Dynatree - Open link in a new window many time - dynatree

With dynatree I want to open the link selected by the user in a new window and to have the new window focused. I obtained this so:
if (node.data.url) {
return stop;
where "stop" is undefined. Is there another way?
But there is more.
If I click again the same link
(example Fraer Leasing)
nothing happens (and I want another window opened for that link).
How can i do?
Please, if possible, answer wih examples.

From the sample
onActivate: function(node) {
if( node.data.href ){
window.open(node.data.href, node.data.target);
The onActivate event is only triggered once, i.e. when the node was inactive before.
You could implement the onClick event instead.


XPages: how to create a dialog box with callback to the caller

I have an XPage with 2 custom controls. The 1st custom control has a repeat control and the second is used just as a dialog box.
The user can delete a row from the repeat control by clicking on a delete link. then i use rowVar.getDocument.getNoteID and i delete the document.
What i want is to ask the user first: "are you sure you want to delete it?"
I used "window.confirm()" in CSJS but i dont like the default prompt box. So then i used dojo dialog box but i cant use rowVar of repeat control in it to get the documentId.
Currently i have code in the OK button of the dialog but i want to use OK/Cancel buttons only as a true/false and execute the code in the main custom control. Is there a way of passing the value of the button back to the caller?
I have done this in many ways. Basically, write the information you need to find the document to delete to a viewScope variable. Then create a stand alone event handler that is called from the OK or Cancel buttons of the dialog.
So the eventHandler looks like this post by Jeremey Hodge:
// write the ssjs to save the doc base on viewScope parameters
Then the dialog buttons look something like this (based on the Mastering XPages book and many other sources):
XSP.partialRefreshGet("#{id:eventHandler1}", {
params : {action :"OK" },
onComplete : function () {
// do something else if needed
onError : function() {
alert("no soup for you!");

how to attach an event to dojox.mobile.heading 'back' button

In addition to the 'back' button functioning as expected, I need to asynchronously invoke a function to update some db tables and refresh the UI.
Prior to making this post, I did some research and tried the following on this...
<h1 data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.Heading" id="hdgSettings" data-dojo-props="label:'Settings',back:'Done',moveTo:'svStart',fixed:'top'"></h1>
dojo.connect(dijit.registry.byId("hdgSettings"), "onclick",
function() {
if (gblLoggerOn) WL.Logger.debug(">> hdgSettings(onclick) fired...");
Since my heading doesn't have any other widgets than the 'back' button, I thought that attaching this event to it would solve my problem... it did nothing. So I changed it to this...
dojo.connect(dijit.registry.byId("hdgSettings")._body, "onclick",
function() {
if (gblLoggerOn) WL.Logger.debug(">> hdgSettings(onclick) fired...");
As it turns out, the '._body' attribute must be shared by the Accordion widget that I just happen to use as my app's main UI component, and any attempt to interact w the Accordion rendered my entire app useless.
As a last resort, I guess I could simply forgo using the built-in 'back' button, and simply place my own tabBarButton on the heading to control my app's transition and event processing.
If the community suggests that I use my own tabBarButton, then so be it, however there has to be a way to cleanly attach an event to the built-in 'back' button support.
The following should do the trick:
var backButton = dijit.registry.byId("hdgSettings").backButton;
if (backButton) {
dojo.connect(backButton, "onClick", function() { ... });
The code above should be executed via a dojo/ready call, to avoid using dijit's widget registry before it gets filled. See http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/ready.html.
Note the capitalization of the event name: "onClick" (not "onclick").
Not knowing what Dojo version you use (please always include the Dojo version information when asking questions), I kept your pre-AMD syntax, which is not recommended with recent Dojo versions (1.8, 1.9). See http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.9/modern_dojo/ for details.

on(release) {...} or myButton.onRelease = function() {...} - action script 2 issues

I am having real confusion with some flash banners I'm creating and making the button into a clickable object which opens a web page.
I have been using this code for a while below, which works...
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");
And I placed this code on actual button within the actions panel
However I have been told the code above is very old and that I should use action script like below...
buttonInstance.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");
So I've tried to get this method below to work but nothing happens when I click the button, and I get one error, this...
So in a nutshell I cannot get this newer code to work! Ahh
Can anyone please help me understand where I am going wrong?
I have tried placing the new code in the Scene 1 of my actions. No worky..
And I've also tried placing the code below, actually on my button within the actions panel...
this.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");
Still not working.
My scene settings are alway this...
Any help would be great thanks.
You need to place the code below on the same timeline as the instance of the button (as you tried). And the instancename of the button must be "buttonInstance".
You can set the instance name in the properties panel when the button is selected.
buttonInstance.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.the-dude.co.uk", "_blank");

Google Places - Autocomplete box - Bring suggestions to foreground

I have an application where I'm using a Ajax Modal Pop Up extender to allow a user to add a new user and map them to a location using the Google Places Autocomplete box.
Used something suggested here:
My problem is that when I use this on a normal page, the suggestions appear correctly, but on a modal pop up extender they appear in the background. I want to bring this to the foreground. How do I do it?
This might be a bit late, but it should work.
//Have to do this or else the autocomplete list is hidden under the popup window
var pacContainerInitialized = false;
$('#autocompleteMapSearch').keypress(function () {
if (!pacContainerInitialized) {
$('.pac-container').css('z-index', '9999');
pacContainerInitialized = true;

Dojo Popup Menus - Connect a menu item event to multiple 'triggering' elements

What i have is a single dijit.Menu that contains the dijit.MenuItem objects with labels 1 - 9. It is connected to a sudoku like grid of 81 'nodes' (because there are so many, i dont bother with individual id's, i simply collect them with dojo.query('their-css-class-name')). This is the code i'm using inside of a widget to instantiate the context menu and its menu items.
var contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({targetNodeIds:dojo.query(".sudokuNode"), leftClickToOpen:true});
for(var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
contextMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
onClick: function(evt) {
What i'm trying to do is have the node that is clicked, and subsequently opens a popup/context menu, be filled with the value (1-9) selected from the context menu's MenuItems.
My problem is that i dont know how to "know" which of the 81 nodes was the one to fire the oncontextmenu event, and i dont know how to reference that node inside the 'onClick' method declared in the menu item.
Any help demonstrating how to reference the calling node in that context would be appreciated! If this isn't enough information, let me know what else i can do to explain my problem!
evt.target should get you the node that was actually clicked. Depending on the structure, you may need to do some other navigation from there, or use dijit.getEnclosingWidget().
If the MenuItems allow the events to bubble (I'm not sure; haven't used it myself), you could connect to the onClick() method of the Menu, so you've only got the single event listener in play.