lucene field.index wired phenomenon - lucene

when I add a field to document like this:
doc.add(new Field("name","Jack",Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED));
I can get the hit when I search name:Jack
However, if I use Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED instead of Field.Index.ANALYZED, the program can't find the name:Jack, why?
Because the field which is Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED is also indexed, I think the field is searchable, but why I can't find anything?

It should work. But your query parser probably uses an analyzer which performs some operations on your tokens (like lowercasing). Try to use a KeywordAnalyzer at search time.
Alternatively, you could build the query yourself :
Query q = new TermQuery(new Term("name", "Jack"));


lucene query special characters

I have trouble understandnig handling of special characters in lucene.
My analyzer has no stopwords, so that special chars are not removed:
CharArraySet stopwords = new CharArraySet(0, true);
return new GermanAnalyzer(stopwords);
than I create docs like:
doc.add(new TextField("tags", "23", Store.NO));
doc.add(new TextField("tags", "Brüder-Grimm-Weg", Store.NO));
Query tags:brüder\-g works fine, but fuzzy query tags:brüder\-g~ does not return anything. When the street name would be Eselgasse query tags:Esel~ would work fine.
I use lucene 5.3.1
Thanks for help!
Fuzzy Queries (as well as wildcard or regex queries) are not analyzed by the QueryParser.
If you are using StandardAnalyzer, for instance, "Brüder-Grimm-Weg" will be indexed as three terms, "brüder", "grimm", and "weg". So, after analysis you have:
"tags:brüder\-g" --> tags:brüder tags:g
This matches on tags:brüder
"tags:brüder\-g~" --> tags:brüder-g~2
Since this is not analyzed, it remains a single term, and you have no matches, since there is no single term in your index like "brüder-g"

Sitecore term query for filter data

In Sitecore lucene search i am using "term query" to filter data from sitecore.
Here i have one field in Sitecore called "Description" and i want to do fileration based on term "Lorem". But every time I am getting 0 result. If i dont use rterm query i get all result that means my index configuration is correct. Please help.
TermQuery bothQuery = new TermQuery (new Term("Description", "Lorem"));
BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
query.Add(bothQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
TopDocs topDocs = sc.Searcher.Search(query, int.MaxValue);
SearchHits searchHits = new SearchHits(topDocs, sc.Searcher.GetIndexReader());
return searchHits.FetchResults(0, int.MaxValue).Select(r => r.GetObject<Item>()).ToList();
I note that your Term definition above has a field name containing a capital letter. You don't specify the version of Sitecore / Lucene you're working in, but my experience with the 6.x series of Sitecore is that the indexing process transforms all the Field names to lower case at index time.
Hence your field in Sitecore might be called "Description" but in Lucene's index it is probably called "description". Try changing your code to use a lower case field name.
You can check this using an index display tool like the Lucene Index Viewer from the Sitecore Marketplace. It will show you the names of the fields in your index, and let you test queries against them without the need to recompile code.

Find typo with Lucene

I would like to use Lucene to index/search text. The text can contain mistyped words, names, etc. What is the most simple way of getting Lucene to find a document containing
"this is Licene"
when user searches for
This is only for a demo app, so we need the most simple solution.
Lucene's fuzzy queries and based on Levenshtein edit distance.
Use a fuzzy query in the QueryParser, with syntax like:
Or create a FuzzyQuery, passing in the maximum number of edits, something like:
Query query = new FuzzyQuery(new Term("field", "lucene"), 1);
Note: FuzzyQuery, in Lucene 4.x, does not support greater edit distances than 2.
Another option you could try is using the Lucene SpellChecker:
It is a out of box, and very easy to use:
SpellChecker spellchecker = new SpellChecker(spellIndexDirectory);
// To index a field of a user index:
spellchecker.indexDictionary(new LuceneDictionary(my_lucene_reader, a_field));
// To index a file containing words:
spellchecker.indexDictionary(new PlainTextDictionary(new File("myfile.txt")));
String[] suggestions = spellchecker.suggestSimilar("misspelt", 5);
By default, it is using the LevensteinDistance, but you could provide your own customized Edit Distance. PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper

I've read on how to use the per field analyzer wrapper, but can't get it to work with a custom analyzer of mine. I can't even get the analyzer to run the constructor, which makes me believe I'm actually calling the per field analyzer incorrectly.
Here's what I'm doing:
Create the per field analyzer:
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper perFieldAnalyzer = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(srchInfo.GetAnalyzer(true));
perFieldAnalyzer.AddAnalyzer("<special field>", dta);
Add all the fields do document as usual, including a special field that we analyze differently.
And add document using the analyzer like this:
iw.AddDocument(doc, perFieldAnalyzer);
Am I on the right track?
The problem was related to my reliance on CMSs (Kentico) built-in Lucene helper classes. Basically, using those classes you need to specify the custom analyzer at index-level through the CMS and I did not wish to do that. So I ended up using directly almost everywhere gaining the flexibility of using any custom analyzer I want
I also did some changes to how I structure data and ended up using the tried-and-true KeywordAnalyzer to analyze document tags. Previously I was trying to do some custom tokenization magic on comma separated values like [tag1, tag2, tag with many parts] and could not get it reliably working with multi-parted tags. I still kept that field, but started adding multiple "tag" fields to the document, each storing one tag. So now I have N "tag" fields for "N" tags, each analyzed as a keyword, meaning each tag (one word or many) is a single token.
I think I overthinked it with my initial approach.
Here is what I ended up with.
On Indexing:
KeywordAnalyzer ka = new KeywordAnalyzer();
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper perFieldAnalyzer = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(srchInfo.GetAnalyzer(true));
perFieldAnalyzer.AddAnalyzer("documenttags_t", ka);
-- Some procedure to compile all documents by reading from DB and putting into Lucene docs
foreach(var doc in docs)
iw.AddDocument(doc, perFieldAnalyzer);
On Searching:
KeywordAnalyzer ka = new KeywordAnalyzer();
PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper perFieldAnalyzer = new PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper(srchInfo.GetAnalyzer(true));
perFieldAnalyzer.AddAnalyzer("documenttags_t", ka);
string baseQuery = "documenttags_t:\"" + tagName + "\"";
Query query = _parser.Parse(baseQuery);
var results = _searcher.Search(query, sortBy)

nutch field problem

I was using something like:
Field notdirectory = new Field("notdirectory","1", Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED);
and queries like "notdirectory:1" can be processed quite well all the time.
But recently I've changed the "Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED" to index a non-numeric string:
Field stateField = new Field("state","irn_" + state, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED);
and queries like "state:irn_CA" can never fetch any results any more,even though I watch through hadoop logs that "irn_CA" is added to "state" field in fact.
So I doubt for Fields that satisfy "Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED",only numeric Fields can searchable,but I didn't see any documents about that.
So what's the true reason for this?
I think, you are using StandardAnalyzer for parsing the input query, which will tokenize your input query "irn_CA" into two tokens - "irn" and "CA". Since the index has "irn_CA" as single token, it won't match.
Try using KeywordAnalyzer for while searching. It will generate single token for the query string and match the indexed token correctly.
I think the searcher bean forces everything to make the state is in lower case when adding to the index:
Field stateField = new Field("state","irn_" + state.toLowerCase(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED);
and when you query: 'state:irn_ca' instead of 'state:irn_CA'.
I also note you prefixed with 'irn_' - good call, otherwise the highlighter flags up the the query.