Solution For Updating LINQ to SQL Files After Database Schema Change - sql

I recently started using LINQ to SQL in my database later for a C# Windows Forms project. Until now, I have been very impressed with how fast I have been able to implement the data access layer. The problem that I am facing is similar to the post from 2008 below
Best way to update LINQ to SQL classes after database schema change
In short, I am struggling to find an efficient solution for updating the LINQ to SQL files after making minor changes to the database such as constraints, foreign keys, new columns, etc...
Thus far, I have merely been deleting the tables in the LINQ to SQL designer and dragging them back onto the designer. However, I now have the need to rename many of the associations in the designer. The problem is that each time I have to re-create the LINQ to SQL files I lose the change that I manually made to the files. Can someone tell me if there are any new solutions and/or methods for solving this problem. The post that I have included as well as many other dated sources of information mentions that SQLMetal and Huagati are good tools. Additionally, I have read that you can manually create your LINQ to SQL files rather than auto-generate them with the designer (this is what I had to do when using Hibernate with Java).
I know that manually creating the domain classes and mapping files will be consuming. I am not familiar with SQLMetal or Huagati. Can anyone recommend the most elegant or preferred way to deal with this issue? I know that I could use Entity Framework but, I have inherited this project and I am under a very tight deadline. I can refactor it to another Framework once I have this phase complete.

After much research and reading, I have determined that the best solution for updating my DBML after minor database changes is to manually edit the file. The procedure used to update the DBML is below:
Right-click on the DBML file
Open with XML Editor
Add or change the columns in the affected table
Add or change any associations
Save the DBML
Rebuild the project
This is not ideal but, once it has been done a few times it is pretty painless for the types of changes that I occasionally need to make to the database such as changing data types, adding keys, etc...

I don't touch dbml or linq2sql generated files because there is risk that my changes would be overwritten. I use only my generated partial classes. When database schema changes I remove old table from dbml-editor and pull new table to it.


What DB changes require a re-syncing of dbml linq objects?

What database table schema changes will require me to locate all the programs where I used a dbml file based on the table and re-compile? I love the advantages of linq but this maintenance seems like a big productivity hit.
Well, two kinds of changes will require you to re-sync the DBML and recompile your app
1: changes you want to incorporate in your code
Eg: you added a new field and you want to edit/show this field in your code. Obviously, the L2S classes cannot know about the new field so you would have to resync them
2: changes that will break your existing code
Eg: If you change the datatype from varchar to int and your existing code does not know this, it will crash at runtime when inserting a string in your int fields.
I love the advantages of linq but this maintenance seems like a big
productivity hit.
Not really, any other data approach would need some kind of maintenance in these cases.

Table not removed in EDMX after deleting in SQL

AM working with MVC4 VS2012 and EF5.
I created a EDMX using the DataBase and the POCO(TT) Classes were generated Automatically.
Followed this way Entity Framework 5 and Visual Studio 2012 POCO Classes in Different Project to move POCO to different Project.
Now i edit my datatype (Int to String or AllowNull) or delete my table in SQL Server. i come and update my model(EDMX). But changes are not reflected.
Am i doing wrong or missing something ?
I don't think you are missing anything.
I'm unsure of the logic used by the designer when it decides what to update. From experience it seems to mostly add new. I haven't seen much updating.
I tend to just delete the table and add it again as the least painful route. This will remove any custom mapping, so it's not ideal if your entities are very different from your tables.

Change Database schema but keep data access compatible

I'm working on a fairly large project rewriting software to .Net C#. The original software was written in Visual DataFlex for DOS and used to store data in a separate files for each table, we now use a driver program for the original software that means the data base is now in SQL. But what I think really needs to change in the data base schema. What I wanted to know is could we write SQL triggers for the database so when the driver program tries to access the old data base schema we get and set the data in a new data base schema as well so we can change it but keep everything working. I haven't had to use triggers before so I am not sure if this is something that would work or what disadvantages or problems it could have.
I left the project that was rewriting this system but I have used Views for changing the way the data structure appears since then, and used triggers a bit more and I would agree with the comments on this questions now that changing the schema is a big job and it is better to just focus on rewriting the code first and write that in a way that can handle a change in the schema later on.

NHibernate and code first

Do you use SchemaExport and SchemaUpdate in real applications? Initially, you create model and then generate schema? Does it work? Or, you use it only for tests...
Usually, I create db (using visual studio database project) and then mappings and persistent classes or EF entities using designer. But now, I want to try code first approach with Fluent NHibernate.
I have researched SchemaExport and SchemaUpdate and found some issues. For example, update doesn't delete db objects, creates not null columns like nullable if table exists, doesn't generate primary key on many-to-many tables and so on. It mean that I have to recreate db very often. But, what's about data? And, how to deploy changes to production db and so on...
I want to know do you really use code first and SchemaExport(SchemaUpdate) in your applications? May be you can give me some advices...
I use SchemaUpdate in production. It is safe precisely because it never does destructive operations like deleting columns. However, it is not a comprehensive solution for updating your database. If you use it you will still have to supplement it with script to update your schema to do things like deleting (as you mention), indexes, changing column type, adding table data, etc. But SchemaUpdate covers the 90% case for me.
The only downside I've discovered is that over time it seems to occasionally add duplicate foreign-key constraints to my table.
One more thing: you should run SchemaUpdate manually from a build tool, not your app itself. It is not safe to give your application the rights to modify your db schema!
I use SchemaUpdate/SchemaExport for rapid evolution of my model, but they are not a replacement for a database migration tool. As you mention, data cannot be migrated in a sensible manner in many cases. The tool does not have enough context. (e.g. How can you automatically migrate a FullName column to FirstName/LastName?) I answered a similar question here where I discuss db migration tools in the context of NHibernate.
NHibernate, ORM : how is refactoring handled? existing data?
Yes, you can use these in real applications; I do.
Of course, almost all the work happens in that first go. My practice has been to create a separate project that references the mappings in my main project assembly and handles database creation and the initial data import, if any.
Once the project is in production, I usually unload that project from the solution, but keep it around for reference or if I ever need to switch from create scripts to update scripts.
As for the way NHibernate creates the database, you have to do a little more specification in your Fluent mappings than you otherwise might. I like to specify null/not null, foreign key constraint names, etc. to have maximum control over the way the database gets created.
I don't think you'd ever want to use automapping in this scenario.
Just with any generating code whether it be poco generation from a tool or database generation as in your question, it will probably get you 80% of the way there. From there it would be wise to tweak it the other 20% to add your indexes and any other performance tweaks to get it just right.

Defining table structure for a database?

Up until now, my experience with databases has always been working with an intermediate definition layer that we have where I work. i.e. SQL wasn't directly written for the table definitions, but generated from an intermediate file which wrote out SQL scripts for creating the appropriate tables, upgrade scripts between schema changes, and helper functions for doing simple queries/updates/inserts/deletes from the database.
Now I'm in a situation where I don't have access to that, for reasons I won't get into, and I find myself somewhat lost at sea regarding what to do. I need to have a small number of tables in a database, and I'm unsure what's usually done to manage the table definitions.
Do people normally just use the SQL script that does the table creation as their definition, or does everyone just use an IDE that manages the definition in a separate file and regenerates the SQL script to create the tables?
I'd really prefer not to have to introduce a dependence on a specific IDE, because as we all know, developers are whiners that are prone to religious debates over small things.
Open your favorite text editor -> Start writing CREATE scripts -> Save -> Put in Source Control
That script now becomes the basis for you database. Anytime there are schema changes, they get put back into the scripts so that they don't get lost.
These become your definition.
I find it more reliable than depending on any specific IDE/Platform generating those scripts for you.
We write the scripts ourselves and store them in source control like any other code. Then the scripts that are appropriate for a particular version are all groupd together and promoted to prod together. Make sure to use alter table when changing existing tables becasue you don't want to drop and recreate them if they have data! I use a drop and recireate for all other objects though. If you need to add records to a particular table (usually a lookup of sometype) we do that in scripts as well. Then that too gets promoted with the rest of the version code.
For me, putting the scripts in source control however they are generated is the key step. This is how you know what you have changed for the next release. This is how you can see earlier versions and revert back easily if there is a problem. Treat database code the same wayyou treat all other code.
YOu could use one of the data modelling tools that creates scripts for you if you are starting out on a database design and the eventually want to create it for you. Some tools for that are Erwin, Fabforce etc... (though not free)
If you have access to an IDE like SQL Management studio, you can create them by using an GUI thats pretty simple.
If you are writing your own code, Its always better to write your own scripts based on a good template so that you cover all the properties of the definition of the table like the file_group, Collation & stuff. Hope this helps
Once you do create a base copy generate scripts and have a base reference copy of it so that you could do "incremental" changes on them and manage them in a source control.
Though I use TOAD for Oracle, I always write the scripts to create my database objects by hand. It gives you (and your DBA's) more control and knowledge of what's being created and how.
If your schema is too difficult to describe in SQL, you probably have other issues more pressing than which IDE. Use modelling documentation if you need a graphical representation, but yeah, you don't need an IDE.
There are multiple ways out there for what you are asking.
Old traditional way is to have a script file ready with your application that has CREATE TABLE statement.
If you are a developer, and that too a Java enterprise developer, you could generate complete schema using a persistence library called Hibernate. Here is a how to
If you are a DBA level user, you could take schema export from one environment and import that in to your current environment. This is a standard practice among DBAs. But it requires admin access as you can see. Also, the methods are dependent on the database you are using (oracle, db2 etc)