Missing binaries in nservicebus 3.0 Azure sample projects - nservicebus

I downloaded the nservicebus 3 sample projects and noticed that there were missing dependencies (for example nservicebus.hosting.azure.dll and others).
Do I really need to download and build the trunk to get these dlls? I also noticed that they are not available via nuget either.

Looks like this was resolved with the NSB 3.0.3 release.


Infinispan .NET Core Client Support

Our team would like to use an Infinispan client in an ASP.NET core DOCKER environment. The last version seems to be an 8.3.0-Alpha1 version on Nuget.org, which is almost 2 years old. Are there any plans to get this into a release version and make it current?
I've assembled two new .nupkg Hotrod clients for Fedora31 and Windows10-VS14.
They're based on the 8.3.1.Final version released on the Infinispan web site.
Packages contain native libraries, please consider to build it by yourself following the readme if you need a different build for your specific platform.
For more info, meet the Infinispan Team at infinispan.zulipchat.com

What is the correct package to use for SIgnalR with ASP.NET Core?

I'm trying to use SignalR in an ASP.NET Core web application but I'm struggling to find the correct package to use. In this article, they say to use "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR" (with the help of a NuGet.Config file) but when I do a dotnet restore, I get:
error NU1102: Unable to find package Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Server with version (>= 0.2.0)
error NU1102: - Found 1 version(s) in nuget.org [ Nearest version: 0.0.1-alpha ]
error NU1102: - Found 0 version(s) in aspnetcidev
I guess the v0.0.1-alpha is not the one I want.
However, I found the package "Gray.Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Server" and it seems to work but the last published version is from November 2016... That, and the namespace make me think that it's not the package I have to use neither...
I also saw this video that refers to the v1.0.0 version but, of course, I can get it to work...
Anyway, what is the correct package to use in order to use SignalR?
I'm using the prerelease dev package for now.
https://dotnet.myget.org/F/aspnetcore-ci-dev/api/v3/index.json (thank you Pawel)
I also had to get the Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives from there.
I had to go back to .NET core 1.1 packages since migrating to 2.0 will not work for several reasons. I went back to using the unmaintained Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Server Version 0.1.0 from here:
For a new project I'm successfully using the v.1.0.0-alpha2-final version from nugget.org.
Examples including the JavaScript files can be found here: aspnet/SignalR-samples

"No endpoint configuration found in scanned assemblies” for copied NServiceBus project

I made my NServiceBus solution and it was all working. I then moved one of the projects to a different solution.
When I run them in that solution I get this error:
No endpoint configuration found in scanned assemblies. This usually happens when NServiceBus fails to load your assembly contaning IConfigureThisEndpoint.
I have a class in the project I am trying to get running that looks like this:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server
I fully copied the folder that contained this project when I moved it to the new solution. (So this is the exact same class that is in the original and the original worked perfectly.)
I am not sure what to do, so I did a bit of googling and came up on this question.
Based on the answer there, I have tried this:
Make sure that there is a class that implements IConfigureThisEndpoint
Make sure that only one class implements IConfigureThisEndpoint
Make sure that the NServiceBus libraries I am using are .NET 4 libraries
Make sure that the implementing class is public (see code above)
I don't do any non-default actions with regards to signing so delay-signing should not be an issue
Any ideas what would cause this error (besides what I have tried) would be great!
I remembered that I had used the Modeler to setup the dependencies in the original project and NuGet to do it in the copied project.
So I went and compared versions. The Modeler based project was using NServiceBus When I used NuGet to upgrade that to NServiceBus (what I had in my copied project) I started getting the same error (in my original project that had previously worked just fine).
So I copied the working DLLs into my broken project and it all started working.
So I can only conclude that this is a version issue. Something with how I have set things up (defaults for the Modeler) is not compatible with version 2.6 of NServiceBus.
NuGet does not have history of the same version of NServiceBus as the Modeler tools has. I think this is an error because NServiceBus packages don't reset the build (last) number. And there is a NServiceBus version
but not a
like what comes with the modeler (there is a, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades).
So I am going to have to abandon NuGet for NServiceBus (because I need the exact version that is in the Modeler or I have to figure out why I am getting this error.)
If anyone has a better way to deal with this problem I would LOVE to hear it.
I remembered that I had used the Modeler to setup the dependencies in the original project and NuGet to do it in the copied project.
So I went and compared versions. The Modeler based project was using NServiceBus When I used NuGet to upgrade that to NServiceBus (what I had in my copied project) I started getting the same error (in my original project that had previously worked just fine).
So I copied the working DLLs into my broken project and it all started working.
So I can only conclude that this is a version issue. Something with how I have set things up (defaults for the Modeler) is not compatible with version 2.6 of NServiceBus.
NuGet does not have history of the same version of NServiceBus as the Modeler tools has. I think this is an error because NServiceBus packages don't reset the build (last) number. And there is a NServiceBus version
2.6.1496, but not a
like what comes with the modeler (there is a, but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades).
So I am going to have to abandon NuGet for NServiceBus (because I need the exact version that is in the Modeler or I have to figure out why I am getting this error.)

How should one deal with library clashes in Application Servers?

Third-party libraries are often included by the appliation server you are deploying to and class with the ones included by your application. So far I have dealt with this in the simplest and hackiest way possible: removing the libraries on the app server.
In our case it is ok, noone is relying on the app server to provide them with any libraries. But if I were running my app along with lots of other peoples app, which again might depend on the libraries included by the application server, this would not be a solution.
How is this supposed to be solved (cleanly)? How are you doing it?
An example of a problem might be this:
you build an jax-rs application using cxf, hibernate and jackson, and deploy to glassfish 2.1.1. glassfish supplies the asm 3.1 library, but this causes clashes with hibernate using an incompatible 1.5 version. similarly the application needs jackson 1.8.2 (due to a bug fix), but glassfish 2.1.1 ships with version 0.9. BOOM. Any way of fixing this other than simply removing offending libraries?
consider using :
asadmin deploy --libraries ...

Where can I download the Castle Windsor WcfIntegration Facilities dll?

I would like to integrate Castle Windsor into a WCF project and have read that you can hook it up using the WcfIntegration facility but I am unable to find where to download the dll.
Can anyone help?
WCF Facility did not have an official release yet, as there are still few rough edges and issues we want to address before making the release. Your best option now is to either get the source using link provided in the other answer, or to get it from Horn website. The latter option is compiled against trunk version of other projects, so if you want to use released version of Windsor (2.1.1) you have to compile it yourself.
It's in NuGet now with all of the other 3.0 beta stuff.
Install-Package Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility
Just to follow up, The one in nuget is targeted for Windsor 3.0 beta 1. I found out the hard way that some of the other facilities do not yet support 3.0 beta 1. Specifically, if you're using the NHibernate or AutoTx facilities, you need to stick with a WCF factility compiled for Windsor 2. The latest one seems to be the Jul 29 2011 commit from the git repository, available here.
This will have to suffice until the 3.0 versions of the other facilities are updated. It's already being discussed on the castle users group list.
https://svn.castleproject.org/svn/castle/Facilities/Wcf/trunk from http://www.castleproject.org/subversion.html you have to download the source and build it yourself apperently.