Insert textbox value into Access SQL query - sql

Being an amateur in Access and VBA, I've hit a wall with the following...
In MS Access 2007, I have the following query:
SELECT .... WHERE format(NZ(l_f_date),'yyyy-mm-dd')<=**'2012-04-03'**);
I have shortened it a bit of course.
The database has approx 20 queries that need to be run on a daily basis. I have created 4 macros to run groups of queries in the manner that I need them to be run. The problem is that in every one of those queries I first have to change the date (like in the upper query). I am looking for the way to automate it a bit more.
I have an idea to create a Form, place a button for every macro on it and 2 textbox-es to enter the 2 dates I need. Now, I need those dates to appear in the bolded part. As I think about it, I have 2 options:
Create a temporary table in the database to store those two dates and pull those 2 fields in my queries.
Insert the value of the textbox somehow directly into the bolded part of the query.
I think I can manage the first solution, but the second one is making my head hurt.
Can you help?
SQL from comment
select proc_desc,count(s) as broj
into upit3
from ( select distinct a.case_id as s,
a.org_case_id,a.act_date as day,d.prod_id,d.prod_desc,
from actions_b as a, cases_old_b as c,processes_b as p,
product_dict_b as d
where a.org_case_id=c.[org_ case_id]
and a.act_date=Forms!Form!Text10 and d.prod_id=c.product
and p.proc_id=c.process and not_lead=1 )
group by proc_desc order by proc_desc;
OK, sample data....
In x.dates, value is exactly like this: 03.04.2012
In a.act_date value is like this: 01.07.2011 13:53:56
so if its not possible with this values as they are, is it possible to use a LIKE statement in the query? Pseudo: WHERE a.act_date LIKE
If its possible, how to use it? i am a novice in sql and access queries... I google but sometimes, like this time, i get stuck.

This structure:
SELECT .... WHERE format(NZ(l_f_date),'yyyy-mm-dd')<='2012-04-03');
Is not a good idea. The general rule is to try and stick to field (column) names on the left side of the equals. So
SELECT .... WHERE l_f_date <=#2012-04-03#
Nulls will not be included and I hope your dates are dates and not strings.
Next add the form:
SELECT .... WHERE l_f_date <= Forms!TheNameOfTheForm!TheNameOfTheTextbox
EDIT re comments
You are using the query design window, yes? Please try this test query:
SELECT a.case_id, a.act_date
FROM actions_b AS a
WHERE a.act_date=Forms!Form!Text10

OK, so i decided to create a simple 2-column table in my database that will be used just for storing yesterdays and todays date... i added 2 text-boxes to a form, 1 button and added the next procedure to the button:
Private Sub Command25_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM Datumi"
Dim tbl As Recordset
Set tbl = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Datumi")
tbl!brojka = "1"
tbl!datum = Text8.Value
tbl!brojka = "2"
tbl!datum = Text10.Value
End Sub
As you can see, the click on the button will clear the table and store new values into 2 rows... row 1 is yesterday, row 2 is today...
And after that im pulling the values from that table like this:
... where x.brojka=1 and format(a.act_date,'yyyy-mm-dd')=format(x.datum,'yyyy-mm-dd') ...
I'm sure it can be done better but this one works for me...

I Solved this problem with :
[Software: MS Access 2013]
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Inventory Transactions] ([Product ID], [Order ID])" _
& "VALUES ( " & Me.Product_ID & ", " & Me.Order_ID & ")"


How to process a table serially for count

I need to process through a list of technical skills one by one and get a count of the number of developers we have in 3 locations who have that skill. For example, car type = "Java". How many persons have this skill listed in their resume.
I have 2 tables:
Skills: contains a single column listing skills - "Java" for example
Resources: contains 4 columns, Resource-ID, Name, Location, and a long text field called "Resume" containing text of their resume.
If this were a single skill I would process the SQL something like below (SQL syntax not exact)
SELECT count FROM [Resources] WHERE ([Resources].[Resume] Like "SKILL-ID*");
I want to process the Skills table serially printing the "Skill" and the count in each location.
Help appreciated
I've only used Access as a DB for single record retrieval, never using table values as input to loop through a process. I suspect that this is a simple execution in MS Access.
Ok, so we have to process that table.
I would simple "send out" a row with Location and skill for each match. We could write some "messy" code to then group by, but that is what SQL is for!!!
We could quite easy keep/have/use/enjoy the results in code, but its better to send the results out to a working table. Then we can use what sql does best - group and count that data.
So, then, the code could be this:
Sub CountSkills()
' empty out our working report table
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM ReportResult"
Dim rstSkills As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstResources As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstReportResult As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set rstSkills = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Skills")
strSQL = "SELECT Location, Resume FROM Resources " & _
"ORDER BY Location"
Set rstResources = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Set rstReportResult = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ReportResult")
Do While rstResources.EOF = False
' now for each resource row, process skill set
Do While rstSkills.EOF = False
If InStr(rstResources!Resume, rstSkills!Skill) > 0 Then
rstReportResult!Location = rstResources!Location
rstReportResult!Skill = rstSkills!Skill
End If
End Sub
Now, the above will wind up with a table looking like this:
So, now we can query (and count) against above data.
So, this query would do the trick:
SELECT Location, Skill, Count(1) AS SkillCount
FROM ReportResult
GROUP BY Location, Skill
And now we get this:
And you can flip the above query to group by skil, then location if you wish.
so, at the most simple level?
We write out ONE row + location for every match, and then use SQL on that to group by and count.
We COULD write code to actually count up by location, but that VBA code would as noted be a bit messy, and just spitting out rows of location and skill means we can then group by skill count, skill location count, or location, skill counts just by using "simple" sql against that list of location and skill record list.
So, now use the report wizard on that query above, and we get something like this:
Of course it is simple to change around the above report, but you get the idea for such a simple task as you noted.
Summarizing count of developers by skill and location can be accomplished with SQL. It requires a dataset of all possible skill/location pairs. Consider this simple example:
SELECT Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location,
Sum(Abs([Resume] Like '*' & [SkillName] & "*")) AS DevCt
FROM Skills, Resources
GROUP BY Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location;
This approach utilizes a Cartesian product of Skills and Resources tables to generate the data pairs. This type of query can perform slowly with large dataset. If it is too slow, saving the pairs to a table could improve performance. Otherwise, a VBA solution will be only recourse and would likely involve looping recordset object.
Regardless of approach, be aware results will be skewed if Resume has content like "excellence". Bad data output is pitfall of poor database design.
Resource and Skill table were added into MS_Access
Step 1: Create a query that executes the below SQL to get a counts (here named "Step1Query"):
SELECT Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location,
Sum(Abs([Resume] Like '*' & [SkillName] & "*")) AS DevCt
FROM Skills, Resources
GROUP BY Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location;
Step 2: Create a second query that uses the Step 1 query as input. (you can do this via the wizard):
TRANSFORM Sum(Step1Query.DevCt) AS SumOfDevCt
SELECT Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location,
Sum(Abs([Resume] Like '*' & [SkillName] & "*")) AS DevCt
FROM Skills, Resources
GROUP BY Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location
PIVOT Step1Query_qry.[Location];
Result lists out a matrix form. Thanks all for your help.

Access VBA using SQL for importing multiple tables and then ensuring that they are union

Okay I am getting stuck with my code.
What I am trying to do is use specific data from multiple tables, but I want to use basically the UNION ALL and INNER JOIN functions, however, this is not supported with the Visual Basic of Access and I require it to go to a table so that I can proceed to my next step.
The whole interface work from a form that has buttons to press for normal users, basically setting up a whole interface for importing the reports.
My original import followed the advise that I received from here for the tables:
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [Clicks Returns] " & _
"(SKU, [Item Description], [Jan 2016 FIN YTD TY % Returns]) " & _
"SELECT Sku, [Item Description], [Jan 2016 FIN YTD TY % Returns] FROM [Jan 2016 Clicks Returns];"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
This works perfectly for appending the data to one table, however when importing the data from multiple tables into one table it follows this pattern:
Result Example
However, I require this to be the result:
Required Result
The issue is that Both SKU numbers would be similar and the Item Desc. would be the same.
And with the normal append method it just keep duplicating and I want it to follow a join type action, and I do not know how to approach this exactly with Visual Basics on Access.
Thank you for taking the time to review this and also providing assistance.
with getting the information from the second table, you require the table to be updated. (so insert into won't work for the second time you need to get data...)
I would however reconsider your data structure, to have 1 data column in the table, and have 1 column indicating which month. Then when reporting you can pivot that information...
so basically this table format:
1) SKU
2) Item Description
3) Month
4) Month YTD information.
In the case above, your insert into will much more easily work, and you won't need an update statement.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards,

VBA Access Query for Day Summary

I use this forum all the time for VBA help but this is the first time I have to post something myself.
I am trying to make a report that provides a summary of various alarms stored in Access. I want to provide a simple Count of each alarm, each day. I have used some SQL queries but not really any Access. I took the fact that Access can do Pivot tables from Access itself. If there is a better way, please let me know.
Set CommandQuery.activeConnection = conn
commandQuery.CommandText = _
"TRANSFORM Count(FixAlarms.[Alm_NativeTimeLast]) AS CountOfAlm_NativeTimeLast " & _
"SELECT FixAlarms.Alm_Tagname, FixAlarms.Alm_Desc " & _
"FROM FixAlarms " & _
"WHERE ((FixAlarms.Alm_Tagname) <> """")) AND FixAlarms.Alm_NativeTimeIn > CellTime " & _
"GROUP BY FixAlarms.[Alm_Tagname], FixAlarms.Alm_Descr " & _
"PIVOT Format([Alm_NativeTimeIn],""Short Date"")"
rec.Open commandQuery
This is the code I am using. I had to retype it, so please forgive any typo. It does most of what I want but it does not give me any indication of what day each column is. I need a header on each column in case there were no alarms one day. I think the answer lies within the IN part of the PIVOT but I can't get it to work without syntax errors. I thought all I had to do was add on
PIVOT Format([Alm_NativeTimeIn],""Short Date"") IN 01/20/15"
Please help if you can.
In order to get the records for all day, even those where there were no activity you need to create these days. The simplest way to do so in access is to use a set of UNION statements to create a fake table for the days similar to this:
SELECT #2015-01-20# as dt FROM dual
SELECT #2015-01-21# as dt FROM dual
SELECT #2015-01-22# as dt FROM dual
If you try the above query in Access it will not work, as there is no table called dual. You will have to create it. Check this SO question.
After you created the above query you can LEFT JOIN it with the source table.
TRANSFORM Count(FixAlarms.[Alm_NativeTimeLast]) AS CountOfAlm_NativeTimeLast
SELECT FixAlarms.Alm_Tagname, FixAlarms.Alm_Desc
(SELECT #2015-01-20# as dt FROM dual
SELECT #2015-01-21# as dt FROM dual
SELECT #2015-01-22# as dt FROM dual) as dates LEFT JOIN
FixAlarms ON DateValue(FixAlarms.[Alm_NativeTimeIn]) = dates.dt
WHERE ((FixAlarms.Alm_Tagname) <> """")) AND FixAlarms.Alm_NativeTimeIn > CellTime
GROUP BY FixAlarms.[Alm_Tagname], FixAlarms.Alm_Descr
PIVOT Format(dates.dt, 'Short Date')
EDIT: I must add that this is not the only way of achieving it. Another way is to use a Numbers table. Create a table called Numbers with a single numeric column n and fill it with numbers 0 to 100 (depends on the maximum number of days you wish to include into your query). Then your query for the dates will be:
SELECT DateAdd('d', n, #2015-01-20#) as dt FROM numbers where n < 30;
And the resulting query will be:
TRANSFORM Count(FixAlarms.[Alm_NativeTimeLast]) AS CountOfAlm_NativeTimeLast
SELECT FixAlarms.Alm_Tagname, FixAlarms.Alm_Desc
(SELECT DateAdd('d', n, #2015-01-20#) as dt FROM numbers where n < 30) as dates LEFT JOIN
FixAlarms ON DateValue(FixAlarms.[Alm_NativeTimeIn]) = dates.dt
WHERE ((FixAlarms.Alm_Tagname) <> """")) AND FixAlarms.Alm_NativeTimeIn > CellTime
GROUP BY FixAlarms.[Alm_Tagname], FixAlarms.Alm_Descr
PIVOT Format(dates.dt, 'Short Date')
When using PIVOT columnName IN (ValueList) ValueList is
In parentheses
In quotes
Comma separated
So you're
PIVOT Format([Alm_NativeTimeIn],""Short Date"") IN 01/20/15"
Needs to become
PIVOT Format([Alm_NativeTimeIn],""Short Date"") IN (""01/20/15"")
With that said, this will not filter your records using PIVOTS in IN statement. You need to use the WHERE clause still.
If the end goal is to represent your data left to right then this will work. It will be a lot of extra work to make this work as a report though because your controls will not be bound to predictable columns. The Column names will change for different parameters.
You could leave this as a traditional query (not pivoted) and have a much easier time reporting it. If you are showing users the grid directly or exporting to Excel then this is not a problem.
So, I just wanted to add a header to my pivot table that would tell me what date the particular column was for.
The part of the code that I did not show was that I was using a rec.getrows to move all of my data into a simpler array variable. While this had all the data from Access, it did not have any headers to inform me what was a tagname, what was a description, and what was which date.
I found that in the recordset itself under fields.item(n) there was a Name attribute. This name told me where the column data came from or the date of the data. Using this and a simple day(date) function, I was able to make my monthly report summarizing all of the alarms.
Thanks for your help guys, but I either was not clear in my description of the problem or it was being over thought.

How to improve efficiency of this query & VBA?

I have this query in Access:
SELECT TOP 10 title,
ConcatRelated("DOCTEXT","DocumFrag", "title='" & title & "'" ) AS result
FROM DocumFrag
GROUP BY title;
DocumFrag contains about 9000 records, ConcatRelated is VBA code found here:
When I run this query for only TOP 10 and it completes, it continually lags to the point of 20 second response time (clicking, typing, etc).
Is there a way I can improve this to be more stable? I'm doing TOP 10 as an example to test if it lags; in the end I'd need to select all.
My goal of this query is the same as Concatenating record values in database (MS Access) or in server side code (ASP.NET) (except in Access, not ASP.NET)
Or is there a way I can accomplish this using a query, instead of VBA?
My best guess is that ConcatRelated evaluates for every 'title' in 'DocumFrag'. Select the top 10 in an inner query before you apply the function:
SELECT q.title, ConcatRelated("DOCTEXT","DocumFrag", "title='" & q.title & "'" ) AS result
(SELECT TOP 10 title FROM DocumFrag) AS q
GROUP BY q.title;
yes, 1st make sure your data table has a clustered index (this determines the order the data is stored on disk), otherwise you have a heap and the sql engine needs to query the entire table as the data can be anywhere in the table. 2nd put a covering index on the querying parameters and the data you want to return. 3rd you are trying to group text? It would be better to Find the top 10 items and then conconate the text associate with them rather than conconate every group item as your code is doing and then select the top 10.

SQLite Query issue

I have a DB having 3 tables like
Name(PK_NameId, FK_ContactId, FK_FavId, length)
In my iPhone app, there are various options(criterias) to search the name as user can select multiple names, user can select multiple contacts, user can select multiple favourites & also user can select length like 0-10, 10-20 etc. Also user can click search button without any criteria to get all the names.
I am new in SQLite & wants to create a query for searching the name by considering above all cases without the if-else condition through coding which takes less amount of time for query execution.
I know one option to check which criteria user is selected & apply if-else condition but it is not too good so I want to handle it through query.
If anyone knows it then please help me.
I got the solution using the following way -
NSString *strQuery;
strQuery = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"SELECT N.PK_NameId FROM Name N inner join Contact C on C.PK_ContactId = N.FK_ContactId inner join Favourites F on F.PK_FavId = N.FK_FavId where ((1)"];
after this, I checked the null value of each selection type(name, contact, list) & append the query to the original query. Finally complete the query using the closing brace which was I opened after where clause in main query.
strQuery = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#)", strQuery];