Rule engine for User notification - notifications

There are event Object which will have following properties:
Type = can take A, B, C etc as values
Source = can take X, Y, Z etc as values
status = 1, 2, 3 etc as values
Now there can be several users. Each one can register for different conditions to receive notifications when an event is received.
The condition can be:
type = A alone ,
type = A and Source = X and status -3,
or type = C or status = 3 and source = z.
I can handle it in Java but is there any simple framwork which can handle it.
I searched on Google and there are plenty of framework which gives an idea on how to apply conditions but I was not able to see how to correlate to users.
Do I need to apply the conditions given for each users for each event. Is there any smart condition pooling mechanism through which I can get the target users with less iterations.
Appreciate any pointers.


Optaplanner:Add Dynamic visits without changing the already created visits

I am saving the best solution into the DB, and we display that on the web page. I am looking for some solution where a user can add more visits, but that should not change already published trips.
I have checked the documentation and found ProblemFactChange can be used, but only when the solver is already running.
In my case solver is already terminated and the solution is also published. Now I want to add more visits to the vehicle without modifying the existing visits of the Vehicle. Is this possible with Optaplanner? if yes any example of documentation would be very helpful.
You can use PlanningPin annotation for avoiding unwanted changes.
Optaplanner - Pinned planning entities
If you're not looking for pinning (see Ismail's excellent answer), take a look at the OptaPlanner School Timetabling example, which allows adding lessons between solver runs. The lessons simply get stored in the database and then get loaded when the solver starts.
The difficulty with VRP is the chained model complexity (we're working on an alternative): If you add a visit X between A and B, then make sure that afterwards = X, B.previous = X, X.previous = A, = B and X.vehicle = A.vehicle. Not the mention the arrival times etc.
My suggestion would be to resolve what is left after the changes have been introduced. Let's say you are you visited half of your destinations (A -> B -> C) but not yet (C - > D -> E) when two new possible destinations (D' and E') are introduced. Would not this be the same thing as you are starting in C and trying plan for D, D', E and E'? The solution needs to be updated on the progress though so the remainder + changes can be input to the next solution.
Just my two cent.

Neo4j: How to pass a variable to Neo4j Apoc (apoc.path.subgraphAll) Property

Am new to Neo4j and trying to do a POC by implementing a graph DB for Enterprise Reference / Integration Architecture (Architecture showing all enterprise applications as Nodes, Underlying Tables / APIs - logically grouped as Nodes, integrations between Apps as Relationships.
Objective is to achieve seamlessly 'Impact Analysis' using the strength of Graph DB (Note: I understand this may be an incorrect approach to achieve whatever am trying to achieve, so suggestions are welcome)
Let me come brief my question now,
There are four Apps - A1, A2, A3, A4; A1 has set of Tables (represented by a node A1TS1) that's updated by Integration 1 (relationship in this case) and the same set of tables are read by Integration 2. So the Data model looks like below
I have the underlying application table names captured as a List property in A1TS1 node.
Let's say one of the app table is altered for a new column or Data type and I wanted to understand all impacted Integrations and Applications. Now am trying to write a query as below to retrieve all nodes & relationships that are associated/impacted because of this table alteration but am not able to achieve this
Expected Result is - all impacted nodes (A1TS1, A1, A2, A4) and relationships (INT1, INT2)
Option 1 (Using APOC)
MATCH (a {TCName:'A1TS1',AppName:'A1'})-[r]-(b)
WITH a as STRTND, Collect(type(r)) as allr
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(STRTND, {relationshipFilter:allr}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
This faile with error Failed to invoke procedure 'apoc.path.subgraphAll': Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Option 2 (Using with, unwind, collect clause)
MATCH (a {TCName:'A1TS1',AppName:'A1'})-[r]-(b)
WITH a as STRTND, Collect(r) as allr
UNWIND allr as rels
MATCH p=()-[rels]-()-[rels]-()
This fails with error "Cannot use the same relationship variable 'rels' for multiple patterns" but if I use the [rels] once like p=()-[rels]=() it works but not yielding me all nodes
Any help/suggestion/lead is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Trying to give more context
Showing the Underlying Data
MATCH ()-[r]-() RETURN distinct r.relname
"FINREP" │ (runs between A1 to other apps)
"UPFRNT" │ (runs between A2 to different Salesforce App)
"INVOICE" │ (runs between A1 to other apps)
With this, here is what am trying to achieve
Assume "TBL3" is getting altered in App A1, I wanted to write a query specifying the table "TBL3" in match pattern, get all associated relationships and connected nodes (upstream)
May be I need to achieve in 3 steps,
Step 1 - Write a match pattern to find the start node and associated relationship(s)
Step 2 - Store that relationship(s) from step 1 in a Array variable / parameter
Step 3 - Pass the start node from step 1 & parameter from step 2 to apoc.path.subgraphAll to see all the impacted nodes
This may conceptually sound valid but how to do that technically in neo4j Cypher query is the question.
Hope this helps
This query may do what you want:
WHERE $table IN tc.Tables
MATCH p=(tc)-[:Foo*]-()
WITH tc,
REDUCE(s = [], x IN COLLECT(NODES(p)) | s + x) AS ns,
REDUCE(t = [], y IN COLLECT(RELATIONSHIPS(p)) | t + y) AS rs
UNWIND rs AS rel
RETURN tc, nodes, COLLECT(DISTINCT rel) AS rels;
It assumes that you provide the name of the table of interest (e.g., "TBL3") as the value of a table parameter. It also assumes that the relationships of interest all have the Foo type.
It first finds tc, the TBLCON node(s) containing that table name. It then uses a variable-length non-directional search for all paths (with non-repeating relationships) that include tc. It then uses COLLECT twice: to aggregate the list of nodes in each path, and to aggregate the list of relationships in each path. Each aggregation result would be a list of lists, so it uses REDUCE on each outer list to merge the inner lists. It then uses UNWIND and COLLECT(DISTINCT x) on each list to produce a list with unique elements.
If you differentiate between your relationships by type (rather than by property value), your Cypher code can be a lot simpler by taking advantage of APOC functions. The following query assumes that the desired relationship types are passed via a types parameter:
WHERE $table IN tc.Tables
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(
tc, {relationshipFilter: apoc.text.join($types, '|')}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships;
WIth some lead from cybersam's response, the below query gets me what I want. Only constraint is, this result is limited to 3 layers (3rd layer through Optional Match)
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(TC, {maxLevel:1}) YIELD nodes AS invN, relationships AS invR
WITH TC, REDUCE (tmpL=[], tmpr IN invR | tmpL+type(tmpr)) AS impR
MATCH FLP=(TC)-[]-()-[FLR]-(SL) WHERE type(FLR) IN impR
This works for my needs, hope this might also help someone.
Thanks everyone for the responses and suggestions
Enhanced the query to get rid of Optional Match criteria and other given limitations
WITH Reduce(O="",OO in Reduce (I=[], II in collect(apoc.node.relationship.types(initTC)) | I+II) | O+OO+"|") as RF
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(TC,{relationshipFilter:RF}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
Thanks all (especially cybersam)

Is there a more efficient way to return all records in a "traversed" link'ed list?

I have a generic (non-V) class with a LINKMAP field that links a chain of time-series data. Each record links to the next record based on a key of the next month/day/hour/etc. and a value of the #rid of the next record. I could use edges (non-lightweight, with a single property the same as the LINKMAP key), but I don't want to because I only need a one-direction link and want to use the least amount of storage space (plus my assumption is that while using edges might offer slightly easier querying, it wouldn't offer any benefit in terms of performance or storage space).
I currently have the following batch query:
let r = select from data where key='AAA';
let y = select expand(links['2017']) from $r;
let m = select expand(links['07']) from $y;
let d = select expand(links['15']) from $m;
let h = select expand(links['10']) from $d;
return (select $r[0], $y[0], $m[0], $d[0], $h[0])
This works, in the sense that I get a result set with the #rids of each record in the link'ed list.
I have two questions:
Is there a more efficient way to do this query? I've tried various TRAVERSE options with $path and such, but nothing else I attempted worked at all. I did not try MATCH because I'm not using edges.
The current result set is flat, with each value prop ($r, $y, etc.) containing the corresponding #rid. That's OK for my purposes, but I'd like to know if there's a way to return the actual records instead of just the #rids. Nothing I've tried works.
PS - I'm using orientjs, but the batch runs identically from the console as well.

HL7 ORU sending edits

I use HL7 ORU message to send clinical notes. At present, I just send notes as they are created and saved. But now I need to support edit and delete of the notes and convey the same to the receiving system.
How can I achieve edit / delete with this? I use ORU^R01 structure and use OBR and multiple OBX segments for my information. Thanks.
You will need to confirm with the receiving system how they want edits and deletes conveyed to them. But it is common to use the result status code in OBR-25 and/or the observation result status code in OBX-11.
For example, if the clinical note is edited (aka. corrected or modified) send a C in OBR-25. If the clinical note is deleted send a X in OBR-25. Ultimately you will need to coordinate with the receiving system.
FWIW, I commonly see these values in OBR-25:
P = preliminary
F = final
C = corrected / modified
X = cancelled / deleted / in-error

How to do math operation with columns on grouped rows

I have Event model with following attributes (I quoted only problem related attributes), this model is filled periodically by API call, calling external service (Google Calendar):
colorid: number # (0-11)
event_start: datetime
event_end: datetime
I need to count duration of grouped events, grouped by colorid. I have Event instance method to calculate single event duration:
def event_duration
((event_end.to_datetime - event_start.to_datetime) * 24 * 60 ).to_i
Now, I need to do something like this:
event =
But this doesnot work for me, as long as I get error that event_duration column doesnot exists. My idea is to add one more attribute to Event model "event_duration", and count and update this attribute during Event record creation, in this case I would have column called "event_duration", and I might be ale to use sum on this attribute. But I am not sure this is good and "system solution", as long as I would like to have model data reflecting "raw" received data from API call, and do all math and statistics on the top of model data.
event_duration is instance method (not column name). error was raised because Event.sum only calculates the sum of certain column
on your case, I think it would be easier to use enumerable methods
duration_by_color_id = {}
grouped_events = Event.all.group_by(&:colorid)
grouped_events.each do |colorid, events|
duration_by_color_id[colorid] = events.collect(&:event_duration).sum
Source :
Enumerable's group_by
Enumerable's collect