Where can I download the Castle Windsor WcfIntegration Facilities dll? - wcf

I would like to integrate Castle Windsor into a WCF project and have read that you can hook it up using the WcfIntegration facility but I am unable to find where to download the dll.
Can anyone help?

WCF Facility did not have an official release yet, as there are still few rough edges and issues we want to address before making the release. Your best option now is to either get the source using link provided in the other answer, or to get it from Horn website. The latter option is compiled against trunk version of other projects, so if you want to use released version of Windsor (2.1.1) you have to compile it yourself.

It's in NuGet now with all of the other 3.0 beta stuff.
Install-Package Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility
Just to follow up, The one in nuget is targeted for Windsor 3.0 beta 1. I found out the hard way that some of the other facilities do not yet support 3.0 beta 1. Specifically, if you're using the NHibernate or AutoTx facilities, you need to stick with a WCF factility compiled for Windsor 2. The latest one seems to be the Jul 29 2011 commit from the git repository, available here.
This will have to suffice until the 3.0 versions of the other facilities are updated. It's already being discussed on the castle users group list.

https://svn.castleproject.org/svn/castle/Facilities/Wcf/trunk from http://www.castleproject.org/subversion.html you have to download the source and build it yourself apperently.


Infinispan .NET Core Client Support

Our team would like to use an Infinispan client in an ASP.NET core DOCKER environment. The last version seems to be an 8.3.0-Alpha1 version on Nuget.org, which is almost 2 years old. Are there any plans to get this into a release version and make it current?
I've assembled two new .nupkg Hotrod clients for Fedora31 and Windows10-VS14.
They're based on the 8.3.1.Final version released on the Infinispan web site.
Packages contain native libraries, please consider to build it by yourself following the readme if you need a different build for your specific platform.
For more info, meet the Infinispan Team at infinispan.zulipchat.com

Missing binaries in nservicebus 3.0 Azure sample projects

I downloaded the nservicebus 3 sample projects and noticed that there were missing dependencies (for example nservicebus.hosting.azure.dll and others).
Do I really need to download and build the trunk to get these dlls? I also noticed that they are not available via nuget either.
Looks like this was resolved with the NSB 3.0.3 release.

Using Castle NHibernate Integration Facility with Castle Core 1.2

I'm working on a personal learning project to help me understand how to use Castle Windsor and Fluent NHibernate. So far written an ASP.NET MVC project which does some basic dependency injection of services into controllers.
My project contains the following references:
Castle Windsor
I managed to get these playing nicely together by taking the NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll from the Active Record project as I found suggested elsewhere on StackOverflow.
Id like to use the NHibernate Integration Facility but I'm having a bit of a dependency nightmare trying to find a compatible version. All of this is still very new to me and I think Ive done well to get as far as I have!
What am I going to have to do in order to add the NHibernate Integration Facility to my project? Does a compatible version exist and if so where can I find it? Alternatively is it possible to compile a version that works with the dependencies Im using?
There is a compatible version, but you must build it yourself as there have been no releases of the library.
Open a command prompt, and given you have installed git:
git clone https://github.com/castleproject/Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration.git
cd Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration
git reset --hard aef2d2ef324071d961474b41fcb312dd48d0e946.
(Resetting to commit aef2d2e gives you the version of the libs you use.)
Now run ClickToBuild.cmd and you'll find the facility assembly in the build folder.
If you don't want to install git you can also download the source from Github for this commit by clicking on the download button at this link:

Are XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter fully implemented in Mono project?

I'm working on a cross-platform solution currently. The solution uses XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter from .NET framework 3.0.
Now i need to know if these two classes (and all the nessasary infrastructure around them) are fully supported in Mono project from the porting-it-to-linux point of view. :)
You can check it on the mono status:
You can also check your code using the mono migration analyser
I checked they are currently not implemented
The APIs are available on the current Mono 2.6 preview, but they are not available on the 2.4 release (the current official release).

Where do I download Iesi.Collections from?

Trying out nHibernate, it says it can't find Iesi.Collections.
Where can I get this from? Shouldn't it ship with the nHibernate download if it is so vital?
The source for Iesi.Collections delivered with NHibernate is here:
During 2012 it was moved to separate repository:
Recently master in that repo was changed heavily to adjust to .Net 4, but before that the API had been essentially unchanged for many years.
Binaries of new and old versions are available on NuGet.
This might be an old question, but it's available via NuGet.