Error while accessing the core service on SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 - wcf

I am getting an error while accessing the core service on SDL Tridion 2011 SP1. When I am trying to browse /webservices/CoreService2011.svc from IIS server, it shows the following error:
This collection already contains an address with scheme http.
There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection. If your service is being hosted in IIS you can fix the problem by setting 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/multipleSiteBindingsEnabled' to true or specifying 'system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/baseAddressPrefixFilters'.
Parameter name: item
Can any one help, how it can be rectified.

I believe you have multiple hostnames setup for your Tridion CME. Or at least you are trying to connect to your Content Manager (in this case with Core Service) using multiple hostnames.
Can you try the following:
connect using localhost (obviously when you are local on the server) E.g. http://localhost/webservices/CoreService2011.svc
If above doesn't work, try looking up what host name is registered in IIS for your SDL Tridion 2011 website (in IIS 7, Right click the website, then choose Edit Bindings...). Try connect to the Core Service using the hostname defined in the website bindings
If above still doesn't solve it, try editing your web.config under "Tridion_Home\webservices" and add the following node under configuration / system.ServiceModel
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true">
<!-- The attribute "multipleSiteBindingsEnabled" was introduced in .net 4 and removes the need of http module: Tridion.Web.ServiceModel.HttpSvcPortFunneler -->
<!-- For https protocol and/or multiport configuration, uncomment this.
There should be a <add /> entry for each unique combination of protocol and hostname that is configured in IIS Bindings.
<add prefix="http://hostname:portnumber"/>
<add prefix="https://hostname"/>


There was no endpoint listening at http://

I have a Windows forms app which uses WCF services. Our application sends messages using one of our WCF services to specific users running our client, so our callback “http:” string is dynamically constructed each time a message is sent to a user. It includes the server IP address and port ( onto which the current user is logged, the user’s id (56281), and the client GUID (7392d27a-e4a0-42e2-89a3-adc332e28934). So, a typical callback “http:” string looks like this:
We have an http namespace (http://+:701/) on our client and the group “Everyone” is tied to this namespace with all of the access permissions checked (GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericRead, and GenericWrite). We use “http namespace” to create our namespaces.
Our application has been in production (on Windows Server 2003) for a few years and everything is working fine.
We have recently converted our application to run in the Windows 2008 server environment. The “Target Framework” in each of our projects is set to the “.NET Framework 4.0”. Our application works fine on my Windows 7 developer workstation. That is, I am able to receive messages from our WCF service, but when I place our application onto our Windows 2008 server and I attempt to run the application, I receive the following error message:
"There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.”
The http namespace (http://+:701/) exists on my developer workstation and on my Windows 2008 server. The group “Everyone” is tied the namespace on my Windows 7 box and on my Windows 2008 server, and all of the access permissions are checked (GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericRead, and GenericWrite).
We have been searching the web for an answer but have not discovered anything. Would anybody have any ideas on why this would work on our Windows 7 workstations, but not on our Windows 2008 servers?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
When you host a WCF service in IIS you don't specify an absolute url in the address. You should use a relative url to the .svc file. The base url will be determined by the web site where it is hosted.
<service name="WebService.Receptor">
and on the client, depending on how your IIS is configured you should obviously specify the full address:
This assumes that you have configured a site in IIS that listens on the 8000 port and that you have hosted your WCF application inside this site.
if it does not help please follow these links, hope it would be useful.
Stack overflow link
Multiple Endpoint
Typically, this error is because there is no endpoint on the server that matches what the client is requesting (the address, the service, or the authentication is different).
However, in my case, I had the exact same error, and it was not due to any of these things.
When I enabled the tracing on IIS and reviewed the svclog trace with SvcTraceViewer.exe (included in Visual Studio), the actual internal error was "Maximum request length exceeded."
My client was uploading an image via the service. And I guess the image was too big.
To enable tracing I added this to the configuration section:
<source name="System.ServiceModel"
<add name="traceListener"
initializeData= "c:\log\Traces.svclog" />
To solve the error, I increased the message request length in the web config and the error went away.
To do this, in the system.websection in the web.config I added the line:
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="32768" />
Then I added this section inside the configuration section
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="32000000" />
So I recommend you enable tracing and then review the trace for the exact error.

scalable WCF solution

I am trying to implement scalable wcf solution found at NetFX Harmonics: Creating Streamlined, Simplified, yet Scalable WCF Connectivity
So my solution have 4 projects
Contact.Service (Service and Data Contracts)
Contact.ServiceImpl (HostFactory and Service itself)
Contact.ServiceHost (Web.config and Person.svc)
Contact.ServiceClient have App.config and Program.cs which actually call service.
<add key="PersonServiceActiveEndpoint" value="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding" />
<endpoint name="PersonServiceBasicHttpBinding"
contract="Contact.Service.IPersonService" />
BasicHttpBinding basicHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:1031/Person.svc");
IPersonService personService = new ChannelFactory<IPersonService>(basicHttpBinding, endpointAddress).CreateChannel();
Person person = personService.GetPersonData("F488D20B-FC27-4631-9FB9-83AF616AB5A6");
When I try running this example exception is thrown:
There was no endpoint listening at http://localhost:1031/Person.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.
P.S. Person.svc is in my Contact.ServiceHost project
<%# ServiceHost Service="Contact.Service.PersonService" %>
what is the config of the service host? sounds like one of 2 problems:
the service host is not set up to listen on the same port.
the host application is not being run at all
I imagine that by checking the web.config of the service host project you'll likely find that it is either listening on a different port, or not being run at all, and hence not listening.
Is the Visual studio host starting up and hosting the service? You usually get a little 'toast' pop up window in the notification area next to the clock saying the the host is running and you can see which port it is running on. if this is not happening then it is likely that you need to configure it to start the host project as well as the client.
To enable both the client and server to start at the same time you need to:
Right-click on your solution file, and choose Set Startup Projects...
Choose Multiple startup projects and choose Start for your client and server project, leave the other ones set to none.

Azure Accelerator for Web Roles & serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"

I'm not sure if this problem is specific to Accelerator for Web roles (WAAWR:
Edit: I have confirmed this error is only thrown in my WAAWR application - if I deploy the same code as a stand alone webrole this error is not thrown.
I'm trying to run WCF Routing / clean urls on an application that is being deployed via WAAWR. This feature requires asp .net compatibility mode. Here is my config section:
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true">
<add prefix=""/>
<standardEndpoint name="" helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="true"/>
I've been stuck on this error for a couple of hours:
System.IO.FileLoadException: Filename:
Line number: 74 Error: This configuration section cannot be used at
this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level.
Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set
explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy
allowOverride="false". at
bstrSectionName, String bstrPath) at
siteName, String virtualPath, String sectionPath, Type sectionType)
At first I thought that the apps you deploy via the web role host were sub-directories/virtual directories, so I threw this config into the .config file of the deploy host application itself - but that didn't do the trick. I remote desktop-ed in to see what's going on and it looks like each application deployed via the host is it's own application under IIS in its own right. Also when you explore the app from IIS manager, the apps aren't event located on the same drive as the deploy host. So I'm not sure why this error is being thrown.
Any ideas out there?
Found my answer here:
Not sure why it works find with a normal role & you have to add the section declaration for an child application - but happy it's working!

IIS 7.5 Error on Restful WCF 4.0

I've been trying to do a simple restful wcf service that will return JSON. Its working if i will run it in the development server. However if I deploy it on IIS 7.5, i will have this error when i accessed it using http://localhost:70
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server
Error The requested page cannot be
accessed because the related
configuration data for the page is
Config Error The configuration section
'standardEndpoints' cannot be read
because it is missing a section
Here is my configuration file: This is the default file generated by the VS2010.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
<add name="UrlRoutingModule" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
Configure the WCF REST service base address via the global.asax.cs file and the default endpoint
via the attributes on the <standardEndpoint> element below
<standardEndpoint name="LocationService" helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="true"/>
Im new to WCF specially on .net 4.0 and IIS 7.5.
Can anybody help? Or anybody has experienced the same and has fixed already?
Do you definitely have the IIS application pool for your site configured to run with ASP .NET 4.0?
Right click your Virtual Directory in IIS Manager > Manage Application > Advanced Settings > read the app pool name.
Then go to Application Pools, find that name and make sure the .NET Framework column says v4.0.
I had the same error on a w2008 x64 with the app pool running .net 4.0; after installing SP2 the issue disappeared
This issue can be seen on Windows Server 2008 without service pack 2 installed. To fix the problem install Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2.
Taken from Ram Poornalingam's WebLog entry from the 26th October 2009:
If you encounter the following error in your web application (things hosted in IIS) “The configuration section cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration"
“The configuration section 'standardEndpoints' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration”
“The configuration section ‘tracking’ cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration”
then you need to install either SP2 of Vista/Win2k8 or the hotfix mentioned in KB article 958854.
Sorry to ask a question that may seem obvious to some, but it might help others (mainly me) if you could clarify the last step:
Then go to Application Pools...
Where do I find Application Pools ?
If you can't tell I am used to working for big companies where someone else did that for me and now I am playing developer and IT director.
Ok, after 10 seconds of research (I opened my eyes) and looked right above Sites in IIS Manager

WCF service configuration file question regarding <baseAddresses>

From what I've seen the tag is ignored when hosting a WCF service in IIS. I understand that when self-hosting this is required but is this harmful or even used when operating under IIS?
<service blah blah blah>
<add baseAddress="http://localhost/blah" />
From what I've seen you can take a config file describing a service from one machine and use that on a completely different machine and it works fine. It looks as if IIS completely ignores this section.
As you have guessed, the baseAddresses element is completely ignored when hosting in IIS. The service's base address is determined by the web site & virtual directory into which your wcf service is placed.
Even when self-hosting, baseAddresses is not required. It is merely a convenience that avoids you having to enter a full address for each endpoint. If it is present, the endpoints can have relative addresses (relative to the base address, that is).
base address required for selfhosting. IIS/WAS hosts ignores the base address.
According to the MSDN Microsoft documentation in the below link, midway through the page in the Note section states, "Services hosted under Internet Information Services (IIS) or Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) use the virtual directory as their base address."