Phpbb new successful member registration pop up window - phpbb

I would like to create a pop up welcome message for the new member that's successfully registered.
But I m having problem of finding where should I put the code, I have check the ucp_register.html ,, but I don't think that is the display content after the member successfully registered, can anyone help me please? Thanks

It would likely to be a more robust solution to display the popup on the first time the user is logged in as an activated user -- after registration they may not be activated, or they may close the browser window immediately after registration.
The way to do this would be to add a column (say, user_JBL_seen_message INT to the phpbb_users table in the database, then modify functions.php to check that column:
In functions.php, find:
// The following assigns all _common_ variables that may be used at any point in a template.
Before, add:
if($user->data['is_registered'] && $user->data['is_active'] && !$user->data['is_bot'])
if(isset($user->data['user_JBL_seen_message']) && !$user->data['user_JBL_seen_message']))
$showPopup = true;
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_JBL_seen_message = 1
WHERE user_id = ' . (int)$user->data['user_id'];
if (!$result = $db->sql_query($sql))
return false;
Then, find:
After, add:
'JBL_POPUP' => $showPopup,
Then, you can add the popup HTML code to your overall_header.html template file, where appropriate...
<!-- IF JBL_POPUP -->
.... your HTML popup code here.....
<!-- END IF -->
If you don't want existing users to see the popup, then fill the new column with 1s.
I also agree with Damien's suggestion to use a jQuery UI dialog rather than a popup -- most users' browsers will block popups. However, use jQuery in noconflict mode to avoid conflicts with other mods.


Web browser control, modal window/popup to STAY INSIDE web browser control for Visual Studio 2015/Visual Basic 2015

this is the first time I'm posting a question here; I have searched and searched and searched here and other places and I cannot seem to get any results. I'm using VISUAL BASIC 2015 in Visual Studio 2015. QUESTION: I need to have a modal window/popup from a particular website remain INSIDE the web browser control/window on my form (WebBrowser1); when a particular link is clicked, the modal window/popup jumps out of the form and directly to the user on their screen. I have to keep this popup inside because there are other links to be clicked on that popup, but if it jumps out of the web browser control, no code will work since it's outside WebBrowser1. What I have found is code for older versions, and not 2015; if anything I can even add WebBrowser2 to have the popups/modal windows appear there if possible, just as long as I can code them to keep clicking inside the form. PLEASE HELP! THANK YOU! (and a click on <a target="_blank"> etc) can be handled via the NewWindow2 event. Hans already pointed out how to do that in comments. NewWindow3 works too, but need at least Windows XP SP2.
As for window.showModalDialog, it is a bit tricky. IE has IDispatchEx (wrapped as IExpando in .Net) implemented on scripting objects so you replace the methods and properties with your own implementation. But window.showModalDialog shows a dialog that has arguments and return values, you need to override those properties in the modal dialog you create too. The code looks roughly like tis:
void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
//skip events from frames
if(WebBrowserReadyState.Complete!=webBrowser1.ReadyState) return;
if(FindLoginFormOnPage()) {DoLogin();return;}
var document=webBrowser1.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.ITMLDocument2;
var expando =(IExpando)document.parentWindow;
,BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
,new ShowModalDialogDelegate(this.MyShowModalDialog));
object MyShowModalDialog(string url, object varArgIn, object options)
using(FromMyShowModalDialog myShowModalDialog
=new MyShowModalDialog())
//omit the code to parse options
//and set dialog height/width/topleft location etc
//do something on the return value before passing to the scripts
return myShowModalDialog.ReturnValue;
return null;
and in the Load event handler of MyShowModalDialog you call something like webBrowser1.Navigate to show the page requested by the parent page.
Now you need to pass the arguments to the webbrowser control on the new form. Do the same as above but replace another property this time.
This will let the web page access the value passed from MyShowModalDialog and stored in this.DialogArguments.
The earliest you can access the DOM is in webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted. By that time the scipts on the page that read window.dialogArguments are probably already executed and got nothing. After overriding window.dialogArguments, you need to study the script on the page to find out how to revert that. for example, if the page has
var oMyObject = window.dialogArguments;
var sFirstName = oMyObject.firstName;
var sLastName = oMyObject.lastName;
<span style="color: 00ff7f">
you need to change the values of sFirstName and sLastName then change the innerText property of the span, probably identify via its relationship with a named div or table cell. You can write the necessary changes in a script and call it via HtmlDocument.InvokeScript.
If the page returns a value to its parent, you need to pass it on to your parent form too. Override window.returnValue so when the script writes to window.returnValue it writes to a variable you provided

Changing input type=text to type=submit with javascript trigger the submit

i'm trying to code form where you can navigate inside with a next button ( who will hide the current fieldset and show the next one ) and a previous one ( who will hide the current fieldset and show the previous one ). Those two input have a onclick function that will change the fieldset className to active from inactive depending on which fieldset we are. I want to change the next button input type when the user reach the final fieldset so he can submit, but it seems that it automatically trigger the submit event, which means when the user get to the final fieldset, he cant fill any input because the form will submit automatically.
So here's the code :
//When the last fieldset show
if (fieldset[4].className == "active") {
var next = document.getElementById('next');
Is there something that i should add to stop the submit auto-firing ?
I've tested your code in JSFiddle and it works good. It means there is something that trigger submit. May be you can post whole javascript in that page and then I can check what is the issue.
var next = document.getElementById("next");
next.setAttribute('type', 'submit'); // I prefer using .setAttribute method
<input name="q" value="hello">
<input type="text" id="next">
I think instead of trying to "hack" the existing button and turn it into the submit, you could just have two buttons, one "next" and another one "submit-button" (hidden initially), once the user advances to the final step, you can hide the "next" button and show the "submit-button" button.
It can be something like this:
//When the last fieldset show
if (fieldset[4].className == "active") {
// hide the next button
// show the submit button
And it would be not complex to make these buttons to appear exactly on the same place with css, so the user will not notice the replacement.
There are browsers who do not allow you to change the type for security reasons. So you will often have problems with it. Just switch between two inputs as boris mentioned (or replace it completely). But to answer your question:
You can catch the autosubmit with another on submit event. First on click mark the button with a class or data attribute like "preventSubmit". Within the submit event check if this class or data attribute exists and prevent the submit (f.ex with prevent default()) and remove the class that all wanted submits by users clicks are not stopped.
Why not just add an event to submit the form you are currently on:
if (fieldset[4].className == "active") {
var next = document.getElementById('next');
next.onclick=(function() { document.forms[0].submit(); });
next.className="MySubmit"; // try to style it as a button for better UX

Require a textbox to have value in FIllable PDF

I have a fillable PDF file. I would like to require that a TextBox has a value when the user saves the PDF document i.e. the value is not blank.
Here is what I tried:
(1) Setting the "Required" field on the "TextBox".
PROBLEM: That didn't do much except color the textbox red.
(2) I tried to use the following code in the "onBlur" event:
f = getField(
if (f.value.length == 0)
//Optional Message - Comment out the next line to remove
app.alert("This field is required. Please enter a value.")
PROBLEM: If the user never clicks this box there is no problem
(3) I tried to use the "Validation" tab and run a custom JavaScript.
PROBLEM: If you don't click on the box there is no validation so it is perfectly happy to leave the textbox blank if the user forgets to fill it in
OK, I am out of ideas... Anyone?
Since you are using Acrobat JavaScript I assume you use a viewer that supports and executes Acrobat JavaScript. In this situation you can set the document's WillSave action to a custom JavaScript action and perform validation here. I'm not sure if you can cancel the save operation but at least you can display an alert if the validation fails.
UPDATE: This script will loop through all the fields and display and alert if the field value is empty.
for ( var i = 0; i < this.numFields; i++) {
var fieldName = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var field = this.getField(fieldName);
if (field.value.length == 0)
app.alert("Field " + fieldName + " is required. Please enter a value.")
Put the script in document's Will Save action and it will run every time the user saves the form. In Acrobat you set this in Tools > JavaScript > Set Document Actions and select Document Will Save.

Prestashop - customer registration management module - slight modification

I am struggling with modifying some code in Customer registration management module. Instant checkout is not working the way it should. When the Customer registration management module is disabled, the Instant Checkout is working fine, on submit and with no errors we go to the next step/screen. When Customer registration module is enabled, once we click on submit button under Instant checkout, we do not go to the next step/screen, instead we come back to the same screens, forms empty, and in url we have this: authentication?back=order.php%3Fstep%3D1
I managed to identify a piece a code which is preventing a customer from going to the following screen from Instant checkout form. It is the code in function hookCreateAccount($params)
function hookCreateAccount($params)
require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/ApprovedCustomer.php');
global $cookie, $back;
$registration_code = pSQL(Tools::getValue('registration_code'));
if ($registration_code != '' AND $registration_code == $this->_registrationCode) {
$customer = $params['newCustomer'];
$customer->addGroups ($this->_defaultGroups);
$cookie->logged = $this->_isCustomerRegistredByDefault;
$cust = $params['newCustomer'];
$approval = new ApprovedCustomer($cust->id);
$approval->is_approved = $this->_isCustomerRegistredByDefault;
$approval->privilege_request = intval(Tools::getValue('privilege_request'),0);
$approval->privilege_message = pSQL(Tools::getValue('privilege_message'), '');;
if (! $approval->save())
Tools::D('Unable to save approval information');
if ($this->_sendAdminMail)
$this->sendMail('pending_registration', array('customer' => $cust, 'approval'=>$approval));
if (! $approval->is_approved) {
$back = 'modules/'.basename(__FILE__, '.php').'/messages.php?msg=noconnect&back=my-account.php';
$cookie->logged = 0;
$cookie->id_customer = 0;
elseif ($back == '')
$back = 'my-account.php';
Anybody has any ideas what in this code is causing this? any help would be really appreciated.
exactly what happens: once the user fill in Instant checkout form and clicks on submit, the form is redirected to the same page: ... /authentication?back=order.php%3Fstep%3D1
but it should go to: /order?step=2
the Instant Checkout form action:
<form action="{$link->getPageLink('authentication.php', true)}?back={$back}" method="post" id="new_account_form" class="std">
so, should I change the action part then? how does this work? could somebody point me to the right direction? any help would be really appreciated.
I suspect that the conflict occurs because by definition your customer isn't registering as part of the One Page Checkout functionality (I assume this is what you mean by Instant Checkout).
You could try refactoring the first block of code as:
global $cookie, $back;
$customer = $params['newCustomer'];
if ($customer->is_guest)
require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/ApprovedCustomer.php');
$registration_code = pSQL(Tools::getValue('registration_code'));
if ($registration_code != '' AND $registration_code == $this->_registrationCode) {
$customer->addGroups ($this->_defaultGroups);

SharePoint 2010 Modal Dialog from JSOM not working

The idea is simple: create a web part page in SP Designer 2010 that allows a new list item to be created, and then use some javascript from the CSOM to pop the page in a modal dialog from another page. The problem is that a dialog box comes up and briefly flashes that it is loading content, but then it disappears and I'm left with a refreshed version of the page I just clicked from. Here's my code . . .
//attach a click delegate to the table containing the following button(s)
<button type='button' class='ms-listheaderlabel'>Close</button>
//on button clicked event, call the following function
function openModalDialog(dialogPage, closeCallback) {
var options = [];
options.title = unescape("Close Ticket");
options.allowMaximize = true;
options.showClose = true;
options.autoSize = true;
options.url = dialogPage;
options.dialogReturnValueCallback = Function.createDelegate(null, closeCallback);
. . . where dialogPage is the url for the form I created (same site, SitePages library) and closeCallback is an anonymous function passed in to handle the return value from the dialog. I've tried calling the page directly and it loads just fine. Pop up blocker is completely off. Using IE9 and tried 8 compatability mode as well as another machine with straight IE8. System modals work just fine. Any ideas out there?
I am going through the exact same issue right now. What I have discovered so far is if I use
<input type="button" value="Try Me" onclick="openModalDialogBox()" />
it works as expected. But if I use an asp:button to do the same thing it fails. I think it may have to do with the postback to the server, but I could be wrong about that.
I am just switching my buttons to inputs.