Interview task on binary trees - oop

Task: transfer a server side binary tree to client.
I got this task in an interview. Is there any efficient way to do this?
I don't understand the task very well myself.
This is what I came up with, but not sure about server to client trasfer. Any ideas?
void copyInOrder(TNode *orgTree, Tnode *& copyTree)
if(orgTree !=NULL){
//left side
TNode newLeftNode = cloneNode(orgTree->left_link);
copyTree->left_link = newLeftNode;
copyInOrder(orgTree->left_link, copyTree->left_link);
//right side
TNode newRightNode = cloneNode(orgTree->right_link);
copyTree->right_link = newRightNode;
copyInOrder(orgTree->right_link, copyTree->right_link);

Honestly, defining "efficient" would be a good first step. What is considered important? Network bandwidth? Server side computation involved? Client side computation involved?
Along the same lines, what is the data?
For example, if the data is integers and network bandwidth is important, you could do construct an array of ints from the tree, transfer that with minimal overhead, and then convert it back to a binary tree on the user's end.
If server side load is the most important thing, you'd go a different route. If client side load, possibly yet another.
Its worth noting that, since this is an interview question, discussing with the interviewer what they find important for efficiency and how it affects the solution may be just as important as the actual solution you come up with.

To me, the problem seems to be not so much about the transfer itself, but how one would package the data to be transferred. The important thing to note is that since you are transferring bytes, as opposed to C++ objects, you will not be able to preserve the structure of the tree so easily during the transfer.
Therefore, I would suggest that you serialize the tree, and then send it over the network. You would obviously need to a pre-determined serialization scheme that the client knows about, so that the client can recreate the tree from the bytes it receives.

It suffices to show how to convert a given binary tree T to a sequence S of values in such a way that we can reconstruct T from S at the client side. One possible way is to use the well know fact:
We can construct a binary tree uniquely from its inorder and preorder
Thus we can let S be the inorder traversal followed by the preorder traversal. Check the answer of this question.


Isn't storing all of its data as strings an overhead in terms of memory usage?

Isn't storing only strings as data type a big overhead in terms of memory consumption?
e.g.: To store "304.2" in any application is more expensive than to store 304.2 as float/double.
Even if internally the value is indeed stored as a numeric value, delegating to every client the responsibility of "parsing" the string isn't another source of inefficiency?
I was getting super excited to start using redis but my case of usage is to cache a key x value structure like "string" x "doubles[]". Even if it would probably pay off in comparison with disk those two points really turns me off in adopting the technology.
I would love to be proven wrong, this is why I'm asking the question.
Thank you,
For point 1: You can't store 304.2 as a float/double; you can only store a close approximation to it. To store it, you need e.g. a dedicated decimal type, or more general rational type. Or a string.
For point 2:
RESP is a compromise between the following things:
Simple to implement.
Fast to parse.
Human readable.
Human readable means that no matter how numbers are stored internally, they still would be sent as strings and clients would have to parse them.
After all I've chosen Infinispan which gave me the APIs was looking for. Pros of the choosen solution is the actual ability to refer to the cache as a generic key x value concurrent map. Cons: probably less flexible in terms of out of the box client supported programming languages, even though you can always use google protobuff.

Does it make sense to allow retrieval of data from OpenGL's context

I am trying to abstract some of OpenGLs concepts into an object oriented style, wrapping elements like Buffers, Arrays, Vertices etc. into objects that save their access-id, data-types, buffer-sizes, used indices etc. and provice further simplifications to their usage.
Though right now I mentioned: Does anyone actually want to reaccess this data that was once pushed into the GPU? Are functions like glGetBufferSubData actually ever used other than for Debugging, since the documentation of these functions on the official wiki isn't very elaborate and I have never seen it in any tutorial.
GL is the general conecpt that everything can be queried. Reading back stuff that you yourself put should be avoided and is usually more expensive than if you keep a local copy. However, there is also data which is generated by the GPU which you might read back. Examples of this are of course frambeuffer contents, textures you rendered into, or vertex data which you stored via transform feedback into a buffer. So yes, there are real use cases for things like glGetBufferSubData() (although I prefer buffer mappings in most situations).
If you need support for such operations is another matter entirely, and one whoch I think is off-topic here and primarily opinion-based. The problem with those abstractions one builds without the intended use case in mind is that one tends to over-abstract things. YMMV.
I wrote a program to generate meshes using transform feedback, and needed to read the data in buffers to save the resulting mesh.
The transform feedback generated the data. It wasn't data that I originally pushed there.
So, yes.

What kind of objects get serialized and why? When would I use this?

I understand what serialized is. I simply do not know when I would use it. I have seen the discouraged practice of session data in a database and things like that but other than that I do not know.
What kind of objects state would I save in a database, file system, anything that needs persistence? Why would I use it for a non-"permanent" reason?
I do not have a context per se. All I really do are client server web apps. I may get to use a Java stack for it, but I'd really like to understand this part of things, should I need it.
I have asked similar questions. I'm just not understanding.
In a sentence, using a generic serialiser is a reasonable way to save stuff to disk, move stuff over a network in a manner which doesn't require you to design a data format, write code that emits data in that format, and write a parser for that format (all error-prone) by hand.
Any time you want to persist an object (or object hierarchy) beyond its existence inside a single execution on a single machine, you are going to want to serialise and deserialise.
Some scenarios that come to my mind are
Caching: when you want to offload in-memory objects to disk (the caching framework can serialise the object to disk)
For thick clients (either a desktop application or an app using RMI) you'll need to transfer objects from one JVM to another, and this is done by serialising them
I can't think of any other scenarios from the top of my head.

Organzing Data in EEPROM

I have a 64KB EEPROM, organized as 128-byte pages, on my board which talks to an AT Mega 1281. The board also has a SD Card slot and is capable of copying over some configuration files onto the EEPROM (which acts as the internal memory). Due to the nature of the board, only two types of files are needed - one is known as the Circuit Data and the other is Location Data - both are binary files.
Up until now, I had just split the EEPROM into two 32K halves and wrote the Circuit Data in the top half and the Location Data in the bottom half. Both files also have a 25 byte header. I copy the header in the last pages of the files respective half i.e. the page starting at address 0x7F80 has the Circuit Data file's header and the address starting at 0xFF80 has the other header. The data is always going to be of fixed width so that makes random access quite easy.
My question is, is there a better, simpler, way to organize data in an EEPROM? At the moment, I don't even store the length of the data as it's not really needed. But I'm thinking it might add an another step of safety if I do include that in the header.
Better? It depends. Simpler? Really not. It depends how strong is your "always". How much do you believe yourself that the files will be always of fixed length? The fact that you are asking this question probably means some doubts. Keep in mind KISS principle. Microcontroller development is still an area where unecessary features are a direct threat to the solution stability. Having a data length in the header would be useful if you want to make your EEPROM access more generic. But then again, generalization for two files is an overkill.
Second thought: rather than introducing file lengths which you actually don't need, i would like to know why you store the file headers at the opposite side of the respective memory chunk. A "header" is to me something what needs to be read before the file itself. You could save one transfer of the reading address to EEPROM.
I believe, in any embedded project, simplest solution is the best. Your way to organize storage is simple, and looks like it meets all your requirements.
Any attempt to "improve" or "optimize" this solution will lead to more complicated code and will increase probability of making bug in it. So keep all your engineering solutions as simple as possible. If there will pop new requirements, you always can find new simple solution for them. Don't do any premature optimizations.

How to handle complex availability of information in OOP from a RESTful API

My issue is that I'm dealing with a RESTful API that returns information about objects, and when writing classes to represent them, I'm not sure how best to handle all the possibilities of the status of each variable's availability. From what I can tell, there are 5 possibilities: The information
is available
has not been requested
is currently being requested (asynchronously)
is unavailable
is not applicable
So with these, having an object represent its data with a value or null doesn't cut it. To give a more concrete example, I'm working with an API about the United States Congress, so the problem goes as thus:
I request information about a bill, and it contains a stub about the sponsoring legislator.
I eventually need to request all the information about that legislator. Not all the legislators will have all the information. Those in the House of Representatives won't have a senate class (Senators' six-year terms are staggered so a third expire every two years, the House is entirely re-elected every two years). Some won't have a twitter id, just because they don't have one. And, of course, if I have already requested information, I shouldn't try to request it again.
There's a couple options I see:
I can create a Legislator object and fill it with what information I have, but then I have to have some mechanism of tracking information availability with the getters and setters. This is kind of what I'm doing right now, but it requires a lot of repeated code.
I could create a separate class for abbreviated objects and replace them when I get more with immutable "complete" objects, but then I have to be really careful about replacing all references to them and also go through a bunch of hoops for unavailable, and especially, not applicable information.
So, I'm just wondering what other people's take on this issue is. Are there other (better?) ways of handling this complexity? What are the advantages and drawbacks of different approaches? What should I consider about what I'm trying to do in choosing an approach?
[Note: I'm working in Objective-C, but this isn't necessarily specific to that language.]
If you want to treat those remote resources as objects on the client side, the do yourself a huge favour and forget about the REST buzzword. You will drive yourself crazy. Just accept that you are doing HTTP RPC and move on as you would doing any other RPC project.
However, if you really want to do REST, you need to understand what is meant by the "State Transfer" part of the REST acronym and you need to read about HATEOAS. It is a huge mental shift for building clients, but it does have a bunch of benefits. But maybe you don't need those particular benefits.
What I do know, is if you are trying using a "REST API" to retrieve objects over the wire, you are going to come to the conclusion that REST is a load of crap.
It's an interesting question, but I think you're probably overthinking this a bit.
Firstly, I think you're considering the possible states of information a bit too much; consider the more basic consideration that you either have the information or you don't. WHY you have the information doesn't really matter, except in one case. Let me explain; if the information about a certain bill or legislator or anything is not applicable, you shouldn't be requesting it / needing it. That "state" is irrelevant. Similarly, if the information is in the process of being requested, then it is simply not yet available; the only state you really care about is whether you have the information or if you do not yet have the information.
If you start worrying about further depths of the request process, you risk getting into a deep, endless cycle of managing state; has the information changed between when I got it and now? All you can know about the information is if you've been told what it is. This is fundamental to the REST process; you're getting REPRESENTATION of the underlying data, but there's no mistake about it; the representation is NOT the underlying data, any more than a congressman's name is the congressman himself.
Second, don't worry about information availability. If an object has a subobject, when you query the object, query for the subobject. If you get back data, great. If you get back that the data isn't available, that too is a representation of the subobject's data; it's just a different representation than you were hoping for, but it's equally valid. I'd represent that as an object with a null value; the object exists (was instantiated because it belonged to the parent), but you have no valid data about it (the representation returned was empty due to some reason; lack of availability, server down, data changed; whatever).
Finally, the real key here is that you need to be remembering that a RESTful structure is driven by hypermedia; a request to an object that does not return the full object's data should return an URI for requesting the subobject's data; and so forth. The key here is that those structures aren't static, like your object structure seems to be hoping to treat them; they're dynamic, and it's up to the server to determine the representation (i.e., the interrelationship). Attempting to define that in stone with a concrete object representation ahead of time means that you're dealing with the system in a way that REST was never meant to be dealt with.