SQL SELECT Statement max id - sql

I have a table called apps with id, type, and group_id.
The table has multiple group_id with same number.
I need to get the max id for each group_id number where type equals 1.
My sql skills are not so good.
Any help is greatly appreciated

select group_id, max(id) as max_id
from apps
where type = 1
group by group_id


Getting MAX of a column and adding one more

I'm trying to make an SQL query that returns the greatest number from a column and its respective id.
For more information I have two columns ID and NUMBER. Both of them have 2 entries and I want to get the highest number with the ID next to it. This is what I tried but didn't success.
The problem I'm experiencing is that it just shows ALL the entries and if I add a "where" expression it just shows the same (all entries [ids+numbers]).
Pd.: Yes, I got what I wanted but only with one column (number) if I add another column (ID) to select it "brokes".
Presuming you want the IDs* of the row with the highest number (and not, instead, the highest number for each ID -- if IDs were not unique in your table, for example).
* there may be more than one ID returned if there are two or more IDs with equal maximum numbers
you can try this
Select ID,maxNumber
(Select Max(NUMBER) from Tmp where Id = t.Id) maxNumber
Tmp t
Group By ID,maxNumber
The query you posted has an illegal column name (number) and is group by the alias for the max value, which is illegal and also doesn't make sense; and you can't include the unaliased max() within the group-by either. So it's likely you're actually doing something like:
select id, max(numb) as maxnumb
from table1
group by id;
which will give one row per ID, with the maximum numb (which is the new name I've made up for your numeric column) for each ID. Or as you said you get "ALL the entries" you might have group by id, numb, which would show all rows from the table (unless there are duplicate combinations).
To get the maximum numb and the corresponding id you could group by id only, order by descending maxnumb, and then return the first row only:
select id, max(numb) as maxnumb
from table1
group by id
order by maxnumb desc
fetch first 1 row only
If there are two ID with the same maxnumb then you would only get one of them - and which one is indeterminate unless you modify the order by - but in that case you might prefer to use first 1 row with ties to see them all.
You could achieve the same thing with a subquery and analytic function to generating a ranking, and have the outer query return the highest-ranking row(s):
select id, numb as maxnumb
from (
select id, numb, dense_rank() over (order by numb desc) as rnk
from table1
where rnk = 1
You could also use keep to get the same result as first 1 row only:
select max(id) keep (dense_rank last order by numb) as id, max(numb) as maxnumb
from table1

How can I make selection based on conditions on SQL?

There is a table based on ID an those ID's status keys:
The table
I need to write query that will bring higher status key of the same ID. For example; query will bring only the row with status key number 9 for ID number 123. But it will bring the row with status key number 2 for ID number 156.
Hope I managed to explain myself clearly. Please help me with this query.
Use max() aggregation
select id, max(status_key)
from tablename
group by id
You didn't tag your backend, this would work with many backends and older versions of many backends (assuming you have other columns too in your table - otherwise do only group by):
select myTable.*
from myTable
inner join
(select id, max(statusKey) as statusKey
from myTable
group by id) tmp on myTable.id = tmp.id and myTable.statusKey = tmp.statusKey;

how can I select rows that column does NOT have more than 1 value?

I am very new to SQL and I am wondering how to solve this issue. For example, my table looks as follows:
As you see in the table item_id 1 appears in both city_id 1 and 2, so does the item_id 4, but I want to get all the items where appears only in one city_id.
In this example, these would be item_id 2 (appearing only in city_id 2) and item_id 3 (appearing in city_id 1).
Use aggregation on item_id and count distinct values of city_id. The having clause can be used to filter on aggregates.
select item_id from mytable group by id having count(distinct city_id) = 1
You can use the following query:
SELECT item_id
FROM table_name
GROUP BY item_id
In case you want to see the city_id to you can use this query:
SELECT item_id, MIN(city_id) AS city_id
FROM example
GROUP BY item_id
Since there is only one city_id you can use MIN or MAX to get the id.
demo on dbfiddle.uk
You want all the id where they have only one distinct city:
SELECT item_id
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
HAVING count(distinct city_id) = 1
It works by counting all the different values that city_id has for the same item_id. For those item ids where they repeat a lot, but the city_id is always the same the count of unique values in the city id is 1, and we can look for these using a HAVING clause. "Having" is like a where clause that runs after a GROUP BY operation is completed. It is the conceptual equivalent of this:
SELECT item_id
SELECT item_id, count(distinct city_id) as cdci
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
) x
WHERE cdci = 1
If you want the city id too you can either get the MAX city (because in this case there is only one city so it's safe to do):
SELECT item_id, MAX(city_id) as city_id
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
HAVING count(distinct city_id) = 1
or you could join this query back to the item table as a subquery:
SELECT item_id
FROM table
GROUP BY item_id
HAVING count(distinct city_id) = 1
) x
table t
ON x.item_id = t.item_id
This technique is the more general process for performing a group by that finds some particular set of rows, then bringing in the rest of the data from that row. You cant always stick every other column you want in a MAX because it will mix row data up, and you can't put the extra columns in your group by because that will subdivide what you're grouping on, giving the wrong results. Doing the group as a subquery and joining it back is a typical way to get all the row data when you have to group it to find which rows are interesting
In your case this form of query will bring all the duplicated rows (whereas the group by/max won't). If you don't want the duplicate rows you can make the top line SELECT DISTINCT t.* but don't make a habit of slapping distinct in to get rid of duplicated rows; if your tables don't have duplicates to start with but suddenly after you wrote a JOIN you got duplicated rows, google fornwhat a Cartesian product is in database queries and how to prevent it
You just need a group by on item id with having
Select item_id from table group by
item_id having count(distinct city_id)
Also, if you want to have majority of same no of rows as input then
Select item_id, city, rank()
over(partition by item_id order by city)
From table where rn=1;

Returning maximum number of users attached to a particular ClientID in SQL table

I am having a database table named traveller_info in SQL where I have columns like:
Pnr_No etc.
I want to display the Pnr_No that has the maximum number of users by using column ID.
The query should display Pnr_No and Total_Users associated with that Pnr_No.
I think I need to use the subqueries to achieve this. I am doing this way but it is not displaying the correct Total.
SELECT Pnr_No , COUNT(ID)Total from traveller_info
WHERE ID in (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM traveller_info )
Group by Pnr_No
I will be glad to have your help to solve this. Thanks!
TRY THIS: You can simply do it without using sub-query
SELECT TOP 1 Pnr_No , COUNT(id) Tot
FROM traveller_info

Getting Number of records in oracle

Am trying to fetch the number of records in the table using Count(*) along with my query condition
Sample Table is
Id Name
1 Steven
2 smith
2 Ben
1 Willy
My query is
select std.name
from STUD_Name where id='2'
for this it will display the output as "Smith" and "Ben", along with i need the total number of records in the STUD_NAME table.
By right it should display the total records as "4", please help me out to solve this issue and how to form the query in this case
SELECT name,
cnt as total_count
count(*) over () as cnt
FROM stud_name
) t
WHERE id = 2
Assuming that id is a numeric column the single quotes around the value 2 are not needed (and are actually harmful due to the implicit data type conversion that happens in the background)
What about:
,(select count(1) from STUD_Name) nrofstds
from STUD_Name std where std.id='2'
select STUD_NAME.name, CNT.count
, (select count(*) COUNT from STUD_NAME) CNT
where id='2'