Tomcat configuration help! - apache

I am having a problem on making this possible.
I am using XAMPP Tomcat 6.02 and Netbeans 6.9.1.
I want these to happen, localhost:8080/myProject/ to localhost/
I have made the port 8080 to port 80 on the conf/server.xml.
I am having a problem on making myProject to ROOT.
Here the steps I've followed.
Install XAMPP Tomat 6.0
Run it using port 8080
Shutdown Tomcat
Change port 8080 to port 80 on server.xml
Cleared the contest of work directory
Created myProject on Netbeans 6.9.1 and set its context path to /ROOT
Start XAMPP Tomcat using XAMPP Control Panel
Deployed the project on Netbeans 6.9.1 using XAMPP Tomcat as configured server.
And the end of the, I'm getting these error
"The module has not been deployed."
How could I resolve this?
Cyril H.

One way to do this is to move your built application under webapps/foo and configure server.xml with:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps/foo" />
This is a static (fixed) approach though and NB redeployment will not work out of the box.


localhost:8080 not working but tomcat server working in IntelliJ

I have developed a web application. The app is configured to run on tomcat server 8.5 on port 9000. When deploying the project it runs on localhost:9000. But localhost:8080 not working. I have checked the server.xml and it is configured to run on port 8080. The other tomcat 7 runs on localhost:9090.
Earlier I manually stop the server while deploying the project on IntelliJ since the project was configured to run on port 8080 and it shows error "port 8080 already in use."
Why this happening?
Have You tried closing existing running processes? That could explain 8080 already in use.
What happens when You are running tomcat from intellij, then server.xml configuration is not respected as it is overwritten by Intellij's tomcat configuration.
One is able to define his own server.xml or context.xml by specified folder under Tomcat base directory where those files are located. One is able to find Tomcat base directory when clicking Configure close to Application server entry.

XAMPP 1.7.7 - Apache won't start (ports already changed)

I installed XAMPP 1.7.7 for testing on the old php version. Current XAMPP is running fine. I changed the ports in httpd.conf from 80 to 8081, and in httpd-ssl.conf from 443 to 4434.
Still, when trying to start apache, I get the error
"error: apache was stopped unexpected. This might be caused by a blocked port, missing dependencies,..."
I also changed these ports again (they were not used in both cases).
I run XAMPP as an administrator and I disabled my firewall without any results... What are other possible options? (Error-)Logs are empty.
maybe the following information might help:
I am using windows 10, xampp 1.7.7 portable, and although I changed the ports, when I run XAMPP, it tells me the following:
Problem detected!
Port 80 in use by "Unable to open process" (PID 4)!
Apache will NOT start without the configured ports free!
Try to do this:
Run -> CMD, type services.msc and stop the program:
Web Deployment Agent Service
Afterwards try restarting XAMPP and say if it works or not!
I fixed it via reinstalling into another directory.

liferay portal not opening

I'm new to liferay. I installed the liferay+tomcat bundle and tried to start liferay by running the startup.bat file. The liferay setup wizard should open in the browser by itself but it is not happening. The following is being displayed. How do I open the liferay setup wizard?
Apache - version 2.2.22
PHP - version 5.4.5
Server is up and running
The default Apache context is www in the Apache installation folder
It seems something else is running on port 8080 - e.g. some installation of Apache. You can try this if you just access http://localhost:8080 without starting tomcat/Liferay first.
Either you need to shut that down, move it to another port or move Tomcat/Liferay to another port. If you want the later, look for a file called conf/server.xml, in there locate the three active port=... instructions and change them to unused ports. Then start again.
You can change the port number by editing server.xml , you can find it in tomcat>>conf>>server.xml
Change all the ports from 8080 to say 9080 and restart the server.
I mistaken had CATALINA_HOME configured to a different tomcat setup and not the tomcat bundled with Liferay. This made it trigger the port 8080 of the other setup which in return blocked the port before Liferay could listen to it. Make sure CATALINA_HOME is not pointing to some other tomcat installation. Make sure port 8080 , 8005 and 8009 is reserved for tomcat.

wamp webserver access the root directory

I was using xampp 2.4 webserver on my windows vista. I installed wamp 2.0 recently
the problem is : when I type http://localhost or I get the root directory for xampp not for the wamp
any idea about how to reach the wamp root folder from the browser ??
thank you for your help
I guess xampp is probably running on port 80 which is the default.
You need to edit your Apache config for WAMP and set the port to something like 8080
This link might help:
Oh and make sure you also start WAMP.

Are there any issues when installing apache tomcat with apache webserver already installed under Windows 7?

I am currently trying to install apache tomcat for running on localhost as I am planning to run a new development project using Java.
Will this be a problem if I have already apache webserver installed locally on my machine already? In other words, will there be any port conflicts or anything other issues with the two servers running on the same machine?
No. Because Tomcat uses default port 8080 for the webserver while the "normal" webserver uses port 80 for html displaying. You can change that in the catalina properties of the tomcat server but on first install the defaults are not causing problems with a port 80 webserver.