MS-Access SQL loops - sql

I would like to apply a for loop in this sql statement in ms-access something like:
UPDATE current_stock SET current_stock.quantity = DLookup("quantity","current_stock","stock_id=i")-DLookup("req_quantity","Bom_dell","lap_id=(SELECT lap_id FROM laptop_info WHERE model_name='Dell Inspiron')" And "stock_id=i")
WHERE stock_id=1;
Please advise if there is any method in MS-access to be able to do something similar to a for loop using sql queries.
bom_id lap_id stock_id req_quantity
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 3
3 1 3 6
4 1 4 1
5 1 5 1
6 1 6 2
7 2 7 7
8 2 8 8
9 2 9 1
10 2 10 1
11 2 11 1
12 2 12 3
ID lap_id stock_id quantity
1 1 1 11
2 1 2 11
3 1 3 11
lap_id model_name model_num price
1 Dell Inspiron INS81 35000
2 Dell XLS XL91 24000
Sample query
UPDATE (SELECT laptop_info.model_name, current_stock.stock_id, Bom_dell.req_quantity, current_stock.quantity
FROM (current_stock INNER JOIN laptop_info ON current_stock.lap_id = laptop_info.lap_id) INNER JOIN Bom_dell ON current_stock.stock_id = Bom_dell.stock_id)
SET quantity=quantity-req_quantity
WHERE stock_id BETWEEN 1 AND 3
AND model_name='Dell Inspiron'
UPDATE (SELECT laptop_info.model_name, current_stock.stock_id, Bom_dell.req_quantity, current_stock.quantity
FROM (current_stock INNER JOIN laptop_info ON current_stock.lap_id = laptop_info.lap_id) INNER JOIN Bom_dell ON current_stock.stock_id = Bom_dell.stock_id) SET quantity = quantity-req_quantity
WHERE stock_id BETWEEN 1 AND 3
AND model_name IN ([Forms]![Invoice1]![laptop_id])

You seem to be looking for something on the lines of:
UPDATE (current_stock
INNER JOIN laptop_info ON laptop_info.stock_id=current_stock.stock_id)
INNER JOIN Bom_dell ON Bom_dell.lap_id = laptop_info.lap_id
SET current_stock.quantity = current_stock.quantity - Bom_dell.req_quantity
WHERE stock_id Between 1 And 8
AND model_name='Dell Inspiron'
Try this. I have used aliases - a is for the current_stock table and b is for the sub query. This assumes that you have one line per stock id in bom_dell.
UPDATE current_stock AS a
SELECT bom_dell.stock_id, lap_info.model_name, bom_dell.req_quantity
FROM bom_dell
INNER JOIN lap_info ON bom_dell.lap_id = lap_info.lap_id
WHERE (((bom_dell.stock_id) Between 1 And 3)
AND ((lap_info.model_name)="Dell Inspiron"))) AS b
ON a.Stock_id = b.Stock_id SET a.quantity = [a].[quantity]+[b].[req_quantity];


MS Access merge two tables

I need to create a new table base on two tables. I have a database in ms access and need to migrate.
tableT tableS
ID CustID DATE Exp1 Exp2 ID CustID DATE Tem1 Tem2
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------
1 1 1/1/00 5 5 1 1 1/1/00 3 4
2 2 1/1/00 1 3 2 2 1/1/00 5 0
3 1 3/1/00 3 2 3 1 5/1/00 0 3
4 3 4/1/00 4 1 4 3 6/1/00 0 0
Desired output table tableNew:
ID CustID DATE Exp1 Exp2 Tem1 Tem2
1 1 1/1/00 5 5 3 4
2 2 1/1/00 1 3 5 0
3 1 3/1/00 3 2
4 3 4/1/00 4 1
5 1 5/1/00 0 3
6 3 6/1/00 0 0
If I use outer join, I will not get the output I need.
Any idea or help.
You want a full join. You can emulate this in MS Access using:
select t.CustID, t.DATE, t.Exp1, t.Exp2, s.tem1, s.tem2
from TableT as t left outer join
tableS as s
on t.CustId = s.CustId and =
union all
select s.CustID, s.DATE, null, null, s.tem1, s.tem2
from tableS as s left outer join
tableT as t
on t.CustId = s.CustId and =
where t.CustId is null;

Join multiple columns, filling non-existent values with 0

I have 2 tables, staff_product and orders_with_over_20k_product.
---------- ----------
2 6
2 4
2 5
2 7
1 6
1 4
1 5
1 7
3 6
3 4
3 5
3 7
---------- ---------- ----------
1 4 20
2 5 100
1 5 10
1 7 8
2 7 1
2 4 10
2 6 100
1 6 100
3 4 1
I want to join them such that if there is a record in staff_product that has matching values in orders_with_over_20k_product then PQ will be copied, and if there isn't then PQ will be set to 0. I also want to preserve the order or product_id in staff_product (it's important for how my program handles this query). The desired output is as follows
---------- ---------- ---------
2 6 100
2 4 10
2 5 100
2 7 1
1 6 100
1 4 20
1 5 10
1 7 8
3 6 0
3 4 1
3 5 0
3 7 0
I'll be executing this select in a stored procedure and both the existing tables are currently views made of different queries. How would construct a query for my desired output?
I think you just want a left join and coalesce():
select sp.*, coalesce(ow.pq, 0) as pq
from staff_product sp left join
orders_with_over_20k_product ow
on sp.staff_id = ow.staff_id and sp.product_id = ow.product_id
You can do a left join and coalesce():
coalesce(o.pq, 0) pq
from staff_product p
left join orders_with_over_20k_product o
on o.product_id = p.product_id and o.staff_id = p.staff_id
Please use below SQL code for this issue.
,coalesce(B.PQ, 0) AS PQ
FROM staff_product AS A
LEFT JOIN orders_with_over_20k_product AS B ON A.STAFF_ID = B.STAFF_ID

Select Command return Duplicate Rows

I have 3 tables:
Table 1 ExamTB:
ID ExamTerm ExamDate
1 MidTerm 2017-09-24
2 FinalTerm 2017-12-01
Table 2 ExamSubMarksTB
ID ExamID ClassID SubjectID TotalMarks PassMarks
1 1 1 1 100 50
2 1 1 2 100 50
3 1 1 3 100 50
4 2 1 1 100 50
5 2 1 2 100 50
6 2 1 3 100 50
Table 3 ExamResultTB
ID ExamID ClassID SubjectID MarksObtain StdID
1 1 1 1 80 1
2 1 1 2 70 1
3 1 1 3 60 1
4 2 1 1 50 1
5 2 1 2 72 1
6 2 1 3 68 1
Now when I create a Stored Procedure the SELECT this Select Command returns duplicate rows
SELECT ExamResultTB.ExamID
, ExamTB.ExamTerm
, ExamTB.ExamDate
, ExamResultTB.StdID
, StudentTB.Name
, StudentTB.FatherName
, ClassTB.ClassName
, SubjectTB.Subject
, ExamResultTB.ObtainMarks
, ExamSubMarksTB.TotalMarks
, ExamSubMarksTB.PassMarks
FROM ExamResultTB
INNER JOIN ExamTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamTB.ID
INNER JOIN ClassTB ON ExamResultTB.ClassID = ClassTB.ID
INNER JOIN SubjectTB ON ExamResultTB.SubjectID = SubjectTB.ID
INNER JOIN StudentTB ON ExamResultTB.StdID = StudentTB.ID
INNER JOIN ExamSubMarksTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamSubMarksTB.ExamID
WHERE ExamResultTB.ExamID = 4
AND ExamResultTB.StdID=1
For sure this line make a duplicate row:
INNER JOIN ExamSubMarksTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamSubMarksTB.ExamID
You should do it in this way:
INNER JOIN ExamSubMarksTB ON ExamResultTB.ExamID = ExamSubMarksTB.ExamID and
ExamResultTB.ClassId = ExamSubMarksTB.ClassId and ExamResultTB.SubjectID =

using sql join on three tables

I have 3 tables which maintains stock entries for each products/items. These three tables like below :
Table : ItemStock (to maintain remaining stock of each item)
Id ItemId OpgQty BranchID CurrentStock
1 7 0 1 8
2 7 0 2 3
3 6 0 1 2
4 6 0 2 0
Table : ItemPurchase (StockIn)
Id ItemId Qty BranchID
1 7 5 1
2 7 4 2
3 7 6 1
4 7 2 2
5 6 4 1
6 6 2 2
7 6 2 1
Table : ItemSale (StockOut)
Id ItemId Qty BranchID
1 7 2 1
2 7 3 2
3 7 1 1
4 6 4 1
5 6 2 2
Desired Output (based on sql queries)
I want to have result like below : (part of report)
Id ItemId OpgQty BranchId StockIn StockOut CurrentStock
1 7 0 1 11 3 8
2 7 0 2 6 3 3
3 6 0 1 6 4 2
4 6 0 2 2 2 0
I was trying to get the desired result but was not able to do so. Please help!!!
try this;
m.CurrentStock-si.StockIn StockOut,
ItemStock m
inner join
ItemId,BranchId,sum(Qty) as StockIn
group by ItemId,BranchId
) si on si.ItemId=m.ItemId and si.BranchId=m.BranchId
A very simple query that gives the desired result is :
select *,
(select sum(Qty)
from ItemPurchase
where ItemPurchase.ItemId = ItemStock.ItemId and
ItemPurchase.BranchId = ItemStock.BranchId) as StockIn,
(select sum(Qty)
from ItemSale
where ItemSale.ItemId = ItemStock.ItemId and
ItemSale.BranchId = ItemStock.BranchId) as StockOut
from ItemStock
Two subqueries with group by and aggregation will get what you want.
coalesce([ip].StockIn, 0) as StockIn, -- In case of no records in ItemPurchase or ItemSale, coalesce is neccessary.
coalesce([is].StockOut, 0) as StockOut
from ItemStock s
left join (
select sum(Qty) as StockIn, ItemId, BranchId
from ItemPurchase
group by ItemId, BranchId
) [ip] on s.ItemId = [ip].ItemId and s.BranchId = [ip].BranchId
left join (
select sum(Qty) as StockOut, ItemId, BranchId
from ItemSale
group by ItemId, BranchId
) [is] on s.ItemId = [is].ItemId and s.BranchId = [is].BranchId
See demo in sqlfiddle.
Try This ... I hope you consider this too.

Fetch the latest records from many-to-many relationship table

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.
I am having three tables in my database are having many-to-many relationship as below.
Id ServiceLevel Code
1 C 1
2 R 1
3 V 1
4 R Test 4
5 C Test 4
6 S 2
7 K 3
Id Name
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
Id UserId ServiceLevelId Status
1 1 1 Active
2 1 1 Deactive
3 2 3 Active
4 3 4 Active
5 1 5 Active
6 5 1 Active
7 2 3 Deactive
8 3 4 Deactive
9 5 1 Deactive
10 2 3 Active
11 3 4 Active
12 4 1 Active
From this tables, I want distinct users that are exists in TblUserServiceLevel and
having latest service level ="Active" and ServiceLevel.Code <> 4.
Can anyone help me?
The result is 2 and 4 user id.
select t1.UserId
from TblUserServiceLevel t1
inner join (
select UserId, max (Id) as maxId
from TblUserServiceLevel
group by UserId
) t2 on t1.UserId = t2.UserId and t1.Id = t2.maxId
inner join TblServiceLevel sl on t1.ServiceLevelId = sl.Id and sl.Code <> 4
where t1.Status = 'Active'