is like this:
Setup wildcards so that * directs to the proper server.
When a new user signs up, create the proper Apache site definition file - you'll probably have a base template that you put the right subdomain information into and save.
Make Apache re-read its configuration.
IMPORTANT This is based on a Debian-style Apache configuration, where the config files are included in a directory, and the main configuration reads all the config files in that directory. This will simplify things a great deal, because adding/removing subdomains will mean adding/removing files, rather than editing a single file, and so the process will be much easier to automate.