Create DataTable child row without showing it? - datatables

I am using datatable (v1.10.2 with jquery 1.9.2) because I like the out-of-the-box features (searching/sorting etc). However, now I want the ability to:
1) use animations (sliding) when showing/hiding a row
2) have the hidden row available in the DOM to change (ie, it would exist but have a display:none).
My current code to create the table looks like the following (where formatChild() returns html for a table):
if (row.child.isShown()){
} else {
row = row.child(formatChild());;
I am using several services to change data in the child row's table via ajax and want to be able to change that data even when the row is hidden. I know I can create a map in memory and use the information in the stored map when I show the child row, but to me it is much cleaner to change the hidden row immediately.
I was hoping I could do a row()child(), modify the row, then call row()child().show() but the row isn't created in the DOM after the row.child().
Regarding the animation, I found an answer here but it involves changing the datatables code :(
I considered just using jquery to add a row to the datatable and hide it, but I couldn't find a good way to "attach" it to the primary row for sorting.
The plan I am currently leaning towards is to add a div to my primary table row that I will show/hide/update rather than using child rows at all.
What is the best practice for managing these hidden areas in a datatable (and showing them with animation)? ty

In case anyone else has the same question, I ended up using a DIV in the row rather than using DataTables' child row. When I add a new row to the datatable, the div is hidden then I hide and show (slideup/slidedown) on a click event. This gives me the nice animations, keeps the sorting simple, and let's me change information in the hidden row. Interestingly, the DIV contains a table and the text that is in that table when I create the new row is searchable; however, the text in the table that my ajax call adds/modifies is not searchable. I'm looking into how I want that to work (and may keep the div out of the search altogether if possible).

Related dataview grid won't add record and doesn't update after data is modified independently

I have a dataview grid bound to a datasource at run time. The datasource is filled from an access database via a DataAdapter. The data fills and displays correctly, and updates to existing rows seem to work OK but I have two problems:
When I type something in a new row and then press return or switch to a different row, I want the DataAdapter to add that row then and there to the database so I can retrieve the Autonumber index of the new record from Access and use that to add an associated record in a different table (Entries, a many to many linking table). This isn't happening. In the RowLeave event I have adapter.Update(dsSentences) and then I check for the new row, but the RowCount doesn't reflect its presence even though the newly added data is visible in the grid, and the adapter.Update doesn't seem to have triggered the Insert query that I specified in the DataAdapter. So nothing is added.
(edit: OK, so the new row has not yet been added when this event is fired. Which event should I then use to commit the data and retrieve the Autonumber primary key for my new record? I've tried UserAddedRow but that one fires before you've entered any data into the new row.)
THe second problem is that I need to update the data independently and then have the grid reflect those changes. How do I do that? Is there some call that will force the grid to get the updated data from the DataAdapter via the Dataset? Any help would be much appreciated. I'm almost ready to dtop the whole idea of binding data and do it all through code, Data binfing is supposed to save time but I'm finding it labyrinthine and unpredictable.
FWIW here's the query I'm using to fill the grid:
PARAMETERS nIdCollection Long;
SELECT tblSentences.IdSentence, tblSentences.SentenceText, tblSentences.SentenceParsed, Not IsNull([tblSentences]![SentenceParsed]) AS HasParsed, Entries.IdEntry
FROM tblSentences INNER JOIN Entries ON tblSentences.IdSentence = Entries.IdSentence
WHERE (((Entries.IdCollection)=[nIdCollection]))
ORDER BY Entries.SortValue;
As you can see, it requires a record in Entries. After I've entered a new record in tblSentences, before there are any entries the IdEntry will be null assuming it shows up at all. That's why I need to intercept directly after the Insert, add the record to Entries and requery to keep everything in order. You could do it all in an SQL stored procedure but I have to use Access.
Edit: After a lot of googling I've come to the conclusion that what I'm trying to do = add a record to a table through an additional INSERT query apart from the one handled by the DataAdapter, every time a new row is added - simply can't be done if you are using data binding. I am going to have to delete all my code and start from scratch populating the grid through code (unbound). I think it's the only way to do what I want. I will leave this here as a warning to anyone else not to make my mistake of trying to use Data binding when your data is coming from more than one table. Bad mistake.

How to click on a link in a specific row of dynamically loaded table

I have a table similar to below in a WPF application.
We are using Silk Test 17.5 using VB.NET.
Table is dynamically loaded based on latest data.
I need to click on 'Default' ( Link) for specific row.
e.g. I need to click on 'Default' link for Trump1 , Trump2 row.
How should I do it? All locators of default links are same and I cannot differentiate between them.
Is there any I can append First Name locator to Default to figure out which locator to click?
SilkTest has a framework for supporting such custom controls and a nice tutorial here
Theoretically you would have to:
List all the methods on the control
From the previous listing (or by talking with the developers) look up the method to access the rows inside the control
Filter your rows and get the one which is interesting for you
From the row you can get the cell by following the same pattern(find out the method which gives acces to it, get it, filter)
Click on the Link
Of course as the tutorial tells you, if you do not want to always do these iterations you should create some higher level utilities where you can just get the Cell at once. Example: GetGridViewRowCell(gridView, cellRow, cellColumn) where cellRows can be a more sophisticated filter object where you describe which cell must have which value in order to identify the proper row
Assuming the table has a hierarchical structure similar to HTML, you should be able to do the following:
Locate a cell in the row you are looking for that is easy to find, e.g. //WPFDataGridCell[#text='Obama'].
From that cell, move up the hierarchy one step using ...
Now you're in the correct WPFDataGridRow, search down again for the row's "Default" link with //WPFHyperLink[#caption='Default'].
Putting it all together, you'll get a locator like //WPFDataGridCell[#text='Obama']/..//WPFHyperLink[#caption='Default'].
Of course this is only an example based on the information you provided, so if you try it, make sure to pick the attributes with Silk Test's locator spy to make sure you get the correct values.

Best way to handle multi-valued fields as a view/grid

In several notes applications, instead of handling related data as separate documents, if the size of the data is small (less than the 32k limit), I'll make several multi valued fields and display it in what I call a "List Panel". It's a table where each column displays one multi-value field. Since fielda(1) goes with fieldb(1) that goes with fieldc(1) there is a concept of rows. (I did a similar thing in my auditing routine discussed here )
It is always assumed that each field has exactly the same number of elements.
All the multi-value fields are then stored on the single document. This avoids several coding conventions that made my eyes bleed like having date changed, who changed it, new value fields for each field we wanted to audit. Another thing that this kept to a minimum was having to provide multiple fields for the same thing that locked you into a limit. Taxrate1, Taxrate2, Taxrate3, etc...
In my "Listpanel" the first column is a vertical checkbox. (One for each element in my lists) This is so I can select one item to bring up and edit, or select multiple values to delete "rows" or apply some kind of mass change to them.
What would be the best way to handle this under xPages to get this functionality? I tried making a table but am having the devil of a time to get the checkboxes to line up with their corresponding data items.
Views and dojo-grids seem to assume we're using a document for each row.....
This TableWalker may provide what you want
It was created when XPages was all very new, so it's SSJS rather than Java. But if you're comfortable wiith Java, converting it probably won't be a challenge.
You could use a repeat control to display the values and build a table using the table row tags in the repeat. You would want to calculate the id of the checkbox to be able to take an action on that selected row. The repeat var would be just one of your multi-value fields and you use the index of the repeat to get the value for that row from the other multi-value fields.

Auto Inserting data into table row behind subform?

I've got a form that's got a subform and THAT subform/child has a subform/grandchild.
When I add a new client to the main form, the subform/child contains data like shipping address, etc etc. The subform/grandchild that one contains data like what we're shipping them.
When I make my initial new entry in the top form, there's data that seems to auto populate into the subform/child (and subsequently the table), however there are things that are always "default" items to ship (third subform/grandchild) that do not do that.
I've got some table constraints for the grandchild table like (ShipPackingSlip type bit) is set to 1, so that the checkbox should always be true. However, this does not occur on the 3rd layer of the form. Even setting the default option value to -1 will "autocheck" the box, but the data behind the forum does not reflect that.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Does that even make sense?
As I understand it (and I could be wrong), you can't use a subform in a subform on a main form without problems. It's better to organize your data and forms so that if you need to view more detailed information on data presented in a subform - it's better to call a new form from a button on the subform, passing a value to it so it pulls the correct record to view.
This would, of course, require you to store this subform of the subform data in a related table - then just relate it back to the main database with a unique identifier. This allows you a bit better means to organize your data, indexing isn't a pain, and you don't repeat information entry as much.

dojox.grid.DataGrid - Maintaining row selection when sorting and paging

I am using a dojox.grid.DataGrid to display data and allow the user to select one or more rows to highlight items to do other actions to.
My problem is that the grid uses indexes to remember the selected rows. If I have turned clientSort on, sorting the rows makes the rows change order but the selection changes to the rows that now occupy the selection indexes before sorting.
To combat this I get the items for the selected rows on each selection change and then when onSort event happens I use getItemIndex(item) on each of the items in my selected items collection to get the new row indexes and I re-select using those indexes.
Now, my problem is that the DataGrid loads data a certain number of rows at a time (it uses the term page to define a set number of rows) to improve performance. When a sort occurs it reloads the data in the new sort order but only up to the rowsPerPage value (defaults at 40). When I try and use getItemIndex for an item whose new row has not been loaded into the grid it returns and index of -1. The getItemIndex() function only returns the index once the user scrolls down and the row is loaded.
I cannot find an event that fires when the page loading occurs to try and restore the selection. I have looked through the 1.3.2 source code and can not find anything. I have tried connecting to a number of private functions but none work.
Has anyone come across this and found a fix?
Thanks in advance.
I found the answer. The dojox.grid.DataGrid has a private event (_onFetchComplete) which fires each time the next page is requesting. I use setTimeout to run my restore function after a duration of 300.
Job done!