Hosting a service with WCF from WSDL - SVCUtil generates verbose types for methods - wcf

I have a WSDL file from a published ASMX web service. What I am after
is creating a mock service that mimics the real service for testing purposes.
From the WSDL, I used SvcUtil.exe to generate code. Apparently it also generates
the server side interface.
Well the issue is that it generates very chunky interfaces. For example, a method
int Add(int, int) is showing up in the generated .cs file as AddResponse Add(AddRequest). AddRequest and AddResponse have a AddRequestBody and AddRequestResponse and so on.
The issue is that, to implement, I need to create the body and response instances for each method, even when I just want to return a simple int result.
Why can't it generate the method signature properly? Is there a better way of generating WCF Server side interface/contracts from WSDL?

The message structure you are describing is caused by two things:
better interoperability across web service stacks and their programming models (RPC vs messaging);
flexibility to accommodate new parameters into existing web services.
You are not the first one to complain about it, or the last. It's a WSDL binding style commonly called the document/literal wrapped pattern. It produces document/literal web services and yet also supports an RPC programming style. It's very "WS interoperability friendly", so to speak...
The WS-I Basic profile specifies that the soap:body must have only one child element and in this case it's a wrapper for the operation name that's being invoked. The parameters of the call are packed into only one element as a best practice since it's more flexible to later changes. In case of WCF you usualy end up with a MessageContract which has one MessageBodyMember which wraps all the parameters.
Basically, you are seeing the results of web service battles fought long time ago.
Here is some extra reading on the subject (and that's just the tip of the iceberg):
Which style of WSDL should I use?
RPC/Literal and Freedom of Choice
My Take on the Document/Literal 'Wrapped' Idiom


How to setup WCF

I went through many posts but, i did not able to clear my some of basic doubts related to WCF service as follow:
Why should we keep separate class library projects assembly for Service.Contracts and Service.Implementation ?
we can implement one interface multiple times even it in single assembly.
It suppose to create - WCF Application project and maintain interfaces into separate folder and SVC.cs file separately.
Add service reference is not good option as it adds all the schemas into client side.
svcutil.exe is also do same thing. Then, what is the best way to consume wcf service at client side ?
All is explained in this great article - WCF the Manual Way…the Right Way.
Essentially, Add Service Reference and svcutil just lead to client proxies that become out of date over time; and the fact that the solution has multiple types defined for what are essentially the same class.
Update: Since writing this answer I have learnt not to have answers in another castle so I update below:
Essentially, WCF the Manual Way…the Right Way describes that rather than using Add Service Reference, you instead divide your WCF system into separate dlls for:
Service implementation
Roll-your-own client proxies
Both the service and client add normal code references (not service references) to the contracts dll.
In this way, the service and client are using the same types (and not code-generated ones in the client) and when the contract changes - both the service and client are forced to update less a compile error appears. No more out-of-date clients.

Accessing .NET WCF services from Android

I have a .NET WCF service (not a web service) with many methods, some accepting and returning complex data types. I use these services from my Windows Phone 7 apps. It all works great and it's easy.
Now I'm evaluating the feasibility of porting some of my apps to Android, but I can't figure out how to invoke my WCF services from an Android client.
I have a working example I found in Invoke webservices from Android.
But this looks to be accessing a "Web Service", not a WCF Service.
My service is at, and it contains a simple method named "SimpleTest" that just returns the string "Alive".
Using the code in the linked article, I put in SOAP_ADDRESS and SimpleTest in OPERATION_NAME. But I have no idea what to put in SOAP_ACTION and WSDL_TARGET_NAMESPACE. I don't even know if this approach is valid.
In .NET, Visual Studio builds us a "Service Reference" and everything just works.
I also don't understand the following two lines of code..., envelope);
Object response = envelope.getResponse();
With WCF services, the call is async so we make the call to SimpleTestAsync and leave a callback for the async return. These two lines of code appear to be synchronous, no?
When communicating with WCF services from a non-Windows client, you are basically treating it as an XML Web Service. If you configure your WCF service to use a basicHttp binding, it will act just like any other web service, as far as Java is concerned.
Normally, to call a WCF service from Java, you use wsimport to create a custom set of proxy and data classes, similar to the way a service reference works. Android doesn't have all the libraries needed for those classes, but I did find this URL:
That is a proxy class generator specifically for Android. Instead of using the code on that web page, you may want to download this proxy generator; you simply have to pass it the URL to your service's WSDL page and it will create typed Java classes for everything. If you have complex types being passed back and forth, this is probably a much better option.
However, if you want to continue with the sample code, you'll need to fill in those variables you've identified. The variables are just the typical parameters for a SOAP envelope. These are defined in the WSDL for your service, and are primarily based on the namespace that you have defined for your service. (They are largely independent of the actual URL that your service lives at, with one exception). You specify the namespace in the WCF service contract:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "")]
Note that the namespace URL doesn't need to point to a real resource, though frequently they do. It doesn't even need to be a URL (I often use urns); it just needs to be a unique string of characters. For now lets assume you assigned the above namespace to your service.
The WSDL_TARGET_NAMESPACE is just the namespace, exactly as above. The OPERATION_NAME is the name of the method you want to call, for example SimpleTest. The SOAP_ACTION is the combination of namespace an operation; in your case that would be In your WSDL you would see this described in an operation tag:
<wsdl:operation name="SimpleTest">
<soap:operation soapAction="" style="document"/>
The SOAP_ADDRESS is the only one that actually points to your service file, e.g.
Hopefully that will get you started calling in to your web service; if not feel free to stop back and get more assistance.
EDIT: Missed the part about async calls.
Yes, the method described on that web page is synchronous. WCF service methods are synchronous by default, with the option to include asynchronous calls when generating a service reference in Visual Studio. wsimport generates async-ready proxies, so using the Android client generate may also help you out in this area.

How the term "WSDL" is related to programming when consuming webservices?

I have read several posts about WSDL and SOAP but still I'm confusing the actual meanings of those terms. Now, I understand that you need to construct a request message in order to consume a webservice, would it be post or get message. When talking about SOAP based webservices, you need to communicate with a webserver via constructed XML documents that are SOAP compliant. So, you need to build that manually or using proper libraries. What about WSDL, when this thing comes in?
Wikipedia states "WSDL is often used in combination with SOAP and an XML Schema to provide Web services over the Internet. A client program connecting to a Web service can read the WSDL file to determine what operations are available on the server.". So that means that WSDL is just some file describing what services are available on webserver, and I guess, such communication must also be done using SOAP. But if I know all the webservices I use, I mean, if they are hardcoded then that means that I'm not dealing with WSDL at all. IMHO WSDL is just for very smart systems where before using webservices a program needs to read status and determine what to read. Am I right?
WSDL is a means to describe what operations (method) the webservice has as well as the input/output of those methods. In the past, way before the mobile becomes popular, WSDL is used as a means for creating what is known as a stub/proxy classes.
These classes is basically generated by specific Generator (such as WSDL2Java for Java or WSDL.exe for .NET) whose job is to read the WSDL, get the methods along with its input/output and generate a language specific classes to expose those services natively. In effect, it is hiding the SOAP messages from the user and the from the consumer of the webservice point of view, they are dealing with the native classes of their language of choice.
WebService with SOAP thus was heralded as means of integration between heterogeneous systems, allowing a communication that is language independent. For example the language for implementation for the service could be in C# but the consumer of the webservices can be in Java. If the consumer is Java programmer, by using the WSDL to auto generate the classes, the Java programmers don't even need to know the concept of SOAP or XML. All the programmers know that they are dealing with Java object.
Nowadays, SOAP is more transparent and well known than it was in the past. As a result, by choice programmer can directly code the SOAP message, bypassing the need to generate the code via WSDL

Request and Response objects and WCF versioning

I'm in the process of designing my first "proper" WCF service and I'm trying to get my head around how to best handle versioning of the service.
In older ASMX web services, I would create aMethodNameRequest and MethodNameResponse object for each web service method.
A request object would really just be a POCO wrapper around what would typically be in the method parameters. A response object might typically inherit from a base response object that has information about any errors.
Reading about WCF and how the IExtensibleDataObject, FaultContractAttribute and Namespacing works, it seems that I can revert back to using standard parameters (string, int etc) in my method names, and if the service is versioned, then ServiceContract inheritance can provide this versioning.
I've been looking into and linked articles in that, but I was just looking for a bit of clarification.
Am I correct in thinking that dispensing with the Request/Response objects is more ideal for WCF versioning?
EDIT: I just found this article which suggests using explicit request/response object:
I don't agree that dispensing with Request/Response objects is that way to go.
There are obvious benefits of coding with messages:
you can reuse them, which avoids pass 5 ints and 3 strings to a number of different methods.
the properties are named and so can be reliably understood, whereas a parameter that is passed by value through multiple tiers could be confused, and so on.
they can be proper objects rather than just data containers, if you choose - containing private methods, etc
But you are really asking about versioning. Don't forget that you can version the messages within your service contracts. The classes in assembly can have the same name provided they are in different namespaces (e.g. v1.Request and v2.Request), and they can both implement a required interface or inherit from some base object.
They also need to be versioned for your service consumer, which can be done with xml namespaces; I've typically put the service contracts (the operations) in a namespace like http://myapp.mydomain/v1 and the messages (the request and response objects) in http://myapp.mydomain/v1/messages.
One gotcha with this approach is that if you have an operation, call it Submit, in the http://myapp.mydomain/v1 namespace then by convention / default the soap objects SubmitRequest and SubmitResponse will also exist in the same namespace (I don't remember what the run-time exception is but it confused me for a while). The resolution is to put message objects in another namespace as I've described above.
See "Versioning WCF Services: Part I" and "Versioning WCF Services: Part II".

WCF service to multiple endpoints

How do I go about making sure that my WCF service can be accessed from any other language(Java, PHP, whatever iOS uses, etc.)?
I have kept everything as httpbinding plus not used any of the .net roles/membership authentication for the clients. But there are some things that I am not sure of. Like, can I return a generic List that is readable by those other languages?
Any of the WCF bindings that don't start with net (netTcp, netMsmq etc.) should be fine - they're designed to be interoperable.
The most basic one is basicHttpBinding which is pretty much plain HTTP - nothing much can be added to it. You should be able to call this from any scripting language (PHP etc.).
The more advanced binding is wsHttpBinding which implements lots of the WS-* standards and can be called from other languages where the networking stack can handle WS-* - stuff like Java etc.
And then there's the webHttpBinding which exposes your service not via SOAP, but via a REST endpoint. This should be callable from just about any language, any device, any place.
And of course, you get the best coverage if you expose multiple endpoints from your service, offering a variety of choices to anyone trying to call you. All this is done simply in config - no code change necessary to support multiple endpoints, multiple bindings etc.
As for lists and stuff: WCF exchanges serialized messages - basically XML - which is governed by a XML schema. The combination of a WSDL and XSD is totally interoperable and can be understood by a wide variety of other languages.
A List<T> in .NET will be turned into an array in your XML structure, and that's totally interoperable - don't worry. The client might just get back an array instead of a list - but that's not a problem.
The only problem is that you cannot really model a generic list, since the XML schema doesn't support generics - you need to be explicit about what it is you're sending back. A List<T> won't work - a List<Customer> will (if your Customer object is part of your data contract and marked as such)
You cannot be 100% sure if you don't have any control over the client technology that is used to consume your services. But you can be very confident if your web service (WSDL) conforms to the WS-I basic profile v1.1. This standard is very widely supported and mature. You can use the excellent SoapUI test tool to test your WSDL for conformance.