Consider the following stored procedure..
PRINT 'Deleting old data Part 1/3...'
DELETE FROM HugeTable1 where SaveDate < #MaxDate
PRINT 'Deleting old data Part 2/3...'
DELETE FROM HugeTable2 where SaveDate < #MaxDate
PRINT 'Deleting old data Part 3/3...'
DELETE FROM HugeTable3 where SaveDate < #MaxDate
PRINT 'Deleting old data COMPLETED.'
Let's say that each delete statement take a long time to delete, but I like to see the progress of this stored procedure when I'm running it in SQL Management Studio. In other words, I like to see the the output of the PRINT statements to see where I'm at any given time. However, it seems that I can only see the PRINT outputs at the end of the ENTIRE run. Is there a way to make it so that I can see the PRINT outputs at real time? If not, is there any other way I can see the progress of a running stored procedure?
If you use RAISERROR with a severity of 10 or less, and use the NOWAIT option, it will send an informational message to the client immediately:
RAISERROR ('Deleting old data Part 1/3' , 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT
Yes you should be able to get the message to print immediately if you use RAISERROR:
I have found a great NON-INTRUSIVE way to see the progress of along running stored procedure. Using code I found on Stackoverflow of SP_WHO2, you can see the first column has the current code actually being run from the PROC. Each time you re-run this SP_Who2 process, it will display the code running at the time.This will let u know how far along your proc is at anytime. Here is the sp_who2 code which I modified to make it easier to track progress:
Declare #loginame sysname = null
,Status VARCHAR(50) NULL
,Command VARCHAR(1000) NULL
,LastBatch VARCHAR(50) NULL
,ProgramName VARCHAR(200) NULL
EXEC sp_who2 #loginame = #loginame
SELECT CommandText = sql.text ,
,ExecutionPlan = pln.query_plan
,ObjectName =
--,CommandType =der.command
FROM #whotbl W
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests der
ON der.session_id = w.SPID
OUTER APPLY SYS.dm_exec_sql_text (der.sql_handle) Sql
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan (der.plan_handle) pln
LEFT JOIN sys.objects so
I wish I remember who I got this original code from, but it has been VERY helpful. It also identifies the SPID if I need to kill a process.
I'm having a problem and I don't know how to solve it, I have searched the web and found good advice but I can't work it out.
This is the problem: I have a SQL Server instance running on my PC, and I linked one of the main servers SRVOLD\SQLDESA to it. I want to execute main server's stored procedures from my PC's SQL Server instance and insert the results into a new table. I found the perfect way to do it using the following:
'EXEC Bank_Database.Bank.usp_GetTDcodes 1, 5')
There is important information about this server, it's SQL Server version is 2008. Keep this in mind for later.
Ok so I managed to executed this Stored Procedure but I found out something, turns out that inside this Stored Procedure there's an execution of another stored procedure, check this out:
1st stored procedure:
DECLARE ##today CHAR(30)
SELECT ##today = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), GETDATE(), 112) + ' ' +
SELECT bnk_code, bnk_descr
WHERE bnk_code < 50
EXECUTE ##OK = Bank.usp_WriteEvent #qty, #code, ##today, 500
IF ##OK <> 0
Now let's look inside the 2nd stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE Bank.usp_WriteEvent
(#code TINYINT = NULL,
#number SMALLINT = NULL,
#ideve INT = 0 OUTPUT)
INSERT INTO Event (eve_code, eve_qty, eve_date, eve_number)
VALUES (#code, #qty, #date, #number)
SET ##ret = ##error
IF ##ret = 0
SELECT ##sdate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), #date, 112) + ' ' +
VARCHAR(30), #date, 8)
RETURN ##ret
When I executed the 1st stored procedure, I was able to insert it's result into a new table, but I was hoping to find a new row inserted in the table Event, because that is the expected result when executing 2nd stored procedure.
So I started to search online and managed to achieve this by doing the following:
'SET FMTONLY OFF;SET NOCOUNT ON;EXEC Bank_Database.Bank.usp_GetTDcodes 1, 5')
So, the SET FMTONLY OFF;SET NOCOUNT ON worked and I was happy. But something happened...
I needed to execute the same stored procedure, but this time adding a new linked server SRVNEW\SQLDESA. This server's version is 2012, so the new solution didn't work. I kept trying and trying different ways, there's just one way to make it work and is the following:
EXEC [SRVNEW\SQLDESA].[Bank_Database].Bank.usp_GetTDcodes 1,5
But it doesn't work for me because I need the 1st stored procedure result into a new table. And I don't know its schema that's why SELECT INTO works best for me.
I don't know what else I can do, maybe is the OPENQUERY that doesn't work? Do I need to change something else?
PD: I also tried using OPENROWSET didn't work either.
Thanks in advance, and have a nice day!
Some references:
I'm currently trying to write a default procedure template for reporting from a T-SQL Datawarehouse.
The idea is to wrap each query in a procedure, so that permissions and logging can be managed easily.
Since this will be done by the DBAs, I would like to have this solution work by only pasting some standard code before and after the main query. I'd prefer if the DBA didn't have to modify any part of the logging-code.
I've solved this for most parts, however, I need to log which parameters the user has submitted to the procedure.
The obvious solution would be hardcode the parameters into the logging. However, the procedures can have a varying amount of parameters, and I'd therefore like a catch-all solution.
My understanding is that there is no easy way iterating through all parameters.
I can however access the parameter-names from the table sys.parameters.
The closest to a solution I've come, is this minimal example:
CREATE TABLE #loggingTable (
[ProcedureID] INT
, [paramName] NVARCHAR(128)
, [paramValue] NVARCHAR(128)
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[ThisIsMyTestProc] (
#param1 TINYINT = NULL
, #Param2 NVARCHAR(64) = null
-- Do some logging here
DECLARE #paramName NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE #paramValue nvarchar(128)
SELECT [name] FROM [sys].[parameters] WHERE object_id = ##PROCID
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO #paramName
SET #query = 'SELECT #paramValue = cast(' + #paramName + ' as nvarchar(128))';
SELECT #query;
-- Following line doesn't work due to scope out of bounds, and is prone to SQL-Injections.
--EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL #query; -- Uncomment for error
insert into #loggingTable(ProcedureID, paramName, paramValue)
values(##PROCID, #paramName, #paramValue)
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO #paramName
CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
-- Run the main query here (Dummy statement)
SELECT #param1 AS [column1], #Param2 AS [column2]
-- Do more logging after statement has run
-- test
EXEC dbo.[ThisIsMyTestProc] 1, 'val 2';
select * from #loggingTable;
-- Cleanup
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.[ThisIsMyTestProc];
DROP table #loggingTable;
However, this does have to major drawbacks.
It doesn't work due to variable scopes
It is prone to SQL-Injections, which is unacceptable
Is there any way to solve this issue?
The values of the parameters are not availiable in a generic approach. You can either create some code generator, which will use sys.parameters to create a chunk of code you'd have to copy into each of your SPs, or you might read this or this about tracing and XEvents. The SQL-Server-Profiler works this way to show you statements together with the parameter values...
If you don't want to get into tracing or XEvents you might try something along this:
--Create a dummy proc
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[ThisIsMyTestProc] (
#param1 TINYINT = NULL
, #Param2 NVARCHAR(64) = null
--call it to see the value of ##PROCID
EXEC dbo.ThisIsMyTestProc; --See the proc-id
--Now this is the magic part. It will create a command, which you can copy and paste into your SP:
SELECT CONCAT('INSERT INTO YourLoggingTable(LogType,ObjectName,ObjectId,Parameters) SELECT ''ProcedureCall'', ''',o.[name],''',',o.object_id,','
SELECT CONCAT(',''',p.[name],''' AS [parameter/#name],',p.[name],' AS [parameter/#value],''''')
FROM sys.parameters p
WHERE p.object_id=o.object_id
,' FOR XML PATH(''''),ROOT(''parameters''),TYPE)'
FROM [sys].[objects] o
WHERE o.object_id = 525244926; --<-- Use the proc-id here
--Now we can copy the string into our procedure
--I out-commented the INSERT part, the SELECT is enough to show the effect
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.[ThisIsMyTestProc] (
#param1 TINYINT = NULL
, #Param2 NVARCHAR(64) = null
--The generated code comes in one single line
--INSERT INTO YourLoggingTable(LogType,ObjectName,ObjectId,Parameters)
SELECT 'ProcedureCall'
,(SELECT'#param1' AS [parameter/#name],#param1 AS [parameter/#value],''
,'#Param2' AS [parameter/#name],#Param2 AS [parameter/#value],''
FOR XML PATH(''),ROOT('parameters'),TYPE)
Hint: We need the empty element (,'') at the end of each line to allow multiple elements with the same name.
--Now we can call the SP with some param values
EXEC dbo.ThisIsMyTestProc 1,'hello';
As a result, your Log-Table will get an entry like this
ProcedureCall ThisIsMyTestProc 525244926 <parameters>
<parameter name="#param1" value="1" />
<parameter name="#Param2" value="hello" />
Just add typical logging data like UserID, DateTime, whatever you need...
Scope is the killer issue for this approach. I don't think there's a way to reference the values of parameters by anything but their variable names. If there was a way to retrieve variable values from a collection or by declared ordinal position, it could work on the fly.
I understand wanting to keep the overhead for the DBAs low and eliminating opportunities for error, but I think the best solution is to generate the required code and supply it to the DBAs or give them a tool that generates the needed blocks of code. That's about as lightweight as we can make it for the DBA, but I think it has the added benefit of eliminating processing load in the procedure by turning it into a static statement with some conditional checking for validity and concatenation work. Cursors and looping things should be avoided as much as possible.
Write a SQL script that generates your pre- and post- query blocks. Generate them in mass with a comment at the top of each set of blocks with the stored procedure name and hand it to the DBAs to copy/paste into the respective procs. Alternatively, give them the script and let them run it as needed to generate the pre- and post- blocks themselves.
I would include some checks in the generated script to help make sure it works during execution. This will detect mismatches in the generated code due to subsequent modifications to the procedure itself. We could go the extra mile and include the names of the parameters when the code is generated and verify them against sys.parameters to make sure the parameter names hard-coded into the generated code haven't changed since code generation.
-- Log execution details pre-execution
IF object_name(##PROCID) = 'ThisIsMyTestProc' AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [sys].[parameters] WHERE object_id = ##PROCID) = 2
EXEC LogProcPreExecution #Params = CONCAT('parm1: ', #param1, ' parm2: ', #Param2), #ProcName = 'ThisIsMyTestProc', #ExecutionTime = getdate() #ExecutionUser = system_user
--Do error logging for proc name and parameter mismatch
--Log procedure would look like this
#Parameters varchar(max),
#ProcName nvarchar(128),
#ExecutionTime datetime,
#ExecutionUser nvarchar(50)
--Do the logging
I'm getting this error on Microsoft SQL Server 2008:
Msg 8164, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSload_tmp_replication_status, Line 80
An INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.
I'm trying to programmatically monitor replication status in Microsoft SQL Server. I'm using INSERT EXEC statement on sp_replmonitorhelppublisher to get the status, questions that will follow are not restricted to this proc, but I'm mentioning it because the proc is built-in, so I cannot rewrite it to get the data "the way it should be done". My (simplified) code to get the data is:
declare #t table (
publisher nvarchar(max) null,
distribution_db nvarchar(max) null,
status nvarchar(max) null,
warning nvarchar(max) null,
publicationcount nvarchar(max) null,
returnstamp nvarchar(max) null
insert into #t exec sp_replmonitorhelppublisher 'MY_PUBLISHER'
I understand the MS SQL Server restriction that is causing the error, I guess that there is some INSERT EXEC statement somewhere inside the built-in proc. What I don't understand is:
Why it sometimes works without the error (I've seen it a couple of times run successfully)?
Why a workaround of running the same EXEC statement (not as part of INSERT EXEC) before the actual INSERT EXEC works without errors? I.e. this code works OK:
declare #t table (
publisher nvarchar(max) null,
distribution_db nvarchar(max) null,
status nvarchar(max) null,
warning nvarchar(max) null,
publicationcount nvarchar(max) null,
returnstamp nvarchar(max) null
exec sp_replmonitorhelppublisher 'MY_PUBLISHER' -- extra call before main call
insert into #t exec sp_replmonitorhelppublisher 'MY_PUBLISHER'
Is this workaround guaranteed to run without the error? And why?
Or is there some form of caching involved, that happens to be working for me, but is not guaranteed to work on every call?
Is there any better way of programmatically monitoring replication?
I was working on the same issue - programatically monitoring replication status. I've found out that executing sp_replmonitor* stored procedures also updates the table dbo.MSReplication_monitordata. This table holds the current status information of replication.
So, my solution was to execute the sp_replmonitorhelppublisher and then read the values from the dbo.MSReplication_monitordata.
For example: Starting the publication and I waiting for it to finish (in a SQL Server Agent job) is done by this:
DECLARE #StartDateTime datetime = GETDATE()
EXEC sp_startpublication_snapshot #publication='publ_DB'
USE [distribution]
DECLARE #Status int = 1
WHILE #status NOT IN (2, 6)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'
EXEC sp_replmonitorhelppublisher
SELECT #Status = status FROM dbo.MSReplication_monitordata WHERE publication='publ_DB' AND agent_type=1 AND time_stamp>#StartDateTime
Hope this helps!
I'm not talking about doing a "SET NOCOUNT OFF". But I have a stored procedure which I use to insert some data into some tables. This procedure creates a xml response string, well let me give you an example:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertSomeData] (#myParam int) AS
DECLARE #reply varchar(2048)
... Do a bunch of inserts/updates...
SET #reply = '<xml><big /><outputs /></xml>'
SELECT #reply
So I put together a script which uses this SP a bunch of times, and the xml "output" is getting to be too much (it's crashed my box once already).
Is there a way to suppress or redirect the output generated from this stored procedure? I don't think that modifying this stored procedure is an option.
I guess i should clarify. This SP above is being called by a T-SQL Update script that i wrote, to be run through enterprise studio manager, etc.
And it's not the most elegant SQL i've ever written either (some psuedo-sql):
WHILE unprocessedRecordsLeft
SELECT top 1 record from updateTable where Processed = 0
EXEC insertSomeData #param = record_From_UpdateTable
So lets say the UpdateTable has some 50k records in it. That SP gets called 50k times, writing 50k xml strings to the output window. It didn't bring the sql server to a stop, just my client app (sql server management studio).
The answer you're looking for is found in a similar SO question by Josh Burke:
-- Assume this table matches the output of your procedure
DECLARE #tmpNewValue TABLE ([Id] int, [Name] varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #tmpNewValue
EXEC [ProcedureB]
-- SELECT [Id], [Name] FROM #tmpNewValue
I think I found a solution.
So what i can do now in my SQL script is something like this (sql-psuedo code):
create table #tmp(xmlReply varchar(2048))
while not_done
select top 1 record from updateTable where processed = 0
insert into #tmp exec insertSomeData #param=record
drop table #tmp
Now if there was a even more efficient way to do this. Does SQL Server have something similar to /dev/null? A null table or something?
Answering the question, "How do I suppress stored procedure output?" really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. So I want to contribute what I encountered:
I needed to supress the stored procedure (USP) output because I just wanted the row count (##ROWCOUNT) from the output. What I did, and this may not work for everyone, is since my query was already going to be dynamic sql I added a parameter called #silentExecution to the USP in question. This is a bit parameter which I defaulted to zero (0).
Next if #silentExecution was set to one (1) I would insert the table contents into a temporary table, which is what would supress the output and then execute ##ROWCOUNT with no problem.
USP Example:
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_SilentExecutionProc
#silentExecution bit = 0
SET #strSQL = '';
SET #strSQL = 'SELECT TOP 10 * ';
IF #silentExecution = 1
SET #strSQL = #strSQL + 'INTO #tmpDevNull ';
SET #strSQL = #strSQL +
'FROM dbo.SomeTable ';
Then you can execute the whole thing like so:
EXEC dbo.usp_SilentExecutionProc #silentExecution = 1;
The purpose behind doing it like this is if you need the USP to be able to return a result set in other uses or cases, but still utilize it for just the rows.
Just wanted to share my solution.
I have recently come across with a similar issue while writing a migration script and since the issue was resolved in a different way, I want to record it.
I have nearly killed my SSMS Client by running a simple while loop for 3000 times and calling a procedure.
DECLARE #counter INT
SET #counter = 10
WHILE #counter > 0
-- call a procedure which returns some resultset
SELECT #counter-- (simulating the effect of stored proc returning some resultset)
SET #counter = #counter - 1
The script result was executed using SSMS and default option on query window is set to show “Results to Grid”[Ctrl+d shortcut].
Easy Solution:
Try setting the results to file to avoid the grid to be built and painted on the SSMS client. [CTRL+SHIFT+F keyboard shortcut to set the query results to file].
This issue is related to : stackoverflow query
Man, this is seriously a case of a computer doing what you told it to do instead of what you wanted it to do.
If you don't want it to return results, then don't ask it to return results. Refactor that stored procedure into two:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertSomeData] (#myParam int) AS
DECLARE #reply varchar(2048)
--... Do a bunch of inserts/updates...
EXEC SelectOutput
SET #reply = '<xml><big /><outputs /></xml>'
SELECT #reply
From which client are you calling the stored procedure? Say it was from C#, and you're calling it like:
var com = myConnection.CreateCommand();
com.CommandText = "exec insertSomeData 1";
var read = com.ExecuteReader();
This will not yet retrieve the result from the server; you have to call Read() for that:
var myBigString = read[0].ToString();
So if you don't call Read, the XML won't leave the Sql Server. You can even call the procedure with ExecuteNonQuery:
var com = myConnection.CreateCommand();
com.CommandText = "exec insertSomeData 1";
Here the client won't even ask for the result of the select.
You could create a SQL CLR stored procedure that execs this. Should be pretty easy.
I don't know if SQL Server has an option to suppress output (I don't think it does), but the SQL Query Analyzer has an option (under results tab) to "Discard Results".
Are you running this through isql?
You said your server is crashing. What is crashing the application that consumes the output of this SQL or SQL Server itself (assuming SQL Server).
If you are using .Net Framework application to call the stored procedure then take a look at SQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery. This just executes stored procedure with no results returned. If problem is at SQL Server level then you are going to have to do something different (i.e. change the stored procedure).
You can include in the SP a parameter to indicate if you want it to do the select or not, but of course, you need to have access and reprogram the SP.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[insertSomeData] (#myParam int, #doSelect bit=1) AS
DECLARE #reply varchar(2048)
... Do a bunch of inserts/updates...
SET #reply = '<xml><big /><outputs /></xml>'
if #doSelect = 1
SELECT #reply
ever tried SET NOCOUNT ON; as an option?
I have a stored procedure that alters user data in a certain way. I pass it user_id and it does it's thing. I want to run a query on a table and then for each user_id I find run the stored procedure once on that user_id
How would I write query for this?
use a cursor
ADDENDUM: [MS SQL cursor example]
declare #field1 int
declare #field2 int
declare cur CURSOR LOCAL for
select field1, field2 from sometable where someotherfield is null
open cur
fetch next from cur into #field1, #field2
--execute your sproc on each row
exec uspYourSproc #field1, #field2
fetch next from cur into #field1, #field2
close cur
deallocate cur
in MS SQL, here's an example article
note that cursors are slower than set-based operations, but faster than manual while-loops; more details in this SO question
ADDENDUM 2: if you will be processing more than just a few records, pull them into a temp table first and run the cursor over the temp table; this will prevent SQL from escalating into table-locks and speed up operation
ADDENDUM 3: and of course, if you can inline whatever your stored procedure is doing to each user ID and run the whole thing as a single SQL update statement, that would be optimal
try to change your method if you need to loop!
within the parent stored procedure, create a #temp table that contains the data that you need to process. Call the child stored procedure, the #temp table will be visible and you can process it, hopefully working with the entire set of data and without a cursor or loop.
this really depends on what this child stored procedure is doing. If you are UPDATE-ing, you can "update from" joining in the #temp table and do all the work in one statement without a loop. The same can be done for INSERT and DELETEs. If you need to do multiple updates with IFs you can convert those to multiple UPDATE FROM with the #temp table and use CASE statements or WHERE conditions.
When working in a database try to lose the mindset of looping, it is a real performance drain, will cause locking/blocking and slow down the processing. If you loop everywhere, your system will not scale very well, and will be very hard to speed up when users start complaining about slow refreshes.
Post the content of this procedure you want call in a loop, and I'll bet 9 out of 10 times, you could write it to work on a set of rows.
You can do it with a dynamic query.
declare #cadena varchar(max) = ''
select #cadena = #cadena + 'exec spAPI ' + ltrim(id) + ';'
from sysobjects;
Something like this substitutions will be needed for your tables and field names.
Declare #TableUsers Table (User_ID, MyRowCount Int Identity(1,1)
Declare #i Int, #MaxI Int, #UserID nVarchar(50)
Insert into #TableUser
Select User_ID
From Users
Where (My Criteria)
Select #MaxI = ##RowCount, #i = 1
While #i <= #MaxI
Select #UserID = UserID from #TableUsers Where MyRowCount = #i
Exec prMyStoredProc #UserID
#i = #i + 1, #UserID = null
Use a table variable or a temporary table.
As has been mentioned before, a cursor is a last resort. Mostly because it uses lots of resources, issues locks and might be a sign you're just not understanding how to use SQL properly.
Side note: I once came across a solution that used cursors to update
rows in a table. After some scrutiny, it turned out the whole thing
could be replaced with a single UPDATE command. However, in this case,
where a stored procedure should be executed, a single SQL-command
won't work.
Create a table variable like this (if you're working with lots of data or are short on memory, use a temporary table instead):
parent NVARCHAR(128),
child NVARCHAR(128));
The id is important.
Replace parent and child with some good data, e.g. relevant identifiers or the whole set of data to be operated on.
Insert data in the table, e.g.:
INSERT INTO #menus (parent, child)
VALUES ('Some name', 'Child name');
INSERT INTO #menus (parent,child)
VALUES ('Some other name', 'Some other child name');
Declare some variables:
DECLARE #id INT = 1;
DECLARE #parentName NVARCHAR(128);
DECLARE #childName NVARCHAR(128);
And finally, create a while loop over the data in the table:
SELECT #parentName = parent,
#childName = child
FROM #menus WHERE id = #id;
EXEC myProcedure #parent=#parentName, #child=#childName;
SELECT #id = MIN(id) FROM #menus WHERE id > #id;
The first select fetches data from the temporary table. The second select updates the #id. MIN returns null if no rows were selected.
An alternative approach is to loop while the table has rows, SELECT TOP 1 and remove the selected row from the temp table:
SELECT TOP 1 #menuID = menuID FROM #menuIDs;
EXEC myProcedure #menuID=#menuID;
DELETE FROM #menuIDs WHERE menuID = #menuID;
Can this not be done with a user-defined function to replicate whatever your stored procedure is doing?
SELECT udfMyFunction(user_id), someOtherField, etc FROM MyTable WHERE WhateverCondition
where udfMyFunction is a function you make that takes in the user ID and does whatever you need to do with it.
See for a bit more background
I agree that cursors really ought to be avoided where possible. And it usually is possible!
(of course, my answer presupposes that you're only interested in getting the output from the SP and that you're not changing the actual data. I find "alters user data in a certain way" a little ambiguous from the original question, so thought I'd offer this as a possible solution. Utterly depends on what you're doing!)
I like the dynamic query way of Dave Rincon as it does not use cursors and is small and easy. Thank you Dave for sharing.
But for my needs on Azure SQL and with a "distinct" in the query, i had to modify the code like this:
Declare #SQL nvarchar(max);
-- Set SQL Variable
-- Prepare exec command for each distinctive tenantid found in Machines
SELECT #SQL = (Select distinct 'exec dbo.sp_S2_Laser_to_cache ' +
convert(varchar(8),tenantid) + ';'
from Dim_Machine
where iscurrent = 1
--for debugging print the sql
print #SQL;
--execute the generated sql script
exec sp_executesql #SQL;
I hope this helps someone...