Calling code as labels or as functions in CIL? - cil

I've spent the past few days of my free time learning CIL and was wondering about branching to a label (br ) vs calling a method (.method declaration).
I know that if you declare a method, you will be able to access that from outside the assembly, but what about making private methods labels and just using br to branch to it? Is there any performance gain to be had with that?
To clear up the confusion, here is a simplified example (due to space and time restrictions):
// calling code
ldc.i4 5
call int32 testmethod(int32)
// other code
// method
.method public int32 testmethod(int32)
ldc.i4 10
ldc.i4 20
So instead of doing that method, I could do that with labels and branches:
ldc.i4 5
br testlabel
// remaining instructions
.lcd.i4 10
ldc.i4 20
br leftoff
So the method/label testlabel takes and int32 and then adds 10 and multiplies that result by 20. Simple enough. I realize that the one thing that a drawback (that I didn't mention originally) is readability, but if this is generated by a compiler readability becomes less important. So by using the second example, would using the labels and branching to the code offer any performance benefits? If not, what about if I would be able to fit it in a short branch? (br.s)

What you are describing is basically method inlining. Although it is possible that inlining a method will improve performance, there are several reasons that you might choose not to inline a method:
If the method is used several times, then it will probably need to be inlined several times. This can result in an overall increase in the size of the generated IL, and can possibly result in worse performance.
Sometimes, a method can't be inlined. For instance, a recursive method clearly can't be inlined (since it would need to be inlined again in the inlined body, ad infinitum), nor can a virtual method (assuming that you don't know the runtime type of the callee).
Even if you don't inline the method when writing IL, the JIT compiler may inline the method when it generates machine code anyway.
Okay, given your concrete example, let me explain the connection that I see to inlining. If the method is called several times (e.g. calling testmethod twice in a row), then your approach won't work, because you'd need to branch back to different locations depending on which call was being simulated, but there's no simple way to do this (you can add a local variable to track the additional state and then use a conditional branch, but that's complex enough that it would probably undo any performance gains). If it's only called once, then your transformation is basically equivalent to inlining, except with additional unconditional branches to and from the inlined method. I think that it would make more sense to actually inline the method and get rid of the branches. That is, given your example, it would look like this:
ldc.i4 5
// start of inlined call to testmethod
ldc.i4 10
ldc.i4 20
// end of inlined call to testmethod
// other code from caller goes here
Then, my above comments about inlining apply.


How does gcc push local variables on to the stack?

int a[1];
int b;
int c;
int d[1];
I have found that these local variables, for this example, are not pushed on to the stack in order. b and c are pushed in the order of their declaration, but, a and d are grouped together. So the compiler is allocating arrays differently from any other built in type or object.
Is this a C/C++ requirement or gcc implementation detail?
The C standard says nothing about the order in which local variables are allocated. It doesn't even use the word "stack". It only requires that local variables have a lifetime that begins on entry to the nearest enclosing block (basically when execution reaches the {) and ends on exit from that block (reaching the }), and that each object has a unique address. It does acknowledge that two unrelated variables might happen to be adjacent in memory (for obscure technical reasons involving pointer arithmetic), but doesn't say when this might happen.
The order in which variables are allocated is entirely up to the whim of the compiler, and you should not write code that depends on any particular ordering. A compiler might lay out local variables in the order in which they're declared, or alphabetically by name, or it might group some variables together if that happens to result in faster code.
If you need to variables to be allocated in a particular order, you can wrap them in an array or a structure.
(If you were to look at the generated machine code, you'd most likely find that the variables are not "pushed onto the stack" one by one. Instead, the compiler will probably generate a single instruction to adjust the stack pointer by a certain number of bytes, effectively allocating a single chunk of memory to hold all the local variables for the function or block. Code that accesses a given variable will then use its offset within the stack frame.)
And since your function doesn't do anything with its local variables, the compiler might just not bother allocating space for them at all, particularly if you request optimization with -O3 or something similar.
The compiler can order the local variables however it wants. It may even choose to either not allocate them at all (for example, if they're not used, or are optimized away through propagation/ciscizing/keeping in register/etc) or allocate the same stack location for multiple locals that have disjoint live ranges.
There is no common implementation detail to outline how a particular compiler does it, as it may change at any time.
Typically, compilers will try to group similar sized variables (and/or alignments) together to minimize wasted space through "gaps", but there are so many other factors involved.
structs and arrays have slightly different requirements, but that's beyond the scope of this question I believe.

Is it bad practice to use a function in an if statement?

I have a function in another class file that gets information about the battery. In a form I have the following code:
If BatteryClass.getStatus_Battery_Charging = True Then
It appears Visual Studio accepts this. However, would it be better if I used the following code, which also works:
dim val as boolean = BatteryClass.getStatus_Battery_Charging
If val = True Then
Is there a difference between these two methods?
What you're asking in general is which approach is idiomatic.
The technical rule is not to invoke a method multiple times - unless you're specifically checking a volatile value for change - when its result can be preserved in a locally scoped variable. That's not what your asking but its important to understand that multiple calls should typically be bound to a variable.
That being said its better to produce less lines of code from a maintenance perspective as long as doing so improves the readability of your code. If you do have to declare a locally scoped variable to hold the return value of a method make sure to give the variable a meaningful name.
Prefer this [idiomatic VB.NET] one liner:
If BatteryClass.getStatus_Battery_Charging Then
over this:
Dim isBatteryCharging As Boolean = BatteryClass.getStatus_Battery_Charging
If isBatteryCharging Then
Another point you should concern yourself with are methods, which when invoked, create a side effect that affects the state of your program. In most circumstances it is undesirable to have a side effect causing method invoked multiple times - when possible rewrite such side affecting methods so that they do not cause any side effects. To limit the number of times a side effect will occur use the same local variable scoping rule instead of performing multiple invocations of the method.
No real difference.
The second is better if you need the value again of course. It's also marginally easier to debug when you have a value stored in a variable.
Personally I tend to use the first because I'm an old school C programmer at heart!

How a programmers solve the dilemma of using old variables instead of new variables?

For example:
... some code
int sizeOfSomeObject = someObject.length();
... some code, sizeOfSomeObject is not need anymore
now I need other int variable for other action(for example, for position in some object), and i have the dilemma: create a new variable or use sizeOfSomeObject for this. In the first case I will keep readability, but lose performance. In the second case - on the contrary. What usually do programmers in this situation?
In the first case I will keep readability, but lose performance. In the second case - on the contrary.
So did you benchmark it? I suspect no, you didn't. Most modern compilers do a lot of agressive analysis during register allocation, so if the optimizer perceives that there's a variable that's not used anymore, but there's a new variable of the same type, it will just merge the two variables to the same memory region or processor register. No need to worry about performance penalties.
And anyway, don't do premature optimization (which this is). In 90% of the cases, readability is more important than "performance".
All in all, go ahead and create a new variable with an appropriate, different, descriptive name. And just for fun, compile this version and the version in which you used the same variable name, and look at the generated assembly (or bytecode, or...) - and find out that they're identical.
I would use different named variables for different things.
In terms of something like this, I don't think just one variable would cause a massive performance hit. In most languages you have the option to clear variables from memory in some way when they are no longer in use, so I would recommend doing that so that the code means something to you or others when read at a later date.
In C++, you can use blocks for objects to be destroyed as soon as they are not needed anymore:
void some_function () {
MyClass c;
// ... here we use c ...
// now c has been destroyed
MyClass d;
// ... here we use d ...
// now d has been destroyed
In your example (with int variables), there is no reason to worry about performance. The worst thing that could probably happen is memory for two variables being used instead of one, but (i) that's negligible and (ii) int's will probably live in a CPU register, anyway. If you really worry, use the block approach for your int example.
It depends how often such an int would be initialized. If it's not in some hugely nested for loop, most (all) programmers will go for the first. Besides, most modern programming languages have a garbage collector, which cleans up left over objects.
Decent compiler will optimize out your second variable, so that shouldn't be an issue.
That said, there are situations where variable reuse makes sense. E.g., you might have some variable that holds a generic output populated from call to some external API. According to the context and parameters passed to the API you'll process the data differently but it's probably better (more readable etc.) to reuse the same data variable.
For example, something like this:
void* data = getSomeData(params);
//process data
//change params
data = getSomeData(params);
//process data
//change params
data = getSomeData(params);

Use of recursion in Scala when run in the JVM

From searching elsewhere on this site and the web, tail call optimization is not supported by the JVM. Does that therefore mean that tail recursive Scala code such as the following, which may run on very large input lists, should not be written if it is to run on the JVM?
// Get the nth element in a list
def nth[T](n : Int, list : List[T]) : T = list match {
case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException
case _ if n == 0 => throw new IllegalArgumentException
case _ :: tail if n == 1 => list.head
case _ :: tail => nth(n - 1, tail)
Martin Odersky's Scala by Example contains the following paragragh which seems to suggests that there are circumstances or other environments where recursion is appropriate:
In principle, tail calls can always re-use the stack frame of the calling
function. However, some run-time environments (such as the Java VM) lack the
primitives to make stack frame re-use for tail calls efficient. A production quality
Scala implementation is therefore only required to re-use the stack frame of a di-
rectly tail-recursive function whose last action is a call to itself. Other tail calls might
be optimized also, but one should not rely on this across implementations.
Can anyone explain what this middle two sentences of this paragraph mean?
Thank you!
Since direct tail recursion is equivalent to a while loop, your example will run efficiently on the JVM because the Scala compiler can compile this to a loop under the hood, simply using a jump. General TCO however is not supported on the JVM, although there is available the tailcall() method which supports tail calls using compiler-generated trampolines.
To ensure that the compiler can correctly optimize a tail-recursive function to a loop, you can use the scala.annotation.tailrec annotation, which will cause a compiler error if the compiler cannot make the desired optimization:
import scala.annotation.tailrec
#tailrec def nth[T](n : Int, list : List[T]) : Option[T] = list match {
case Nil => None
case _ if n == 0 => None
case _ :: tail if n == 1 => list.headOption
case _ :: tail => nth(n - 1, tail)
(screw IllegalArgmentException!)
In principle, tail calls can always re-use the stack frame of the calling
function. However, some runtime environments (such as the Java VM) lack the
primitives to make stack frame re-use for tail calls efficient. A production quality
Scala implementation is therefore only required to re-use the stack frame of a di
rectly tail-recursive function whose last action is a call to itself. Other tail calls might
be optimized also, but one should not rely on this across implementations.
Can anyone explain what this middle two sentences of this paragraph mean?
Tail recursion is a special case of a tail call. Direct tail recursion is a special case of tail recursion. Only direct tail recursion is guaranteed to be optimized. Others may be optimized, too, but that's basically just a compiler optimization. As a language feature, Scala only guarantees direct tail recursion elimination.
So, what's the difference?
Well, a tail call is simply the last call in a subroutine:
def a = {
In this case, the call to c is a tail call, the call to b is not.
Tail recursion is when a tail call calls a subroutine that was already called before:
def a = {
def b = {
This is tail recursion: a calls b (a tail call), which in turn calls a again. (In contrast to the direct tail recursion described below, this is sometimes called indirect tail recursion.)
However, none of the two examples will get optimized by Scala. Or, more precisely: a Scala implementation is allowed to optimize them, but it is not required to do so. This is in contrast to, e.g. Scheme, where the language specification guarantees that all of the above cases will take O(1) stack space.
The Scala Language Specification only guarantees that direct tail recursion is optimized, i.e. when a subroutine directly calls itself with no other calls in between:
def a = {
In this case, the call to a is a tail call (because it is the last call in the subroutine), it is tail recursion (because it calls itself again) and most importantly it is direct tail recursion, because a directly calls itself without going through another call first.
Note that there are many subtle things that may lead to a method not being directly tail-recursive. For example, if a is overloaded, then the recursion may actually go through different overloads, and thus would no longer be direct.
In practice, this means two things:
you cannot perform an Extract Method Refactoring on a tail-recursive method, at least not including the tail call, because this would turn a directly tail-recursive method (which will get optimized) into an indirectly tail-recursive method (which will not get optimized).
You can only use direct tail recursion. A tail-recursive descent parser, or a state machine, which can be very elegantly expressed using indirect tail recursion, are out.
The main reason for this is that when your underlying execution engine lacks powerful control flow manipulation features such as GOTO, continuations, first-class mutable stack or proper tail calls, then you need to either implement your own stack on top of it, use trampolines, make a global CPS transform or something similarly nasty, in order to provide generalized proper tail calls. All of these have either severe impact on performance or interoperability with other code on the same platform.
Or, as Rich Hickey, the creator of Clojure, said when he was facing the same problem: "Performance, Java interop, tail calls. Pick two." Both Clojure and Scala chose to compromise on tail calls and provide only tail recursion and not full tail calls.
To cut a long story short: yes, the specific example you posted will be optimized, since it is direct tail recursion. You can test this by putting an #tailrec annotation on the method. The annotation does not change whether or not the method gets optimized, it does however guarantee that you will get a compile error if the method can not be optimized.
Due to the above-mentioned subtleties, it is generally a good idea to put an #tailrec annotation on methods that you need to be optimized, both in order to get a compile error, but also as a hint to other developers maintaining your code.
The Scala compiler will attempt to optimize tail calls by "flattening" them into a loop that won't cause a continually expanding stack.
Of course, your code has to be optimizable for it to do so. If you use the annotation #tailrec before your method however (scala.annotation.tailrec) the compiler will REQUIRE the method be optimizable or fail to compile.
Martin's remark is saying that only directly self-recursive calls are candidates (other criteria being met) for the TCO optimization. Indirect, mutually recursive method pairs (or larger sets of recursive methods) cannot be so optimized.
Note that there are JVMs that support tail call optimization (IIRC, IBM's J9 does), it's just not a requirement in the JLS, and Oracle's implementation doesn't do it.

Most appropriate data structure for dynamic languages field access

I'm implementing a dynamic language that will compile to C#, and it's implementing its own reflection API (.NET's is too slow, and the DLR is limited only to more recent and resourceful implementations).
For this, I've implemented a simple .GetField(string f) and .SetField(string f, object val) interface. Until recently, the implementation just switches over all possible field string values and makes the corresponding action.
Also, this dynamic language has the possibility to define anonymous objects. For those anonymous objects, at first, I had implemented a simple hash algorithm.
By now, I am looking for ways to optimize the dynamic parts of the language, and I have come across the fact that a hash algorithm for anonymous objects would be overkill. This is because the objects are usually small. I'd say the objects contain 2 or 3 fields, normally. Very rarely, they would contain more than 15 fields. It would take more time to actually hash the string and perform the lookup than if I would test for equality between them all. (This is not tested, just theoretical).
The first thing I did was to -- at compile-time -- create a red-black tree for each anonymous object declaration and have it laid onto an array so that the object can look for it in a very optimized way.
I am still divided, though, if that's the best way to do this. I could go for a perfect hashing function. Even more radically, I'm thinking about dropping the need for strings and actually work with a struct of 2 longs.
Those two longs will be encoded to support 10 chars (A-za-z0-9_) each, which is mostly a good prediction of the size of the fields. For fields larger than this, a special function (slower) receiving a string will also be provided.
The result will be that strings will be inlined (not references), and their comparisons will be as cheap as a long comparison.
Anyway, it's a little hard to find good information about this kind of optimization, since this is normally thought on a vm-level, not a static language compilation implementation.
Does anyone have any thoughts or tips about the best data structure to handle dynamic calls?
For now, I'm really going with the string as long representation and a linear binary tree lookup.
I don't know if this is helpful, but I'll chuck it out in case;
If this is compiling to C#, do you know the complete list of fields at compile time? So as an idea, if your code reads
// dynamic = "some value"; = 32;
then during the parse, your symbol table can build an int for each field name;
// parsing code
symbols[0] == "foo"
symbols[1] == "bar"
then generate code using arrays or lists;
// generated c#
runtimeObject[0] = "some value"; // assign
runtimeObject[1] = 32; // assign
and build up reflection as a separate array;
runtimeObject.FieldNames[0] == "foo"; // Dictionary<int, string>
runtimeObject.FieldIds["foo"] === 0; // Dictionary<string, int>
As I say, thrown out in the hope it'll be useful. No idea if it will!
Since you are likely to be using the same field and method names repeatedly, something like string interning would work well to quickly generate keys for your hash tables. It would also make string equality comparisons constant-time.
For such a small data set (expected upper bounds of 15) I think almost any hashing will be more expensive then a tree or even a list lookup, but that is really dependent on your hashing algorithm.
If you want to use a dictionary/hash then you'll need to make sure the objects you use for the key return a hash code quickly (perhaps a single constant hash code that's built once). If you can prevent collisions inside of an object (sounds pretty doable) then you'll gain the speed and scalability (well for any realistic object/class size) of a hash table.
Something that comes to mind is Ruby's symbols and message passing. I believe Ruby's symbols act as a constant to just a memory reference. So comparison is constant, they are very lite, and you can use symbols like variables (I'm a little hazy on this and don't have a Ruby interpreter on this machine). Ruby's method "calling" really turns into message passing. Something like: obj.func(arg) turns into obj.send(:func, arg) (":func" is the symbol). I would imagine that symbol makes looking up the message handler (as I'll call it) inside the object pretty efficient since it's hash code most likely doesn't need to be calculated like most objects.
Perhaps something similar could be done in .NET.