CRM 2011 - Set/Retrieve work hours programmatically - sql

I am attempting to retrieve a resources work hours to perform some logic I require. I understand that the CRM scheduling engine is a little clunky around such things, but I assumed that I would be able to find out how the working hours were stored in the DB eventually...
So a resource has associated calendars and those calendars have associated calendar rules and inner calendars etc. It is possible to look at the start/end and frequency of aforementioned calendar rules and query their codes to work out whether a resource is 'working' during a given period. However, I have not been able to find the actual working hours, the 9-5 shall we say in any field in the DB.
I even tried some SQL profiling while I was creating a new schedule for a resource via the UI, but the results don't show any work hours passing to SQL. For those with the patience the intercepted SQL statement is below:-
EXEC Sp_executesql
N'update [CalendarRuleBase] set [ModifiedBy]=#ModifiedBy0, [EffectiveIntervalEnd]=#EffectiveIntervalEnd0, [Description]=#Description0, [ModifiedOn]=#ModifiedOn0, [GroupDesignator]=#GroupDesignator0, [IsSelected]=#IsSelected0, [InnerCalendarId]=#InnerCalendarId0, [TimeZoneCode]=#TimeZoneCode0, [CalendarId]=#CalendarId0, [IsVaried]=#IsVaried0, [Rank]=#Rank0, [ModifiedOnBehalfBy]=NULL, [Duration]=#Duration0, [StartTime]=#StartTime0, [Pattern]=#Pattern0 where ([CalendarRuleId] = #CalendarRuleId0)',
N'#ModifiedBy0 uniqueidentifier,#EffectiveIntervalEnd0 datetime,#Description0 ntext,#ModifiedOn0 datetime,#GroupDesignator0 ntext,#IsSelected0 bit,#InnerCalendarId0 uniqueidentifier,#TimeZoneCode0 int,#CalendarId0 uniqueidentifier,#IsVaried0 bit,#Rank0 int,#Duration0 int,#StartTime0 datetime,#Pattern0 ntext,#CalendarRuleId0 uniqueidentifier',
#EffectiveIntervalEnd0='2012-01-13 00:00:00',
#Description0=N'Weekly Single Rule',
#ModifiedOn0='2012-03-12 16:02:08',
#StartTime0='2000-01-01 00:00:00',
The key parts in the statement are the setting of the pattern:-
However, as mentioned, no indication of the work hours set.
Am I thinking about this incorrectly or is CRM doing something interesting around these work hours?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated, thanks.

If you look in the CalendarRuleBase table you should see a record with the data you gathered in your trace. You should also see another record created approximately the same time and it will have a CalendarId that equals the InnerCalendarId of the data from the trace. In this record there is a value - Offset which appears to represent the number of minutes past midnight for the start time. There is another value - Duration which appears to be the number of minutes of the shift.
I created work hours from 8-5. My offset was 480 (480/60 = 8) 8 AM start time and the duration was 540 (540/60 = 9) for a 9 hour shift.


Finding statistical outliers in timestamp intervals with SQL Server

We have a bunch of devices in the field (various customer sites) that "call home" at regular intervals, configurable at the device but defaulting to 4 hours.
I have a view in SQL Server that displays the following information in descending chronological order:
DeviceInstanceId uniqueidentifier not null
AccountId int not null
CheckinTimestamp datetimeoffset(7) not null
SoftwareVersion string not null
Each time the device checks in, it will report its id and current software version which we store in a SQL Server db.
Some of these devices are in places with flaky network connectivity, which obviously prevents them from operating properly. There are also a bunch in datacenters where administrators regularly forget about it and change firewall/ proxy settings, accidentally preventing outbound communication for the device. We need to proactively identify this bad connectivity so we can start investigating the issue before finding out from an unhappy customer... because even if the problem is 99% certainly on their end, they tend to feel (and as far as we are concerned, correctly) that we should know about it and be bringing it to their attention rather than vice-versa.
I am trying to come up with a way to query all distinct DeviceInstanceId that have currently not checked in for a period of 150% their normal check-in interval. For example, let's say device 87C92D22-6C31-4091-8985-AA6877AD9B40 has, for the last 1000 checkins, checked in every 4 hours or so (give or take a few seconds)... but the last time it checked in was just a little over 6 hours ago now. This is information I would like to highlight for immediate review, along with device E117C276-9DF8-431F-A1D2-7EB7812A8350 which normally checks in every 2 hours, but it's been a little over 3 hours since the last check-in.
It seems relatively straightforward to brute-force this, looping through all the devices, examining the average interval between check-ins, seeing what the last check-in was, comparing that to current time, etc... but there's thousands of these, and the device count grows larger every day. I need an efficient query to quickly generate this list of uncommunicative devices at least every hour... I just can't picture how to write that query.
Can someone help me with this? Maybe point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I am trying to come up with a way to query all distinct DeviceInstanceId that have currently not checked in for a period of 150% their normal check-in interval.
I think you can do:
select *
from (select DeviceInstanceId,
datediff(second, min(CheckinTimestamp), max(CheckinTimestamp)) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0) as avg_secs,
max(CheckinTimestamp) as max_CheckinTimestamp
from t
group by DeviceInstanceId
) t
where max_CheckinTimestamp < dateadd(second, - avg_secs * 1.5, getdate());

SQL SentryOne Plan Explorer, What is Duration?

I've just started using the SentryOne Plan Explorer to help tune my SQL Server queries, and have a question, I can't seem to find an answer for. What is Duration?
I would think it's the total time it took for the query to run. However, every query I am testing goes much longer in real-time than what ends up showing under Duration.
Below is a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Watching the query run takes over 2 minutes, but the final duration ends up being .770?
Thanks for any insight!
This is the answer provided by SentryOne:
While a query is running, we show clock time on the status bar. However, at the end, we sum up the total duration, in milliseconds, as reported by the trace rows we collected. We subtract duration from any trace rows that are discarded (e.g. events that don't generate plans, like WAITFOR).

Converting string with US date and time format to UK format

I have an application that stores date and time in a string field in an SQL Server 2008 table.
The application stores the date and time according to the regional settings of the PC that is running and we can’t change this behavior.
The problem is that some PCs have to be in UK date format with 12h time (eg. 22/10/2011 1:22:35 pm) some with UK date format with 24h time (eg. 22/10/2011 13:22:25) and some have to be US date format (eg. 10/22/2011 1:22:35 pm) and (eg. 10/22/2011 13:22:25).
Is there any automatic way to change the string every time it changing/added to the table to UK 24h format so it will be always the same format in the database?
Can it be done using some trigger on update or insert? Is there any built-in function that already does that?
Even a script to run it from time to time may be do the job...
I’m thinking to break apart the string to day, month , year, hour, minute, second , AM/PM and then put the day and month part in dd/mm order and somehow change the hour part to 24h if PM, get rid of the “am” and “pm” and then put the modified date/time back to the table.
For example the table has
id datestring value Location
1 15/10/2011 11:55:01 pm BLAHBLAH UK
2 15/10/2011 13:12:20 BLAKBLAK GR
3 10/15/2011 6:00:01 pm SOMESTUFF US
4 10/15/2011 20:16:43 SOMEOTHERSTUFF US
and we want it to be
id datestring value Location
1 15/10/2011 23:55:01 BLAHBLAH UK
2 15/10/2011 13:12:20 BLAKBLAK GR
3 15/10/2011 18:00:01 SOMESTUFF US
4 15/10/2011 20:16:43 SOMEOTHERSTUFF US
We can display the date parts (day,month,year) correctly using the datepart function but with the time part we have problems because it changes too many ways.
Edited to explain some more
mr. p.campbell thanks for the edit .. i didn't know how to beautify it :)
and mr. Matthew, thank you for your quick reply..
We can tell if it is UK date or US date because we have another field i didn't mention with the text "US", "UK", "GR", "IT" according to where the PLC machine is located.
I'm sorry i didn't explain it to well. My english are not so good.
There are two different and independent applications. And they don't have direct relation with the sql server.
The application that only writes data to the database ..lets call it "the writer" for short.. and a different application that reads the data .. lets call it "the reader".
"The writer" is an internal application of a PLC machine that stores values every 1 min to the database that's why we can't change its behavior. It uses the string data type to store the date and the time at the same field according to the regional settings of the pc that a daemon application runs and does the communication between the pc and the PLC machine.
Now "the reader" expects the date and time to be in the format "dd/mm/yyyy 23:23:01" or "yyyy/mm/dd 23:23:01" and the only thing it does for now is doing some calculations with the data in the value field between given dates. eg. from 10/09/2011 10:00:00 to 15/09/2011 14:00:00.
we just need to do something like this ...
select * from table1 where datestring between "10/09/2011 10:00:00" and "15/09/2011 14:00:00"
I could post some of the code but it will be very long post.
At first, I agreed with Matthew, but then I realized that, given the information presented, this actually was possible (well, sorta).
However, some caveats;
You are doing nobody any favors by storing and maintaining the database this way. Your best bet is to change the application to have it give an actual Datetime value, not this mangled string.
This data CANNOT be meaningfully sorted by date or time (not without performing expensive string manipulation).
You appear to be storing all times as local times, but do not appear to be storing a TimeZone or related information. Without this information, you will NOT be able to (completely) correctly translate times 'globally'. For instance, which is later - 4PM in London, or 11AM in New York (for, say, an international conference call)? The answer is that you don't know: it depends on the time of year.
You are storing local times, period. This only works so long as local time is correct. What happens when somebody sets their clock to 1900? You should be storing time based off of the SERVER'S clock.
Your stored timestamp is based on a formatted string. If the user changes how their time is displayed, your data correctness (potentially) goes out the window. For instance, what if somebody removes the am/pm symbols, thinking "I'll look out the window - if the sun is out, it's 'am'"?
Please keep all of that in mind.
As to how to do this....
I'm not going to actually write out the SQL statement for this. Mostly because storing the information this way is pretty terrible. But also because it's going to take a lot of work I'd rather not do. I really recommend stressing to whomever has the keys at your place to get that application changed.
So instead, I'm going to give you a really big clue - and this will only work for so long as your timestamp format remains the same; You should be able to tell what format the date and time are in based on the presence and absence of 'am' and 'pm' in the string (if you don't have both, you're flat-out toast). As Matthew has pointed out, the formatting is also likely different for the date, as well as the time - you will need to translate both. However, this will immediately give you problems due to comparative timestamps (please see point 4, above); any attempt to run scheduling or auditing with this data id pretty much doomed to failure ("When did that happen?" "Well, it's in the UK date format, so..." "But that makes it 1AM here, and he was dead then!").
Most beneficial answer: Change how the information is stored in the database
And then it hits me (especially in light of the new edits) - there are potentially other possibilities that could actually make this work....
First, change your database to actually store some sort of 'globalized' timestamp, based off of the server's clock.
This will of course break your existing application code - it would get a data-type mismatch error. To fix that, rename the table, then create a view, named the same as the original table, that will return the string formatted as indicated in the 'source' column. You'll need to create instead-of triggers for the view, to translate the formatted string to an actual datetime value. The best part is, the application code should never notice the difference. You seem to have indicated that you have sufficient control over the database to allow this to happen; this should allow you to 'fix' the data transparently.
This of course works best if the incoming datetime values are absolute (not local). Hopefully, the values are actually supposed to be 'insert time' - these could likely be safely ignored, in favor of using a special register (like NOW or CURRENT DATE or whatever).
Can't believe this didn't hit me earlier...
You stated that you cannot change the application behavior, thus this is not possible.
Your problem is that your database doesn't know the culture / timezone settings of the client and your client doesn't report it.
You will need to report this data or think of clever ways to infer this information before you can act on it.
EDIT: For example, without knowledge of the client's details how could you tell the difference between the strings:
10/1/2011 12:00:00 (October First, noon, US)
10/1/2011 12:00:00 (January Tenth, noon, UK)

How to calculate blocks of free time using start and end time?

I have a Ruby on Rails application that uses MySQL and I need to calculate blocks of free (available) time given a table that has rows of start and end datetimes. This needs to be done for a range of dates, so for example, I would need to look for which times are free between May 1 and May 7. I can query the table with the times that are NOT available and use that to remove periods of time between May 1 and May 7. Times in the database are stored at a fidelity of 15 minutes on the quarter hour, meaning all times end at 00, 15, 30 or 45 minutes. There is never a time like 11:16 or 10:01, so no rounding is necessary.
I've thought about creating a hash that has time represented in 15 minute increments and defaulting all of the values to "available" (1), then iterating over an ordered resultset of rows and flipping the values in the hash to 0 for the times that come back from the database. I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way of doing this, and I'm a little concerned about the memory utilization and computational intensity of that approach. This calculation won't happen all the time, but it needs to scale to happening at least a couple hundred times a day. It seems like I would also need to reprocess the entire hash to find the blocks of time that are free after this which seems pretty inefficient.
Any ideas on a better way to do this?
I've done this a couple of ways. First, my assumption is that your table shows appointments, and now you want to get a list of un-booked time, right?
So, the first way I did this was like yours, just a hash of unused times. It's slow and limited and a little wasteful, since I have to re-calculate the hash every time someone needs to know the times that are available.
The next way I did this was borrow an idea from the data warehouse people. I build an attribute table of all time slots that I'm interested in. If you build this kind of table, you may want to put more information in there besides the slot times. You may also include things like whether it's a weekend, which hour of the day it's in, whether it's during regular business hours, whether it's on a holiday, that sort of thing. Then, I have to do a join of all slots between my start and end times and my appointments are null. So, this is a LEFT JOIN, something like:
FROM slots
LEFT JOIN appointments
That keeps me from having to re-create the hash every time, and it's using the database to do the set operations, something the database is optimized to do.
Also, if you make your slots table a little rich, you can start doing all sorts of queries about not only the available slots you may be after, but also on the kinds of times that tend to get booked, or the kinds of times that tend to always be available, or other interesting questions you might want to answer some day. At the very least, you should keep track of the fields that tell you whether a slot should be one that is being filled or not (like for business hours).
Why not have a flag in the row that indicates this. As time is allocated, flip the flag for every date/time in the appropriate range. For example May 2, 12pm to 1pm, would be marked as not available.
Then it's a simple matter of querying the date range for every row that has the availability flagged set as true.

SQL Reporting Services Daylight saving time query (pt 2)

I posted a question a couple of days ago (SQL Reporting Services Daylight saving time query) which was I received an answer for (thanks very much) but did not elaborate on the whole problem I am experiencing. Not only did I require the returned date time format to account for day light saving but I also need the search parameter #StartDate to allow for DST.
Currently if I key in a scheduled start time of 31/03/2010 11:00 and because the SQL DB has already taken the hours difference into consideration I get no results back. If I key in 31/03/2010 10:00 then the correct details are returned. Is there away using T-SQL or the like to get the search parameter to pass the adjusted time to the DB?
SQL Server 2008 supports the data type "TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE". Might be worth a try.
You can download a 180-day trial version.
In any case, the timezone for an appointment application is what I'd call critical business information. I'd store it in the database, by one of these methods:
using the right data type
building a user-defined data type
adding a column for time zone info