why do omp functions not work when constants are declared in a module? - module

i have a module 'gvars' defined for my global variable declarations. when i define
integer :: nthreads, max_threads, tid, omp_get_max_threads, omp_get_num_threads, omp_get_thread_num inside of my gvars module, the call maxthreads = omp_get_max_threads() in my main routine gives me the following error upon compilation:
maxthreads = omp_get_max_threads()
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)
but when i include the integer :: definitions above inside my main routine, it compiles just fine and gives me the desired results. if i even go as far as to define nthreads = -1 inside my gvars module, i am able to print out the correct value in my main routine so i know it is being included and defined correctly, it's just that for some reason i cannot have it as a return value from openmp functions.
why would this be?
is there any other way to keep these values as global variables and still define them in my main routine instead of a module?
if it matters, i am using gfortran to compile

The problem is not with the declaration of maxthreads, but with the declaration, on the same line, of omp_get_max_threads. As haraldkl showed, you need to use omp_lib instead, to automatically get access to the declarations of these functions.
(If for some reason you really don't want to do it that way, you can also add the statement external :: omp_get_max_threads, ... to the module.)

Not really an answer, but I do not know how else to put the code in here. Sorry...
module gvars
integer :: maxthreads
end module gvars
program test
use gvars
use omp_lib
implicit none
maxthreads = omp_get_max_threads()
end program test
compiled with:
gfortran -fopenmp test.f90
Where gfotran -v gives:
gcc version 4.4.5 (GCC)


Fortran link modules for precision and global variable types

I am new to Fortran and trying to understand if the following is possible. My idea to structure the program is to declare the precision and variable types in one module. Then make use of those variables without declaring again the type in other modules or the main program.
module pre
implicit none
REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: pi = 4.*ATAN(1.)
REAL(dp) :: H
REAL(dp) :: M
REAL(dp) :: KR
end module pre
Now I want to make use of all the variables in another module that contains one or more functions, such as:
module hon
use pre
implicit none
function KE(H,M) result(KR)
KR = 2*PI/H/M
end function KE
end module hon
Then I use gfortran in this order:
gfortran -c mod_pre.f90
gfortran -c mod_hon.f90
Since 'module pre' is part of 'module hon' I compile in order, but gfortran shows an error.
With the code above I understand the variable types and parameters should have been included by USE; But the message I get from gfortran is that none of my variables have IMPLICIT type when I try to compile 'module hon'.
Could somebody clarify the problem or suggest a solution? I would like to avoid having my variables scattered in multiple modules.
In the function statement, the result(kr) says that the function result has name kr. This function result is not the same thing as the module variable kr. In particular, this function result makes inaccessible the module variable.
The function result is specific to the function itself and its properties must be declared within the function subprogram.
Similarly, the dummy arguments of the function, H and M, are distinct from the module variables and need to be declared in the function subprogram.
Beyond that, you perhaps have similar concerns to this other question.
To be clear, it isn't possible to say something like "all function results called kr and all dummy arguments called H or M have these characteristics". Each individual object must be given the properties.
However, although I don't recommend this, this is a situation where literal text inclusion (using a preprocessor or include file) could help you:
function ke(H, M) result (kr)
include 'resdummydecls'
end function
where the file has the declarations.

PETSC header #include'd in a module

I have a module which holds global variables. To declare some global variables, I need to use HDF5. I am also using a library, so I also need to include a header file. So the preamble of global_variable.F90 looks like this.
module global_variables
use HDF5
#include "finclude/petscsys.h"
#include "finclude/petscvec.h"
integer(HID_T) id_file
integer(HID_T) id_plist
Vec M, C, K
end module
Vec is a data type defined in the header file and HID_T is a data type defined in HDF5 module.
Now, I have a file which holds subroutines for I/O. This file also uses HDF5 and the same library used in global_variables.F90. So IO.F90 looks like this.
module io
use global_varibles
subroutine read_input_file( vector )
Vec vector
integer HDF5err
call H5open_f( HDF5err )
end subroutine
end module
Question 1: compiler returns error when compiling IO.F90, saying that Vec is undefined data type. But it does not complain about HID_T. I thought global_variables module already contains both HDF5 modules and header files, using global_variables module in IO.F90 will handle every data type declaration but it seems not. Could you please help me understand what I am understanding wrong?
Question 2: Is there a way to restrict the effect of #include to the module where it is declared?
PS. If I include #include "finclude/petscvec.h" in IO.F90, which declares Vec, then it compiles well.
The syntax
Vec vector
is completely alien to Fortran. It works only because Vec is a C pre-processor (CPP) macro defined in the header file "finclude/petscvec.h" as
#define Vec PetscFortranAddr
That means that you must include the header file in every Fortran file in which you use the above syntax with Vec. The macro cannot be inherited using the Fortran use because it is not a part of Fortran.
The PetscFortranAddr is in the end defined in "finclude/petscdef.h" as an integer with 4 or 8 bytes depending on your system.
There is probably nothing you can do except reverse engineering what it in the end the pre-processor makes to be, but I wouldn't go that way, it may be unportable.

What is the most proper way to declare global variable to use for many modules in Fortran?

The question is: If I want to use global variables in many modules. How should I do?
In my opinion, I think, maybe we could make another module and declare the global variables and then include it to any files that require it or something like that. I think this is a very simple way but the problem is I'm not familiar with Fortran. I don't know how to do it and how normally people do it.
Please give me some easy example.
You can just make a module, perhaps called global
module global
implicit none
real :: my_global_x
integer :: my_global_i
end module
and then you can use it wherever it is needed, in modules
module a
use global ...
end module
in subroutines
subroutine s
use global
end subroutine
or in the main program
program main
use global
implicit none
end program
You can also use just a limited number of variables from the module to avoid name-space pollution
use global, only: my_global_x

Linking fortran module: "undefined reference"

I'm trying to write some functions/subroutines in a module that call another function in the same module and running into linker errors. A toy example displaying the same behavior:
!in test.f
module m1
implicit none
real function mult(a, b)
real :: a
real :: b
mult = a * b
end function mult
real function sq(a)
real :: a, mult
sq = mult(a, a)
end function sq
end module m1
program main
use m1
write(*,*) sq(2.0)
end program
When I try to compile this, I run into trouble:
[christopher#archlinux metropolis]$ gfortran -ffree-form test.f
/tmp/ccpzdTLE.o: In function `__m1_MOD_sq':
test.f:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `mult_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
On the other hand, compiling only (gfortran -c -ffree-form test.f -Wall) runs with no complaint.
Now this looks for all the world like a compiler error---in the module it comes up with a reference to mult_ when it really ought to com up with __m1_MOD_sq---but I have a very hard time believing that this is a compiler bug rather than me doing something stupid.
DDG didn't turn up anything useful. Most of the similar problems ocurred in splitting the module off from one main file. In those cases, things worked when the module was in the same file as the program, which is not the case here. I looked at a number of pages on modules in Fortran and didn't see anything relevant.
Can anyone point me to appropriate documentation or, better yet, explain what's going on and how I can fix it?
You don't need to declare function mult in function sq, i.e., there is no need for "real :: mult". sq already "knows" about mult since it is in the same module. The interface of mult is known to sq since they are in the same module. The interface of mult and sq are known to the main program since it uses the module. Having both the module providing the interface and the declaration is confusing the compiler.

Including a module more than once

Suppose I have a module which defines some basic constants such as
integer, parameter :: i8 = selected_int_kind(8)
If I include this in my main program and I also include a module which does some other things (call this module functions) but functions also uses constants, then am I essentially including constants twice in my main program?
If so, is this bad? Can it be dangerous at all to include a module too many times in a program?
No, it is fine to do this. All you are doing with the use statement is providing access to the variables and functions defined in your module via use association. It is not like declaring variables each time they are use'd (they are in fact redeclared however).
The only thing to be wary of are circular dependencies, where module A uses module B and module B uses module A. This is not allowed.
Edit: From Metcalf et al. Fortran 95/2003 explained, pg. 72:
A module may contain use statements that access other modules. It must not access itself directly or indirectly through a chain of use statements, for example a accessing b and b accessing a.
Whilst this quote doesn't directly answer your question, it reiterates that really the only thing you can't do is have a circular dependency. So the following is perfectly valid:
module one_def
implicit none
integer, parameter :: one=1
end module one_def
module two_def
use one_def, only : one
implicit none
integer, parameter :: two=one+one
end module two_def
program test
use one_def, only : one
use two_def, only : two
implicit none
print*, two == one+one ! This prints .True.
end program