How to modify scope of imported library using CMake - cmake

CMake question,
Imported library has scope in the directory in which it is created and below.
If I want to use this library in parent scope, what should I do?
for example,
top CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(myapp main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myapp imported_lib)
sub CMakeLists.txt
add_library(imported_lib STATIC IMPORTED)
Thanks for your helping~~

Unlike classic libraries, imported libraries are scoped to the directory.
This can be changed using the GLOBAL options.
Here is an extract from the documentation:
The target name has scope in the directory in which it is created and below, but the GLOBAL option extends visibility.
add_library(imported_lib STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL)
As far as I can tell, this option has always been available.

You don't need to do anything, CMake will resolve this dependency automatically. See the documentation for add_subdirectory:
If a target built by the parent project depends on a target in the subdirectory, the dependee target will be included in the parent project build system to satisfy the dependency.
This is in contrast to the set() and list() commands, which require passing an explicit PARENT_SCOPE parameter.


target_include_directories - INTERFACE doesn't export an include path

I have created a very simple cmake project for testing cmake features. The project directory contains two libraries. I would like to export MyLibA include path.
The main CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
MyLibA CMakeLists.txt:
add_library(MyLibA SHARED)
target_sources(MyLibA PRIVATE fileA.h fileA.cpp)
target_include_directories(MyLibA INTERFACE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/MyLibA")
MyLibB CMakeLists.txt:
add_library(MyLibB SHARED)
target_sources(MyLibB PRIVATE fileB.h fileB.cpp)
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE /home/user/MyProjects/CmakeTestProject/build/MyLibA/
I have exported an include path using INTERFACE keyword but the following include in fileB.h:
#include "fileA.h"
is not found. What am I doing wrong ?
What am I doing wrong?
Several things:
Never put absolute paths in your CMakeLists.txt and always link to targets rather than library files.
# Linking to a target propagates usage requirements, like include paths.
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE MyLibA)
CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is not what you think. It refers always to the top-level build directory, which is a bad assumption if your project might be an add_subdirectory or FetchContent target. Your usage can be replaced by:
# Not optimal, see below.
target_include_directories(MyLibA INTERFACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
Missing $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...> on include path, if you intend to export your targets. When targets are exported, their properties are copied verbatim to the output. Not guarding the local include path with $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...> will break users of the exported target.
Instead of
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE <path/to/MyLibA/file>)
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE MyLibA)
This is how CMake is intended to be used: when link with the library target, CMake automatically transforms that into the path and actually propagates all interface properties of the target.

Use target_link_libraries to libraries not start with lib*

I am trying to link my program(hello) with a special library(/path/ that not starts with 'lib'.
Here is my CMakeLists.txt
add_executables(hello hello.c)
target_link_libraries(hello /path/
It works fine, but is there any other way to avoid this full path(/path/ things?
I don't want to make symlink of or modify itself.
Probably your best option is not to link directly the library, but use imported targets:
You can have your library target as
set_target_properties(ABC PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION path/to/library/
Then you can link it as a target:
target_link_libraries(hello ABC)
The next step would be to have a library find module, or config module, so you don't define full path in your CMakeLists.txt, but search for the library, or just include a .cmake file with all of the paths.
Have a look HERE and HERE

How can I create a target for an _existing_ library?

In CMake, we can add_library(mylib file1.cpp file2.cpp) and have a mylib.a in the library path get built. We can also target_include_directories(mylib INTERFACE some/directory), which effects targets depending on mylib.
But what if I have a library to begin with, which I will not be compiling. How can I add a target relating to it? That what I add as a dependency, will cause the .a file to be linked against, and for which I can set target_include_directories() ?
Note: I'm asking about CMake 3.x.
CMake provide an alternate signature for libraries that are already compiled:
STATIC # or it could be SHARED
See the official CMake documentation for more details.
with that you'll be able to add properties to the target doing so
IMPORTED_LOCATION "path/to/libmylib.a"
Little precision here, if you're using a Windows DLL, you must pass the DLL file's path in IMPORTED_LOCATION and set another property IMPORTED_IMPLIB that points to the .lib file, (not very handy).
Note that there is also a equivalent properties per configuration (Debug, and Release), that will need another property to be set (IMPORTED_CONFIGURATION), e.g. IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG.
See also here and here in the documentation.
To avoid missing include files you can also precise the include directory using INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY property
With this, upon link declaration using target_link_libraries(), CMake will read information of the imported target and will add include directories implicitly.
Official documentation reference.

Why use add_library({tgt} IMPORTED) versus target_link_libraries( -l {.so | .a})?

What is the purpose of using the statement:
add_library(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC] IMPORTED)
From what I have found even if you create an imported library target above you still would need to specify the specific location of the actual .so or .a. This would take at least 3 cmake commands to link to an executable and the compiler still would not automatically search through the common include directories on your OS.
cmake code to link IMPORTED lib
From the CMake documentation I understand there are really 3 ways to link a library that is not built as a target in a subproject of your overall application/library.
CMake target_link_libraries() documentation
Using a CMake package for one of the shipped package scripts.
Using a linker flag:
target_link_libraries(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC|...] -lncursesw)
Or using the IMPORTED library method (showcased in code at top).
A major difference when using the second method is that it only takes a single line of code and will search through all of your compiler's predefined include directories on you OS. Could anyone help me understand why the add_library() method is used?
Additional Realated SO Posts:
Include directories for IMPORTED libs
CMake imported library behavior
You should use add_library(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC] IMPORTED) whenever you need to set properties such as dependencies, compile definitions, compile flags etc for <tgt>, and/or by extension, any targets that are linking against <tgt>.
Let's say you have two static libraries; libfoobar.a and libraboof.a, where libfoobar.a requires libraboof.a. Let's also say that these libraries contain some features that are enabled by -DSOME_FEATURE.
add_library(raboof STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(raboof PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION <path-to-libraboof.a>
add_library(foobar STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(foobar PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION <path-to-libfoobar.a>
So when you link against libfoobar.a:
add_executable(my_app main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_app foobar)
CMake will make sure to link all dependencies in the correct order and will in this case also append -DSOME_FEATURE to the compile flags when you build my_app. Note that since we added libraboof.a as a dependency to libfoobar.a, -DSOME_FEATURE is added to any target that link against libfoobar.a through the transitive property.
If you don't use add_library(<tgt> <SHARED|STATIC> IMPORTED) in a scenario like this, you would have to manage any dependencies and required build options yourself for each target, which is quite error-prone.
This method is also often used in Config-modules for multi-component libraries to manage dependencies between the components.

How to make imported target GLOBAL afterwards?

From the FindBoost.cmake module of CMake 3.8:
add_library(Boost::${COMPONENT} STATIC IMPORTED)
# Even if Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS is OFF, we might have static
# libraries as a result.
and the corresponding comment from the docu of that module:
It is important to note that the imported targets behave differently than variables created by this module: multiple calls to find_package(Boost) in the same directory or sub-directories with different options (e.g. static or shared) will not override the values of the targets created by the first call.
I see the rational for having the targets not being GLOBAL.
However, what is the preferred way of making them global?
I'm used to defining the dependencies of my project in a sub-directory including any find_package(...) calls. Consequently, the Boost imported targets are not available in another directory, e.g. /tests/CMakeLists.txt:
There is a IMPORTED_GLOBAL target property for this in CMake >= 3.11:
set_target_properties(Boost::unit_test_framework PROPERTIES IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE)
For older versions: find_package() uses standard add_library() calls, so you can always change/extend its functionality to have IMPORTED targets always GLOBAL with something like:
set(_args ${ARGN})
if ("${_args}" MATCHES ";IMPORTED")
list(APPEND _args GLOBAL)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework)
As #CraigScott has commented overwriting CMake's build-in functions is dangerous:
[CMake] infinite loop when using function overriding
CMake Issue #14357: Defining an override macro/function of add_library more than once causes a segmentation fault
CMake Issue #1254: Add new target-property IMPORTED_GLOBAL
CMake Issue #1222: [Threads, Boost] Option to create IMPORTED targets with GLOBAL scope
CMake Issue #17256: Possibility to promote IMPORTED target to IMPORTED GLOBAL
I managed to workaround the problem of having the imported Boost targets not available in the global project scope by including 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt not by add_subdirectory(3rdparty) but via include(3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt) as this evaluates 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt in the caller's scope.