What facebook API do I use to remotely publish things to user's walls from my FB App? - facebook-apps

I have a FB App that a user will subscribe to via some client (Android or Web), but that later needs to post stuff to their wall (not from the client but from the server). Assuming I have the FB-AppID, and Key and the user's UserId, and they have opted into the app, what is the API I would use to then post stuff to their wall via WGET from my server? I'm confused by all their various methodologies, and am hoping to get pointed towards the one that's the most HTTP friendly.

Please check out the "posts/Create" section under https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/.
You will need publish_stream permission to push the same to facebook.
Also, you will need a valid access_token from FB which is linked to the user who has logged into your app. A standard access_token will work only for a fixed amount of time since it was last provided to you (typically 30 minutes).
If you wish to post after the said time (basically anytime), then you will need the offline_access permission also.
In essence, if you need to do a post offline, then you need to necessarily have an access token with both "offline_access" and "publish_stream" permissions.

You can use Facebook Graph API. This api is HTTP based and support REST services.
Here is the link -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/
You must be login in Facebook to access this page.


Can I log in a user with email and password from node using the Firebase Admin SDK

With Firebase's Admin SDK, I want to allow a user to login (verify the user with my Firebase instance) without any JavaScript on the front end. Just an old fashioned POST, with the form data in the request body.
Then in node (server side) verify the email and password on the back-end, retrieve a token, update the user's session, pass back a cookie, etc. I've been digging around various examples and the Firebase Admin SDK docs but have not found an answer.
I can do it if I run the non-admin-SDK Firebase module, in node, but this seems like an odd approach to me, especially as I need the Admin SDK for some other things.
I could see why they want to force a "triangle" approach like say payment auths use.
Authorize with Firebase on the front end and pass a token to the back-end.
Not allowing the password to possibly be sent or stored on the node server unencrypted.
But I want to pass as little JS to the client as possible and I want my site (MPA) to be progressive (not need JS). It seems odd they would not address this in their docs. Other than in some explanation of how to write one's own validation or integrate with another.
If anyone can describe how this can be done or what the recommended approach is, I would be very happy.
Firebase's Admin SDKs are designed to be stateless, so don't have a concept of a current user. The recommended approach is what Firebase Authentication does, sign in on the client and pass an ID token with every request/connection to establish the identity of the user.
If you don't want to use Firebase's SDKs in your client-side application, you can call the REST API. I'm not sure if you can construct the right call with a FORM post though.
Also check:
Sign in with Firebase-Admin using node.js, the main answer is the recommend approach.
How to authenticate an user in firebase-admin in nodejs? shows how to sign in a user in Node.js with the regular/non-Admin SDK. This is probably closest to what you want to accomplish.

Linkedin Connect not using Linkedin website cookie?

I implemented a Linkedin connection in one of my apps. It works great but I need to enter my Linkedin credentials even if I'm already connected on Linkedin's website.
Note my picture in the upper right corner.
When I authenticate on Linkedin's website, I have something like 10 minutes during which I don't need to authenticate, just accept my application's permissions requirements.
I would like to get this behavior as long as I'm connected to Linkedin's website. For instance, I would like that a user that comes on my application, if he's already logged on Linkedin, only needs to accept my permissions requirements.
well this is totally up to your server. if you reboot the service/app then yes you have to log in. but once a user is loggedin you can use the refresh token to keep him logged in as long is possible (unless he logs out himself).
if this does accure while the app isnt getting any restart. you should definitly look at the refresh token.

How to tie an account from a backend server to a google assistant user

I have a web application setup to handle webhook requests from an Actions-on-Google/Dialogflow application using the Google Assistant. Users don't need to sign-in to a google account in order to use my web application and I'd prefer to keep it that way, so that users can sign in with any email address.
I also want my users to be able to interact with my application using the Google Assistant, and be able to access personal/contextual data via the assistant (i.e. when a speaker says, "what's on my shopping list", the web app needs to be able to know what my means).
Currently, I have this working by using my web app to issue a unique short code to my user (in the web app UI) and then with an intent on the Assistant where the speaker says "My code is 1-2-3-4" and then my web app can identify the user from then on (by saving the userId from the webhook request to whatever user got the short code 1234 and then using that userId to lookup the user on each subsequent request.)
My question is, is there a better way to do this? Ideally, in my web app, I'd like to have something like an "Authorize Google Assistant" button, which would then link the user's google account to their web-app account, so that the conversation on the Assistant is seamless.
Has anyone done this before?
This is the perfect use case for Account Linking with the Google Assistant.
From your users' perspective, they will start to use your Action. If they're doing so through a speaker and they haven't linked the account yet, they'll be directed to a mobile device to do so. On a mobile device, they'll be redirected to a page on your website where they will been to authenticate themselves and authorize your server to let them in through the Assistant. Once they have done so, they won't need to log in again, the accounts will be linked, and they'll be able to use the voice Action without further obstruction.
From your perspective as a developer, you'll need to setup an OAuth2 server (I suggest the code flow). That login process I mentioned is the first step in the OAuth dance, and will end up with you issuing a code to Google. They will then exchange this code for an Auth Token (with a limited lifetime) and a Refresh Token (which does not expire). They will periodically use the Refresh Token to get new, valid, Auth Tokens for this user. When the user issues a voice command, the Auth Token will be passed as a field in the JSON to your fulfillment server, and you can use this to verify who the user is and that they are authorized to use your service.

Google Authentication via PHP Client Library/oAuth2

I have searched long and far for this on Google Identity documentation but my question seems to be out of it's scope (https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2).
This is what I have:
I have an app that is using Google's PHP Client library to authenticate a user via oAuth2. My application stores the retrieved token & refresh token from a user. I am able to use this token and refresh token to pull in information from various Google API's (Drive, Calendar, Mail, etc). I am also storing a cookie in browser to keep the user logged in to the application when the user closes the browser. I have created a simple way for users to login to the application via a QR code that matches up their stored token and refresh token. After the first login they are able to simply use a badge to login to the application.
This is what I want but don't know how to do
When a user logs into the application with their QR badge everything work perfectly (I am still able to pull in anything via the PHP Client Library/Google API's), however when a user goes to Gmail, Drive, or other Google service, Google is asking them to login (it's because they are not technically authenticated with accounts.google.com (only my application)). Is there a way to programmatically authenticate a user to accounts.google.com via a stored token/refresh token?
I was searching for a proper way to implement authentication of users with Google accounts into an app I'm developing. One thing led to another and I found this:
They have a few implementations depending on how you may wish to implement OAuth2 (via separate repositories). I believe this directly answers your question, albeit 3.4 years later. Hopefully it will help someone else who is looking for this info.

OAuth2 Troubles with PicasaWeb API

I have spent the last couple of nights bashing my head against the wall amongst a see of conflicting out of date documentation and semi-helpful blog posts that were/are appropriate to what I am trying to do.
Essentially I want to write a wee personal app do download my images from PicasaWeb/Google+ and store them on my local hard disk.
I have managed to do the following:
Figured out the GData API for the appropriate request to get private album data (works fine in my 'google-logged-in' chrome browser)
Got the correct private data back from my GData URL with the token generated by the OAuth playground.
Managed to get an OAuth2 token back from https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token using JWT.
However - when I try my access token I generate myself I get back a forbidden response with the message 'Not authorized to view access private'.
I am pretty stumped - my only guess is that my service account configured in google developers console doesn't actually have access to my personal google stuff like google+ photos. When I look in there I can see the OAuth playground has access. How do I give my app access - and do I need to in this scenario?
Thanks in advance,
"my only guess is that my service account configured in google developers console doesn't actually have access to my personal google stuff".
Totally correct.
I guess I see 2-3 questions per month on SO where people have made the false assumption that a Service Account is some kind of proxy to their Google Account. It isn't. It's a completely new and independent account.
The two approaches you can take are:-
Share the items to the Service Account so it has permission to access them.
Give your app direct access to your Picassa account. See How do I authorise an app (web or installed) without user intervention? (canonical ?) for the steps involved.