How to process a table serially for count - sql

I need to process through a list of technical skills one by one and get a count of the number of developers we have in 3 locations who have that skill. For example, car type = "Java". How many persons have this skill listed in their resume.
I have 2 tables:
Skills: contains a single column listing skills - "Java" for example
Resources: contains 4 columns, Resource-ID, Name, Location, and a long text field called "Resume" containing text of their resume.
If this were a single skill I would process the SQL something like below (SQL syntax not exact)
SELECT count FROM [Resources] WHERE ([Resources].[Resume] Like "SKILL-ID*");
I want to process the Skills table serially printing the "Skill" and the count in each location.
Help appreciated
I've only used Access as a DB for single record retrieval, never using table values as input to loop through a process. I suspect that this is a simple execution in MS Access.

Ok, so we have to process that table.
I would simple "send out" a row with Location and skill for each match. We could write some "messy" code to then group by, but that is what SQL is for!!!
We could quite easy keep/have/use/enjoy the results in code, but its better to send the results out to a working table. Then we can use what sql does best - group and count that data.
So, then, the code could be this:
Sub CountSkills()
' empty out our working report table
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM ReportResult"
Dim rstSkills As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstResources As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstReportResult As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set rstSkills = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Skills")
strSQL = "SELECT Location, Resume FROM Resources " & _
"ORDER BY Location"
Set rstResources = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Set rstReportResult = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ReportResult")
Do While rstResources.EOF = False
' now for each resource row, process skill set
Do While rstSkills.EOF = False
If InStr(rstResources!Resume, rstSkills!Skill) > 0 Then
rstReportResult!Location = rstResources!Location
rstReportResult!Skill = rstSkills!Skill
End If
End Sub
Now, the above will wind up with a table looking like this:
So, now we can query (and count) against above data.
So, this query would do the trick:
SELECT Location, Skill, Count(1) AS SkillCount
FROM ReportResult
GROUP BY Location, Skill
And now we get this:
And you can flip the above query to group by skil, then location if you wish.
so, at the most simple level?
We write out ONE row + location for every match, and then use SQL on that to group by and count.
We COULD write code to actually count up by location, but that VBA code would as noted be a bit messy, and just spitting out rows of location and skill means we can then group by skill count, skill location count, or location, skill counts just by using "simple" sql against that list of location and skill record list.
So, now use the report wizard on that query above, and we get something like this:
Of course it is simple to change around the above report, but you get the idea for such a simple task as you noted.

Summarizing count of developers by skill and location can be accomplished with SQL. It requires a dataset of all possible skill/location pairs. Consider this simple example:
SELECT Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location,
Sum(Abs([Resume] Like '*' & [SkillName] & "*")) AS DevCt
FROM Skills, Resources
GROUP BY Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location;
This approach utilizes a Cartesian product of Skills and Resources tables to generate the data pairs. This type of query can perform slowly with large dataset. If it is too slow, saving the pairs to a table could improve performance. Otherwise, a VBA solution will be only recourse and would likely involve looping recordset object.
Regardless of approach, be aware results will be skewed if Resume has content like "excellence". Bad data output is pitfall of poor database design.

Resource and Skill table were added into MS_Access
Step 1: Create a query that executes the below SQL to get a counts (here named "Step1Query"):
SELECT Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location,
Sum(Abs([Resume] Like '*' & [SkillName] & "*")) AS DevCt
FROM Skills, Resources
GROUP BY Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location;
Step 2: Create a second query that uses the Step 1 query as input. (you can do this via the wizard):
TRANSFORM Sum(Step1Query.DevCt) AS SumOfDevCt
SELECT Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location,
Sum(Abs([Resume] Like '*' & [SkillName] & "*")) AS DevCt
FROM Skills, Resources
GROUP BY Skills.SkillName, Resources.Location
PIVOT Step1Query_qry.[Location];
Result lists out a matrix form. Thanks all for your help.


MS-Access SQL Self Join with multiple levels

I have a table "People" with a primary key "PersonID" and a field that is "Supervisor". The "Supervisor" field contains the foreign key of a "PersonID" to create a self join.
I would like to create an sql query that returns all people with "Me" (the PersonID that is logged into the database) as their supervisor, and anyone that has someone on that list labeled as their supervisor. Essentially I would like to list anyone below the supplied PersonID in the chain of command.
SQL is great for many things, but hierarchical data is one of bigger challenges. Some vendors has provided custom extensions to work around this (e.g. Oracle's CONNECT syntax or SQL Server's hierarchyid data type), but we probably want to keep this standard SQL1.
What you have modeled is called "adjacency list" -- this is very simple and straightforward, and always consistent2. But as you found out, this sucks for querying, especially for an unknown depth or for a subtree, rather than from the root node.
Therefore, we need to supplement this with an additional model. There are basically 3 other models that you should use in conjunction with the adjacency list model.
Nested sets
Materialized Path
Ancestry traversal closure
To study them in depth, we'll use this diagram:
For this discussion, we are also assuming this is a simple hierarchy, that there are no cycles.
Joe Celko's Nested Sets.
Basically, you store the "Left" and "Right" value of each node which indicates its position in the tree. The root node will always have 1 for "Left" and <count of nodes * 2> for "Right". This is easier to illustrate with a diagram:
Note that each node gets assigned a pair of number, one for "Left", and other for "Right". With that information, you can do some logical deductions. Finding all children becomes easy - you filter for values where the nodes' "Left" is greater than the target node's "Left" and where the same nodes' "Right" is smaller than the target node's "Right".
The biggest downside with the model is that a change to the hierarchy almost invariably requires updating the entire tree, which makes it very awful to maintain for a fast moving charts. If this is something you only update once a year, this might be acceptable.
The other issue with this model is that if there is a need for a multiple hierarchies, the nested set will not work without additional columns to track the separate hierarchy.
Materialized Path
You know how a filesystem path works, right? This is basically the same thing, except that we are storing this in the database3. For instance, a possible implementation of a materialized path might look like this:
ID Name Path
1 Alice 1/
2 Bob 1/2/
3 Christina 1/3/
4 Dwayne 1/4/
5 Erin 1/2/5/
6 Frank 1/2/6/
7 Georgia 1/2/7/
8 Harry 1/2/7/8/
9 Isabella 1/3/9/
10 Jake 1/3/10/
11 Kirby 1/3/10/11/
12 Lana 1/3/12/
13 Mike 1/4/13/
14 Norma 1/4/13/14/
15 Opus 1/4/15/
16 Rianna 1/4/16/
This is quite intuitive and can perform OK as long you write your SQL queries to use predicates like WHERE Path LIKE '1/4/*'. Engines will be able to use index on the path column. Note that if your queries involve querying a middle of the tree or from bottom up, that means index cannot be used and performance will suffer for it. But programming against a materialized path is pretty easy to understand. Updating a part of the tree won't propagate to unrelated nodes as the nested sets so that's also a plus in its favor.
The biggest downside is that to be indexable, the text has to be a short column. For Access database that puts a 255 character limit on your path field. Even worse, there is no good way to predict when you are about to hit the limit -- you could hit it because you have too deep tree, or because you have too wide tree (e.g. bigger numbers taking up too much spaces). For that reason, large trees might necessitate some hard-coded limit to avoid this situation.
Ancestry Traversal Closure
This model involves a separate table which is updated whenever the employee table is updated. Instead of only recording the immediate relationship, we enumerate all the ancestry between two nodes. To illustrate, this is how the table will look like:
Employee table:
ID Name
1 Alice
2 Bob
3 Christina
4 Dwayne
5 Erin
6 Frank
7 Georgia
8 Harry
9 Isabella
10 Jake
11 Kirby
12 Lana
13 Mike
14 Norma
15 Opus
16 Rianna
Employee Ancestry Table:
Origin Ancestor
1 1
2 1
2 2
3 1
3 3
4 1
4 4
5 1
5 2
5 5
6 1
6 2
6 6
7 1
7 2
7 7
8 1
8 2
8 7
8 8
9 1
9 3
9 9
10 1
10 3
10 10
11 1
11 3
11 10
11 11
12 1
12 3
12 12
13 1
13 4
14 1
14 4
14 13
14 14
15 1
15 4
15 15
16 1
16 4
16 16
As you see, we generate several rows worth of all possible relationship between two nodes. As a bonus because it's a table, we can make use of foreign key and cascade delete to help keep it consistent. We still have to manually manage the inserts & updates however. Because the table is also narrow, it makes it very easy to create query that can leverage index on the key, the origin and the ancestor to find the subtree, the children, the parent. This is the most flexible system at expense of extra complexity around the maintenance.
Maintaining the model
All 3 models discussed are basically denormalizing the data a bit in order to simplify the query and support an arbitrary depth search. A consequence of that is this necessitates us to manually manage the changes when the employee table is modified in some fashion.
The most simplest approach is simply to just write a VBA procedure that will truncate and re-build the entire chart using your preferred model. This can work very well when the chart is small or does not change often.
On the other end, you could consider using Data Macros on your employee table to perform the maintenance required to propagate the updates to the hierarchy. A caveat, though, if you use data macros, this makes it harder to port the data to another RDBMS system since none of those support data macros. (To be fair, the problem would still exist if you were porting from SQL Server's stored procedures/triggers to Oracle's stored procedure/triggers - those are very steeped in vendor's dialect that porting is a challenge). Using data macros or trigger + stored procedure mean that you can rely on the engine to maintain the hierarchy for you without any programming in the forms.
A common temptation is to use form's AfterUpdate event to maintain the changes and that would work.... unless someone update it outside the form. For that reason, I would actually prefer that we used a data macro rather than relying on everyone to always use the form.
Note that in all of this discussion, we should NOT discard the adjacency list model. As I commented earlier, this is the most normalized and consistent way to model the hierarchy. It is literally impossible to create a nonsensical hierarchy with it. For that reason alone, you should keep it as your "authoritative truth", which you can then build your model upon to aid the querying performance.
Another good reason to keep using the adjacency list model is regardless of which model you use above, they introduce either additional columns or additional tables that are not meant to be directly edited by users but are for purpose somewhat equivalent to a calculated field and thus should not be tinkered with. If the users are allowed to edit only the SupervisorID field, then it becomes easy to code your data macros/triggers/VBA procedure around that one field, and updating the "calculations" of the additional fields/table to ensure correctness for the queries depending on such models.
1. SQL Standard does describe a way to create a recursive query. However, the compliance for that particular feature seems to be poor. Furthermore, the performance may not be that great. (which is the case with SQL Server's particular implementation) The 3 models discussed are easily implemented in most of RDBMS and queries for querying the hierarchy can be easily written and ported. However, the implementation to automatically manage the changes to the hierarchy invariably requires vendor-specific dialect, using triggers or stored procedure which is not very portable.
2. When I say consistent, I only mean that the model cannot create a nonsensical output. It's still possible to provide wrong data and make a weird hierarchy such as an employee's supervisor reporting to the employee, but not one that would give undefined results. However, it still is a hierarchy (even if it ends up as a cyclical graph). With other models, failing to maintain the derived data correctly means the queries will start returning undefined results.
3. SQL Server's hierarchyid data type is in fact an implementation of this model.
As you probably will have a rather limited count, say six, of levels deep, you can use a query with subqueries with subqueries ... etc. Very simple.
For an unlimited number of levels, the fastest way I've found, is to create a lookup function which walks the tree for each record. This can output either the level of the record or a compound key build by the key of the record and all keys above.
As the lookup function will use the same recordset for every call, you can make it static, and (for JET) you can improve further by using Seek to locate the records.
Here's an example which will give you an idea:
Public Function RecursiveLookup(ByVal lngID As Long) As String
Static dbs As Database
Static tbl As TableDef
Static rst As Recordset
Dim lngLevel As Long
Dim strAccount As String
If dbs Is Nothing Then
' For testing only.
' Replace with OpenDatabase of backend database file.
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set tbl = dbs.TableDefs("tblAccount")
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(tbl.Name, dbOpenTable)
End If
With rst
.Index = "PrimaryKey"
While lngID > 0
.Seek "=", lngID
If Not .NoMatch Then
lngLevel = lngLevel + 1
lngID = !MasterAccountFK.Value
If lngID > 0 Then
strAccount = str(!AccountID) & strAccount
End If
lngID = 0
End If
' Leave recordset open.
' .Close
End With
' Don't terminate static objects.
' Set rst = Nothing
' Set tbl = Nothing
' Set dbs = Nothing
' Alternative expression for returning the level.
' (Adjust vartype of return value of function.) ' RecursiveLookup = lngLevel ' As Long
RecursiveLookup = strAccount
End Function
This assumes a table with a primary key ID and a foreign (master) key pointing to the parent record - and a top level record (not used) with a visible key (AccountID) of 0.
Now your tree will be nicely shown almost instantaneously using a query like this where Account will be the visible compound key:
*, RecursiveLookup([ID]) AS Account
(AccountID > 0)
If you wish to use this to add records to another table, you should not make an SQL call for each, as this is very slow, but first open a recordset, then use AddNew-Update to append each record and, finally, close this recordset.
Consider the following set of functions:
Function BuildQuerySQL(lngsid As Long) As String
Dim intlvl As Integer
Dim strsel As String: strsel = selsql(intlvl)
Dim strfrm As String: strfrm = "people as p0 "
Dim strwhr As String: strwhr = "where p0.supervisor = " & lngsid
While HasRecordsP(strsel & strfrm & strwhr)
intlvl = intlvl + 1
BuildQuerySQL = BuildQuerySQL & " union " & strsel & strfrm & strwhr
strsel = selsql(intlvl)
If intlvl > 1 Then
strfrm = "(" & strfrm & ")" & frmsql(intlvl)
strfrm = strfrm & frmsql(intlvl)
End If
BuildQuerySQL = Mid(BuildQuerySQL, 8)
End Function
Function HasRecordsP(strSQL As String) As Boolean
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = CurrentDb
With dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
HasRecordsP = Not .EOF
End With
Set dbs = Nothing
End Function
Function selsql(intlvl As Integer) As String
selsql = "select p" & intlvl & ".personid from "
End Function
Function frmsql(intlvl As Integer) As String
frmsql = " inner join people as p" & intlvl & " on p" & intlvl - 1 & ".personid = p" & intlvl & ".supervisor "
End Function
Here, the BuildQuerySQL function may be supplied with the PersonID corresponding to a Supervisor and the function will return 'recursive' SQL code for an appropriate query to obtain the PersonID for all subordinates of the supervisor.
Such function may therefore be evaluated to construct a saved query, e.g. for a supervisor with PersonID = 5, creating a query called Subordinates:
Sub test()
CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef "Subordinates", BuildQuerySQL(5)
End Sub
Or the SQL may be evaluated to open a RecordSet of the results perhaps, depending on the requirements of your application.
Note that the function constructs a UNION query, with each level of nesting unioned with the previous query.
After considering the options presented here I have decided that I am going about this the wrong way. I have added a field to the "People" table "PermissionsLevel" which is a lookup from another table with a simple "PermissionNumber" and "PermissionDescription". I then use a select case in the Form_load() event for the logged in user's permission level.
Select Case userPermissionLevel
Case Creator
'Queries everyone in the database
Case Administrator
'Queries everyone in the "Department" they are a member of
Case Supervisor
'Queries all people WHERE supervisor = userID OR _
supervisor IN (Select PersonID From People WHERE supervisor = userID)
Case Custodian '(Person in charge of maintaining the HAZMAT Cabinet and SDS)
'Queries WHERE supervisor = DLookup("Supervisor", "People", "PersonID = " & userID)

Calculation based on values in 2 different rows

I have a table in MS Access which has stock prices arranged like
Ticker1, 9:30:00, $49.01
Ticker1, 9:30:01, $49.08
Ticker2, 9:30:00, $102.02
Ticker2, 9:30:01, $102.15
and so on.
I need to do some calculation where I need to compare prices in 1 row, with the immediately previous price (and if the price movement is greater than X% in 1 second, I need to report the instance separately).
If I were doing this in Excel, it's a fairly simple formula. I have a few million rows of data, so that's not an option.
Any suggestions on how I could do it in MS Access?
I am open to any kind of solutions (with or without SQL or VBA).
I ended up trying to traverse my records by using ADODB.Recordset in nested loops. Code below. I though it was a good idea, and the logic worked for a small table (20k rows). But when I ran it on a larger table (3m rows), Access ballooned to 2GB limit without finishing the task (because of temporary tables, the size of the original table was more like ~300MB). Posting it here in case it helps someone with smaller data sets.
Do While Not rstTickers.EOF
myTicker = rstTickers!ticker
Do While Not rstDates.EOF
myDate = rstDates!Date_Only
strSql = "select * from Prices where ticker = """ & myTicker & """ and Date_Only = #" & myDate & "#" 'get all prices for a given ticker for a given date
rst.Open strSql, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic 'I needed to do this to open in editable mode
sPrice1 = rst!Open_Price
rst!Row_Num = i
Do While Not rst.EOF
i = i + 1
rst!Row_Num = i
rst!Previous_Price = sPrice1
sPrice2 = rst!Open_Price
rst!Price_Move = Round(Abs((sPrice2 / sPrice1) - 1), 6)
sPrice1 = sPrice2
i = i + 1
If the data is always one second apart without any milliseconds, then you can join the table to itself on the Ticker ID and the time offsetting by one second.
Otherwise, if there is no sequence counter of some sort to join on, then you will need to create one. You can do this by doing a "ranking" query. There are multiple approaches to this. You can try each and see which one works the fastest in your situation.
One approach is to use a subquery that returns the number of rows are before the current row. Another approach is to join the table to itself on all the rows before it and do a group by and count. Both approaches produce the same results but depending on the nature of your data and how it's structured and what indexes you have, one approach will be faster than the other.
Once you have a "rank column", you do the procedure described in the first paragraph, but instead of joining on an offset of time, you join on an offset of rank.
I ended up moving my data to a SQL server (which had its own issues). I added a row number variable (row_num) like this
It worked for me (I think) because my underlying data was in the order that I needed for it to be in. I've read enough comments that you shouldn't do it, because you don't know what order is the server storing the data in.
Anyway, after that it was a join on itself. Took me a while to figure out the syntax (I am new to SQL). Adding SQL here for reference (works on SQL server but not Access).
Update A Set Previous_Price = B.Open_Price
ON A.Date_Only = B.Date_Only
WHERE ((A.Ticker=B.Ticker) AND (A.Row_Num=B.Row_Num+1));
BTW, I had to first add the column Date_Only like this (works on Access but not SQL server)
UPDATE Prices SET Prices.Date_Only = Format([Time_Date],"mm/dd/yyyy");
I think the solution for row numbers described by #Rabbit should work better (broadly speaking). I just haven't had the time to try it out. It took me a whole day to get this far.

MS Access - Editing a query's sql with vba - change "SELECT Top n"

Context - I'm building an access database that keeps track of sailboat races and calculates overall season scores as well as smaller "series" of scores. However, in a "series" not every race is counted. For example, if a series has 10 races, I only want to count the top 7 races of each individual person.
I have a separate query that is able to calculate the number of races actually counted based on the total number in each series. The query I am working on now calculates each individual's score by adding up their points for their top "n" races in that series. I don't have an extensive knowledge in sql or vba, but I was able to figure out how to use the "SELECT Top n" to filter each individual's top scores and then use a SUM to get the total.
The problem I have now is that the "n" has to be adaptable because the series could have any number of races. After some research, I learned that the only way to alter "SELECT TOP" is to use vba to rewrite the query's definition. I'm not exactly sure how to accomplish this- I don't even know where to put the code to alter the query in vba.
Again, I don't have much experience in vba, but I'm eager to learn in order to accomplish what I need. Any help is appreciated and I can show my sql if needed.
So, I think you want to store the value of the number of races in a series into a variable, and use that variable in your Top N query.
Dim Db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim series As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("YourTableNameOrQueryName")
'Here we can open the Table and store the number of series into a variable.
series = rs!YourSeriesCountFieldInTableOrQuery
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT Top " & series & " races FROM YourTable"
' You can ensure you have the right number of series by setting a break point or
' Using Debug.Print (SQL) to see the SQL in the output window.
db.Execute "SQL", dbFailOnError
'The SQL string would be your query that you have working, as posted in your OP.
'The only difference would be the string concatenation of the number of series that is dynamic
Set rs = Nothing

Insert textbox value into Access SQL query

Being an amateur in Access and VBA, I've hit a wall with the following...
In MS Access 2007, I have the following query:
SELECT .... WHERE format(NZ(l_f_date),'yyyy-mm-dd')<=**'2012-04-03'**);
I have shortened it a bit of course.
The database has approx 20 queries that need to be run on a daily basis. I have created 4 macros to run groups of queries in the manner that I need them to be run. The problem is that in every one of those queries I first have to change the date (like in the upper query). I am looking for the way to automate it a bit more.
I have an idea to create a Form, place a button for every macro on it and 2 textbox-es to enter the 2 dates I need. Now, I need those dates to appear in the bolded part. As I think about it, I have 2 options:
Create a temporary table in the database to store those two dates and pull those 2 fields in my queries.
Insert the value of the textbox somehow directly into the bolded part of the query.
I think I can manage the first solution, but the second one is making my head hurt.
Can you help?
SQL from comment
select proc_desc,count(s) as broj
into upit3
from ( select distinct a.case_id as s,
a.org_case_id,a.act_date as day,d.prod_id,d.prod_desc,
from actions_b as a, cases_old_b as c,processes_b as p,
product_dict_b as d
where a.org_case_id=c.[org_ case_id]
and a.act_date=Forms!Form!Text10 and d.prod_id=c.product
and p.proc_id=c.process and not_lead=1 )
group by proc_desc order by proc_desc;
OK, sample data....
In x.dates, value is exactly like this: 03.04.2012
In a.act_date value is like this: 01.07.2011 13:53:56
so if its not possible with this values as they are, is it possible to use a LIKE statement in the query? Pseudo: WHERE a.act_date LIKE
If its possible, how to use it? i am a novice in sql and access queries... I google but sometimes, like this time, i get stuck.
This structure:
SELECT .... WHERE format(NZ(l_f_date),'yyyy-mm-dd')<='2012-04-03');
Is not a good idea. The general rule is to try and stick to field (column) names on the left side of the equals. So
SELECT .... WHERE l_f_date <=#2012-04-03#
Nulls will not be included and I hope your dates are dates and not strings.
Next add the form:
SELECT .... WHERE l_f_date <= Forms!TheNameOfTheForm!TheNameOfTheTextbox
EDIT re comments
You are using the query design window, yes? Please try this test query:
SELECT a.case_id, a.act_date
FROM actions_b AS a
WHERE a.act_date=Forms!Form!Text10
OK, so i decided to create a simple 2-column table in my database that will be used just for storing yesterdays and todays date... i added 2 text-boxes to a form, 1 button and added the next procedure to the button:
Private Sub Command25_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM Datumi"
Dim tbl As Recordset
Set tbl = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Datumi")
tbl!brojka = "1"
tbl!datum = Text8.Value
tbl!brojka = "2"
tbl!datum = Text10.Value
End Sub
As you can see, the click on the button will clear the table and store new values into 2 rows... row 1 is yesterday, row 2 is today...
And after that im pulling the values from that table like this:
... where x.brojka=1 and format(a.act_date,'yyyy-mm-dd')=format(x.datum,'yyyy-mm-dd') ...
I'm sure it can be done better but this one works for me...
I Solved this problem with :
[Software: MS Access 2013]
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [Inventory Transactions] ([Product ID], [Order ID])" _
& "VALUES ( " & Me.Product_ID & ", " & Me.Order_ID & ")"

SQL - multiple conditions in DCount() function

I am using MS Access 2007.
A: DCount("[Name]","[Main]","[Name] = 'Mark'")/
DCount("[Entry]","[Main]","[Entry] = 1")
Okay, so I am basically counting the number of people with the name Mark and I am dividing it by the number of Entry's that = 1 in my database. That's easy enough, but I am trying to apply a third condition, where
[Location]![City] = 'Chicago'
, but Access isn't letting me do this (It can't find the table, even though it's in the table I specified above.
DCount("[Name]","[Main]","[Name] = 'Mark' AND [Location]![City] = 'Chicago'")/
DCount("[Entry]","[Main]","[Entry] = 1")
I have also tried filtering the city with a Where clause in the Design view, but the condition is being applied after the calculation above, so the calculation is the same regardless of the city. I just need it to perform the above calculation for the city of Chicago.
Is something like this possible with DCount?
Also, I would die a happy man if you could tell me how to Group By the city While performing the calculations for each one separately, but I would also be very thankful if someone could just show me how to do it the first way too.
What is [Location]![City]? My answer is based on the presumption it refers to a field named City in a table named Location.
If that is correct, I think your problem is because you're attempting to specify a condition based on a field which is not part of the domain ([Main]) you told DCount to use.
From Microsoft's Documentation, the domain is "A string expression identifying the set of records that constitutes the domain. It can be a table name or a query name for a query that does not require a parameter."
So if you want your DCount criteria to refer to fields in two tables, consolidate the tables in the form of a query into a single "domain". Maybe your query could be something like this, "qryMainWithCity":
SELECT m.[Name], m.Entry, m.City_ID, l.City
Main AS m
INNER JOIN Location AS l
ON m.City_ID = l.City_ID;
If that query works for your situation, you should be able to get what you want with a DCount expression like this:
DCount("*","qryMainWithCity","[Name] = 'Mark' AND City = 'Chicago'")
I was just posting the same answer as #HansUp's came up. I have an alternative way to do it, and that's to use an instant recordset lookup:
Dim varReturnValue as Variant
varReturnValue = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT Main.[Name] FROM Main INNER JOIN Location ON Main.City_ID = Location.City_ID WHERE Main.[Name] = 'Mark' AND Location.City = 'Chicago';")(0)
That returns the first field in the recordset returned (the index is zero-based). That way you don't have to save a query.