Calling PythonFunction's from a VB application hosting Iron Python -

I'm a C++ programming who was tapped to write a small application in Visual Basic. The application hosts an IronPython runtime and I am attempting to define some function in python and then call them from VB. I have written a simple test function in python
def test():
print "Test was Called"
Then I use the iron python to create a ScriptSource from the python file. I am able to look up the "test" variable through object operations but I can not figure out how to call the object that. For example (in VB):
pyScope = engine.CreateScope()
pySource = engine.CreateSourceFromFile("C:\Some\File\path\")
' Now I expect the function test() to be defined in pyScope
Dim tmp as Object
pyScope.TryGetVariable("test", tmp)
At this point in my code tmp is defined as an object of type PythonFunction. I can't figure out how to call this function.
Is not valid VB syntax. I've gotten this far, now how do I perform this seemingly simple task?
Edit: By calling
I am able to call the function and I see the expected output at stdout. I am still under the impression that there is some function-pointer-like type that I can cast objects of type PythonFunction to which will let me invoke temp directly without calling to the Python engine.

Not sure this will work, but try casting it to an Action type:
DirectCast(tmp, Action)()
Based on the comment, try this:
engine.ObjectOperations.Invoke(tmp, Nothing)

VB in .NET 4 should have the same dynamic support as C#. According to (near the bottom), you should be able to do:
Dim tmp As Object = scope.GetVariable("test")
... which is what you're already doing, so make sure you're targeting .NET 4.
If that doesn't work you should be able to cast it with the generic version of GetVariable:
Dim tmp As Action = scope.GetVariable(Of Action)("test")
Finally, you already discovered Invoke on ObjectOperations.
(You may need to tweak the syntax, since I don't know VB.)


How can I create a standard DLL in VB6?

TL:DR; How can I compile a VB6 module file into a standard DLL which I can use across multiple VB6 applications?
I am tasked with the support of multiple legacy applications written in VB6.
All of these applications make use of piece of hardware constructed by my employer. Before I came on to work for my employer, he had outsourced the work of developing a DLL for the project to a company that is no longer capable of supporting it since the individual working for THEM recently quit and no one else is capable of figuring it out.
My employer has recently upgraded our hardware, so even worse - the DLL that Company furnished us with is no longer useful either.
Further exacerbated by the fact that the company who released to us the NEW hardware did not release to us a DLL file which is capable of running in VB6.
It now falls to me to create a DLL file ( NOT a device driver ) which is capable of facilitating communications between the new ( and hopefully the old ) devices and VB6 applications.
My knowledge of VB6 is... limited, at best. I am mostly familiar with .Net and have had much success in creating DLLs in .Net, but when it comes to VB6, I know enough to get by. I'm entering into uncharted territory here.
I'm well acquainted with the HID.dll and the SetupAPI.dll P/Invokes and structs necessary to make this work, and I was even fortunate enough to stumble upon this, which had a working bit of VB6 code which facilitates read/writing to/from HIDs connected to the system. I tested this and ( with a bit of fidgeting ) it worked for our device out of the box. But that doesn't help me because I can't compile the module into a DLL file ( let alone figuring out events in VB6 and a truck load of other things, but I'm getting ahead of myself ).
I've read and tried a few different methods and while they proved promising, they didn't work.
Google has also inundated me with a lot of red herrings and been in general not very helpful.
If necessary, I would even write it in C/C++ ( though I'd rather not if there is some other way ).
So is what I am trying to do possible? Can someone direct me to some step-by-step for this sort of thing?
EDIT 1 :
To expound a bit, when I say that "they didn't work", what I mean is that in the case of the first link, the program still failed to find the function ( with an error message like "Function entry point not found" ) and in the second case I consistently and repeatedly received a memory write error when trying to call the function ( not fun ).
Here's a link to a way to do a standard DLL, that looks more straightforward than the links you've posted. I can say that if Mike Strong ("strongm") posts code, it works, too. You might want to have a look at it.
However, it's probably better to use COM if you're able: it's easier to set up (obviously) and it also has some standard capabilities for keeping track of the object's interface, that are built into VB6. For example, when you use the TypeOf keyword, VB6 actually makes an internal call to the object's QueryInterface method, which is guaranteed to exist as one of the rules of COM (and, if you use the keyword on a reference to a standard DLL object you'll get an error).
VB6 does "static" classes by setting the class's Instancing property to GlobalMultiUse. Warning: the "static" keyword has an entirely different meaning in VB6: static local variables' values persist between method calls.
1. After your trip to 1998 to get your copy of VB6, start a new ActiveX DLL project:
2. Edit Project Properties for the name of the beast.
3. Add a Class for the interface you are creating. I cleverly named the class VB6Class because the project/DLL is named VB6DLL.
4. Write code. I added some test methods to perform complex calculations:
Option Explicit
Public Function GetAString(ByVal index As Integer) As String
Dim ret As String
Select Case index
Case 0
ret = "Alpha"
Case 1
ret = "Beta"
Case Else
ret = "Omega"
End Select
GetAString = ret
End Function
Public Function DoubleMyInt(ByVal value As Integer) As Integer
DoubleMyInt = (2 * value)
End Function
Public Function DoubleMyLong(ByVal value As Long) As Long
DoubleMyLong = (2 * value)
End Function
5. Make DLL from File menu. You may need to be running As Admin so it can register the DLL.
6. In the project which uses it, add a reference to the DLL.
Test code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim vb6 As New VB6DLL.VB6Class
Dim var0 As String
Dim var1 As Integer
Dim var2 As Long
var0 = vb6.GetAString(0)
var1 = vb6.DoubleMyInt(2)
var2 = vb6.DoubleMyLong(1234)
Debug.Print "GetAString == " & var0
Debug.Print "DoubleMyInt == " & var1
Debug.Print "DoubleMyLng == " & var2
End Sub
GetAString == Alpha
DoubleMyInt == 4
DoubleMyLng == 2468
Not sure what to do about the "truck load of other things".

How to load DLL file from Jscript file?

So I'm writing a standalone JScript file to be executed by Windows Script Host (this file is not going to be used as a web application).
My goal is to load a dll file. Just like using LoadLibrary function in a C++ application.
I tried researching the subject but I didn't come up with anything useful. I'm so lost I don't have any piece of code to share. I understand using ActiveXObject may come to my rescue. if so, any idea how to use it?
If we all agree that loading is impossible, I'll settle for validity check. Meaning, don't try to load but check if it is loaded and functional.
You can export a specific function for this purpose.
Then, from your JScript, execute rundll32.exe and check that the function ran as expected.
You might also give Gilles Laurent's DynaWrap
ocx a chance.
This kind of dll needs to be registered on the target system like regsvr32 /s DynaWrap.dll.
It is restricted to 32-bit DLLs, and this might be inconvenient for you to use, but it works on a 64bit Windows. You can't access function exported by ordinal number and you can't directly handle 64bit or greater values/pointers.
Here's a sample to call MessageBoxA from JScript:
var oDynaWrap = new ActiveXObject( "DynamicWrapper" )
// to call MessageBoxA(), first register the API function
oDynaWrap.Register( "USER32.DLL", "MessageBoxA", "I=HsSu", "f=s", "R=l" )
// now call the function
oDynaWrap.MessageBoxA( null, "MessageBoxA()", "A messagebox from JScript...", 3 )
And here from VBScript:
Option Explicit
Dim oDynaWrap
Set oDynaWrap = CreateObject( "DynamicWrapper" )
' to call MessageBoxA(), first register the API function
UserWrap.Register "USER32.DLL", "MessageBoxA", "I=HsSu", "f=s", "R=l"
' now call the function
UserWrap.MessageBoxA Null, "MessageBoxA()", "A messagebox from VBScript...", 3
To use a function you need to "register" the exported function of your DLL.
To do this you need to call the register method with a first parameter containing a string object to the complete path of the DLL, a second parameter for the exported name of the function to use, and following three paremeters describing the functions declartion in a somehow obscure syntax.
i= describes the number and data type of the functions parameters.
f= describes the type of call: _stdcall or _cdecl. Default to _stdcall.
r= describes the return values data type.
The supported data types are:
Code Variant Description
a VT_DISPATCH IDispatch*
c VT_I4 unsigned char
d VT_R8 8 byte real
f VT_R4 4 byte real
k VT_UNKNOWN IUnknown*
p VT_PTR pointer
r VT_LPSTR string by reference
s VT_LPSTR string
w VT_LPWSTR wide string
Thus the Register method call used in the examples describes MessageBoxA like this:
_stdcall LONG MessageBoxA( HANDLE, LPSTR, LPSTR, UINT );
For a explanation of MessageBoxA look at the docs on MSDN.
Please read the DynaWrap docs for more sophisticated examples... But you might need Google translate, 'cos they are written in french ;-)
To be able to use a dll as ActiveXObject, it needs to be registered as COM object. There are some restrictions on this but if you have a code for this dll, it is certainly doable.
When you register your dll as COM object, it is assigned a name. You use this name to create an object. This example from MSDN uses excel since it is already registered if you installed office.
var ExcelApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
var ExcelSheet = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Sheet");
// Make Excel visible through the Application object.
ExcelSheet.Application.Visible = true;
// Place some text in the first cell of the sheet.
ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "This is column A, row 1";
// Save the sheet.
// Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object.
Apart from restriction of registering dll, using dll is no different from using it as c++ or c# dll. Note that, C# (or other .NET dlls) should be ComVisible to be used from javascript this way.
EDIT: The only other way of using C/C++ dll from javascript is swig interfaces. I have not used it, therefore I can only point you in that direction.
SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in
C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages. SWIG is
used with different types of target languages including common
scripting languages such as Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl and

Using String variable as an expression

Passing commands as variables. I am creating a POP3 client and was crunching through some code when I though of something interesting.
Is it possible to pass strings of vb code to an object so that the object will execute it. I am relatively familiar with's source code being converted to Intermediate language and then being thrown into a JIT virtual machine, but I was hoping there was a simple way to implement this idea.
I want to be able to use strings
Dim Command as string
Command = "If a + b > 0 then c = a + b" '<----syntactical sugar!
If anyone has any direction, or any correction to any of the above. I appreciate your time.
As a start you may want to check out the open source FileHelpers project.
The Runtime.ClassBuilder class in that project creates a .Net class from text, which can then be used as a normal class.

How to pass a generic type not having a Interface to a Of T function

I have a following code which works fine
MsgBox(AddSomething(Of String)("Hello", "World"))
Public Function AddSomething(Of T)(ByVal FirstValue As T, ByVal SecondValue As T) As String
Return FirstValue.ToString + SecondValue.ToString
End Function
Now we are redesigning the application to work with parameters of different types which will be provided through XML
<Add Param1="Somedata" Param2="SomeData" MyType="String"/>
<Add Param1="Somedata" Param2="SomeData" MyType="MyBusinessObject"/>
If I try to provide the following it gives error as Of accepts only type
''''Get DetailsFromXml --- MyType,Param1,Param2
MsgBox(AddSomething(Of Type.GetType(MyType))(Param1,Param2))
How to solve this issue.
The above example is given to make the question simple. Actual issue is as follows
I am using SCSF of P&P.
Following is per view code which has to be written for each view
Private Sub tsStudentTableMenuClick()
Dim _StudentTableListView As StudentListView
_StudentTableListView = ShowViewInWorkspace(Of StudentListView)("StudentTable List", WorkspaceNames.RightWorkspace)
End Sub
Now I want to show the views dynamically.
Public Sub ShowModalView(ByVal ViewName As String)
Dim _MasterListView As >>>EmployeeListView<<<<
_MasterListView = ShowViewInWorkspace(Of >>>EmployeeListView<<<)("Employee List", WorkspaceNames.RightWorkspace)
End Sub
So the part shown using the arrows above has to be somehow dynamically provided.
The point of generics is to provide extra information at compile-time. You've only got that information at execution-time.
As you're using VB, you may be able to get away with turning Option Strict off to achieve late binding. I don't know whether you can turn it off for just a small piece of code - that would be the ideal, really.
Otherwise, and if you really can't get the information at compile-time, you'll need to call it with reflection - fetch the generic "blueprint" of the method, call MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod and then invoke it.
I assume that the real method is somewhat more complicated? After all, you can call ToString() on anything...
(It's possible that with .NET 4.0 you'll have more options. You could certainly use dynamic in C# 4.0, and I believe that VB10 will provide the same sort of functionality.)
In .Net generics, you must be able to resolve to a specific type at compile time, so that it can generate appropriate code. Any time you're using reflection, you're resolving the type at run time.
In this case, you're always just calling the .ToString() method. If that's really all your code does, you could just change the parameter type to Object rather than use a generic method. If it's a little more complicated, you could also try requiring your parameters to implement some common interface that you will define.
If all you are doing is ToString, then making the parameters object instead would solve the problem in the simplest way. Otherwise you are going to have to bind the type at run-time, which in C# looks like:
System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = GetType().GetMethod("AddSomething");
mi = mi.MakeGenericMethod(Type.GetType(MyType));
object result = mi.Invoke(this, new object[] { Param1, Param2 });
Because it involves reflection it won't be fast though... but I assume that's not a problem in this context.

In VB6, how do I call a COM object requiring a pointer to an object?

I'm having trouble with a .NET Assembly that is com visible, and calling certain methods from VB6.
What I have found is that if the parameters are well defined types, (e.g. string), calls work fine. If they are higher level objects, it raises a runtime error '438' suggesting that the property or method is not present. I suspect that this is a question of having the correct signature on the call, but I can't see how to do this correctly.
I believe that I've done everything correct on the .NET side (ComVisible, public interfaces, etc. and even have it down to a simple enough case).
Looking at the output from the typelib viewer, I have the following:
dispinterface ISimple {
void Add([in] ISimpleMember* member);
ISimpleMember* Create();
OK. So I have 2 methods in my ISimple interface. One takes an ISimpleMember (Add), whilst the other, returns an ISimpleMember.
The corresponding code in VB looks like this:
Dim item As ISimpleMember
Dim simple As simple
Set item = New SimpleMember
item.S1 = "Hello"
item.S2 = "World"
Set simple = New simple
simple.Add (item) <---- This raised the run time error 438
Set item = simple.Create <---- This works fine, returning me an ISimpleMember
I've tried a couple of things:
1. Dim item as SimpleMember (makes no difference)
2. simple.Add(ObjPtr(item)) - Syntax error
3. simple.Add(ByRef item) - Syntax error
Basically, The run time error is the same as if I had
Also, If I browse References in the VB6 Environment, The Add method is well defined:
Sub Add(member As SimpleMember)
I've found the answer I believe. It was very simple:
When calling a SubRoutine, I shouldn't put the name in braces. the call should have been:
simple.add member
rather than
If I change it to a function (i.e. return a value rather than void) the braces are necessary
This seems to work
(Probably) The top 3 VB6 coding mistakes made by devs who now mainly code in C#, Javascript etc. Are:-
Placing ; at the end of lines. Its a syntax error very easily spotted and picked up the compiler.
Not placing Then on the other side of an If condition expression. Again its a syntax error.
Calling a method without retrieving a value and yet using ( ) to enclose the parameter list. With multiple parameters this is a syntax error and easily found. With only one parameter the use of ( ) is interpreted as an expression. Its the result of the ( ) expression which is passed as parameter. This causes problems when ByRef is expected by the callee.