How can I use the Callback result in WCF? - wcf

I am new to WCF, and now designing a service with Pub/Sub using callback. I have this stupid question: how can I make use of the callback? Let's say I have the callback interface called ICallback, with one function called ProcessResult(). And I have an implementation class called MyCallback. Then in my client side, I can initialize it like this:
Dim cb As ICallback = New MyCallback()
Dim MyClient = New MyServiceClient(New InstanceContext(cb))
The class MyServiceClient is generated using svcutil.exe. Now whenever the WCF server gets information the client is interested in, it will call the callback function ProcessResult(). All the online examples I found online, for simplicity, just output a line inside the callback function. But in real life I need to pass this information out of the MyCallback class. This is where I lost: since on my client side, my objects are only using the funcitons of the object MyClient, not the cb, how can I implement the ProcessResult() function, so that the client objects can be aware of the fact that this function is called? I can for example raise an event, which is declared in the MyCallback class, inside this function, but since the client side objects don't have a reference to the cb, how can I make any event handler to handle it?

svcutil has an option /async which allow you to generate also async method calls. Isn't it help you?


WCF Callback implementation function never gets called

I am designing a WCF service with callback, but my implementation of the callback function never gets called. And I am confused about the generated service proxy, so please help.
Here is the scenario: in the server side, I defined the service interface IMyService and callback interface IMyServiceCallback, I also implemented the IMyService in the server project. Besides the server project, I surely have another client project, to which I added the service reference in VS. And I implemented the IMyServiceCallback interface on the client side. So here comes the problem: when I am debugging it, the function never goes into my implementation of IMyServiceCallback and of course the desired result never comes out.
And this is I where I got confused: when I added the service reference in the client side, it actually generated three interfaces on the local: IMyService, IMyServiceCallback, and IMyServiceChannel plus the client proxy class. And in my local implementation of IMyServiceCallback, I declared the class to implement the local IMyServiceCallback interface, not the one from service side. Could this be the problem? Why is there two declarations of the interface under different projects(and hence different namespaces)? The reason I implement the client side interface is, if I implemented from the server side interface, it would give the error: "InstanceContext provided to the ChannelFactory contains a UserObject that does not implement the CallbackContractType error" when I tried to call the service. And another confusing part is, on the server side if I declare the callback interface name as IMyCallback, or anything else, instead of IMyServiceCallback, the generated interface on the client side would still be IMyServiceCallback, which is the name of the service interface plus the suffix "Callback". And in this situation I also got the "InstanceContext provided to the ChannelFactory contains a UserObject that does not implement the CallbackContractType error".
I guess there is something that I misunderstood about the "add service reference" and how I should implement the interface(which one to implement). Could anyone help me? Thanks!
I somehow fixed the problem. Firstly, the two declarations is fine is desired. The local client will need to implement the local interface, which is generated when adding the service reference. And my problem was that I also defined a DataContract but the generated reference file didn't have it. It could either because I had added the assembly of the service project as reference(somebody said in this case add service reference will not generate the Datacontract) or because I was missing DataMember attribute. But anyway, after I fixed both parts, the function is working now.
When you "Add Service Reference" and generate a proxy, it is totally separate from your service implementation. Remember, you may be consuming a service that you have not written and do not have access to the service source code.
The client code should use the client generated interfaces. If you change your service, you need to regenerate the proxy.
If you find this too messy, and you know you will always control both ends, you can share the service interfaces in a common assembly and generate a proxy class at runtime using DuplexChannelFactory.CreateChannel().
As for your problem, I can only assume you are not registering your callback properly. This is covered here.
if you want publish , you must implement IMyServiceCallback and IMyService together in same project.
if only subscribe , you must implement IMyServiceCallback interface
I fixed the issue when my callback instruction was embedded in a function call.
I learned that placing the callback in just a method that does not return a result works fine.
However, when the callback instruction is placed within a function I ran into timeout issue.
I resolved it by using a backgroundworker thread within the function being invoked:
public static IMyServiceCallback Callback;
TaskStateData taskStateData = GetSomeData();
BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
backgroundWorker.DoWork += (se, ev) =>
Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData> data = ev.Argument as Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData>;
var operationContext = data.Item1;
if (operationContext != null)
Callback = operationContext.GetCallbackChannel<IMyServiceCallback>();
Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData> payload = new Tuple<OperationContext, TaskStateData>(OperationContext.Current, taskStateData);

Modeling Client Context in WCF Web API with MEF

I need to extract several header values at the start of each request and place them into a ClientContext object that can be injected into my application code by MEF. I am using Preview 5 of the WCF Web API and don't see a way to do this.
In 'standard' WCF, I would create a class that implements IExtension<OperationContext> and have the following property to wire it all together:
public static ClientContextExtension Current
var operationContext = OperationContext.Current;
if (operationContext == null)
return null;
var extension = operationContext.Extensions.Find<ClientContextExtension>();
if (extension == null)
extension = new ClientContextExtension();
return extension;
A custom DelegatingHandler calls ClientContextExtension.Current and sets the properties from the header values. Unfortunately, with WCF Web API, OperationContext.Current is always null!
I cannot figure out a way to make this work with the Web API. Any help is appreciated!!!
I've come up with a working solution but remain open to other options. First, some rationale behind the original approach...
Because WCF uses thread pooling, anything based on a per-thread model may (and will) have a lifetime that extends beyond an individual request. I needed a way to store client context information pulled from the HTTP headers for each request as the information will be different each time. This means I can't persist the context information per-thread because the thread will be re-used.
Or can I?
The flaw in my logic was that thread re-use was the problem. In reality, each thread is only every servicing a single request at one time thereby making any information in that thread isolated to that request. Therefore, all I need to do is make sure that the information is relavent to that request and my problem is solved.
My solution was to refactor the Current property to reference a private static field marked with the [ThreadStatic()] attribute, ensuring that each instance was specific to the thread. Then, in my DelegatingHandler, which executes for each request, I reset the properties of the object for that request. Subsequent calls to Current during that request return the request-specific information and the next request handled by the thread gets updated in the DelegatingHandler so as far as my other code is concerned, the context is per-request.
Not perfect, but it at least gets me up and running for the moment. As I said, I am open to other solutions.
Upon closer inspection, this solution is not working as there is no thread affinity between the DelegatingHandler and the service code that is making use of the context object. As a result, sometimes my call to retrieve the ThreadStatic object works as expected but on other occasions I get a new instance because the code is operating on a different thread than the handler.
So, disregard this solution. Back to the drawing board.
After discussing my problem with Glenn Block, it turns out that it is just a matter of making sure the context is set on the same thread the request handler (the service) is executing. The solution is to use an HttpOperationHandler instead of a MessageHandler.
According to Glenn, message handlers operate asynchronously which means they could execute on a different thread from the request handler (service) so we should never do anything in a message handler that requires thread affinity. On the other hand, operation handlers run synchronously on the same thread as the request handler, therefore we can rely on thread affinity.
So, I simply moved my code from a MessageHandler to an HttpOperationHandler and have the desired results.
You can read a full explanation here:
You can try to use a
HttpOperationHandler<HttpRequestMessage, HttpRequestMessage>
There you should be able to access the headers.

WCF wrap proxy client

I have many web method in my projects that used in client application. ]
I don't want write code something like this:
using(ServiceClient sc = new ServiceClient())
//Invoke service methods
instead, I want to write: ServiceClient.Method1(); in that case all common operation which reffered to the proxy initialization, invoking method, disposing, exception processing will be inside ServiceClient. Of couse, i can wrap any of my web method with similar code or use reflection for retriving method by name, but maybe any other ways are exist?
I assume you are using Add Service Reference to generate ServiceClient...
First off, it's not safe to wrap ServiceClient (which derives from ClientBase) in a using block. Here is a stackoverflow thread that goes in depth.
Second, you can encapsulate the generated ServiceClient and create static methods that do what you are describing, but that's a lot of manual coding for very little benefit. I would instead encourage you to encapsulate the proxy creation, invocation, error handling, closing and disposing in a generic class. This is a good example.
You can make your "Method1" a static member of ServiceClient and then call ServiceClient.Method1();

Capture global WCF ServiceHost request events

I'm using a really simple WCF project which is being hosted by a WPF application. It basically operates as a REST server for dishing up data on my PC. No IIS, and it runs as SingleInstance. I want to see what IP's are accessing MyService, and what WebMethod they're attempting to invoke.
Ok so I can have an event as part of my Service, declared in the service class itself. Here's some code that gets it going, it all works exactly as expected (no flames about m_ please ;)):
MyService ds = new MyService(); // It's not really called this :)
ds.Request += new EventHandler(ds_Request); // I want to avoid this
ds.SomePropertySetFromMyRehostingClient = "something"; // SingleInstance now required
m_Service = new ServiceHost(ds, new Uri(GetServerHostUri()));
m_Service.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceBehaviorAttribute>().InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single;
m_Service.BeginOpen(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), new AsyncCallback(EndStartService), null);
Then in each service method, I can raise this event so my app knows that someone has tried to use it. Brilliant, but let's face it, this is awful.
I have to write something along the lines of:
var who = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties.Via;
var what = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties["UriTemplateMatchResults"];
for each service call.
Is there a more generic catch-all-event that can detect a call to my service? There's probably one fired by one of the many Behaviour/ChannelDispatcher types which I admittedly don't fully understand.
Thanks for your help, Tom
Using IParameterInspector you can hook to any method calls and inspect the method and/or parameters.
There is no other way to get the extra information (IP address, etc) of the incoming message other than the one you have used. This is just a bad design by Microsoft IMHO (see my rant here).
You can find an example here.

Serializing Delegates in WCF Using a Surrogate?

I have an idea, but I need help implementing it.
WCF does not support delegates in its contracts.
Instead it has a cumbersome callback contracts mechanism, and I'm looking for a way to overcome this limitation.
I thought about using a IDataContractSurrogate to replace each delegate in the contract with a token that will be serialized to the remote endpoint. There, the token will be deserialized into a generated delegate. This generated delegate will send a generic callback message which encapsulates all the arguments (that the delegate was invoked with).
The generic callback message will reach the first endpoint, and there the original delegate would be invoked with the arguments.
Here is the purposed (simplified) sequence:
A calls B-proxy.Foo(callback)
callback is serialized through a DelegateSurrogate.
The DelegateSurrogate stores the delegate in a dedicated delegate storage and replaces it with a token
The message arrives to B's endpoint
the token is deserialized through a DelegateSurrogate
The DelegateSurrogate constructs a generated delegate
B.Foo(generatedCallback) is invoked
Later, B is invoking generatedCallback(args)
generatedCallback(args) calls a dedicated generic contract on A's endpoint: CallbackContract-proxy.GenericCallback(args)
CallbackContract.GenericCallback(args) is invoked on A's endpoint
The original callback is retrieved from the storage and is invoked: callback(args)
I have already implemented this previously using service bus (NServiceBus), but I want to adapt the idea to WCF and I'm having hard time. I know how to implement steps 3,6,9 and 11. I don't know yet how to wire everything in WCF - especially the surrogate part.
That's it - I hope my question made sense, and that the collective wisdom here will be able to help me build this up.
Here's a sample usage for my desired solution:
// client side
remoteSvc.GetEmployeeById(17, emp =>
logger.log("Result received");
// server side
public void GetEmployeeById(int id, Action<Employee> callback)
var emp = getEmpFromDb(id);
Actually, in this scenario I would look into the Expression API. Unlike a delegate, an Expression can be deconstructed at runtime. You can't serialize them by default, but a lot of work has been done in that space. It is also a bit like what a lot of LINQ providers do in the background, for example WCF Data Services.
Of course, another approach is simply to use a lambda expression as the hook for RPC, which is what I describe here. The code that implements this is freely available in the protobuf-net tree. You could customize this by using an attribute to associate your token with the method, and obtain the attribute from the MethodInfo.
IMO, the problem with delegates is that they are too tightly coupled to the implementation, so you can't have different implementations at each end (which is a common requirement).
Expressions have the advantage that lambdas still support intellisense etc, so you can do things like:
client.Invoke(svc => svc.Foo(123, "abc"));
and from that obtain Foo (the MethodInfo), 123 and "abc" separately, including captured variables, ref/out, etc. It all works.