Bug in NSFileManager (instance method is traversing symbolic link) - objective-c

I am using copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: for copy operation. From documentation:
Symbolic links are not traversed but are themselves copied
but this method is traversing symbolic link and copying orignal content for Symbolic links created by ln -s(in 10.5).
kMDItemFSFinderFlags is zero for alias created by ln -s.
attributesOfItemAtPath:error: returns NSFileType = NSFileTypeSymbolicLink
From What's the difference between alias and link?
An alias contains two pieces of information: a unique identifier of
the file it links to, and the path and file name of the file it links
If you rename or move a file, and then create a new file with the path
and file name that the file originally had, then any alias that linked
to the original file now links to the new file.
However, if you rename or move a file without replacing it, and then
invoke an alias, the alias is updated to point to the new path and
file name, making use of the unique identifier to do so.
A symbolic link, on the other hand, does not contain a unique
identifier to a file, and would appear as broken if the file is
renamed or moved and not replaced with a file of the same path and
file name.
when i am creating alias using
tell application "Finder"
make new alias at POSIX file "/Users/test/" to POSIX file "/Applications/Safari.app"
end tell
copyItemAtPath:toPath:error: is working fine and kMDItemFSFinderFlags = 33792.
attributesOfItemAtPath:error: returns NSFileType = NSFileTypeRegular;
Can anyone please help me out?

If this indeed a bug try using copyfile() (C function, man section 3) instead.


WebStorm's Safe Delete doesn't check XML file

I'm deleting a CSS file that is referenced in an XML file. I select "Safe delete (with usage search)" and "Search in comments and strings" but the reference in the XML file is not found.
The XML file is in a directory included in the project. The XML file contains the complete file name in a string.
Are there some settings for Safe Delete somewhere or something more general that might exclude XML files?
Thanks for any help.
<resourceSet name="HeaderStylesCss" type="css">
<resource path="~/Legacy/Content/Css/HeaderStyles.css"/>
path value is treated as simple string, so CSS file usage is not found and thus not taken into account when deleting a file.
You can try injecting File reference language in path="" value manually via Alt+Enter, Inject language or reference:
but paths starting with ~ won't work there, I'd suggest using relative paths rather than absolute

Rename a «grandparent» folder case-sensitive?

How can I rename the folder called «grandparent» in the following directory structure
to «GrandParent» and
The child-folder is not empty and contains different files.
If I try it with the command IO.Directory.Move(OldDirName, NewDirName) I get an error that the directory name must not be identical (ignoring the different case spelling).
Do I really have to move it to a completely new temporary directory (like C:\AnotherTemp\ and then move it back to the desired «GrandParent»?
(This answer seems only to work, if the last part («child») should be renamed.)

load script from other file extension?

is it possible to load module from file with extension other than .lua?
require("grid.txt") results in:
module 'grid.txt' not found:
no field package.preload['grid.txt']
no file './grid/txt.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/grid/txt.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/grid/txt/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/grid/txt.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/grid/txt/init.lua'
no file './grid/txt.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/grid/txt.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
no file './grid.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/grid.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
I suspect that it's somehow possible to load the script into package.preaload['grid.txt'] (whatever that is) before calling require?
It depends on what you mean by load.
If you want to execute the code in a file named grid.txt in the current directory, then just do dofile"grid.txt". If grid.txt is in a different directory, give a path to it.
If you want to use the path search that require performs, then add a template for .txt in package.path, with the correct path and then do require"grid". Note the absence of suffix: require loads modules identified by names, not by paths.
If you want require("grid.txt") to work should someone try that then yes, you'll need to manually loadfile and run the script and put whatever it returns (or whatever require is documented to return when the module doesn't return anything) into package.loaded["grid.txt"].
Alternatively, you could write your own loader just for entries like this which you set into package.preload["grid.txt"] which finds and loads/runs the file or, more generically, you could write yourself a loader function, insert it into package.loaders, and then let it do its job whenever it sees a "*.txt" module come its way.

WinSCP Session::RemoveFiles - Delete specified files in sub directories

[Question] Does Session::RemoveFiles() remove files in sub directory of source directory? If not, how to implement this ability?
(Please do not ask me why I have the remote directory as /C/testTransfer/. The code just for testing purpose.)
I have a SFTP program using WinSCP .Net assembly. Program language is C++/CLI. It opens up a work file. The file contains many lines of FTP instructions.
One type of instruction I have to handle is to transfer *.txt from source directory. The source directory may contain sub directories which may contain .txt as well. Once transfer is successful, delete the source files.
I use Session::GetFiles() for the transfer. It correctly transfer all .txt files (/C/testTransfer/*.txt), even those in sub directories (/C/testTransfer/sub/*.txt), in the source to the destination.
transferOptions->FileMask = "*.txt";
session->GetFiles("/C/testTransfer", "C:\\temp\\win", false, transferOption);
Now to remove, I use session->RemoveFiles("/C/testTransfer/*.txt"). I only see *.txt in the source (/C/testTransfer/*.txt), but not in the sub directory (/C/testTransfer/sub/*.txt), are removed.
The Session::RemoveFiles can remove even files in subdirectories in general. But not this way with wildcard, because WinSCP will not descend to subdirectories that do not match the wildcard (*.txt). Also note that even if you do not need the wildcard, the Session::RemoveFiles would remove even the subdirectories themselves, what I'm not sure you want it to.
Though you have other (and better = more safe) options:
Use the remove parameter of the Session::GetFiles method to instruct it to remove source file after successful transfer.
If you need to delete source files transactionally (=only after download of all files succeed), iterate the TransferOperationResult::Transfers returned by Session::GetFiles and call the Session::RemoveFiles for each (unless the TransferEventArgs::Error is not null).
Use the TransferEventArgs::FileName to get a file path to pass to the Session::RemoveFiles. Use the RemotePath::EscapeFileMask to escape the file name before passing it to the Session::RemoveFiles.
There's a similar full example available for Moving local files to different location after successful upload.
To recursively delete files matching a wildcard in a standalone operation (not after downloading the same files), use the Session::EnumerateRemoteFiles. Pass your wildcard to its mask argument. Use the EnumerationOptions.AllDirectories option for recursion.
Call the Session::RemoveFiles for each returned file. Use the RemotePath::EscapeFileMask to escape the file name before passing it to the Session::RemoveFiles.

RAR a folder without persisting the full path

1) I have a folder called CCBuilds containing couple of files in this path: E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.
2) I have written C# code (Process.Start) to Rar this folder and save it in E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar using the following command
"C:\program files\winrar\rar.exe a E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds"
3) The problem is that, though the rar file gets created properly, when I unrar the file to CCBuilds2 folder (both through code using rar.exe x command or using Extract in context menu), the unrared folder contains the full path, ie. extracting E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar ->
E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds2\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds\<<my files>>
Whereas I want it to be something like this: E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds2\CCBuilds\<<my files>>
How can I avoid this full path persistence while adding to rar / extracting back from it. Any help is appreciated.
Use the -ep1 switch.
More info:
-ep = Files are added to an archive without including the path information. Could result in multiple files existing in the archive
with same name.
-ep1 = Do not store the path entered at the command line in archive. Exclude base folder from names.
-ep2 = Expand paths to full. Store full file paths (except drive letter and leading backslash) when archiving.
(source: http://www.qa.downappz.com/questions/winrar-command-line-to-add-files-with-relative-path-only.html)
Just in case this helps: I am currently working on an MS Access Database project (customer relations management for a small company), and one of the tasks there is to zip docx-files to be sent to customers, with a certain password encryption used.
In the VBA procedure that triggers the zip-packaging of the docx-files, I call WinRAR as follows:
c:\Programme\WinRAR\winrar.exe a -afzip -ep -pThisIsThePassword "OutputFullName" "InputFullName"
-afzip says: "Create a zip file (as opposed to a rar file)
-ep says: Do not include the paths of the source file, i.e. put the file directly into the zip folder
A full list of such switches is available in the WinRAR Help, section "Command line".
x extracts it as E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds2\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds\, because you're using full path when declaring the source. Either use -ep1 or set the default working dir to E:\Testing\Builds.
Use of -ep1 is needed but it's a bit tricky.
If you use:
Winrar.exe a output.rar inputpath
Winrar.exe a E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds
it will include the input path declared:
E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds -> E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar:
which will end up unpacked as you've mentioned:
There are two ways of using -ep1.
If you want the simple path:
to be extracted as:
Winrar.exe a -ep1 E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds
the files inside the archive will look like:
or you could use ep1 to just add the files and folder structure sans the base folder with the help of recursion and defining the base path as the inner path of the structure:
Winrar.exe a -ep1 -r E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds.rar E:\Testing\Builds\CCBuilds\*
The files:
inside the archive will look like:
when extracted will look like:
Anyway, these are two ways -ep1 can be used to exclude base path with or without the folder containing the files (the base folder / or base path).