Design pattern "Facade" - objective-c

I'm working on the issue of design patterns. In this case I want to implement design pattern 'Facade'
I know that 'Cocoa Touch' offers us complete solutions for applying design patterns in our projects (for example NSNotificationCenter - implements observer design pattern)
My questions is next: - do we have ability to using design pattern 'Facade' as well as in the case of the observer design pattern.
Now I implement 'Facade' like this:
For example i have some classes which implements some calculations. The 'Facade' class combine all classes which I needed to calculations.
For example i have classes A, B, C and Facade (which contain A, B and C classes).
When I want to calculate something I just create my 'Facade' and pass some argument for calculation. In this case I don't know about classes A, B, C and this Facade object provides me one access point only.
This design pattern encapsulates objects and simplifies the application.
Is it correct implementation?

Another a good example for implementing facade pattern - pizza call service.
For example, pizza service (subsystem) is very large and it consists of three departments (interfaces) : order department, discount department, delivery department. Each departments has own logic and interfaces.
You can simply implement facade pattern on it.
Here this example in more details.

A Facade is defined as unified interface to a bunch of interfaces - sort of higher level interface to reduce the complexity. Instead of dealing with several classes and knowing the API's of each its reduced to the facade. Your explanation looks OK to me.

It is correct explanation (i don't see implementation). Nice association to Facade pattern in real life is remote control - you can run TV functions, DVD and so on.

The motivation behind the facade pattern is to provide a simplified interface for often-used cases, while accommodating the ability to reach past the simplified interface and interact with more complex aspects of the classes behind the facade when neccessary. As you've described your implementation, it would certainly seem to fit the description, and there is no reason you couldn't use a facade pattern in combination with a notification/observer pattern...


Can Coldfusion components share methods without being descendants of the same super class

We have used a homegrown version of object oriented coldfusion for a while and I'm just starting to experiment with cfc's and how it "should" be done...
If I understand correctly, cfinterface defines the signature of functions, and any class that implements that interface must have their own functions to do whats defined in the interface.
I'm kind of trying to do the opposite - the interface doesn't just define the function's signature, but also defines the logic of the function and anything that implements that interface can use its functions without having to define it itself. Does that exist besides creating subclasses?
For example, say you have classes A,B,C,D that all belong to the Animal class
A & B can walk
A & C can talk
B & D can sleep
Suppose the logic of walk, talk & sleep (if the object can do it) is the same regardless of the class doing it
Ideally, if A & B both implement the walking interface, they can walk without defining a separate walk method in each class.
Or borrowing a better example from this java multiple inheritance question
A Pegasus is a mix of a Horse and a Bird because it runs like a horse
but flies like a bird
Is that possible? (I think this is multiple inheritance?)
In short: no, an interface only defines a contract, it does not (and cannot) define functionality). Also CFML does not have the concept of multiple inheritance.
You will have to use single-inheritance and concrete implementations to effect what you need. I can't be bothered assessing your implementation-sharing requirements to work out what an approrpriate class hierarchy might be to minimise code duplication. I'm sure you can do that yourself (and it's not really part of your question anyhow).
One tactic you could try is to use mixins for your common methods. Store the common methods in a different library, and then inject them into your objects as required. So basically Mixins.cfc would implement walk(), talk(), sleep(), and you'd have an AFactory.cfc, BFactory.cfc, CFactory.cfc. When asking a factory for a new A, B or C, and the factory method injects the mixin methods before returning the instances. Obviously this is a fairly cumbersome process, and you'd want to use some sort of IoC container to manage all this.
A better question might come out of you showing us more real world examples... I suspect your domain design could perhaps stand improvement if you find yourself needing to do what your example suggests. Actual design requirements are seldom exposed with examples using animals.
You can do similar things with WireBox and its Virtual Inheritance feature:
// Declare base CFC
It's basically very similar to what Adam described above; a base class is created, and references to it's public members are placed in the sub class.
There's no reason why you can't build something similar but you should know this has already been done.
Full disclosure, I am a contributing member of the *Box community.

Multimethods vs Interfaces

Are there languages that idiomatically use both notions at the same time? When will that be necessary if ever? What are the pros and cons of each approach?
Background to the question:
I am a novice (with some python knowledge) trying to build a better picture of how multimethods and interfaces are meant to be used (in general).
I assume that they are not meant to be mixed: Either one declares available logic in terms of interfaces (and implements it as methods of the class) or one does it in terms of multimethods. Is this correct?
Does it make sense to speak of a spectrum of OOP notions where:
one starts with naive subclassing (data and logic(methods) and logic implementation(methods) are tightly coupled)
then passes through interfaces (logic is in the interface, data and logic implementation is in the class)
and ends at multimethods (logic is in the signature of the multimethod, logic implementation is scattered, data is in the class(which is only a datastructure with nice handles))?
This answer, to begin, largely derives from my primary experience developing in common-lisp and clojure.
Yes, multimethods do carry some penalty in cost, but offer almost unlimited flexibility in the ability to craft a dispatch mechanism that precisely models whatever you might look to accomplish by their specialization.
Protocols and Interfaces, on one hand, are also involved with sone of these same matters of specializations and dispatch, but they work and are used in a very different manner. These are facilities that follow a convention wherein single dispatch provides only a straightforward mapping of one specialized implementation for a given class. The power of protocols and interfaces is in their typical use to define some group of abstract capabilities that, when taken together, fully specify the API for thus concept. For example, a "pointer" interface might contain the 3 or 4 concepts that represent the notion of what a pointer is. So the general interface of a pointer might look like REFERENCE, DEREFERENCE, ALLOCATE, and DISPOSE. Thus the power of an interface comes from its composition of a group of related definitions that, together, express a compete abstraction -- when implementing an interface in a specific situation, it is normally an all-or-nothing endeavor. Either all four of those functions are present, or whatever this thing us does not represent our definition of pointer.
Hope this helped a little.
Dan Lentz

What is the difference between an Abstraction and a Facade?

What is the difference between an 'Abstraction' and a 'Facade'?
Is there a difference at all? Or are the terms interchangeable?
The facade pattern is an simplified interface to a larger, possibly more complex code base. The code base may be a single class, or more. The facade just gives you a simple interface to it.
Abstraction, is used to represent a concept, but not to be bound to any specific instance. (Ie: An abstract class). This doesn't imply simplifying (like the facade pattern does), but rather making a 'common' interface or representation.
Facade is a specific design pattern, meant to hide the internal stuff inside a package / module from its clients behind a well-defined interface. It usually hides several interfaces/classes behind a single common one, hence its name.
'Abstraction' is a general term, meaning to hide the concrete details of something from the outside world.
So these two are not interchangeable terms.
Facade is a GoF design pattern, very specific. In essense, it's about hiding over-complex functionality from the main body of your application.
Abstraction is a more vague term related to hiding functionality of a service from its client.
Abstract to me means taking the common parts of a collection of things and creating a base thing from them, which the collection can then draw on, sort of like a parent class.
A façade is a face (literally speaking), so they analogy of a base class doesn't quite hold. A façade is more of an interface, so it wouldn't have to be related to the things that use it. I think of it more like a mask. My class will have a "disposable" mask, for example.
So the difference, in my mind, is that an abstract pattern allows a hierarchy to be built, where as a façade pattern allows classes look similar.

Design classes - OOPS features

I am interested in improving my designing capability (designing of classes with its properties, methods etc) for a given.
i.e. How to decide what should be the classes, methods and properties?
Can you guys suggest me good material for improving on this?
Please see:
Any source of good object-oriented design practises?
Best Resources to learn OO Design and Analysis
among many....
Encapsulation: The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is known as encapsulation. Or, simply put: putting the data and methods together in a single unit may be a class.
Inheritance: Aquiring the properties from parent class to child class. Or: getting the properties from super class to sub class is known as inheritance.
Polymorphism: The ability to take more that one form, it supports method overloading and method overriding.
Method overloading: When a method in a class having the same method name with different arguments (diff parameters or signatures) is said to be method overloading. This is compile-time polymorphism – using one identifier to refer to multiple items in the same scope.
This is perhaps a question which every programmer thinks of one day.
The designing capability comes with your experience gradually. What I would say is in general scenario if you can visualize the Database objects for a given problem, the rest is a cakewalk (isnt true sometimes if you work on a techie project with no DB)
You can start thinking of objects which are interacting in the real world to complete the process and then map them to classes with appropriate properties and then methods for defining their behavior. Ten you can focus on the classes which contribute to running the workflow and not to any individual real world object.
This gets a lot simplified if we focus on designing the DB before we jump directly to code design.
A lot depends on the pattern you choose - If you see a problem from MVC perspective, you will naturally be drawn towards identifying "controller" classe first and so on.
I guess I need not repeat the golden sources of design and OOPS wisdom - they already posted here or there.
I would recommend you to read up on some UML and design patterns. That gets you going with the thinking in "drawing" terms. You can also get a good grasp of a big class/object a lot easier.
One particular book that is good in this area.
Applying UML and Patterns
Give a look a Domain-Driven Design, which defines entities, value objects, factories, services and repositories and the GRASP patterns (General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns) e.g. Expert, Creator, Controller.
Have a look at the part 1 screencast the first part is not silverlight but just a command line calculator that starts out as a single bit of code, and is then broken down into classes.

Architecting common and unique behaviour in code

I am designing a utility to backup applications.
The backup functionality will contain both common tasks to do (common code) and some unique steps. Am I on the right track by using an interface for the unique behaviour and an abstract base class for the common behaviour in common by all the children? Is there any downside to this approach? Anything better?
If the base class actually implements some behaviour then I think it's called a non-abstract base class.
Anyway I think that's called Template method pattern: you may want to look that up in a dictionary of patterns (which should explain when it's appropriate, and reference any similar alternative patterns).
I wouldn't use abstract base classes to share common functionality, but only to express is-a relationships. If D derives from B, wherever B is expected, a D can come up. This is the criteria for using public inheritance.
You can use private inheritance though, but you are limited to derive from only one class in some languages.
Which brings us to the point to should be the first - you should think about responsibilites and encapsulate functionality wherever it belongs to, exposing interfaces (or pure abstract classes in C++) to clients, and implementing functionalities in concrete classes that derive from those interfaces.