how to convert Token data type of my access token into String data type - scribe

Scribe gives access token having data type Token .
But restFB api for accessing facebook in java requied token in the datatype String.
So how can i convert Token data type into String.?

The token class has 3 useful methods:
getToken ( returns the access/request token )
getSecret ( returns the access/request token_secret )
getRawResponse ( returns the full http response )
Don't know what you mean by "datatype String" but you should be able to extract the information you need from these.


Authorization Header and Base64 Encoding in VimeoAPI

I am new to the world of APIs and Auth, and would certainly appreciate any help. I am attempting to authorize and receive a token through the Vimeo API (OAuth2). My question is how to properly set the value of the Authorization Header. (Table below from:
Set value to
basic base64_encode(x:y), where x is the client identifier and y is the client secret
In this table is base64_encode plain text that I need to write, or does this denote a function I need to use in my language that converts x:y into Base64? M Language, in my case.
Also, are my clientID and clientSecret ready to put into the header "as-is" or do they themselves need to be converted into Base64 before being used as auth for the token endpoint?
The gist of my confusion is how exactly I should write the authorization header, because I keep getting the error "[invalid_client] A valid client ID must be provided along with any request made to Vimeo's API" when trying to POST to the token endpoint.
Thank you for any help!
The idea that you should use some sort of function to encode your clientID and secret is correct.
If you are using javascript the code might looks something like this
const clientId = 'client_id';
const clientSecret = 'client_secret';
// btoa() is a javascript built-in that base64 encodes a string
const authorizationValue = 'Basic ' + btoa( clientId + ':' + clientSecret );
You can read more about btoa() on Mozilla's documentation website. security token generated invalid (Golang)

Having problem getting security token generated from my server to work properly. I modified the basicLive.js of the demo in AgoraWebSDK-NG to work with my server. I'm using the Golang api provided by Agora to generate the token. Some information:
AppID: ---
App Certificate: ---
channel name: liveshow10
uid: 51495 (I assume Agora does not care about this as long as it is uint32)
token expiration seconds: 3600
generated token: 006cb08a5a2ddc049f79f29d9b52e5909b0IABKKxbI64sFWnkyEICQrL+0DeTsrN9ckKMkDj/oir36aV+tq536WyGcIgCHHmUFHNv6XgQAAQCsl/leAgCsl/leAwCsl/leBACsl/le
But I'm getting bunch of error in the console. I think it boils down to an authorization error the token generated somehow is invalid. Below is the browser console and thanks for any help:
For anyone following along, the issue was related to UID. In the above code the token is generate specifically for UID 51495 but in the Agora Demo, the JoinChannel method passes null as the UID value which tells the SDK to generate its own UID for that user.
When attempting to join a channel with a different UID than the one used to generate the token, you will receive an error.
If you want to generate a token that can be used by any user, you need to set the UID to 0 in the token generation, and then you can use any UID join the channel with this token.
Update: The UID 0 detail can be found in the Token Server API reference within the UID parameter description

Get new access token with Authorization Code OAuth2 - Using Robot framework

I have some troubles with getting Access token with grant type authorization code using Robot framework with Oauth2.
We use also a username/password authentication and after give the following parameters we get back our access token:
Grant Type, Callback URL, Auth URL, Access Token URL, Client ID, Client Secret, Scope, State.
I tried with RequestsLibrary and ExtendedRequestsLibrary as well, but no success so far.
Actually I do not know how to add parameters: callback url, auth url, access token url and state.
First try - using RequestsLibrary
Get admin token
&{HEADER_TOKEN}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=${CONTENT_TYPE}
&{DATA_TOKEN}= Create Dictionary token_name=backend_token grant_type=${GRANT_TYPE} redirect_uri =${CALLBACK_URL} auth_url=${AUTH_URL} access_token_url=${ACCESS_TOKEN_URL} client_id=${CLIENT_ID} client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET} scope=${SCOPE} state=${STATE} username=${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD}
${BACKEND_RESPONSE}= RequestsLibrary.Post Request ${BACKEND_SESSION} /oauth/token data=${DATA_TOKEN} headers=${HEADER_TOKEN}
Log to console ${BACKEND_RESPONSE}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${BACKEND_RESPONSE.status_code} 200
Second try - using ExtendedRequestsLibrary
Get brand new admin token
${SESSION_RESPONSE}= Create Password Oauth2 Session client ${TOKEN_URL} ${CLIENT_ID} ${CLIENT_SECRET} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} base_url=${BASE_URL}
&{HEADER_TOKEN}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=${CONTENT_TYPE}
&{DATA_TOKEN}= Create Dictionary token_name=client grant_type=${GRANT_TYPE} callback_url=${CALLBACK_URL} auth_url=${AUTH_URL} access_token_url=${ACCESS_TOKEN_URL} client_id=${CLIENT_ID} client_secret=${CLIENT_SECRET} scope=${SCOPE} state=${STATE}
${BACKEND_RESPONSE}= ExtendedRequestsLibrary.Post Request client /oauth/token data=${DATA_TOKEN} headers=${HEADER_TOKEN}
Log to console ${BACKEND_RESPONSE}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${BACKEND_RESPONSE.status_code} 200
Log to console ${BACKEND_RESPONSE.status_code}
If you have any idea just let me know.
using RequestsLibrary try with this approach it should work:-
Create Session baseUri verify=True
&{params}= Create Dictionary client_id=${client_id} client_secret=${client_secret} grant_type=${grant_type}
&{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
${resp}= Post Request baseUri /oauth/token none none ${params} ${headers}
Log to Console ${resp.json()['access_token']}
Status Should Be 200 ${resp}
you are passing data=${DATA_TOKEN} as a body in your post request. You need to send it as query params. First parameter will be alias 2nd is uri 3rd is data 4th is Json and 5th is query params so in
Post Request baseUri /oauth/token none none ${params} ${headers}
you will find 3rd and 4th parameter as none. Hope this works

Authorization type Bearer Token on Postman

I'm trying test a few endpoints using Postman.
All endpoint, require a token which can be obtain by log-in.
So I did this :
Request #1
After login success, I have access to the token from the response, then I store that token in my global variable.
let token = pm.response.json().location
console.log('Token : ', token.split("?token=")[1]);
pm.globals.set("token", token)
I need to use that token as Authorization type Bearer Token for my request #2.
I can copy & paste that in the token box, but I tried to avoid doing that manually, is there a way to do it automatically so I can run these 2 requests in sequence?
At first, create an environment ( top right corner of postman - image below ) This
is not a mandatory step by I suggest you to do for better handling of variables
I have modified the script to suit your need
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("ID", jsonData.Location.split("?token=")[1]);
Now this will export the value of the token ( screenshot below )
All you have to do next is to call the variable in request #2
By this you don't have to manually copy, paste into request #2 every single time
NO there isn't any till now. It has to be done manually if you want to have complete value or else you can store it in a variable and use that variable directly for the token.

Trying to get rtmp stream to work

How do I get the token?
Their source website says something like this:
var token="";
$.getJSON("", function(json) {
token = json.token;
the token is stored in your variable,named "token"
It was declared when it was defined as the JSON object also named "token", which was established from the getJSON function
you can find your token in the console by typing in the following
// Do understand that this token expires.. Maybe every 15 min? hour? day? week? month? You should find this out so that you may know how long before you have to get a new token or if you can find a way to redeem/renew the token.