iOS 5 - Camera Overlay Clone - objective-c

Is there an open source nib out that that's a clone of the overlay view that Apple uses for its I'm currently using UIImagePickerController with picker.showCameraControls = YES, but I need to tweak the functionality ever so slightly.
I've been thinking of subclassing the UIImagePickerController, but would that give me more control over takePicture? Specifically, I want to be able to call that method without forcing the user to leave the interface.

This is what the AVCaptureSession class is for. The documentation shows how to set up a captureSession, from there it's all cake!


With which method has Apple replaced "dragImage:"?

I have an app where I allow the user to drag/drop some data from an NSView, with a custom drag image under the cursor.
I just updated to the Xcode 6 beta, and now my drag/drop code won't compile. This is because Apple has deprecated the following NSView method:
Fine, but what am I supposed to use instead? All the Apple documentation I've found still merrily recommends the deprecated method.
There is also a "dragFile:" method, however my NSView represents AV data, and it's unsuitable to write a large new file to disk every time the user begins a drag. The user may well to abort the drag, possibly multiple times in rapid succession.
What is the new way to initiate a drag operation with a custom icon?
Thanks to Kyle Sluder on Apple's Dev forums for alerting me to this. It turns out the replacement is
NSView beginDraggingSessionWithItems: event: source:

Titanium - Reset zoom scale in webview

Is it possible to programmatically reset the zoom/scale that the user has done in a webview? My issue is when the webview is pinch zoomed in landscape and you rotate the phone, the webview is still zoomed in and in my case, portrait mode is now extremely zoomed in.
I've tried webview.repaint() but that seems to do absolutely nothing. I know I can call webiew.reload() but that just uses more bandwidth for my server as well as the users data plan so I want to avoid that.
I'm using Titanium Studio, build:, 3.1.3 GA Ti SDK and compiling for iOS 7 SDK.
Based on this thread and the fact that there was no way to easily achieve this, I have created a module. It extends the Ti.UI.WebView with two methods, setZoomLevel() and scrollToTop(). It is very basic at the moment, but I'm planning on extending its functionality gradually.
Have a look, it's an alternative to modifying the core code.
Did you give a try at setting the scalesPageToFit property of your webview upon orientation change?!/api/Titanium.UI.WebView-property-scalesPageToFit
I found the answer which was a bit more than I wanted to do. I had to actually modify the Titanium SDK obj-c files.
I modified 3 files:
-(void)resetZoomScale; //-- added this line to define the function in the header file
//-- Added this function that will actually handle the resize
- (void)resetZoomScale
[webview.scrollView setZoomScale:1.0]; //-- reset the scroll view back to 1
//-- Call the resetZoomScale function in TiUIWebView.m file
//-- I believe this also exposes the function to javascript
TiThreadPerformOnMainThread(^{[(TiUIWebView*)[self view] resetZoomScale];}, NO);
I can now call myWebView.resetZoomScale(); and whatever pinch/zooming has been done on the web view will be reset back none or 1

Using the AppDelegate as your Lowest Level WindowController?

When you first create an Application in XCode, at it's lowest level it creates the AppDelegate.h/.m and a MainWindow.xib
Once you start modifying the Xib to best suit your design needs - is it best practice to move away from the AppDelegate as the initial Controller or is it always better to create a new WindowController to use with the MainWindow.xib ??
The AppDelegate class cannot be used as a view controller, if that's what you're asking. Your AppDelegate class should be creating an instance of your main View Controller, which loads your main .xib file. Unless you're referring to defining the main Xib in your target configurations, but that's pretty old school.
Are you constrained by the version of iOS you need to support? Because you could avoid using .xib files altogether by using storyboards if you can use iOS 5.0 and up.
Well good question. To me app delegate always has been a initial step to define a project that I create. There are many use for delegates but that is another subject. If you look at the apple doc's related to this subject (over view section) in the following link, there is a great explanation of what is the function of the app delegate there. To answer the question you ask, it is always a good practice to leave the app delegate and create a new controller and execute whatever function you want in there. Here is the link to apple do's and I hope it clears up everything for you my friend. Happy coding.

Is Apple deprecating UIPopover?

Since iOS 5.1 was released, the default for showing the Master view controller in split views is a slide in type of thing. In order to present a popover it seems like you have to enable it using a UIPopover controller instead. Does this mean that the popover is going to going out of style?
When it comes to Apple's API's, deprecated means that Apple has specifically stated that something is in the process of going away. It's usually accompanied by advice regarding a new way to accomplish the same thing. So, if Apple ever deprecates UIPopoverController, you'll know it just from reading the documentation.
That said, it's also a good idea to read the release notes for each new version of iOS that comes along. In the iOS 5.1 release notes you'll find a note that explains what you're seeing:
In 5.1 the UISplitViewController class adopts the sliding presentation
style when presenting the left view (previously only seen in Mail).
This style is used when presentation is initiated either by the
existing bar button item provided by the delegate methods or by a
swipe gesture within the right view. No additional API adoption is
required to obtain this behavior, and all existing API, including that
of the UIPopoverController instance provided by the delegate, will
continue to work as before.

How do I use a RootViewController when making an app without a ViewController?

I am trying to make a simple app from a tutorial that does not have a viewController at all. All the code is in the AppDelegate. I am on xcode 4.2 and I am getting this error:
Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
I'm not sure how to deal with this. There are some blogs out there with fixes but none of them are working for me and I really would like to understand what is going on here. And, how to fix it.
I do have a view that contains some buttons and labels. But I have no "ViewController". The files contained in my project are: AppDelegate.h, AppDelegate.m, and Window.xib only. There is no ViewController.h, ViewController.m
** edit **
I ended up making the app from a 'view based application' instead and just moving all the logic from the app delegate to the view controller. So, I didn't really solve the problem per se. The app works now though. Thanks for the help
It's not possible to have an iOS app that doesn't have a view controller. You can always create a trivial view controller, i.e.,
[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds].rootViewController =
[[[UIViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
It sounds like you're looking at an old tutorial. UIWindow got a rooViewController property in iOS4. I believe it became required in iOS5 to help keep controller hierarchies and view hierarchies in sync with the addition of custom container controllers (and to fix a corner case where replacing the "root controller" of a UIWindow could stop orientation changes from propagating). There was a WWDC presentation in 2011 that explained this in some detail. I think it was Session 102, Implementing UIViewController Containment.
At then end of the day, there's no good reason not to have a root view controller. Apple wants to be able to assume it's there in their APIs going forward. If the tutorial you're looking at doesn't account for that, it's broken.
While I agree that there may be workarounds, another question to address is: why do you want an app without a view? Even if it's designed to run in the background and present no visual interface, at least make a simple view showing the application name and version, a largeish icon and perhaps a status. This kind of idle screen uses very little system resources, especially when the app is backgrounded, but improves the overall experience of the app.
If you set your deployment target to 4.3 and run on the iPhone 4.3 simulator, you won't get the warning.
To install the iOS 4.3 simulator, go to Xcode > Preferences > Downloads.