Oracle database check reservation with SQL - sql

Hi am I am creating a database which allows users to make a reservation to a restaurant. Below is my data model for the database.
My question is i am a little confused with how i would check for tables that are available on a given night. The restaurant has 15 tables for any night with 4 people to a table (Groups can be 4 - 6 big, groups larger than 4 will take up two tables).
How would i query the database to return the tables which are available on a given night.
This is what i have tried. (Some of it is pseudo as i am not quite sure how to do it)
SELECT tables.table_id
FROM tables
LEFT JOIN table_allocation
ON tables.table_id = table_allocation.table_id
WHERE table_allocation.table_id is NULL;
This returns the well empty rows as it is checking for the none presence of the table. I am not quite sure how i would do the date bit test.

To find TABLE rows that have no TABLE_ALLOCATION rows on a given THEMED_NIGHT.TEME_NIGHT_DATE, you should be able to do something like this:
THEME_NIGHT_NAME = :the_date
In plain English:
Join TABLE_ALLOCATION, RESERVATION and THEMED_NIGHT and accept only those that are on the given date (:the_date).
Discard the TABLE rows that are related to the tuples above (NOT IN).
Those TABLE rows that remain are free for the night.

SELECT tables.table_id
FROM tables t
FROM table_allocation a
JOIN reservation r
ON a.reservation_id = r.reservation_id and
r.`TIME` between :Date and :Date+1
WHERE t.table_id = a.table_id)
Note: will only return tables that are not booked at any point on the day in question.


SQL Query across two tables only show most recently updated result per tag address

I have two tables: violator_state and violator_tags
This table holds the "tags" which has an unchanging row count of 10 in this case. The purpose is to list out each tag present, connect the full tag address (m_violator_tag) with its shorthand name (m_tag) and state whether it is in "violation". I need to use this table as reference because of the link between m_violator_tag and m_tag.
This table is constantly having new rows added to it holding the information of what tags are in violation with a specific tag. So it would show T6 in violation with T1,T2,T9 ect.
I am looking to create a query which joins the two tables to show only the most recently updated (largest m_eval_time_from) for each tag.
I am using the following query to join the two tables but I expect m_translatedid and m_tag to match but they do not. Unsure why.
SELECT violator_state.m_violator_tag, violator_state.is_violating, violator_state.m_translatedid, violator_tags.m_tag, violator_tags.m_eval_time_to, violator_tags.m_tag_peers,
violator_tags.m_tag_position, violator_tags.m_eval_time_from
FROM violator_tags CROSS JOIN
Violation_state table
violation_tags table
results of my (incorrect) query
Any suggestions on what I should try?
Your CROSS JOIN will give you a cartesian product where EVERY row in the first table is paired with ALL the rows in the second table e.g. if you have 10 rows in each, you will get 10 x 10 = 100 rows in the result! I believe you need to join the tables on the m_tag column and select the violator_tags row with the latest date. The query below should do this for you (though you haven't provided your question in a manner that makes it easy for me to double-check my code - see the link provided by a_horse_with_no_name for more on this or use a website like db-fiddle to set up your example).
SELECT vs.m_violator_tag,
FROM violator_tags vt
JOIN violator_state vs
ON vt.m_tag = vs.m_tag
AND vt.m_eval_time_from = (SELECT MAX(vt.m_eval_time_from)
FROM violator_tags
WHERE m_tag = vt.m_tag)

SQL Server 2012 Database Slowness

So we have a system that uses two columns as the unique ID the userid as well as the a date. We have to keep every record that has ever been associated with a particular subject so there are no deleted records. So one subject can have 50 records. The database designer created views to get the latest row for a subject. Database is really not that huge in terms of record count we are roughly at 750000 records.
The view is written for every table very similar to:
Select Username,
From users
where USerID = 000
and UserUpdatedDate = (
Select MAX(UserUpdatedDate)
users a
We are seeing a major slowness, any suggestions would be welcomed?
We are rewriting some queries using temp tables, it seems to be quicker. Is this a good thing or bad in long haul
Replace this subquery
(Select MAX(UserUpdatedDate) FROM users a WHERE a.USerID = UserID ) with a join - subqueries are slow

What's the most efficient way to exclude possible results from an SQL query?

I have a subscription database containing Customers, Subscriptions and Publications tables.
The Subscriptions table contains ALL subscription records and each record has three flags to mark the status: isActive, isExpire and isPending. These are Booleans and only one flag can be True - this is handled by the application.
I need to identify all customers who have not renewed any magazines to which they have previously subscribed and I'm not sure that I've written the most efficient SQL query. If I find a lapsed subscription I need to ignore it if they already have an active or pending subscription for that particular magazine.
Here's what I have:
SELECT DISTINCT, Subscriptions.publicationName
FROM Subscriptions
LEFT JOIN Customers
ON Subscriptions.id_Customer =
LEFT JOIN Publications
ON Subscriptions.id_Publication =
WHERE Subscriptions.isExpired = 1
( SELECT * FROM Subscriptions s2
WHERE s2.id_Publication = Subscriptions.id_Publication
AND s2.id_Customer = Subscriptions.id_Customer
AND s2.isPending = 1 )
( SELECT * FROM Subscriptions s3
WHERE s3.id_Publication = Subscriptions.id_Publication
AND s3.id_Customer = Subscriptions.id_Customer
AND s3.isActive = 1 )
I have just over 50,000 subscription records and this query takes almost an hour to run which tells me that there's a lot of looping or something going on where for each record the SQL engine is having to search again to find any 'isPending' and 'isActive' records.
This is my first post so please be gentle if I've missed out any information in my question :) Thanks.
I don't have your complete database structure, so I can't test the following query but it may contain some optimization. I will leave it to you to test, but will explain why I have changed, what I have changed.
select Distinct, Subscriptions.publicationName
from Subscriptions
join Customers on Subscriptions.id_Customer =
join Publications
ON Subscriptions.id_Publication =
Where Subscriptions.isExpired = 1
And Not Exists
(select * from Subscriptions s2
join Customers on s2.id_Customer =
join Publications
ON s2.id_Publication =
where s2.id_Customer = s2.id_customer and
(s2.isPending = 1 or s2.isActive = 1))
If you have no resulting data in Customer or Publications DB, then the Subscription information isn't useful, so I eliminated the LEFT join in favor of simply join. Combine the two Exists subqueries. These are pretty intensive if I recall so the fewer the better. Last thing which I did not list above but may be worth looking into is, can you run a subquery with specific data fields returned and use it in an Exists clause? The use of Select * will return all data fields which slows down processing. I'm not sure if you can limit your result unfortunately, because I don't have an equivalent DB available to me that I can test on (the google probably knows).
I suspect there are further optimizations that could be made on this query. Eliminating the Exists clause in favor of an 'IN' clause may help, but I can't think of a way right now, seeing how you've got to match two unique fields (customer id and the relevant subscription). Let me know if this helps at all.
With a table of 50k rows, you should be able to run a query like this in seconds.

SQL queries with different results

I have two tables that I try to join over one field and it gives me different results in two queries that should give same results. Queries are:
SELECT * FROM tblCustomer tca
WHERE tca.PhoneNumber IN(
SELECT ts.SubscriptionNumber FROM sub.tblSubscription ts
WHERE ts.ServiceTypeID=4
AND ts.SourceID=-1
SELECT tca.*
FROM sub.tblSubscription ts
inner JOIN tblCustomer tca
ON ts.SubscriptionNumber = tca.PhoneNumber
WHERE ts.ServiceTypeID = 4
AND ts.SourceID = -1
How is this possible?
I'm assuming a customer can have multiple subscriptions, right? Let's assume you have 5 customers, each with 2 subscriptions...
When doing a SELECT ... FROM Customer WHERE IN (Subscription), you will receive 5 customer records, because each of those 5 customers are in fact in the subscription table, even though the subscription table will have 10 records. You are inherently asking the database for the data from one table, where the value of one of it's fields exists in another table. So it will only return the distinct records in the FROM table, irrespective of the amount of data in the WHERE IN table.
On the other hand, INNER JOINing the Customer table with the subscription table will return 5 customers x 2 subscriptions each = 10 records. By JOINing the tables you are asking the database for ALL the data in each table, where the data is matched up against specific fields.
So yes, the 2 queries will definitely give you different results.

How can I compare two tables and delete on matching fields (not matching records)

Scenario: A sampling survey needs to be performed on membership of 20,000 individuals. Survey sample size is 3500 of the total 20000 members. All membership individuals are in table tblMember. Same survey was performed the previous year and members whom were surveyed are in tblSurvey08. Membership data can change over the year (e.g. new email address, etc.) but the MemberID data stays the same.
How do I remove the MemberID/records contained tblSurvey08 from tblMember to create a new table of potential members to be surveyed (lets call it tblPotentialSurvey09). Again the record for a individual member may not match from the different tables but the MemberID field will remain constant.
I am fairly new at this stuff but I seem to be having a problem Googling a solution - I could use the EXCEPT function but the records for the individuals members are not necessarily the same from one table to next - just the MemberID may be the same.
* (replace with column list)
member m
tblSurvey08 s08
ON m.member_id = s08.member_id
s08.member_id IS NULL
will give you only members not in the 08 survey. This join is more efficient than a NOT IN construct.
A new table is not such a great idea, since you are duplicating data. A view with the above query would be a better choice.
I apologize in advance if I didn't understand your question but I think this is what you're asking for. You can use the insert into statement.
insert into tblPotentialSurvey09
select your_criteria from tblMember where tblMember.MemberId not in (
select MemberId from tblSurvey08
First of all, I wouldn't create a new table just for selecting potential members. Instead, I would create a new true/false (1/0) field telling if they are eligible.
However, if you'd still want to copy data to the new table, here's how you can do it:
INSERT INTO tblSurvey00 (MemberID)
FROM tblMember m
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tblSurvey09 s WHERE s.MemberID = m.MemberID)
If you just want to create a new field as I suggested, a similar query would do the job.
An outer join should do:
select m_09.MemberID
from tblMembers m_09 left outer join
tblSurvey08 m_08 on m_09.MemberID = m_08.MemberID
m_08.MemberID is null