Foursquare venues exclusions - api

In 4square venues API reference I've found parameter categoryId for inclusion some category venues. But I want to exclude some categories from my venues list (e.g. trains and airplane check-ins).
Is this feature available?

No it isn't, you'll need to retrieve the venues in the top-level category that you do want and then filter out those belonging to the categories that you don't want.


How is a category's `tree_id` determined in BigCommerce?

I observe that all categories have a tree_id of 1 when getting categories using the BigCommerce API. I was expecting that each top level categories and their children will have a different tree_id. How exactly is this category attribute being determined by BigCommerce? Thank you!
A store can have multiple, independent category trees which are useful when using multi-storefront. This allows you to have a distinct category navigation on different storefront websites.
By default, when using single-storefront, all categories are assigned to the first, default tree which exists when the store is created. It has an ID of 1.

Excluding locations from eBay Finding API

Using the finditemsadvanced service as part of eBays finding API, the documentation mentions filtering results to only include specific countries. However I'd like to exclude a small list of specific countries instead. Is there an option anywhere to exclude instead of include individual countries when querying for product listings?
only Exclude options are ExcludeSeller and ExcludeCategory
or you have to list all the Countries you want in ListedIn or LocatedIn
perhaps MaxDistance option can be suitable for your needs..

Get all venues under one category

How to get all venues belonging to one particular venue category?
Let's say I need all the venues in London under the 'Arts & Entertainment' category.
What is the API endpoint for that? What is the maximum venues limit in response?
Search for Venues - Foursquare Developer
You can use categoryId parameter to specify category.

Retrieving “venues managed” doesn't shows me all venues of a venue group I manage

I try to call a list of venues managed. However, it doesn't show me all my managed vanues. I have a venue group with 4 venues. Only one of it shows up in this list (probably the oldest one).
How can I retrieve all venues of this group? There seems to be no /venuegroups/managed/ call...
You can call the /venuegroups/GROUP_ID endpoint for complete information about a venue group.

Venue Search seems to be ignoring CategoryId parameter

I'm trying to do some resolution between restaurants in my DB to their respective Foursquare id. For example, there's a Steakhouse (a subcategory of the Food category) in Penang, MY called 'Suffolk House', but when I specify the categoryId non-Food related venues still show up in the result group.,100.305271200000&query=Suffolk&client_id=XXXXXXX&client_secret=XXXX
You'd expect only results belonging withing a category (or subcategory) would come back. What gives? Is categoryId really a no-op parameter?
The categoryId parameter is not currently supported for intent=match. You can either filter the results by category afterwards, or use a different intent if you need category matches.