wamp webserver access the root directory - apache

I was using xampp 2.4 webserver on my windows vista. I installed wamp 2.0 recently
the problem is : when I type http://localhost or I get the root directory for xampp not for the wamp
any idea about how to reach the wamp root folder from the browser ??
thank you for your help

I guess xampp is probably running on port 80 which is the default.
You need to edit your Apache config for WAMP and set the port to something like 8080
This link might help:
Oh and make sure you also start WAMP.


Apache running on XAMPP, but localhost is not reachable

I installed XAMPP and started the Apache Server and MySQL. However, if I try to access https://localhost/, it just shows a blank page in Firefox. I am on a Windows 10 machine. I already tried to change the localhost port from 80 to 8080, but it says that it cannot open the page this way.
Any ideas what the reason could be?

Xampp Apache Service Not Starting

I have installed xampp 3.2.1 in my virtual machine windows xp.i need mysql and apache services for my project mysql service starts easily but apache service is not staring even if it starts for few seconds it shut downs immediately.
checked that no other service or application like skype or any other is running on port 80 using xampp control panel Netstat
change the configurations of ports in httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf tried different ports like 1337 and 7331 , 3333 and 4444 , 81 and 444 and many others but no luck.
Tried disabling IIS as recommended in forums but again no luck.
Stopped Web Client in Services but no solution also recommended to check the path of mysql and apache services in services tab but there is no mysql and apache services in services tab.
Am I missing any configuration or is it virtual machine problem.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Exactly, skype application running on your pc is a factor that might disabled the xampp from working.. So ensure you signed out from the skype and start the xampp / wamp again.
Yes, it works after running.
you must change Port 443 to some other available port number in httpd-ssl.conf file
I've just solved the same problem. In my event it was about virtual hosts configuration (httpd-vhosts.conf). Probably there was a kind of typo or a wrong command. I deleted all my added virtual hosts, restarted apache in xampp (to see that it is starts running), then added the virtual hosts anew, and one more time restarted xampp.
PS. Make a copy of the file httpd-vhosts.conf for recovery.

Cannot Connect to Localhost in Windows

How can I access my local phpmyadmin with my web browser? I tried it on both Firefox and Chrome and both cannot load. I have XAMPP and I am working on Vista.
Is your XAMPP working?
Try: http://localhost/
You should see the XAMPP console and from there you can go to phpmyadmin.
If you don't see the console is because XAMPP is not running.
Try to check the port that you using :
Open the file [XAMPP Installation Folder]/apache/conf/httpd.conf.
Then search for the string “ServerName”
For example in my httpd.conf the result is : ServerName localhost:8081
Then I use http://localhost:8081/phpmyadmin

XAMPP/Apache won't launch on port 81

I just installed the latest XAMPP and I changed httpd.conf so it listens on port 81 (because Skype listens on 80):
Listen 81
However when I use the XAMPP CP to launch Apache, it says:
Apache started [Port 80]
and then fails. If I stop Skype it says the same thing but doesn't fail and Apache listens on port 81, so my Apache config must be correct.
Why is XAMPP still checking port 80 and how do I stop it? I am running Windows 64-bit. XAMPP is installed in C:\xampp
I got the solution from XAMPP support so I'm answering my own question:
The solution was to change the port number in the sample XAMPP.INI file provided, then copy it to the xampp root dir.
There is another line further down in the .conf file that also needs changing.
ServerName localhost:80
Now start Apache and MySQL, browse to http://localhost:81, and the contents of your htdocs folder should appear.
Regarding the message displayed in the xampp window, I would ignore it. Mine displays '[Port 80]' regardless of which port I have set it to use.

Tomcat configuration help!

I am having a problem on making this possible.
I am using XAMPP Tomcat 6.02 and Netbeans 6.9.1.
I want these to happen, localhost:8080/myProject/ to localhost/
I have made the port 8080 to port 80 on the conf/server.xml.
I am having a problem on making myProject to ROOT.
Here the steps I've followed.
Install XAMPP Tomat 6.0
Run it using port 8080
Shutdown Tomcat
Change port 8080 to port 80 on server.xml
Cleared the contest of work directory
Created myProject on Netbeans 6.9.1 and set its context path to /ROOT
Start XAMPP Tomcat using XAMPP Control Panel
Deployed the project on Netbeans 6.9.1 using XAMPP Tomcat as configured server.
And the end of the, I'm getting these error
"The module has not been deployed."
How could I resolve this?
Cyril H.
One way to do this is to move your built application under webapps/foo and configure server.xml with:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps/foo" />
This is a static (fixed) approach though and NB redeployment will not work out of the box.