MATLAB and the use of global variables? - oop

I am writing a tool for dicom images and spectroscopy and there is a lot of shared data I want to use between the functions I am making. I have GUI that I made and the different sliders and buttons use a lot of this shared data from the dicom files.
I have been using global variables to store information that all of these functions share. I have a lot of globals currently. I have been taught to avoid global variables if possible because of increasing coupling. Would it be better to read in the data from the dicom file in each function? This seems redundant. Would using MATLAB as object-oriented help?

I would recommend using application data structures.
Application data is essential data stored as a structure that is defined by your application and is typically attached to a GUI application or figure window.
To use application data (appdata) use the setappdata and getappdata functions. For example, assuming that you have a handle to your GUI stored as hGUI, the following adds a random matrix to your application data and then retrieves it later (lifted from MATLAB documentation)
% Save matrix for later
matrix = randn(35);
setappdata(hGUI, 'mydata', matrix);
% Do some stuff...
% Retrieve my matrix, this could be in a different file to `setappdata`
myMatrix = getappdata(hGUI, 'mydata');
You can store essentially arbitrary data in your application data, and you can store it and get it from any of your source files, as long as hGUI refers to your GUI application.

Since you mention you are working with a GUI and wanting to share data between the control callbacks, I would suggest designing your code using nested functions. The overall code would look something like this:
function dicomGUI
%# Initialize your GUI here, linking the control callbacks to the
%# nested functions below:
hLoad = uicontrol('Style', 'push', 'String', 'Load file', ...
'Callback', #load_file);
%# Initialize the data variables for the DICOM files here:
data = []; %# Shared among nested functions
%# Below are all the nested functions your controls will use:
function load_file(hSource, event)
data = ...; %# Load the data here
Not only does this let you put all your GUI code in one m-file, but it simplifies the control callbacks and makes it easy for them to share variables in the workspace of the parent function dicomGUI. An example of this approach, along with other suggestions for sharing data between GUI controls, can be found on this documentation page: Share Data Among a GUI's Callbacks.
As Chris mentions, this could become a very large m-file for a large and intricate GUI. To keep the file size down in such a case I would suggest making the body of each callback simply a call to a function in a separate file which accepts the shared data variables, performs whatever work is necessary, then returns the modified data to the same shared variables. For example:
function transform_callback(hSource, event)
%# Apply some transform to the data:
data = transform_data(data);
%# If the above changes the GUI (disabling controls, changing a
%# display, etc.), then those changes should be made here.

Globals as a rule are a bad thing. There are a couple of better ways typically, which include:
Reading in the data initially, and passing it to each function which needs it.
Reading it the data, and each function which needs it calls a function which returns it.
You might need to update the data package upon return somehow as well, depending on if you only use the data or if you change the data as well as using it.
Either one of these ideas should help your process. It makes your code much more readable, and less likely to make some kind of a mistake.

There is another possibility due to the object-oriented nature of MATLAB. You can define your own handle class and pass it in the initialization phase to each callback as an additional argument:
classdef Data<handle
properties (Access=public)
function SimpleGui
data = Data();
hLoad = uicontrol('Style', 'push', 'String', 'Push me', ...
'Callback', {#callback data});
data.Val = 5;
function callback(hSource, event, data)
data.Val = data.Val+1;
Yet another option:
Also, regarding the guidata/appdata (as described by #Chris), it can be improved in the following way:
Create an encapsulating callback that always gets and sets guidata:
function CallbackWrapper(hObj,evt,func)
data = guidata(hObj);
data = func(hObj,evt,data);
Now your callbacks should be defined in the following way (note the different signature):
function SimpleGui
hSave = uicontrol('Style', 'push', 'String', 'Push me', ...
'Callback', {#CallbackWrapper #myCallBack});
data.x = 1;
function data = myCallBack(hObj,evt,data)
data.x = data.x + 1;

If you are using one of the later releases of MATLAB, you should take advantage of the OOPS (object oriented programming system).
You should adhere to software design principles and start by architecting a sound software design. You should do this before writing any code. I recommend using UML for software modeling.


Array of objects

Let's say I want to connect to two package repositories, make a query for a package name, combine the result from the repos and process it (filter, unique, prioritize,...), What is a good way to do that?
What I though about is creating Array of two Cro::HTTP::Client objects (with base-uri specific to each repo), and when I need to make HTTP request I call #a>>.get, then process the result from the repos together.
I have attached a snippet of what I'm trying to do. But I would like to see if there is a better way to do that. or if the approach mention in the following link is suitable for this use case!
use Cro::HTTP::Client;
class Repo {
has $.name;
has Cro::HTTP::Client $!client;
has Cro::Uri $.uri;
has Bool $.disable = False;
submethod TWEAK () {
$!client = => $!uri, :json);
method get (:$package) {
my $path = <x86_64?>;
my $resp = await $!client.get($path ~ $package);
my $json = await $resp.body;
return $json;
class AllRepos {
has Repo #.repo;
method get (:$package) {
# check if some repos are disabled
my #candidate = #!repo>>.get(:$package).unique(:with(&[eqv])).flat;
# do furthre processign of the data then return it;
return #candidate;
my $repo1 = name => 'repo1', uri =><http://localhost:80>);
my $repo2 = name => 'repo2', uri =><http://localhost:77>);
my #repo = $repo1, $repo2;
my $repos = :#repo;
#my #packages = $repos.get: package => 'rakudo';
Let's say I want to connect to two package repositories, make a query for a package name, combine the result from the repos and process it (filter, unique, prioritize,...), What is a good way to do that?
The code you showed looks like one good way in principle but not, currently, in practice.
The hyperoperators such as >>:
Distribute an operation (in your case, connect and make a query) ...
... to the leaves of one or two input composite data structures (in your case the elements of one array #!repo) ...
... with logically parallel semantics (by using a hyperoperator you are declaring that you are taking responsibility for thinking that the parallel invocations of the operation will not interfere with each other, which sounds reasonable for connecting and querying) ...
... and then return a resulting composite data structure with the same shape as the original structure if the hyperoperator is a unary operator (which applies in your case, because you applied >>, which is an unary operator which takes a single argument on its left, so the result of the >>.get is just a new array, just like the input #!repo) or whose shape is the hyper'd combination of the shapes of the pair of structures if the hyperoperator is a binary operator, such as >>op<< ...
... which can then be further processed (in your case it is, with .unique, which will produce a resulting Seq) ...
... whose elements you then assign back into another array (#candidate).
So your choice is a decent fit in principle, but the commitment to parallelism is only semantic and right now the Rakudo compiler never takes advantage of it, so it will actually run your code sequentially, which presumably isn't a good fit in practice.
Instead I suggest you consider:
Using map to distribute an operation over multiple elements (in a shallow manner; map doesn't recursively descend into a deep structure like the hyperoperators, deepmap etc., but that's OK for your use case) ...
... in combination with the race method which parallelizes the method it proceeds.
So you might write:
my #candidate =
#!*.get: :$package).unique(:with(&[eqv])).flat;
Alternatively, check out task 94 in Using Perl 6.
if the approach mention in the following link is suitable for this use case!
I don't think so. That's about constructing a general purpose container that's like an array but with some differences to the built in Array that are worth baking into a new type.
I can just about imagine such things that are vaguely related to your use case -- eg an array type that automatically hyper distributes method calls invoked on it, if they're defined on Any or Mu (rather than Array or List), i.e. does what I described above but with the code #!repo.get... instead of hyper #! *.get .... But would it be worth it (assuming it would work -- I haven't thought about it beyond inventing the idea for this answer)? I doubt it.
More generally...
It seems like what you are looking for is cookbook like material. Perhaps a question posted at the reddit sub /r/perl6 is in order?

How should I implement Obj C-like headers in Lua?

Now I have an import(a) function, that in short words dofile's header in .framework like this:
import("<Kakao/KARect>") => dofile("/System/Library/Frameworks/Kakao.framework/Headers/KARect.lua")
And in KARect.lua for example I have:
KARect = {}
function KARect:new(_x, _y, _width, _height, _colorBack)
local new = setmetatable({}, {__index = self}) = KAEntities:generateID()
return new
function KARect:draw()
After some time I thought about reworking this system and making "headers" work like typical Lua modules with advanced require() so function will do e.g.:
import("<Kakao/KARect>") => package.path = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Kakao.framework/Headers/?.lua"; KARect = require("KARect")
and file will contain:
local KARect = {}
return KARect
Because headers should not contain anything but only classes with their names? I'm getting confused when thinking about it, as I never used Obj C :s
I never used Obj C
Then why are you trying to implement its headers in a language, that does not use headers at all?
Header! What is a header?
Header files in C-like languages store more than just a name. They store constants and macro commands, function and class method argument and return types, structure and class fields. In essence, the contents of the header file are forward declarations. They came into existence due to the need to perform the same forward-declarations across many files.
I don't know what additional rules and functions were added to header files in Obj-C, but you can get general understanding of what they do in the following links: 1, 2, 3, 4 with the last one being the most spot-on.
Answer to the question present
Lua is dynamically-typed interpreted language. It does not do compile time type checks and, typically, Lua programs can and should be structured in a way that does not need forward declarations across files. So there is no meaningful way for a programmer to create and for lua bytecode generator and interpreter to use header files.
Lua does not have classes at all. The code you've posted is a syntactic sugar for an assignment of a function with a slightly different signature to a table which imitates class: = function( first_arg_is_self, _x, _y, _width, _height, _colorBack)
local new = setmetatable({}, {__index = first_arg_is_self})
return new
There is no declarations here, only generation of an anonymous function and its assignment to a field in a table. Other parts of program do not need to know anything about a particular field, variable or function (which is stored in variable) in advance (unlike C).
So, no declaration means nothing to separate from implementation. You of course can first list fields of the class-table and do dummy assignments to them, but, again, Lua will have no use for those. If you want to give hints to humans, it is probably better to write a dedicated manual or put comments in the implementation.
Lua has situations where forward declarations are needed to reference local functions. But this situation does not arise in object oriented code, as all methods are accessed through reference to the object, and by the time first object is created, the class itself is usually fully constructed.

How should I deal with external dependencies in my functions when writing unit tests?

The following function iterates through the names of directories in the file system, and if they are not in there already, adds these names as records to a database table. (Please note this question applies to most languages).
def find_new_dirs():
dirs_listed_in_db = get_dirs_in_db()
new_dirs = []
for dir in get_directories_in_our_path():
if dir not in dirs_listed_in_db:
return new_dirs
I want to write a unit test for this function. However, the function has a dependency on an external component - a database. So how should I write this test?
I assume I should 'mock out' the database. Does this mean I should take the function get_dirs_in_db as a parameter, like so?
def find_new_dirs(get_dirs_in_db):
dirs_listed_in_db = get_dirs_in_db()
new_dirs = []
for dir in get_directories_in_our_path():
if dir not in dirs_listed_in_db:
return new_dirs
Or possibly like so?
def find_new_dirs(db):
dirs_listed_in_db = db.get_dirs()
new_dirs = []
for dir in get_directories_in_our_path():
if dir not in dirs_listed_in_db:
return new_dirs
Or should I take a different approach?
Also, should I design my whole project this way from the start? Or should I refactor them to this design when the need arises when writing tests?
What you're describing is called dependency injection and yes, it is a common way of writing testable code. The second method you outlined (where you would pass in the db) is probably more common. Also, you can have the db parameter to your function take a default value so you are able to only specify the mock db in testing cases.
Whether to write your code that way at the outset or modify it later would be a matter of opinion, but if you adhere to the Test-driven development (TDD) methodology then you would write your tests before your code-under-test anyway.
There are other ways to deal with this problem, but you're asking a broad question at that point.
I take it these code fragments are python, which I'm not familiar with, but in any case this looks like the methods are detached from any stateful object and I'm not sure if that's idiomatic python or simply your design.
In an OOD you'd want an object that holds a data access object in its state (similar to your 2nd version) and mock that object for tests. You'd also want to mock the get_directories_our_path part.
As for when this design should be done - as the first step before creating the first code file. You should use dependency injection throughout your code. This will aid in testing as well as decoupling and increased reusability of your classes.

Is custom generalized object serialization possible in Matlab?

I would like to save my objects as XML so that other applications can read from and write to the data files -- something that is very difficult with Matlab's binary mat files.
The underlying problem I'm running into is that Matlab's equivalent of reflection (which I've used to do similar things in .NET) is not very functional with respect to private properties. Matlab's struct(object) function offers a hack in terms of writing XML from an object because while I can't do
x = myInstance.myPrivateProperty;
...I can do
props = struct(myInstance);
x = props.myPrivateProperty;
So, I can create a pure (contains no objects) struct from any object using the code below, and then it's trivial to write an XML file using a pure struct.
But, is there any way to reverse the process? That is, to create an object instance using the data saved by the code below (that data contains a list of all non-Dependent, non-Constant, non-Transient properties of the class instance, and the name of the class)? I was thinking about having all my objects inherit from a class called XmlSerializable which would accept a struct as a single argument in the constructor and then assign all the values contained in the struct to the correspondingly-named properties. But, this doesn't work because if MyClass inherits XmlSerializable, the code in XmlSerializable isn't allowed to set the private properties of MyClass (related to How can I write generalized functions to manipulate private properties?). This would be no problem in .NET (See Is it possible to set private property via reflection?), but I'm having trouble figuring it out in Matlab.
This code creates a struct that contains all of the state information for the object(s) passed in, yet contains no object instances. The resulting struct can be trivially written to XML:
function s = toPureStruct(thing)
if isstruct(thing)
s = collapseObjects(thing);
s.classname = 'struct';
elseif isobject(thing)
s.classname = class(thing);
warning off MATLAB:structOnObject;
allprops = struct(thing);
warning on MATLAB:structOnObject
mc = metaclass(thing);
for i=1:length(mc.PropertyList)
p = mc.PropertyList(i);
if strcmp(p.Name, 'classname')
error('toStruct:PropertyNameCollision', 'Objects used in toStruct may not have a property named ''classname''');
if ~(p.Dependent || p.Constant || p.Transient)
if isobject(allprops.(p.Name))
s.(p.Name) = toPureStruct(allprops.(p.Name));
elseif isstruct(allprops.(p.Name))
s.(p.Name) = collapseObjects(allprops.(p.Name));
s.(p.Name) = allprops.(p.Name);
error(['Conversion to pure struct from ' class(thing) ' is not possible.']);
function s = collapseObjects(s)
fnames = fields(s);
for i=1:length(fnames)
f = s.(fnames{i});
if isobject(f)
s.(fnames{i}) = toPureStruct(f);
elseif isstruct(f)
s.(fnames{i}) = collapseObjects(f);
EDIT: One of the other "applications" I would like to read the saved files is a version control system (to track changes in parameters in configurations defined by Matlab objects), so any viable solution must be capable of producing human-intelligible text. The toPureStruct method above does this when the struct is converted to XML.
You might be able to sidestep this issue by using the new v7.3 MAT file format for your saved objects. Unlike the older MAT file formats, v7.3 is a variant of the HDF5, and there's HDF5 support and libraries in other languages. This could be a lot less work, and you'd probably get better performance too, since HDF5 is going to have a more efficient representation of numeric arrays than naive XML will.
It's not the default format; you can enable it using the -v7.3 switch to the save function.
To the best of my knowledge, what I want to do is impossible in Matlab 2011b. It might be possible, per #Andrew Janke's answer, to do something similar using Matlab's load command on binary HDF5 files that can be read and modified by other programs. But, this adds an enormous amount of complexity as Matlab's HDF5 representation of even the simplest class is extremely opaque. For instance, if I create a SimpleClass classdef in Matlab with two standard properties (prop1 and prop2), the HDF5 binary generated with the -v7.3 switch is 7k, and the expanded XML is 21k, and the text "prop1" and "prop2" do not appear anywhere. What I really want to create from that SimpleClass is this:
I do not think it is possible to produce the above text from class properties in a generalized fashion in Matlab, even though it would be possible, for instance, in .NET or Java.

Description format for an embedded structure

I have a C structure that allow users to configure options in an embedded system. Currently the GUI we use for this is custom written for every different version of this configuration structure. What I'd like for is to be able to describe the structure members in some format that can be read by the client configuration application, making it universal across all of our systems.
I've experimented with describing the structure in XML and having the client read the file; this works in most cases except those where some of the fields have inter-dependencies. So the format that I use needs to have a way to specify these; for instance, member A must always be less than or equal to half of member B.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.
After reading the first reply I realized that my question is indeed a little too vague, so here's another attempt:
The embedded system needs to have access to the data as a C struct, running any other language on the processor is not an option. Basically, all I need is a way to define metadata with the structure, this metadata will be downloaded onto flash along with firmware. The client configuration utility will then read the metadata file over RS-232, CAN etc. and populate a window (a tree-view) that the user can then use to edit options.
The XML file that I mentioned tinkering with was doing exactly that, it contained the structure member name, data type, number of elements etc. The location of the member within the XML file implicitly defined its position in the C struct. This file resides on flash and is read by the configuration program; the only thing lacking is a way to define dependencies between structure fields.
The code is generated automatically using MATLAB / Simulink so I do have access to a scripting language to help with the structure creation. For example, if I do end up using XML the structure will only be defined in the XML format and I'll use a script to create the C structure during code generation.
Hope this is clearer.
For the simple case where there is either no relationship or a relationship with a single other field, you could add two fields to the structure: the "other" field number and a pointer to a function that compares the two. Then you'd need to create functions that compared two values and return true or false depending upon whether or not the relationship is met. Well, guess you'd need to create two functions that tested the relationship and the inverse of the relationship (i.e. if field 1 needs to be greater than field 2, then field 2 needs to be less than or equal to field 1). If you need to place more than one restriction on the range, you can store a pointer to a list of function/field pairs.
An alternative is to create a validation function for every field and call it when the field is changed. Obviously this function could be as complex as you wanted but might require more hand coding.
In theory you could generate the validation functions for either of the above techniques from the XML description that you described.
I would have expected you to get some answers by now, but let me see what I can do.
Your question is a bit vague, but it sounds like you want one of
Code generation
An embedded extension language
A hand coded run-time mini language
Code Generation
You say that you are currently hand tooling the configuration code each time you change this. I'm willing to bet that this is a highly repetitive task, so there is no reason that you can't write program to do it for you. Your generator should consume some domain specific language and emit c code and header files which you subsequently build into you application. An example of what I'm talking about here would be GNU gengetopt. There is nothing wrong with the idea of using xml for the input language.
the resulting code can be both fast and compact
there is no need for an interpreter running on the target platform
you have to write the generator
changing things requires a recompile
Extension Language
Tcl, python and other languages work well in conjunction with c code, and will allow you to specify the configuration behavior in a dynamic language rather than mucking around with c typing and strings and and and...
dynamic language probably means the configuration code is simpler
change configuration options without recompiling
you need the dynamic language running on the target platform
Mini language
You could write your own embedded mini-language.
No need to recompile
Because you write it it will run on your target
You have to write it yourself
How much does the struct change from version to version? When I did this kind of thing I hardcoded it into the PC app, which then worked out what the packet meant from the firmware version - but the only changes were usually an extra field added onto the end every couple of months.
I suppose I would use something like the following if I wanted to go down the metadata route.
typedef struct
unsigned char field1;
unsigned short field2;
unsigned char a_string[4];
} data;
typedef struct
unsigned char name[16];
unsigned char type;
unsigned char min;
unsigned char max;
} field_info;
field_info fields[3];
void init_meta(void)
strcpy(fields[0].name, "field1");
fields[0].type = TYPE_UCHAR;
fields[0].min = 1;
fields[0].max = 250;
strcpy(fields[1].name, "field2");
fields[1].type = TYPE_USHORT;
fields[1].min = 0;
fields[1].max = 0xffff;
strcpy(fields[2].name, "a_string");
fields[2].type = TYPE_STRING;
fields[2].min = 0 // n/a
fields[2].max = 0 // n/a
void send_meta(void)
rs232_packet packet;
memcpy(packet.payload, fields, sizeof(fields));
packet.length = sizeof(fields);