How can I see what FactoryGirl is outputting? - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using FactoryGirl in my rspec2 test with rails 3.2.1 and I would like to see the FactoryGirl output especially when the test fails.
Is there a way with $stderror puts to get to view what FactoryGirl has created?

You could use the Rails logger to write directly to your log/test.log file.
I usually add the following to spec_helper.rb
def logger
now you can log anywhere in your spec like so:
describe Customer do
it "logs factory girl generated objects" do
customer = Factory( :customer )
logger.warn( customer.pretty_inspect )
This will print the generated customer object with all properties


Troubles with Rails 3 and classes in nested directories

I have a rails project that I inherited. I'm working on upgrading it from rails 2 to rails 3. I'm at 3.0.15 right now, working my way up to 3.2. In the app directory there is a support folder with classes in it. Like so:
item.rb looks like this:
class Support::GroupedList::Item
attr_accessor :name, :count, :link
def initialize(name, count, link)
#name = name
#count = count
#link = link
In one of the controllers the Items class is called like this: name, count, link
when I try and load a page I get the error:
uninitialized constant ApplicationController::Support
My first thought was that the paths where not in the autoload so I added
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/app/support #{config.root}/app/support/grouped_list)
in my application.rb but that didn't change anything. After looking around for examples I found that people where creating empty module in their directory structure so I created a support.rb file in the support folder that looks like this:
module Support
Now my error changes to
uninitialized constant Support::GroupedList
Hey! That's interesting, I don't understand why it changed but its progress right? So I add a grouped_list.rb file in the grouped_list directory. It looks like this:
module Support::GroupedList
But then I get
Expected ***/app/support/grouped_list/grouped_list.rb to define GroupedList
Ugh! so I change it to:
module GroupedList
But then I'm back to:
uninitialized constant Support::GroupedList
So clearly there is some fundamental knowledge I'm missing about loading classes in modules. This structure worked in rails 2 but breaks in rails 3.0.15. I'd really like to understand so if anyone can help me out I'd really appreciate it.
class GroupedList::Item
attr_accessor :name, :count, :link
def initialize(name, count, link)
#name = name
#count = count
#link = link
This should work. Then in your controller: name, count, link
Also remember to restart your rails server/console, after you make these changes.

How do you solve FixtureClassNotFound: No class attached to find

When running my tests I get this error:
FixtureClassNotFound: No class attached to find
What causes this error and how to fix it?
Most likely this happens because a custom table name is used for a Model (using the set_table_name) or the model is in a module.
To solve, you need to add a set_fixture_class line in the test_helper.rb before the fixtures :all line:
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
set_fixture_class my_table_name: MyModule::MyClass
fixtures :all
In this case the fixtures file should be called my_table_name.yml
NOTE: It would be helpful if you included the stack trace and the full error message.
In your test/test_helper.rb class, there is a line like
fixtures :all
This tells the framework to look in the directory test/fixtures and try to load each of the YAML files that it sees there and then save them to the DB. So my hunch is that you have a file in there that does not have class in app/models with the singularized name. In other words, if there is a file test/fixtures/posts.yml, then when you run your tests, the framework will look for a class named Post to load your data in.
So the first thing I would do is check to see if you have a fixture file that is not associated with one of your model classes (maybe you deleted a model but forgot to delete the fixture?)
If that doesn't work, try changing the line in your test helper to explicitly load the fixtures you need. So if you only want to load fixtures for an object named Post and an object named User, you will change:
fixtures :all
fixtures :posts, :users
in test_helper.rb and you should see the error go away (although other errors may now appear because your fixtures are not loaded.0
In the Event that the Class is an irregular class in terms of naming such as fish, sms
it could have been created by using the --force-plural flag
rails g model sms --force-plural
in that case you would set up an inflection which is set up under
an example of such is this
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect|
inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en'
inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
inflect.irregular 'person', 'people'
inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep )
In this way the class can be recognized as you declared it
I got this error when I made a mistake generating some scaffold code. I used a plural model name, and that just confused the fixture loading, I guess. Regenerating the scaffold with a singular model name fixed the problem.

Rspec 2 and Rails 3 stubbing / mocking

I am currently in the process of migration to rails 3 from rails 2 in a large application. In our functional specs, we have alot of stuff like this:
#model = Factory :model
#child = Factory :child
The main issue is that if I let it hit DB and get actual instance of child, real :method makes tests too complex (need two big factories) and slow.
In code we use various ways to get items: find, dynamic finders, etc
#model = Model.find(1)
#child = #model.children.find_by_name(name)
How would you advice to move this logic to rails 3? Any advice on another stubbing/mocking library maybe?
Normally you would mock the model inside controller specs:
However, when you've got gem "rspec-rails", "~> 2.0" in your rails 3 app's Gemfile, then the standard rails scaffold generator will use rspec to generate specs for you, so running rails generate scaffold MyResource will generate some example specs for you.
The following is a lightly annotated version of what rails/rspec will generate for controller specs, so I suppose this should be considered "The RSpec Way".
describe AccountsController do
# Helper method that returns a mocked version of the account model.
def mock_account(stubs={})
(#mock_account ||= mock_model(Account).as_null_object).tap do |account|
account.stub(stubs) unless stubs.empty?
describe "GET index" do
it "assigns all accounts as #accounts" do
# Pass a block to stub to specify the return value
Account.stub(:all) { [mock_account] }
get :index
# Assertions are also made against the mock
assigns(:accounts).should eq([mock_account])
describe "GET show" do
it "assigns the requested account as #account" do
Account.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_account }
get :show, :id => "37"
assigns(:account).should be(mock_account)
describe "GET new" do
it "assigns a new account as #account" do
Account.stub(:new) { mock_account }
get :new
assigns(:account).should be(mock_account)

Dynamic define_method throwing error in RSpec

I am pretty sure I am missing a basic mistake here, so I am hoping another set of eyes might help. I am using Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2 and Rspec 2.
I would like to define dynamic class methods on a model so that I can return base roles for an assignable object (such as account) as they are added to the system. For example:
Everything works fine via the console:
ruby-1.9.2-p180 :003 > BaseRole.respond_to?(:creator_for_account)
=> true
but when I run my specs for any of class methods, I get a NoMethodError wherever I call the method in the spec. I am assuming that something about how I am dynamically declaring the methods is not jiving with RSpec but I cannot seem to figure out why.
The lib dir is autoloaded path and the methods return true for respond_to?.
# /lib/assignable_base_role.rb
module AssignableBaseRole
def self.included(base)
module ClassMethods
BaseRole.all.each do |base_role|
role_type = RoleType.find(base_role.role_type_id)
assignable_name = base_role.assignable_type.downcase
method = "#{}_for_#{assignable_name}"
define_method(method) do
self.where(:role_type_id =>,
:assignable_type => assignable_name).first
Then include the Module in BaseRole
# /models/base_role.rb
class BaseRole < ActiveRecord::Base
include AssignableBaseRole
belongs_to :role
belongs_to :role_type
Then in my spec:
it "adds correct authority for creator role" do
base_role = BaseRole.creator_for_account # <== NoMethodError here
user1 = Factory.create(:user)
account.users << user1
user1.roles_for_assignable(account).should include(base_role.role)
Did you have another class in your project or specs with the same name, but doesn't have the dynamic methods added? I had the exact same problem as you, and renaming one of the classes fixed it.
My guess is the other class is getting loaded first
It appears you are defining these methods based on values in the database:
BaseRole.all.each do |base_role|
Could it be that "creator" doesn't exist in the test database as a role type, or "account" doesn't exist as assignable_type?
Presumably you are testing this in the console for development, not test, so the data could be mismatched. Might need to set up the data in a before hook.

How do I generate specs for existing controllers?

I have several controllers already set up. Now I want to start writing spec tests for them. Is there a command that generates the spec files automatically? I know rails does this for new resources, but I don't know if it does it for existing controllers/models too.
rails g rspec:controller ControllerName
When it asks you to override the existing controller, type n.
There are two options. If you want an empty spec file, you could try with:
rails g rspec:controller ControllerName
Now, if you want a spec file with initial specs for a basic REST controller, try with:
rails g rspec:scaffold ControllerName
If you've configured rspec in application.rb:
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :rspec
then rails g controller things will work. Opt not to overwrite files as they're generated.
All a spec looks like when it's generated is the following:
require 'spec_helper'
describe ThingsController do
it "should be successful" do
get :index
response.should be_successful
I often create the specs manually, as it's rather trivial.