How much does Core Data store? - objective-c

Just a small question I can't find an answer to.
If I add a data model, including all attributes for each class, and generate core data classes for these, I can of course get everything to persist.
But I can also add non-core data attributes to a class. Will these persist also? Simply by virtue of belonging to a stored object? Will it be any different for basic data types vs objects?
I would assume these will not be saved, but thought it was worth checking.

No. Core Data only saves modeled properties. It's perfectly fine, and often desired, to add additional properties to your NSManagedObject subclass, but they'll behave just like properties on any other object and will not be saved to disk.


How to pass the model to a Controller in Core Data

Say I have a Core Data class called RecipeBook which has a property (relationship) called recipes, a NSSet of Recipe Objects.
I display the RecipeBooks on a UITableView and when the user taps on a cell, it should display the Recipes on another UITableViewController.
What should I pass as the model to this last UITableViewController:
a context and a fetchRequest
or the NSSet of Recipe objects?
If there's a change to the db will the NSSet "automagically" update?
From your description I'd probably pass the selected RecipeBook instance. From that I can (presumably) get all the recipes contained in the book and display them in the table. That assumes that a relationship exists from RecipeBook to Recipe which-- based on your description-- should be true. If I need to do any other work with the data store, I could ask the RecipeBook for its managed object context and work with that.
No NSSet of fetched objects is going to update automatically. But the relationship from a RecipeBook to its Recipes will update any time a recipe is added or removed from the recipe book.
And finally-- passing any of this directly to a UITableView doesn't make a lot of sense. Apple's iOS frameworks are designed with MVC in mind, and going against that will make things a lot harder than they need to be. If you have a UITableViewController, you could pass your model objects to that.
Generally, you shouldn't pass "model" objects to view objects.
My favorite way to think about it is that views are actually another form of a model (think of them both as simply representations of data). The controller's job is to ensure that neither representation needs to know anything about how the other stores it's representation.
So basically, your controller will be your data delegate, and is responsible for properly populating table cells with it's own references to your core data models.
The automagically question depends on your core data setup, but usually the answer is yes.
By default, CD uses key-value coding, which simply lets you access properties with valueForKey:. More advanced setups involve having Xcode generate classes for you, in which case a few mouse clicks get you "dot notation" accessor methods regenerated from an updated model.

Should we create Model Classes when we use Core Data?

I am working on an iPad application, that requires me to store data locally if the user doesn't have internet access and later on sync with the back-end database.
For local storage, I am planning to use Core Data with SQLite.
I am using Core Data for the first time and it seems, it retrieves entity and store entity in the form of a dictionary.
So should I be creating Model classes at all ?
What is a good design for such application.
I have a DataEngine class whose responsibility is to store entity on a server or local DB based on connectivity.
Now I am little confused If I need to create a Model class and ask individual model classes to save themselves using NSMangaedObjectContext with a dictionary representation Or just directly save data instead of creating a model object and asking it to do it ?
Should I be using a Moel class for each entity and that will server as interface between JSON representation that coms/goes from/to server.
and the representation I get from managedObjectContext.
Or shall I compeletely rely on the entity and relation ships that Core Data creates ?
I'll do this backwards: first some things for you to check and then some ideas.
Check my own question.
I'd say that on your custom categories you can do the interface between the JSON representation and your classes.
You should also check RestKit which can do already much of what you need.
You're talking about two separate problems as far as I can understand:
Syncing local data to the server based on connectivity;
Using model classes.
Problem 1
I think you should have a class with the common code and each of your model classes should have its own mapping (to map between model and JSON) and saving methods.
Another class, that may be your DataEngine class, takes care of saving the right objects at the right time.
Take a look at RestKit as it helps with the mapping and the saving. I'm not sure about the syncing though.
Problem 2
I think you should have model classes. It helps a lot to work with objects and you have then a place to save methods for finding different kinds of data.
For this my question might be useful for you because you can create a CoreData model with generated class files and update it whenever you want while keeping your custom code.

Model Object From Both Core Data & External Source

I am building an app where my primary model objects can either be fetched from a Core Data store or from an external source (public API via internet - > JSON - > object). I'm new to Core Data so my question is can I just take my model object as it stands now and make its superclass NSManagedObject? I'd guess that I'd need to make sure my model's properties match the names and types of the data model entities for this to happen. I don't want to have to use two different model objects in the app - one when I fetch from the core data store and one when I fetch from the internet API.
Is there anything else I'd need to do to make my already built model objects compatible for use with core data?
Any guidance or advice would be much appreciated.
You can add some business logic to your object (subclass of NSManagedObject) to enable to creation of such an object from data (ie an NSDictionary of values to be used). The crux will be deciding whether you want those objects managed/saved to your local datastore or not.
I highly recommend becoming familiar with NSManagedObjectContext:
What I have done in a couple of products is just deal with core data objects, and initialize them from data that I pull from the web service. That way you only have apples. Another option would be to make a protocol that defines the behavior of the analogous classes. You would be tempted to make one the subclass of the other, but that could get complicated, depending on your persistence requirements.

How can I serialize Petrel Property in my Custom DataSource and load it back?

I am not very "fluent" with Ocean serialization .
Can I serialize an entire Petrel Property (Properties, Grids or any other Petrel/Ocean's objects) into my custom DataSource? Will I be able to load it back?
Is there any good practice/pattern to do that?
Some code sample would be welcome!
Do you have an established DataSource already? The persistence back end (SQL? XML?) used by your DataSource dictates how data is stored. Any data you want to persist through the DataSource must be converted to your back-end's format.
Note that there is no such thing as "Ocean serialization" with DataSources - you (and only you) are in complete control of the DataSource. Usually, you are actually providing it as a service to Ocean, so that it, given a Droid, can resolve one of your objects (be they e.g. custom domain objects, workstep argument packages or seismic attribute argument packages).
Now, from your question, it sounds like you are seeking to store deep copies of the Petrel data you mention. Is this really the case? If so, I'm afraid you'll need to make your own data structures representing this data, mirroring what you can read out through Ocean's APIs.
If what you really want to store is a weak reference to the Petrel data (implementing IIdentifiable), you'll want to persist the contents of each object's Droid - a much simpler task.
Then, when your persisted data is resolved from your DataSource, you'd rebuild the Droid(s), which can then be resolved themselves (using some other DataSource but your own), resulting in a regular strong .NET reference to the object - assuming of course that this data is present in the currently loaded project.
The SimpleDataSourceExample in the Ocean SDK demonstrates a simple DataSource backed by a .dat file using BinaryFormatter. This is relatively trivial to modify to other back-ends. I strongly recommend XML over BinaryFormatter, but if you intend to store considerable amounts of bulk data, you should consider a database. At Blueback Reservoir, XML has served our needs very well.
A minor caveat: make sure that the objects you store in your DataSource implement IDisposable (as well as IIdentifiable), to free resources in the DataSource.

Core Data Classes vs Model

I've recently started down the road of programming in Objective-C, and I'm now looking into Core Data. However, I am confused about exactly what defines the model itself in Core Data.
Here's what I mean: Say I create an entity with some set of attributes using the graphical model builder. I then have Xcode generate code for the corresponding class. Next, I want to create a property in the class that will be used only during run-time and does not need to be stored or retrieved by Core Data. So, I add a variable and a corresponding property to the class (synthesizing it in the implementation)
The new property is not defined in the model builder, but it is defined in the class derived from NSManagedObject. How is it treated in Core Data? Do the properties listed in the class define attributes in the "model" or do only the attributes defined in the model builder define the model?
Similarly, I wanted to add a enum-based property to the class file that, when get or set, accesses or changes an NSNumber attribute in the model. Can I do that without Core Data treating the property as an attribute to be stored and retrieved?
You can add custom properties (and variables) to the code generated for your NSManagedObjects, as you would any other class. These won't become part of the model, but instead will be temporary in memory. It's worth noting that if the managed object were to be dealloc'ed the value in memory would too.
A tip I would suggest if you are just implementing custom accessors to the underlying data is to create a category on the managed object in question. In the accessors, you access the underlying NSNumber and convert it into your enum, defined in the header for the category.
If you need to regenerate the code for the managed object, because say the model changes, you can just delete the class generated for the managed object and regenerate it without needing to merge with any custom code you've added. The category you've added will work all the same as long as the underlying storage property has stayed the same.
You can find out more about categories in the Objective-C Programming Language guide at the ADC.