ios upload/download file from desktop - objective-c

I need my ios device to act like a server i.e. once I connect my iphone with computer I'll be able to upload documents to iphone and as well as download documents from iphone. I know this is possible but I forgot library that allow us to do that. Does anybody knows such library? Also any sample code will be really helpful

Using socket connection you can make your iphone as a server by running your app which makes a socket connection.


Is webRTC supports remote machine screen sharing and controlling?

it is possible to access & control my remote machine screen by using webRTC?? if possible can you please share the information regarding the above problem
Yes the WebRTC protocol allows it. The APIs in the browser don't provide this though.
webrtc-remote-screen is a project that does this today.

Access camera at remote location on iphone

I am creating an app in which i have to access four cameras installed at different locations on my iPhone. After googling for some time i found that it will be done with http live streaming but i am confused at all about from where to proceed.
I would appreciate any help in the right direction.
Note, you can not get access your cams without static ip on cams. You can use vpn server, and connect cams and iphone(I dont know exactly about connecting iphone to VPN) to this server, and make routes between device. So, here you can perform some operations on server

File transfer from iOS App to Mac App?

Is it possible to transfer files between a Mac app and a iOS app? I want to transfer files that are in the documents directory in my iOS App to my Mac App via Wifi, how could I do it?
Well, as of iOS 5 onwards, there's iCloud. Since that's still under NDA, I'll just have to point to the relevant documentation and let you read up on your own.
If not, I'd consider using the fabulous Dropbox APIs. This does require your users signing up for a Dropbox account, but then you get automatic two-way syncing between their Mac (or PC) and their iOS devices.
Failing that, there's always Bonjour. Properly configured - and it's not super easy, there is a bit of CFSocket or BSD socket work that you need to do - Bonjour will discover any services on the local network, Mac or iOS.

Mac to iPhone App Communication over WiFi

I am new to developing for the iPhone and would love some advice on an app i'm trying to develop.
Is it possible to send commands to an app on iOS 3.2 from OS X using AppleScript. The iOS app will display an image and run a small script when it recieves the appropriate command from the client software running on a Mac Mini. The devices would communicate over an a closed WiFi network.
Before I continue down this path does anyone have any advice on how to setup the communication (i.e. get the app to run in the background and listen on a designated port).
I don't know the full process but I know that various apps do this one way or another, such as 1password and desktop remote mouse apps. I think that CocoaAsyncSocket will help. An alternative to having the iOS app listening on a socket is to open a connection from iOS to OS X and then persist it. You can then send data either way through the connection.

How to create iphone app to react as web server?

I'm working on an app, in which server (windows based) will connect to the ipad application. Then data will be transfer from the server to the ipad app. I saw different apps like PDF Expert, Wifi HD, allows server apps to connect to the iphone app through IP address. I decided to use this approach. But I don't know how to implement this. How to make the iphone/ipad app to work as a web server like the above apps do and then transfer data to them from the server side.
BTW I'll run this app on LAN. The app is not for apple's app store. So we can use private API's in it freely (If there is any for this purpose)
Anyone can help me in this regard?
First of all, your use of terms client and server seem incorrect (if I understood you correctly). The iPad application is not a server. It is a client. If you have a Windows application as the server, then all you would need to do is have the Windows application open a socket to listen for client connections. The iPad app would connect to the server on the port that the Windows server is listening. That's just the basics of how the client/server architecture works. There's more work that needs to be done for handling disconnects, multiple clients (if you are going to allow that), and other issues.
Try CocoaHTTPServer.
I agree with zooropa, I think you want iPad to be the client, you could setup a HTTP server in windows (with a WAMP, or NIS, or whatever server you like), then in the iPad app, I would create a class to download files with NSURLConnection, check for more information on how to implement a client and handle the requests.
Then when you want to download something, you use something like:
[HTTPClient downloadFile:#"http://lanserver/files/myFile.pdf" To:#"~/MyDocuments/"];
and the class would handle the request and store the file.