Backbone using GET instead of PUT or POST - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm having some issues with a Backbone project that I am working on.
I have the following model:
class App.Models.Purchaseorder extends Backbone.Model
url: ->
base = 'api/purchaseorders'
if this.isNew()
base + '/' +;
urlRoot: 'api/purchaseorders'
When I run the following in the console:
po = new App.Models.Purchaseorders;
po.set({'po_number': '1234', 'locale': 'Home', 'po_date': '3/22/2012'});
it appears to set the attributes correctly. However, if I run
I would expect it to do a POST request to the api/purchaseorders URL. When I debug through the save() and sync() functions in the Backbone JS, it looks like it is indeed running a POST, but at the last minute, it looks as if it is really doing a GET
I am a little confused as to why this would be happening. I am having similar issues when trying to do an update -- which should be doing a PUT. I am assuming something is funky in the model, but I have no clue what it could be.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I tested the code you have in the question (had to call new App.Models.Purchaseorder, without the s, though FYI) and it does a POST as expected.
What version of Backbone and Underscore are you using?
Here's a fiddle.


Spring Data Rest 2.4 doesn't work with {?page,size,sort} links

I've faced with the following problem:
Spring Data Rest version:
When i perform the query: http://localhost:8080/data/entities/ - the base query for my Rest servlet.
It produces the links for all entities i have. The links has the following standard form:
"entityA": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/data/entities/entitiA{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
When i try to perform the generated link:
I have 404 NotFound exception.
But when i execute
it works fine.
Do you have any ideas about it or could you suggest any solution to execute links in the format:
Sometimes it is worth to look at the documentation ;-)
{?page,size,sort} is a template. It tells you which request parameters the resource supports. You are not supposed to use a templated link as it is in the response - you expand it first.
So a request like this should be working

JayData oData request with custom headers - ROUND 2

Few month back I was working on some Odata WCF project and I had some problems with parsing custom headers for token auth (apiKey).
At that time, being quite a noob (still am!), I posted this SO question: JayData oData request with custom headers
Today I am working on a new project with Jaydata Odata server and client library and this:
application.context.prepareRequest = function (r) {
r[0].headers['apikey'] = '123456';
was working fine till I had to do a MERGE request. I found out that somehow MERGE request was overriding my headers so I investigated further.
It appears at first that in the oDataProvider.js (~line 617) in the _saveRest method the headers are not inherited:
request = {
requestUri: this.providerConfiguration.oDataServiceHost + '/',
headers: {
MaxDataServiceVersion: this.providerConfiguration.maxDataServiceVersion
but a few lines later we get:, requestData);
which "should" call my own prepareRequest, but doesnt... Instead it still points to:
//Line 11302 jaydata.js
prepareRequest: function () { },
which of course does... nothing! Funnilly enough, when you execute a simple GET the same code supposedly on the same context instance works and points to my prepareRequest override.
I can assert with enough confidence that somehow the context between GET/MERGE is not the same instance. I cant see, however, any place where the context instance is reassigned.
Has anyone got a clue?
PS: this is NOT a CORS issue. My OPTIONS is passing fine and manually feeding the headers in oDataProvider works.
I followed the lead on different context instances and found something interesting. calling ends up calling the EntityContext constructor. see trace:
$data.Class.define.constructor (jaydata.js:10015)
EntityContext (VM110762:7)
Service (VM110840:8)
storeToken.factory (jaydata.js:14166)
$data.Class.define._getContextPromise (jaydata.js:13725)
$data.Class.define._getStoreContext (jaydata.js:13700)
$data.Class.define._getStoreEntitySet (jaydata.js:13756)
$data.Class.define.EntityInstanceSave (jaydata.js:13837)
$data.Entity.$ (jaydata.js:9774)
(anonymous function) (app.js:162) // My save()
That explains why I get two different instances...
Replacing the prepareRequest function direcly in the class definition works, but its ugly!
for now I can cope with this:
$data.EntityContext.prototype.prepareRequest = function (r) {
r[0].headers['apikey'] = '12345';
This works fine as long as you only need to talk to a single endpoint.
Final word based on my experience
As much as I like JayData, it is obvious that they created a monster and its getting out of their hands (poor forum, no community, half-documented,...).
I chose JD because I was lazy and wanted to keep working with my old WCF DataService. Switching to Web API seemed wrong or too much work for me.
Also as a .net dev I liked strong typing of my entities and the ability to work with a concrete model generated from the JD tools. However, in the end, I was adding confusion. Every time my server side model changed I had to fetch the new metadata and scaffold a new entityModel.
I ended up by switching to Web Api and migrated my data service layer to Breeze. And seriously! its a breeze to work with it!
The documentation is absolutely brilliant and here on S.O you can always count on Ward or Jay Tarband to reply with a very high amount of professionalism.
In the end I realize this should probably be more a wiki than a Question.....

Testing Backbone Model with Jasmine and Sinon - Object #<Object> has no method 'spy'

I am trying to learn how to use Jasmine and Sinon for testing a Backbone application, and I was following this tutorial. Nevertheless, I ran into a problem that I don't know how to solve.
Most likely the solution is simple, but I need some guidance ...
In my project.spec.js file this is the code that is giving the problem:
it("should not save when name is empty", function() {
var eventSpy = sinon.spy();
this.project.bind("error", eventSpy);{"name": ""});
"cannot have an empty name"
And this is the specific error that can be seen in the browser:
Failing 1 spec
7 specs | 1 failing
Project model should not save when name is empty.
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'spy'
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'spy'
at null.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8888/__spec__/models/project.spec.js:53:26)
at jasmine.Block.execute (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:1024:15)
at jasmine.Queue.next_ (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2025:31)
at jasmine.Queue.start (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:1978:8)
at jasmine.Spec.execute (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2305:14)
at jasmine.Queue.next_ (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2025:31)
at onComplete (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2021:18)
at jasmine.Suite.finish (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2407:5)
at null.onComplete (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2451:10)
at jasmine.Queue.next_ (http://localhost:8888/__JASMINE_ROOT__/jasmine.js:2035:14)
In addition to the sinon.js library, I have installed the jasmine-sinon.js library (both are in the vendor/assets/javascripts folder and are included in the application.js file).
Thank you,
I faced this problem when I downloaded sinon.js file from GitHub (without Sinon folder). I solved the problem by downloading the library from
I'm going to post this as an answer, based on the comment thread above. We've narrowed down the problem to the line where sinon.spy() is called, so it's not specific to this test but to how sinon is being loaded.
I suspect the problem is that you're including sinon and jasmine-sinon in application.js, when they should really go in spec/javascripts/spec.js (in the same format). Try changing that and see if anything changes.
Based on the comment thread below, it seems the code is getting to the line but the validations aren't working: I know this because if you're getting a POST error in the console, it means that backbone actually made the request (which it should not have because the name is empty). So you should go back and check the code you are actually testing.
I know this thread is old, but I had a similar issue today with this when going through this tutorial It looks like Backbone made a change and it calls the 'invalid' event when invalid model data is provided, not 'error'.
If you run into this error try changing:
it("should not save when name is empty", function() {
this.project.bind("error", eventSpy);
it("should not save when name is empty", function() {
this.project.bind("invalid", eventSpy);
This resolved the issue for me.

undefined method 'path' for nil:NilClass using chargify_api_ares gem

I feel like this should be a simple problem, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to track it down. I'm installed the chargify_api_ares gem, but can't do even basic things such as
As I get this path error. I feel like this must be a gem issue somehow but don't know where to go from here.
UPDATE: bundle show chargify_api_ares shows the correct path, I just somehow can't access it. Still trying random environment related things.
Looks like this is the source of the problem, in active_resource\base.rb:
# Gets the \prefix for a resource's nested URL (e.g., <tt>prefix/collectionname/1.json</tt>)
# This method is regenerated at runtime based on what the \prefix is set to.
def prefix(options={})
default = site.path
default << '/' unless default[-1..-1] == '/'
# generate the actual method based on the current site path
self.prefix = default
As I understand it, Chargify.subdomain should be setting the site.path, but I don't understand activeresource well enough yet to know what's happening and will continue to dig.
I too had the same issue.
I executed the following on the console
Chargify.configure do |c|
c.api_key = "<<api_key>>"
c.subdomain = "<<subdomain>>"
After that performing any Chargify console commands went through fine.

Magento - Trouble with setting up Model Read Adapter

I was following through on Alan Storm's tutorial on Magento's Model and ORM basics and I've run into a bit of a problem. When I get to the portion where I load from the Model for the first time I get this error "Fatal error: Call to a member function load() on a non-object...". I've reset everything already and tried again from scratch but I still get the same problem. My code looks like this:
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
$blogpost = Mage::getModel('weblog/blogpost');
echo("Loading the blogpost with an ID of ".$params['id']);
As you can see I dumped the contents of $blogpost and it shows that it is just a boolean false. My guess is that there's either a problem with the connection to the database or, for some reason, the code for Mage::getModel() didn't get installed correctly.
EDIT - Adding Code
There's so many that I just decided to pastebin them lol
Your Model/Blogpost.php file should actually be Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php, and you are missing the real Model/Blogpost.php.
My guess is that Mage cannot find your model class. Double check the module/model name and also verify if the model is in a correct place in the filesystem (it should be in app/code/local/Weblog/Model/Blogpost.php).
You also need to check if your config.xml correctly defines your model classes. It would be best if you could past your config.xml and your model class...
A quick glance reveals you're missing the model resource. Go back to the section around the following code example
File: app/code/local/Alanstormdotcom/Weblog/Model/Mysql4/Blogpost.php
class Alanstormdotcom_Weblog_Model_Mysql4_Blogpost extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract{
protected function _construct()
$this->_init('weblog/blogpost', 'blogpost_id');