Drop Down in every rows of a Rally Table - rally

May I know if it's possible to have a drop down box in every row in the Rally Table?

It is. Check out this example here (scroll down to Displaying Components in Cells):
If you'd like to also make an update to the data when the value of the dropdown changes you'll want to wire up a listener to the onChange event and then use RallyDataSource's update method to change the data in Rally.


PowerApps - How to Edit a Form from a Gallery list result in one screen

In One screen, I have a gallery list with a button along each rows. Upon hitting the button it will display the details in a form. This form should be editable. Is it possible to do it?
My source is a SQL table.
Here's my code
Item Property
Edit button: OnSelect
EditForm(Form1);Navigate(Form1, ScreenTransition.None)
Thanks for the usual help.
For use case I used D365 as database and Account Table as data.
In first image you will see Acccount name and phone number and so on.
Now as you wished when clicked on arrow it shall show data of that particular record but in edit mode. Now in 2nd image you will get data in edit mode.
How do you achive this? Below code will help achive this.
EditForm(EditForm1);Navigate(EditScreen1, ScreenTransition.None)
The answer is yes for editable.
I have used Azure SQL database.
Spin up the Azure SQL database ( Free of cost up to some limit)
Create a table with some data
In Powerapps:
Assuming once you have created connection to Azure SQL database
Then insert > Edit form.
Add the SQL Data connection > select the fields
Add a button > in the screen > change the forumula to SubmitForm
The following is the most imp bit.
Note : Edit Text field will not appear if the table doesn’t have Primary key assigned
Once the record is edited. You can send the Success Notification using formulas. Sample below
To Notify Success:
Notify("Data Successfully
For Clarity
Hope it helps

jsp with servlet

I have a jsp which retrieves data dynamically from db and shown in table format. Each row has a update button along with radio button. Whenever i click update on any row it proceed to next update page with only first row value.
Please help me how i could get the remaining rows for updating.
Thank you in advance
define the corresponding id for the update button and the radio button of every row. I suggest you can define a hidden-text as it.
define a JavaScript function to resolve the logic:
a) get the hidden-text value(id of the row record) about the selected update button or radio.
b) create the target URL with id of the row record.
c) submit id as URL parameter.
define a JavaScript function to refresh the corresponding row with the respond data. of course, you should define a java server interface to get the data of the row id.

How to automatically retrieve data when new data detected and show on datagridview?

Currently I have a public retrieve class, and a timer to execute this retrieve class every 3 seconds. But I realized that there is a problem when more and more data comes in. I cannot drag up or down when I'm trying to view each row because every 3 second it continuously retrieve data from table and the datagridview keep repopulate.
(window form)
I got another solution and just wanted to ask expert(s) or guru(s) whether it is workable or not? Or maybe some one can guide me to another solution?
My second solution:
1. Retrieve count() [current rows in table] and paste it to label.
2. Use data reader to read the count() table every 3 seconds, if has row then perform no action, if has row = false then execute retrieve class.
Have you tried Data Binding your data to your visual elements? Also here. This would be the standard approach for hooking up your UI layer and backend, and is event driven rather than requiring, for example, polling.

Create DataTable child row without showing it?

I am using datatable (v1.10.2 with jquery 1.9.2) because I like the out-of-the-box features (searching/sorting etc). However, now I want the ability to:
1) use animations (sliding) when showing/hiding a row
2) have the hidden row available in the DOM to change (ie, it would exist but have a display:none).
My current code to create the table looks like the following (where formatChild() returns html for a table):
if (row.child.isShown()){
} else {
row = row.child(formatChild());
I am using several services to change data in the child row's table via ajax and want to be able to change that data even when the row is hidden. I know I can create a map in memory and use the information in the stored map when I show the child row, but to me it is much cleaner to change the hidden row immediately.
I was hoping I could do a row()child(), modify the row, then call row()child().show() but the row isn't created in the DOM after the row.child().
Regarding the animation, I found an answer here but it involves changing the datatables code :(
I considered just using jquery to add a row to the datatable and hide it, but I couldn't find a good way to "attach" it to the primary row for sorting.
The plan I am currently leaning towards is to add a div to my primary table row that I will show/hide/update rather than using child rows at all.
What is the best practice for managing these hidden areas in a datatable (and showing them with animation)? ty
In case anyone else has the same question, I ended up using a DIV in the row rather than using DataTables' child row. When I add a new row to the datatable, the div is hidden then I hide and show (slideup/slidedown) on a click event. This gives me the nice animations, keeps the sorting simple, and let's me change information in the hidden row. Interestingly, the DIV contains a table and the text that is in that table when I create the new row is searchable; however, the text in the table that my ajax call adds/modifies is not searchable. I'm looking into how I want that to work (and may keep the div out of the search altogether if possible).

Display Hyperlink field on rows based on value from the database

How do I dynamically display the 'Edit' on the hyperlink field based on the values on the rows, generated from the database.
N/B.: the gridview automatically generates rows.
Do you mean you want a DataGridViewLinkColumn in the grid with Edit displayed if appropriate? Like this:
In which case, make the whole column a LinkColumn and whether or not it's clickable will be taken care of internally by the grid. Columns which don't display Edit will not be clickable.
If you don't mean this then please provide more detail.