How to calculate blocks of free time using start and end time? - sql

I have a Ruby on Rails application that uses MySQL and I need to calculate blocks of free (available) time given a table that has rows of start and end datetimes. This needs to be done for a range of dates, so for example, I would need to look for which times are free between May 1 and May 7. I can query the table with the times that are NOT available and use that to remove periods of time between May 1 and May 7. Times in the database are stored at a fidelity of 15 minutes on the quarter hour, meaning all times end at 00, 15, 30 or 45 minutes. There is never a time like 11:16 or 10:01, so no rounding is necessary.
I've thought about creating a hash that has time represented in 15 minute increments and defaulting all of the values to "available" (1), then iterating over an ordered resultset of rows and flipping the values in the hash to 0 for the times that come back from the database. I'm not sure if this is the most efficient way of doing this, and I'm a little concerned about the memory utilization and computational intensity of that approach. This calculation won't happen all the time, but it needs to scale to happening at least a couple hundred times a day. It seems like I would also need to reprocess the entire hash to find the blocks of time that are free after this which seems pretty inefficient.
Any ideas on a better way to do this?

I've done this a couple of ways. First, my assumption is that your table shows appointments, and now you want to get a list of un-booked time, right?
So, the first way I did this was like yours, just a hash of unused times. It's slow and limited and a little wasteful, since I have to re-calculate the hash every time someone needs to know the times that are available.
The next way I did this was borrow an idea from the data warehouse people. I build an attribute table of all time slots that I'm interested in. If you build this kind of table, you may want to put more information in there besides the slot times. You may also include things like whether it's a weekend, which hour of the day it's in, whether it's during regular business hours, whether it's on a holiday, that sort of thing. Then, I have to do a join of all slots between my start and end times and my appointments are null. So, this is a LEFT JOIN, something like:
FROM slots
LEFT JOIN appointments
That keeps me from having to re-create the hash every time, and it's using the database to do the set operations, something the database is optimized to do.
Also, if you make your slots table a little rich, you can start doing all sorts of queries about not only the available slots you may be after, but also on the kinds of times that tend to get booked, or the kinds of times that tend to always be available, or other interesting questions you might want to answer some day. At the very least, you should keep track of the fields that tell you whether a slot should be one that is being filled or not (like for business hours).

Why not have a flag in the row that indicates this. As time is allocated, flip the flag for every date/time in the appropriate range. For example May 2, 12pm to 1pm, would be marked as not available.
Then it's a simple matter of querying the date range for every row that has the availability flagged set as true.


Using Optaplanner for long trip planning of a fleet of vehicles in a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)

I am applying the VRP example of optaplanner with time windows and I get feasible solutions whenever I define time windows in a range of 24 hours (00:00 to 23:59). But I am needing:
Manage long trips, where I know that the duration between leaving the depot to the first visit, or durations between visits, will be more than 24 hours. So currently it does not give me workable solutions, because the TW format is in 24 hour format. It happens that when applying the scoring rule "arrivalAfterDueTime", always the "arrivalTime" is higher than the "dueTime", because the "dueTime" is in a range of (00:00 to 23:59) and the "arrivalTime" is the next day.
I have thought that I should take each TW of each Customer and add more TW to it, one for each day that is planned.
Example, if I am planning a trip for 3 days, then I would have 3 time windows in each Customer. Something like this: if Customer 1 is available from [08:00-10:00], then say it will also be available from [32:00-34:00] and [56:00-58:00] which are the equivalent of the same TW for the following days.
Likewise I handle the times with long, converted to milliseconds.
I don't know if this is the right way, my consultation would be more about some ideas to approach this constraint, maybe you have a similar problematic and any idea for me would be very appreciated.
Sorry for the wording, I am a Spanish speaker. Thank you.
Without having checked the example, handing multiple days shouldn't be complicated. It all depends on how you model your time variable.
For example, you could:
model the time stamps as a long value denoted as seconds since epoch. This is how most of the examples are model if I remember correctly. Note that this is not very human-readable, but is the fastest to compute with
you could use a time data type, e.g. LocalTime, this is a human-readable time format but will work in the 24-hour range and will be slower than using a primitive data type
you could use a date time data tpe, e.g LocalDateTime, this is also human-readable and will work in any time range and will also be slower than using a primitive data type.
I would strongly encourage to not simply map the current day or current hour to a zero value and start counting from there. So, in your example you denote the times as [32:00-34:00]. This makes it appear as you are using the current day midnight as the 0th hour and start counting from there. While you can do this it will affect debugging and maintainability of your code. That is just my general advice, you don't have to follow it.
What I would advise is to have your own domain models and map them to Optaplanner models where you use a long value for any time stamp that is denoted as seconds since epoch.

Finding statistical outliers in timestamp intervals with SQL Server

We have a bunch of devices in the field (various customer sites) that "call home" at regular intervals, configurable at the device but defaulting to 4 hours.
I have a view in SQL Server that displays the following information in descending chronological order:
DeviceInstanceId uniqueidentifier not null
AccountId int not null
CheckinTimestamp datetimeoffset(7) not null
SoftwareVersion string not null
Each time the device checks in, it will report its id and current software version which we store in a SQL Server db.
Some of these devices are in places with flaky network connectivity, which obviously prevents them from operating properly. There are also a bunch in datacenters where administrators regularly forget about it and change firewall/ proxy settings, accidentally preventing outbound communication for the device. We need to proactively identify this bad connectivity so we can start investigating the issue before finding out from an unhappy customer... because even if the problem is 99% certainly on their end, they tend to feel (and as far as we are concerned, correctly) that we should know about it and be bringing it to their attention rather than vice-versa.
I am trying to come up with a way to query all distinct DeviceInstanceId that have currently not checked in for a period of 150% their normal check-in interval. For example, let's say device 87C92D22-6C31-4091-8985-AA6877AD9B40 has, for the last 1000 checkins, checked in every 4 hours or so (give or take a few seconds)... but the last time it checked in was just a little over 6 hours ago now. This is information I would like to highlight for immediate review, along with device E117C276-9DF8-431F-A1D2-7EB7812A8350 which normally checks in every 2 hours, but it's been a little over 3 hours since the last check-in.
It seems relatively straightforward to brute-force this, looping through all the devices, examining the average interval between check-ins, seeing what the last check-in was, comparing that to current time, etc... but there's thousands of these, and the device count grows larger every day. I need an efficient query to quickly generate this list of uncommunicative devices at least every hour... I just can't picture how to write that query.
Can someone help me with this? Maybe point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I am trying to come up with a way to query all distinct DeviceInstanceId that have currently not checked in for a period of 150% their normal check-in interval.
I think you can do:
select *
from (select DeviceInstanceId,
datediff(second, min(CheckinTimestamp), max(CheckinTimestamp)) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0) as avg_secs,
max(CheckinTimestamp) as max_CheckinTimestamp
from t
group by DeviceInstanceId
) t
where max_CheckinTimestamp < dateadd(second, - avg_secs * 1.5, getdate());

Storing large amount of data in Redis / NoSQL or Relational db?

I need to store and access financial market candle stick information.
The amount of candles sticks that I will need to store is beginning to looking staggering (huge). There are 1000s of markets and each one has many trading pairs, and each pair has many time frames, and each time frame is an array of candles like the below. The array below could be for hourly price data or daily price data for example.
I need to make this information available to multiple users at any given time, so need to store it and make it available somehow.
The data looks something like this:
time: 1528761600,
openPrice: 100,
closePrice: 20,
highestPrice: 120,
time: 1528761610,
openPrice: 100,
closePrice: 20,
highestPrice: 120,
time: 1528761630,
openPrice: 100,
closePrice: 20,
highestPrice: 120,
Consumers of the data will mostly be a complex Javascript based charting app, but other consumers will be node code, and perhaps other backend code.
My current best idea is to put save the candlesticks in Redis, though I have also considered a noSQL database. I'm not super experienced in either, so I'm not 100% sure Redis is the right choice. It seems to be the most performant option though, but perhaps harder to work with, since I am having to learn a lot, and I'm not convinced that the method of saving and retrieval used by Redis is going to make this very easy since, I will need to continually add candles to each array.
I'm currently thinking something like:
Do an initial fetch from the candle stick api and either:
Create a Redis hash with a suitable label and stingify the whole array of candles into the hash, so that it back be parsed by Javascript etc
Drawbacks of this approach:
Every time a new candle is created, I have to parse the json, add any new candles sticks and stringify and save it.
Pros of this approach:
I can use Javascript to manage the array and make sure it's sorted etc
Create a Redis list of time stamps, which allows me to just push new candles onto the list and trust it to be in the right order. I can then do a Redis SCAN? to return time stamps between the specific dates and then use the time stamps to pull the data out of a Redis hash. After retriveng all of this, then building a json object similar to above to pass to Javascript.
I have to say that both of these approaches feels way more painfull to me putting the data in a relational database. I imagine that a no-SQL database could also be way easier, but I'm not experienced with them, so I can't say for sure.
I'm a bit lost and out of my experience here, as you can tell, and would love any advice anyone can give me.
Thanks :)
Your data is very regular - each candlestick has essentially 1 64 bit long for timestamp, and 4 32 bit numbers for the prices. This makes it very amenable to bitfield.
Storing the data
Here is how I would store it -
stock-symbol:daily_prices = bitfield with 30 * 5 records, assuming you are storing data for past 30 days
stock-symbol:hourly_prices = bitfield with 24 * 5 records
This way, your memory is (30*5 + 24*5) * 16 bytes = 4320 bytes per symbol + constant overhead per key.
You don't need to store the timestamp (see below). Also, I have assumed 4 bytes to store the price. You can store it as a whole number by eliminating the decimal.
Writing the data
To insert hourly prices, find the current hour (say 07:00 hours). If you treat the bitfield as an array of 4 byte integers, you will have to skip 7 * 4 = 28 integers. You then insert the prices at position 28, 29, 30, 31 (0 based indexes).
So, to store price for AAPL at 07:00 hours, you would run the command
bitfield AAPL:hourly_prices set i32 28 <open price> i32 29 <close price> i32 30 <highest price> i32 31 <lowest price>
You would do something similar for daily prices as well.
Reading Data
If you are building a charting library, most likely you would want to return data for multiple symbols for a given time range. Let's say you want to pull out daily prices for past 7 days, your logic will be -
For each symbol:
Get start and end range within the array
Invoke the Get Range command.
If you run this in a pipeline, it will be very fast.
Other tips
Usually, you would to filter by some property of the symbol. For example, "show me graphs of top 10 tech companies for the last 5 days".
A symbol itself is relational data. I would recommend storing that in a relational database. Just get the symbol names as a list from the relational database, and then fetch the stock prices from redis.
Redis has its limits, like anything, but they're pretty high, and if you're clever about it, you can get amazing performance out of redis. If you outgrow one instance you can start thinking about clustering, which should scale relatively linearly to a level where budget is a bigger concern than performance.
Without having a really great grasp of the data you're describing and its relations, sounds like what you're looking for is a sorted set, perhaps sorted by date. You can ZSCAN a sorted set to move through it sequentially, or you can do lots of other great things against one as well. You might have data that requires a few different things - eg a hash for some data and an entry into an index for the hash itself, or even in a few different indexes. A simple redis list might also do the job for you, since it's inherently ordered by insertion order ( this may or may not work for your cases of course; it may depend on whether your input is inherently temporally ordered).
At the end of the day, redis performance is generally dictated by how "well" the data is stored in redis - in other words, how well the native redis capabilities have been mapped into your problem domain. It's pretty easy to use and to program against. I'd highly recommend you look into it.

Latest date from a date list >180 days in past from a given date in same list

I have a "Appeared date" column A and next to it i have a ">180" date column B. There is also "CONCAT" column C and a "ATTR" column D.
What i want to do is find out the latest date 180 or more from past, and write it in ">180" column, for each date in "Appeared Date" column, where the Concat column values are same.
The Date in >180 column should be more than 180 days from "Appeared date" column in the past, but should also be an earliest date found only from the "Appeared date" column.
Based on this i would like to check if a particular product had "ATTR" = 'NEW' >180 earlier also i.e. was it launched 180 days or more ago and appearing again recently?
Is there an excel formula which can get the nearest dates (>180) picked from the Appeared date and show it in the ">180" column?
Will it involve a mix of SMALL(), FREQUENCY(), MATCH(), INDEX() etc?
Or a VBA procedure is required?
To do this efficiently with formulas, you can use something called Range Slicing to reduce the size of the arrays to be processed, by efficiently truncating them so that they contain just the subset of those 3,000 to 50,000 rows that could possibly hold the correct answer, and THEN doing the actual equality check. (As apposed to your MAX/Array approach, which does computationally expensive array operations on all the rows, even though most of the rows have no relationship with the current row that you seek an answer for).
Here's my approach. First, here's my table layout:
...and here's my formulas:
180: =[#Appeared]-180
LastRow: =MATCH(1,--(OFFSET([Appeared],[#Start],,[#End]-[#Start])>[#180]),0)+[#Start]-1
LastItem: =INDEX([Appeared],[#LastRow])
LastDate > 180: =IF([#Appeared]-[#LastItem]>180,[#LastItem],"")
Days: =IFERROR([#Appeared]-[#[LastDate > 180]],"")
Even with this small data set, my approach is around twice as fast as your MAX approach. And as the size of the data grows, your approach is going to get exponentially slower, as more and more processing power is wasted on crunching rows that can't possibly contain the answer. Whereas mine will get slower in a linear fashion. We're probably talking a difference of minutes, or perhaps even an hour or so at the extremes.
Note that while you could do my approach with a single mega-formula, you would be wise not to: it won't be anywhere near as efficient. splitting your mega-formulas into separate cells is a good idea in any case because it may help speed up calculation due to something called multithreading. Here’s what Diego Oppenheimer, a former program manager for Microsoft Excel, had to say on the subject back in 2005 :
Multithreading enables Excel to spot formulas that can be calculated concurrently, and then run those formulas on multiple processors simultaneously. The net effect is that a given spreadsheet finishes calculating in less time, improving Excel’s overall calculation performance. Excel can take advantage of as many processors (or cores, which to Excel appear as processors) as there are on a machine—when Excel loads a workbook, it asks the operating system how many processors are available, and it creates a thread for each processor. In general, the more processors, the better the performance improvement.
Diego went on to outline how spreadsheet design has a direct impact on any performance increase:
A spreadsheet that has a lot of completely independent calculations should see enormous benefit. People who care about performance can tweak their spreadsheets to take advantage of this capability.
The bottom line: Splitting formulas into separate cells increases the chances of calculating formulas in parallel, as further outlined by Excel MVP and calculation expert Charles Williams at the following links:
Decision Models: Excel Calculation Process
Excel 2010 Performance: Performance and Limit Improvements
I think i found the answer. Earlier i was using the MIN function, though incorrectly, as the dates in the array formula (when you select and hit F9 key) were coming in descending order. So i finally used the MAX function to find the earliest date which was more than 180 in the past.
Check the revised Sample.xlsx which is self-explanatory. I have added the Attr='NEW' criteria in the formula for the final workaround, to find if there were any new items that came 180 days or earlier.
Though still an ADO query alternative may be required to process the large amounts of data.

SDK2 query for counting: which is more efficient?

I have an app that is displaying metrics about defects in a project.
I have the option of making one query that returns all the defects, and from that I can break out about four different metrics (How many defects escaped QA in 90 days, 180 days, and then the same metrics again but only counting sev1/sev2 defects).
I could make four queries and limit the results to one so that I just get a count for each. Or I could make one query that encompass them all (all defects that escaped QA in 180 days) and then count up the difference.
I'm figuring worst case, the number of defects that escaped QA in the last six months will generally be less than 100, certainly less 500 worst case.
Which would you do-- four queryies with one result each, or one single query that on average might return 50, perhaps worst case 500?
And I guess the key question is-- where are the inflections points? Perhaps I have more metrics tomorrow (who knows, 8?) and a different average defect counts. Is there a rule of thumb I could use to help choose which approach?
Well I would probably make the series of four queries and use the result count. If you are expecting 500 defects that will end up being three queries each with 200 defects anyways.
The solution where you do each individual query and use the total result count would be safe with even a very large amount of defects. Plus I usually find it to be a bad plan to think that I know the data sets that an App will be dealing with. Most of my Apps end up living much longer and being used on larger datasets than I intended.
The max page size is 200, so it sounds like you'd be requesting between 1 and 3 pages to get all the data vs. 4 queries with a page size of 1 and using the TotalResultCount...
You'd definitely have less aggregation code to write if you use the multi query approach (letting the server do the counting for you based on your supplied filters).
I'd guess the 4 independent queries might be faster but it would be interesting to hear back your experimental results...