Ways to reliably split a URL string and extract required part - vb.net

I am working on server side application of FB login.
Having converted the example here:
To VB, and using System.Net.WebRequest.Create to retrieve the responses I am now able to get a text string including the access_token and the expiry time in the following format:
Obviously I can split this into an array and split the parts to get the access_token
But, on the FB Developers example above, they do it with PHP like so:
Is there a VB.net way of doing this? This seems more reliable to me than teh aforementioned splitting idea, ie, if FB change the output format.

You can use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString to parse a query string. If you're not using ASP.NET, you should add a reference to System.Web.dll. I also don't believe this will work in .NET 4 client profile.
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Dim qString As NameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString("var1=val1&var2=val2")


Displaying jpegPhoto attribute from LDAP in Websphere Portal

I have a requirement wherein I need to display details of users after searching from LDAP using PUMA API.
I'm having troubling displaying the jpegPhoto of the user.
Here's what I'm doing:
First I'm querying the user by using:
PumaLocator.findUsersByAttribute(uid, user);
After that we get a User list Object.
For each user, we fetch all the attributes which is in the form of a Map.
I'm getting the following value for while retrieving the jpegPhoto:
map.get("jpegPhoto") --> [B#7a2f8a54
It seems that the Puma API returns a Binary string. Does anyone know how to display this in the portlet?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I think it more likely this is a byte[] array than a string.
You can probably base64 encode this binary into an encoded string and use it in an HTML image tag.
byte[] photoBytes = (byte[]) map.get("jpegPhoto");
String encodedPhoto = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64(photoBytes);
Then later, perhaps in a JSP (example assumes JSTL variable in scope named encodedPhoto):
<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,${encodedPhoto}"/>
A way of doing this is to access the image through the portal service servlet instead of using your own servlet: /wps/um/secure/users/profiles/[oid]/jpegPhoto, in which you replace [oid] with the ObjectID of the user. This ID string can be obtained using IdentificationMgr.getIdentification().serialize(user.getObjectID())
The photo of the current user you can access using: /wps/um/secure/currentuser/profile/jpegPhoto
Portal is giving you data as byte array. It will never give you as URL.
You can write a servlet which will write this byte array to output stream.
Use that servlet URL as src of tag. It will start rendering on browser.
FYI, you can't print byte array to browser and expect it to treat as image.
Image or any other files has to come as a resource not as content.

Normalize string from HtmlAgilityPack document

I'm trying to get a web page using vb.net and HtmlAgilityPack with this code:
Dim mWPage As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
Dim wC As New WebClient()
My problem is to get text from a table but, when I extract InnerText, i get something like this:
Modificat<!--span-->i dati
instead of (Note that I wrote the same string and below it's displayed correctly):
Modificati dati
I've tryed to use the answer here but it doesn't work in this case (or I wasn't able to make it works)
I noticed that contents changes when I change "User-Agent", so I tryed various "User-Agent" but I never got a perfect text.
So my questions are:
can I use the code that is indicated in the answer to solve the problem?
if not, can I get a perfect text using the right "User-Agent"?
If so, how can I find the right "User-Agent"?
If not, how can I fix the receivedstring?
The response from the server based on a new User-Agent is fully dependent on the server so we will not be able to predict which one will yield the response you're looking for.
But... You will be able to use the HttpUtility.HtmlDecode method to get rid of the encoded HTML and turn it into teh string you're looking for.
To filter out the HTML comment you may need to change the XPath you're using. If you append //text(), you should get only the text elements that match the rest of your expression.

ASP.net MVC: Execute Razor from DB String?

I was thinking about giving end users the ability to drop Partial Views (controls) into the information being stored in the database. Is there a way to execute a string I get from the database as part of the Razor view?
Update (I forgot all about this)
I had asked this question previously (which lead me to create RazorEngine) Pulling a View from a database rather than a file
I know of at least two: RazorEngine, MvcMailer
I have a bias towards RazorEngine as it's one that I've worked on but I have a much simpler one at Github called RazorSharp (though it only supports c#)
These are all pretty easy to use.
string result = RazorEngine.Razor.Parse(razorTemplate, new { Name = "World" });
I haven't used this one so I can't help.
RazorSharp also supports master pages.
string result = RazorSharp.Razor.Parse(new { Name = "World" },
masterTemplate); //master template not required
Neither RazorSharp, nor RazorEngine support any of the Mvc helpers such as Html and Url. Since these libraries are supposed to exist outside of Mvc and thus require more work to get them to work with those helpers. I can't say anything about MvcMailer but I suspect the situation is the same.
Hope these help.

Preventing YQL from URL encoding a key

I am wondering if it is possible to prevent YQL from URL encoding a key for a datatable?
The current guardian API works with IDs like this:
item_id = "environment/2010/oct/29/biodiversity-talks-ministers-nagoya-strategy"
The problem with these IDs is that they contain slashes (/) and these characters should not be URL encoded in the API call but instead stay as they are.
So If I now have this query
SELECT * FROM guardian.content.item WHERE item_id='environment/2010/oct/29/biodiversity-talks-ministers-nagoya-strategy'
while using the following url defintion in my datatable
then this results in this API call
Instead the guardian API expects the call to look like this:
So the problem is really just that the / characters gets encoded as %2F which I don't want to happen in this case.
Any ideas on how this can be achieved?
You can also check the full datatable I am using:
The URI-template expansions in YQL (e.g. {item_id}) only follow the version 3 spec. With version 4 it would be possible to simply (only slightly) change the expansion to do what you want, but alas not currently with YQL.
So, a solution. You could bring a very, very basic <execute> block into play: one which adds the item_id value to the path as needed.
response.object = request.path(item_id).get().response;
Finally, see the diff against your table (with a few other, minor tweaks to allow the above to work).

Using drupal profile date in vb.net

I am using drupal databas ein one of my application. Drupal profile saves date in following format:
I can read this with data reader but how to convert in a proper display like DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD
Well, you can kind of see the values for month, day and year in that zany string. Presumably there is something in VB that can help you parse and glue together the string as you need it?
You might look into how PHP's unserialize() works, that will reformat the string to a more usable array.
Most of all, dont use profile, use content_profile and cck. Problem solved. Unserializing PHP serialization can get a bit hairy.