WebBrowser control: how to determine if access is denied to the URL? - webbrowser-control

I'm hosting an instance of a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control in an application and the ASP.NET page this control is navigating to requires Forms Authentication. I'd like to know within my application if the access to the web page had been denied either because the user entered an incorrect credential or because [s]he cancelled the credential input dialog. Is this possible? I've subscribed to both Navigated and DocumentCompleted events but see no indication of the 'access denied' condition.
Thanks much, eugen

Form authentication is implemented by the server. The user gets a web form to authenticate, and the response can be anything as the server programmer is free to code the response. The server programmer may return any HTTP status the programmer see fit, display an too-many-failed-attempt page, or show a database server down notice. There is no universal way to determine the login status.


publish web application in azure facing permission issue with office365

We are doing Office 365 with asp.net mvc , in this example working fine for local system,(we are using VS2015), when i publish to azure web application its successfully published.
After open the URL click the Email button go to login page and enter the credentials its successfully logged and redirect to mail page now it showing some error message, but local working fine everything.
Please let me know anything required after publish.
Oops you've reached an error!
We weren't able to process the action you requested. This was caused by an exception in the below table:
Exception Cause Action
AdalException This exception is thrown when either you have a stale O365 access token that can cause authentication errors, or you attempted to access a resource that you don't have permissions to access.
You'll may need to refresh the access token. Try signing out and signing back in to the app again, or refreshing the session Click here.
Make sure the app is configured with the correct service permissions in the Services Manager menu. If any of these permissions are not configured, or configured incorrectly, some parts of the app may throw an error. For example Right click the project, select Connected Service..., and ensure the following permissions are set for this app:
(Calendar) – Have full access to users’ calendar and Read users' calendar
(Contacts) – Have full access to users’ contacts and Read users' contacts
(Mail) - Send mail as a user, Read and write access to users' mail, and Read users' mail
(Users and Groups) – Enable sign-on and read users’ profiles.

Ajax File Explorer: Avoid login popup (SSO)

We want to integrate "AFE (Ajax File Explorer) into our Drupal application. Our users are authenticated in Drupal and it is not possible for us to ask a second time there login/pwd while opening AFE.
We received a first answer from ITHIT:
Here is how to set login and password:
ajaxFileBrowser.GetSession().SetCredentials('User1', 'pwd');
Please note that this API sets password in XHR. Setting login and
password in XHR does not provide any feedback on weather the login was
successful. That is why in general I would suggest to rely on web
browser login dialog which is displayed automatically instead of
calling SetCredentials.
However it is not clear if it is a real and robust SSO solution. We discovered that Drupal has an webdav SSO module (https://github.com/Awnage/webdavsso), we will also investigate that part. But any comment/help welcomed.
To my understanding there is no way to totally get rid of login dialog when using Basic, Digest, NTLM or Kerberos authentication with Microsoft Office.
Microsoft Office applications always ask for the authentication when used with Basic or Digest authentication. This is a Microsoft Office and Microsoft Mini-redirector limitation and there are no workaround in case your server is using Basic or Digest.
However, if you check "Remember my password" check-box it will still display the login dialog, but the user name and password will be already filled-in, so you just click "OK".
Here are some options to consider if you need to totally suppress login dialog with Microsoft Office:
Use NTLM or Kerberos authentication. In case of NTLM or Kerberos MS
Office asks for credentials only 1 time during first document access.
Implement Office Forms Based Authentication Protocol (MS-OFBA).
Implement Url-authentiation. Your urls will look like:
In case of Url-authentiation make sure you do not include the session ID in query string, Microsoft Office will truncate it. You will have to put session ID somewhere in the path, as in the above example, which is not very convenient, when you need to mount a WebDAV folder in you file system, but still works in most cases.
Possible duplicate here Stackoverflow
I solved that problem in the same manner.

Issues with Worklight authentication

I'm trying to develop a custom login form using Worklight customSecurityTest, based on SingleStepAuthAdapter application sample.
Basically, I've noticed that the login function used in the SingleStepAuthAdapater is always called after that user try to access to a secured function (after that, on login action, secured data are sent to the user), but if i try to call the submitAuthentication function directly, before any attempt to access to a secured function (i have inverted the "login page" with the "get secured data" page), i got the following error/lo on firebug:
The two POST calls are the same function raised two times by Worklight on login action (submitAuthentication function inside the SingleStepAuthAdapter called by singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {})) and the error is related to the fact that authentication is requested twice: probably when the authentication request is performed, this function is issued twice after that the submitSuccess() function is called inside the handleChallenge (in fact, the issue doesn't occurs when i delete the submitSuccess invokation, but WL framework is not notified and, for example the isUserAuthenticated function return false, until the access to a secured resource is performed).
How can fix this behavior? What are the best practices to develop a simple login-form using worklight that allow authentication before any access to a proteced resource? I have found some workarounds (such as perform a fake data request before perform the submitAuthentication, but i hope that you can suggest me a better solution).
I've consulted the infocenter and the getting started modules, but probably due to my fault I'm not able to found any useful information
A common practice is to have an initial blank page or view for your app.
In WLCommonInit, either access a protected resource (that is what getsecretdata is all about), or call WL.Client.login(). Another option (suggested by #tk27) is to secure the app in the application descriptor and set connect on login to true. This will trigger authentication when the app starts.
Your challenge handler should display a login prompt dialog, and when the authentication successfully completes, transition to the first real page of your app.
This way, authentication is still done in response to a challenge from the WL Server (as it must be) but you don't see anything but a blank page to a login prompt until the login is successful.

CAS authentication and limiting access for specified users

I'm using CAS (Central Authentication Service) from Jasig in a client JSF app running on tomcat 6 server. I would like to limit the access to the app just for the users specified in my database rather than all the users which can be authenticated using that CAS service. When the user attempts to log in, I need to check if his username is also in my database's table user and if it is - allow the access to the app. Otherwise, I would like to redirect user to a page "You don't have permission to access this part of the application". So I need authorization as well. Is there a good way to authorize the users in jsf 2.0? Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.
Sounds like you need to design a custom Authentication Handler class in CAS. In theory, your handler would extend this [1], perform all the necessary checks and database look ups and will then be able to return a signal that indicates whether or not the user could authN.
You should then reference your custom handler in the deploerConfigContext.xml file.
For displaying the message, you could either throw an exception with the proper messages code, such that the message would appear above the login form, or you could alter the spring webflow and generate a new view-state which the user would be redirected to, if they fail to get access. The first approach is much easier to implement.
Another approach would be to take advantage of the isUserInRole() method [2] using the persondir api.
[1] http://developer.jasig.org/projects/cas/cas-server-core/cas-server/cas-server-core/apidocs/org/jasig/cas/authentication/handler/support/AbstractUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler.html
[2] https://wiki.jasig.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=47874068

Over-ride Browser Authentication Dialog

Is there a way using Java to over-ride the browser authentication dialog box when a 401 message is received from the web server? I want to know when this dialog is being displayed, and instead of it being given to the user, I fill in the credentials for them.
Overview of application:
i wrote the web server, so essentially i want to stop someone from opening an external browser and putting in the localhost and port to gain access to the data being displayed. my app has an embedded web browser linked to my written server. the browser displays decrypted content, so if i force the auth (even for my embedded browser), an external browser would need credentials. if my embedded browser is trying to access the files, i supply the credentials for the user and display the content
If you don't care about the password showing you can construct the URL so it passes the credentials ex. http://username:password#www.example.com This will by pass the authentication box but will show the user the credentials so also might not be what you are looking for.
SWT 3.5M6 has a new listener within it call AuthenticationListener. It simply listens for authentication event passed from the server and is fired. The code below is what performs the behavior I wanted. It waits for the auth, and if the host is my application, it passes back the credentials. Of course fill in the USER_NAME, PASSWORD and HOST_NAME with appropriate variables. Otherwise it lets the browser auth dialog pop up and makes the user enter the credentials. This code can also be found in the Eclipse SWT snippets page:
webBrowser.addAuthenticationListener(new AuthenticationListener()
public void authenticate(AuthenticationEvent event) {
try {
URL url = new URL(event.location);
if (url.getHost().equals(HOST_NAME))
event.user = USER_NAME;
event.password = PASSWORD;
/* do nothing, let default prompter run */
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
/* should not happen, let default prompter run */
your question is a bit unclear. The whole basic authentication is based on HTTP Headers.
If the browser gets an authorization header than it displays the dialog. The content from the dialog is then send back to the server. There is nothing special about it. It iser username:password in base64 encoded. Have a look at
The problem is how you want to interfere. You would have to capture the authorization header and then for the next request you have to alter the HTTP header to include the credentials.
hope that helps
I think this is mostly browser-dependent behavior and what the server reports to the browser.
For example, Internet Explorer, being a Microsoft product, directly supports automatic sending of Windows credentials (you can modify this behavior in your Internet Settings) after an anonymous request fails in a 401.
Firefox, for example, does not and will always prompt the user even if it was set to remember the id and password via the password manager. IE will also prompt if auto-login fails (such as your Windows credentials still result in a 401 because you're id isn't allowed).
I don't think, as a web developer, you have much control over this besides setting up your server and app to work in the most expected and harmonious way... if you could, this might get into black hat territory.
If you want to control what is displayed to the user for authentication, you can change the auth-method in the login-config section of the web.xml from BASIC to FORM.
Then you can specify what page should be displayed when the user is authenticating, and, I suppose, pre-fill the credentials for them...but doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of security?
Setting up Authentication for Web Applications
Edit after further details:
My only suggestion would be to change the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT and require two-way SSL, where the client is also required to present a certificate to the server. If you install the certificate into your embedded browser (and make sure external browsers can't get the certificate) then you should be OK. And actually this should stop any authentication dialog from being displayed.