Where should I place the code with roles in Yii framework? - yii

Here's the code I found in Yii framework manual:
$auth->createOperation('createPost','create a post');
$auth->createOperation('readPost','read a post');
$auth->createOperation('updatePost','update a post');
$auth->createOperation('deletePost','delete a post');
$bizRule='return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["post"]->authID;';
$task=$auth->createTask('updateOwnPost','update a post by author himself',$bizRule);
and so on.
The question is Where should I place the code for creating roles, tasks, etc?

You should use this code in protected/controllers/RbacController.php
After modifing protected/config/main.php
return array(
This is the official documentation:

This took me awhile to understand, so let me answer your questions as I understand how yii works.
You will first create the appropriate tables following the sql code found in framework/web/auth
You can use phpmyadmin to populate the database
You can also create a controller in which you will run all of code above. That gets run once, because you are just populating a database
The controller can be called myInitController.php and stored with your other controllers.
The controller can be as simple as
class myInitController extends Controller
public function actionRun()
$auth->createOperation('createPost','create a post');
echo "this is it";
Then you would run it by going to www.yourwebsite.com/myInit/Run
Verify what got written to the database. Don't push this controller to production. You don't want someone else running the command.
So your options are
hand enter data through something like phpmyadmin
create a customer controller which can store all of the php commands and execute
use gii to create models and CRUD functions (be careful of composite primary keys)
I hope this helps.

This piece of code will create the items in database. You have to execute it.
You can create an action in one of your controller and then run it.
Or you can create a php file as well. Then juste paste your piece of code inside and run it.


executing a sql code for creating a table and database in zend framework

I wrote a sql script and in it I created a table ;
Now I need to know ,how I can execute this script? (with which codes?)
And I have another question : where? where I must write this codes?(which folder in zend project?)
if it is possible for you please explain with an example.thanks
Creating tables in the database
Zend Framework is not supposed to be the one creating the tables, thus, my suggestion is to run those scripts in other environment.
The fastest one is, probably, the very own SQL shell, but you can use another software such as MySQLWorkbench if you are using MySQL.
Once the tables are created, the access to the tables is made this way:
When you are using Zend Framework, you are making use of the MVC pattern. I suggest you to read what is that: Wikipedia MVC
If you read the Wikipedia link, you probably know now that the acess to the database is going to be made by the model.
Thus, if you followed the recommended project structure that Zend provides you will have a models folder under your application folder. There, you are supposed to implement the classes that will make access to the DB.
But well... you now know where to locate those classes but you will ask me: how? It's easy if you know where to search. ZF provides an abstract class called Zend_Db_Table_Abstract that has all the methods that will make your life easier talking about interaction with your database's tables. This is the class that your classes should implement.
Let's suppose you've got a page in your website in which you want to show to the user a list of products of your local store. You have a table in your database called "products" in which you have all the useful information such us name, price and availability.
You will have a controller with an action called indexAction() or listAction() this action is prepared to send the data to your view and will look like:
class Store_ProductsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
//TODO: Get data from the DataBase into $products variable
$this->view->products = $products;
And your view file will that that products variable and do sutff with it.
But now comes the magic, you will have a class that will access to the database as I've said, it'll be like:
class Model_Store_Products extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{
protected $_name = 'products';
public function getAllProducts(){
$select = $this->$select()
array('id', 'name', 'price', availability));
$productsArray = $this->fetchAll($select);
return $productsArray;
And ta-da, you have your array of products ready to be used by the controller:
class Store_ProductsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
$model = new Model_Store_Products();
$products = $model->getAllProducts();
$this->view->products = $products;
It can be said that, since fetchAll is public function, and our select does basically nothing but set which columns do we want (it doesn't even have a where clause), in this case, it would be easier to call the fetchAll directly from the controller with no where and it will recover the whole table (all columns):
class Store_ProductsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
$model = new Model_Store_Products();
$products = $model->fetchAll();
$this->view->products = $products;
Thus, our function in the model is not even needed.
This is the basic information of how to access to the database using Zend Framework. Further information of how to create the Zend_Db_Table_Select object can be found here.
I hope this helps.

How to pass a parameter to a scenario in Yii?

How to pass $id to search scenario? Maybe in model look like this, so I can call like in controller like:
$model = new job('search',$id);
I think that you are trying to do a search. Search is one thing, a "scenario" is something else.
Scenarios are used in validation rules in order to be able to validate the same model in multiple ways depending from where you're inserting/adding OR searching data.
There's also a scenario called 'search' that is used by the model's search() method, but I tell you why:
There are a couple of ways to search for something in your database using Yii, I will mention two:
1) By using ClassName::model()->findCommandHere
And there are a couple of them:
And so on, more here: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.ar#reading-record
2) By using the model's search() method
This way of finding data is mostly used for easily creating search pages and in combination with data grids.
If you generate CRUD code with the GII code generation tool it will generate all the parts for you, but I will explain each part how it works.
This code is from the blog demo found in Yii files:
In controller it defines a $model using Post class and 'search' as scenario.
$model=new Post('search');
if(isset($_GET['Post'])) // <- checks if there are search params in the URL
$model->attributes=$_GET['Post']; // <- assigns all search params masively to the model (later you'll see why)
The 'search' scenario here tells Yii what validation rules to use when assigning search parameters directly from $_GET (URL).
You can see that the params are assigned massively to reduce code written but $model->attributes=$_GET['Post'] it is the same as doing:
In the Post model you can find the validation rules for the search scenario. Tells Yii that it is safe to assign title and status fields in order to later use them in the search.
public function rules()
return array(
// ... //
array('title, status', 'safe', 'on'=>'search'),
Then also in the Post model you can see the search() method that will actually be used to get the data:
public function search()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
return new CActiveDataProvider('Post', array(
'defaultOrder'=>'status, update_time DESC',
The search method creates a "criteria" and applies the desired way of filtering using the values you have previously assigned to this model. See the $this->title it comes from the $model->attributes=$_GET['Post'] you used in the controller.
The criteria can be used directly on the model, such as Post::model()->findAll($criteria), but in this case the search() method uses something different, a "data provider".
The data provider is a good thing because it provides you a lot of tools in one place, it returns you the data, but also the pagination, and the sorting, so you don't have to manually define more code for that purposes (CPagination, CSort).
Finally, in the view admin.php in this case it will display the results using a grid view:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'value'=>'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->title), $data->url)'
Now you can see that in the configuration of the grid it passes $model->search() method as the dataProvider that the grid should use.
Now the grid can access the rest of the dataProvider elements such as sort, pagination and display them on the page.
If you did not want to use the CGridView because it's a very basic table and you want to create your own html markup, you can also retrieve the dataProvider and its components one by one and place them in your HTML code and display data as you want:
$dataProvider=$model->search(); // get the dataprovider from search method
$models=$dataProvider->getData(); // actually get the data (rows) and assign them to a $models variable that you can put in a foreach loop
// show pagination somewhere
$this->widget('CLinkPager', array(
'pages' => $dataProvider->pagination,
// create sort links
echo $dataProvider->sort->link('title', 'Title');
So I hope it solves some of your doubts on how to use Yii for displaying/searching data.
I suggest you read the official manual: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/index
I also suggest to look at the API and so search there all the Yii components to see what methods and params they have: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/
Also exploring the framework codebase manually is quite a good way to learn. If you don't know how CActiveDataProvider works, then find the CActiveDataProvider class file in the code and you'll see all the methods and properties that it uses, so do this for everything you don't understand how it works.
Also for beginners I recommend using a good IDE that auto-completes code and allows you to Ctrl+Click a class name and it will locate the original file where it was defined. I use NetBeans for PHP and after creating a project I add Yii framework files to the project's include paths that way NetBeans knows how to find the framework files for auto-complete and for ctrl+click.
Yes you can define scenario with parameter but that is included within the class constructor of the model
$model = new Job('search'); // creating a model with scenario search
If you wish to include more parameters, then you need to use createComponent -remember, all is a component
$model = Yii::createComponent(array('class'=>'Job','scenario'=>'search'));
I think this will simply do the job without needing any scenario
$model = new job;
But If I have failed to understand your problem then you can also try this
$model = new job('search');
Think of scenarios as a special variable that you can use in the model.
$userModel = new User("register");
$userModel->setId = 10;
which is the same
$userModel = new User();
$userModel->scenario = 10
$userModel->setId = 10;
And in your model
class Manufacturer extends CActiveRecord
// :
if ($this->scenario == 'register') ...
// :

Pull mass name list from database or in script?

I need to fill an input box with a first name and last name. The user will press "Randomize" and it will pull a random first and last name and fill the inputs.
My question is I'm not sure if I should put the names in tables (firstNames, lastNames) or just store them in a javascript file and pull straight from that.
I'm trying to follow the Single Responsibility Principle so I'm inclined to choose the former, but then I have two more models, two more seeders, two more tables, and probably a class to pull all that together. And then do I fill from a CSV file or just from a manually populated seeder? It seems like a lot of work and extra files for a 1-time use.
I know I'll get crap for this being an opinion based question but there is no one or where else to ask.
Also if you know of a place to ask these kind of questions that won't get me ripped apart I'd appreciate that.
I would suggest using the Faker PHP library. That way you wouldn't have to create extra tables, models, or have to worry about finding yourself fake data.
To install it in your project, simply add the dependency in your composer.json file. and run a composer update.
"require-dev": {
"fzaninotto/faker": "1.3.*#dev"
Then you can use it to create fake first and last names for you (in your controller most likely)
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$firstName = $faker->firstName;
$lastName = $faker->lastName;
To add your own names you can either edit or override the name provider file located here.
I would like to suggest Fakerino a new fake generator PHP library, with a modern approach, easy to extend with custom data, custom fake data class, or pre-configured groups of data.
include ('../Fakerino/vendor/autoload.php');
use Fakerino\Fakerino;
$fakerino = Fakerino::create();
echo $fakerino->fake('Surname')->toJson(); //["Donovan"]
echo $fakerino->fake('NameFemale'); //Alice
//with configuration
$fakerino = Fakerino::create('./conf.php');
[0] => Arthur
[1] => Doyle
$conf['fake'] = array(
'fake1' => array('NameMale', 'Surname' => null),
'fake2' => array('NameFemale', 'Surname' => null)

zend acl dynamic assertions : when/how to load the resource?

i'm creating a zend framework 2 application and i'm sort of trying to implement what is explained here:
The demonstration that the code works is really nice, but it doesn't really apply to how a framework (utilizing mvc) works. Or maybe i'm just on the wrong track...
i've created a RouteListener like this :
class RouteListener implements ListenerAggregateInterface
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $events)
$this->listeners[] = $result = $events->attach(
MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, array($this, "checkAcl"), 100
the method checkAcl then checks if you're allowed to do what you want to do.
The resource and action are determined like this:
$resource = $routeMatch->getParam("controller");
$action = $routeMatch->getParam("action");
And the role is determined by the identity stored in the session (which implements Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface)
Following the example: how do i determine if a user is allowed to edit a certain blog-post?
By the time acl is doing it's checking, the controller hasn't loaded the blogpost yet, so i'm not sure how to approach this. Unless i duplicate the retrieval of the blogpost in the assertion, but that i'm hoping there is a better way.
I'm also using doctrine for my persistence layer and in the end i've solved this problem using doctrine's Lifecycle Events. This allows you to trigger the acl-check whenever you want: when a entity (p.e. a blog-post) is loaded, or saved, etc.

how to fetch data from db and display in views

I am new to yii framework.I have just create an app and I want to fetch data from DB based on some condition and then display that in views .For this I have tried few things in my controller :
and when in my views i try to print data as :
I shows me a complex array , but i do not want that.
The thing which i want is I can get an array from controllers which includes the data return by query based on some condition and in my views using foreach i can display them according to my need.
So please suggest me some good ways of fetching data from db and can display them in my views.
Thanks !!
In your view use something like this:
<?php echo CHtml::encode($data->fieldname); ?>
Or better, use the Gii code generator to build your CRUD functions, and you will see several good examples for how to build these functions. Here is a link to a very good tutorial: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/quickstart.first-app
Try to use DAO instead Active Record
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE sku = ".Yii::app()->request->getParam('sku', 0);
$data = Yii::app()->db
You should have db component in config file(ex. config/main.php)