Saving excel worksheet to CSV files with filename+worksheet name using VB [duplicate] - vba

This question already has answers here:
Export each sheet to a separate csv file
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am very new with VB coding, I am trying to save multiple excel file worksheets to csv, I don't know to do this for multiple sheets, but I found a way to do for single file. I have found code on this site which are very useful for what I am trying to do, only problem is the files are saved with the worksheet name but I am trying to save them with the original file and worksheet name such as filename_worksheet name, I tried to do that myself but keep getting error, could you please advise what I am doing wrong?
The code I am using is as follows:
Public Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
CurrentWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.FullName
CurrentFormat = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat
' Store current details for the workbook
SaveToDirectory = "H:\test\"
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
WS.SaveAs SaveToDirectory & WS.Name, xlCSV
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Temporarily turn alerts off to prevent the user being prompted
' about overwriting the original file.
End Sub

I think this is what you want...
Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
CurrentWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.FullName
CurrentFormat = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat
' Store current details for the workbook
SaveToDirectory = "H:\test\"
For Each WS In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
WS.SaveAs SaveToDirectory & WS.Name, xlCSV
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Temporarily turn alerts off to prevent the user being prompted
' about overwriting the original file.
End Sub

I had a similar problem. Data in a worksheet I needed to save as a separate CSV file.
Here's my code behind a command button
Private Sub cmdSave()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim WB As Workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
sFileName = "MyFileName.csv"
'Copy the contents of required sheet ready to paste into the new CSV
Sheets(1).Range("A1:T85").Copy 'Define your own range
'Open a new XLS workbook, save it as the file name
Set WB = Workbooks.Add
With WB
.Title = "MyTitle"
.Subject = "MySubject"
.SaveAs "MyDirectory\" & sFileName, xlCSV
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
This works for me :-)

Is this what you are trying?
Option Explicit
Public Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String, newName As String
SaveToDirectory = "H:\test\"
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
newName = GetBookName(ThisWorkbook.Name) & "_" & WS.Name
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs SaveToDirectory & newName, xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=False
End Sub
Function GetBookName(strwb As String) As String
GetBookName = Left(strwb, (InStrRev(strwb, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))
End Function

Best way to find out is to record the macro and perform the exact steps and see what VBA code it generates. you can then go and replace the bits you want to make generic (i.e. file names and stuff)

The code above works perfectly with one minor flaw; the resulting file is not saved with a .csv extension. – Tensigh 2 days ago
I added the following to code and it saved my file as a csv. Thanks for this bit of code.It all worked as expected.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & ThisWorkbook.Name & "-" & WS.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV


VBA Copy Method keeps failing?

I could have sworn that this was working before - but for some reason, this doesn't appear to be working anymore. I'm trying to take the active worksheet (also, this may not be very pretty or clean, but I am still really new to VBA), copy it to a new worksheet, in the new worksheet I want to open the Excel save as dialog, and when the worksheet is saved (in CSV) format, I want the workbook to close (or even if it doesn't close) at least return the user to the original workbook and end the sub
Sub saveExportAs()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Dim varResult As Variant
Dim ActBook As Workbook
'display the save as dialog
varResult = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="\\network\folder\upload_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".csv", FileFilter:= _
"Comma Delimited / Upload Files (*.csv),*.csv", Title:="Save Upload File")
'check to make sure the user didn't cancel
If varResult <> False Then
ActiveWorkbook.saveAs Filename:=varResult, _
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
you can use the sheets defined as workbook/worksheet to avoid issues... may be like this :
Sub saveExportAs()
Dim wb1, wb2 As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim varResult As Variant
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("load")
Set wb2 = ActiveWorkbook
varResult = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="\\network\folder\upload_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".csv", FileFilter:= _
"Comma Delimited / Upload Files (*.csv),*.csv", Title:="Save Upload File")
If varResult <> False Then
wb2.SaveAs Filename:=varResult, FileFormat:=xlCSV
wb2.Close Savechanges:=True
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Try this...
Sub exportAsCSV()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
SaveCopyAsCSV ("Sheet1") ' replace Sheet1 with whatever sheet name you need
End Sub
Private Function SaveCopyAsCSV(SourceSheet As String)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=SourceSheet, FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Function

Saving Active Workbook when using Macro from Add-In

I created a macro that saves the value of an .xlsx file to a csv in a certain directory with the name of the csv = to the name of the Excel file which it was written from.
I wanted this macro to be available in any spreadsheet/workbook so I saved and added it as an add in.
I think I am having issues with ActiveWorkbook vs Thisworkbook.
The following code is the original that works as intended when not used as an add in:
Sub CSV()
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
CurrentWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.FullName
CurrentFormat = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat
SaveToDirectory = "C:\SomeDirectory\"
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & ThisWorkbook.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
However if that code is used in the add in, the file saves with the name of the add in. So I changed the code and used ActiveWorkbook but it appears the value gets changed when it is time to save.
Sub CSV2()
On Error GoTo error_handler
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
CurrentWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook.Name
CurrentFormat = ActiveWorkbook.FileFormat
SaveToDirectory = "C:\SomeDirectory\"
For Each WS In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & ThisWorkbook.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
I want to write my Excel file to csv. Save that CSV in the directory that is defined. With the name of the csv = the name of the file that the information is coming from. And to be able to do this in any workbook I open.
Try this code:
Sub CSV2()
On Error GoTo error_handler
Dim aWB As Workbook
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
Set aWB = ActiveWorkbook
CurrentWorkbook = aWB.Name
CurrentFormat = aWB.FileFormat
SaveToDirectory = "C:\SomeDirectory\"
For Each WS In aWB.Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & aWB.Name & "_" & WS.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
aWB.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
I add after to prevent the same file name.

Automatically save certain sheets in workbook to CSV file

I have found a decent solution Saving excel worksheet to CSV files with filename+worksheet name using VB for saving all worksheets in a workbook as CSV files. However, I would like to be able to modify this code to only save worksheets where the sheet name ends with _t.
I am using the following code:
Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
CurrentWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.FullName
CurrentFormat = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat
' Store current details for the workbook
SaveToDirectory = "H:\test\"
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & ThisWorkbook.Name & "-" & WS.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Temporarily turn alerts off to prevent the user being prompted
' about overwriting the original file.
End Sub
Can this be done?
Use the Right or Instr-Method on the property to get the last characters / check if your searchstring is exisiting.
In your for each-loop add the following code:
If Right(, 2) = "_t" Then
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & ThisWorkbook.Name & "-" & WS.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
End if

How to save Specific worksheets from a workbook using VBA?

To save specific worksheets in a workbook as unique CSV files
To save specific worksheets (plural) from a workbook that contains both the specific worksheets and extraneous worksheets (e.g. to save specific 10 out of 20 available worksheets)
Insert the current date into the CSV's file name in order to avoid overwriting files currently in the save folder (this VBA is run daily)
File name syntax: CurrentDate_WorksheetName.csv
I've found VBA code that gets me half way to my goal. It saves ALL worksheets in the workbook but the file name is not dynamic with the current date.
Current Code:
Private Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
Dim WS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
Dim DateToday As Range
Dim CurrentWorkbook As String
Dim CurrentFormat As Long
CurrentWorkbook = ThisWorkbook.FullName
CurrentFormat = ThisWorkbook.FileFormat
' Store current details for the workbook
SaveToDirectory = "S:\test\"
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & WS.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=CurrentWorkbook, FileFormat:=CurrentFormat
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Temporarily turn alerts off to prevent the user being prompted
' about overwriting the original file.
End Sub
There are several issues with your code:
i) There is no reason to save the format or name of your current workbook. Just use a new workbook to save the CSVs that you want.
ii) You were copying each worksheet in the book, but not copying it anywhere. This code was actually saving the same workbook with the name of each sheet. Copying the worksheet doesn't paste it anywhere and doesn't actually tell the saving function only to use parts of the document.
iii) To put the date in the name, you just need to append it to the save name string, as below.
Dim myWorksheets() As String 'Array to hold worksheet names to copy
Dim newWB As Workbook
Dim CurrWB As Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Set CurrWB = ThisWorkbook
SaveToDirectory = "S:\test\"
myWorksheets = Split("SheetName1, SheetName2, SheetName3", ",")
'this contains an array of the sheets.
'If you want more, put another comma and then the next sheet name.
'You need to put the real sheet names here.
For i = LBound(myWorksheets) To UBound(myWorksheets) 'Go through entire array
Set newWB = Workbooks.Add 'Create new workbook
CurrWB.Sheets(Trim(myWorksheets(i))).Copy Before:=newWB.Sheets(1)
'Copy worksheet to new workbook
newWB.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & myWorksheets(i), FileFormat:=xlCSV
'Save new workbook in csv format to requested directory including date.
newWB.Close saveChanges:=False
'Close new workbook without saving (it is already saved)
Next i
CurrWB.Save 'save original workbook.
End Sub
It seems to me that in that code was a lot of unnecessary stuff but the most important part was almost ready.
Try this:
Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim SaveToDirectory As String
SaveToDirectory = "C:\tmp\"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
WS.SaveAs Filename:=SaveToDirectory & Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd") & "_" & WS.Name & ".csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

copy information to an external workbook

I am writing a macro where I take data from a CSV and copy it to another Excel file (not the current or active file).
What is the code to take the copied data and send it to another file in the same directory.
This is my code, I have commented out the lines that cause the macro not to work. I want to set the variable wshT to Sheet1 of the WTF.xlsx file, which is in the same directory but not the active workbook. I have not opened that one. So the goal is to use this macro to copy extra data from the CSV and send it to the WTF.xlsx file and save it as something new, in this case "BBB". Any help is much appreciated. When I uncomment those lines, errors pop up.
Sub Import()
Dim MyPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
'Dim strFileName1 As String
MyPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
strFileName = MyPath & "\borgwich_die_BM1940_profile.csv"
'strFileName1 = Workbooks("WTF.xlsx").Activate
'strFileName1 = Workbooks("WTF.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Select
Dim wbkS As Workbook
Dim wshS As Worksheet
Dim wshT As Worksheet
'Set wshT = strFileName1
Set wbkS = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFileName)
Set wshS = wbkS.Worksheets(1)
'wshS.UsedRange.Copy Destination:=wshT.Range("A1")
wbkS.Close SaveChanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=MyPath & "\BBB", FileFormat _
:=51, CreateBackup:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
End Sub
Your use of value assignment to strFileName1 through the use of .Activate and/or .Select was bad methodology. If WTF.xlsx is open, you can directly reference its Sheet1 and Set a worksheet object reference to a variable.
Sub Import()
Dim MyPath As String, strFileName As String
Dim wbkS As Workbook, wshS As Worksheet, wshT As Worksheet
MyPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path
strFileName = MyPath & "\borgwich_die_BM1940_profile.csv"
Set wbkS = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strFileName)
Set wshS = wbkS.Worksheets(1)
Set wshT = Workbooks("WTF.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1")
With wshS.Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
.Copy Destination:=wshT.Range("A1")
End With
wbkS.Close SaveChanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
wshT.Parent.SaveAs Filename:=MyPath & "\BBB", FileFormat:=51, CreateBackup:=False
wshT.Parent.Close SaveChanges:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Another alternative would be to use the VBA equivalent of Data ► Get External Data ► From Text but you should probably know the number and type of fields being brought in with the CSV beforehand. This is certainly the preferred method if the CSV data is being incorrectly interpreted by the temp worksheet you are creating by opening the CSV as a workbook.