Compilation of live555 library for iOS simulator - objective-c

I've compiled live555 library with
./genMakefiles iphoneos
for iOS device, but I can't compile that for iOS simulator.
Is anybody has any ideas how to do that?

The problem is that when you compile for iphoneos you are compiling the library for an arm processor. When running the iOS simulator you are running it on an intel x86 processor so it will produce errors along the lines of "symbols not found for i386/x86_64"
If you want to run it on the simulator then try running "./genMakefiles macosx"
If you know how to then you can specify which versions of the generated library files to link depending on what you're building for. Namely that it will link to the .a files if running on an ios device, or it will link the .dylib files when running on simulator
I hope that helps


CMake-generated Xcode project how to produce universal dSYM

I'm using CMake with Xcode generator to generate Xcode project to build framework for iOS and tvOS (and other platforms too).
I'm setting IOS_INSTALL_COMBINED to generate a framework that contains both device and simulator architectures automatically without need of calling lipo myself.
The problem is that generated .framework.dSYM is not universal, it has only x86_64 architecture slice. Should I call lipo manually anyway to merge it myself? I wanted to avoid it and have CMake/Xcode do all the work.

Compile VLCKit as static framework for iOS

I have a question. I cloned VLCKit from ( and try to compile as static framework for tvOS (params -f -t). But I can't find compiled framework (expecting .framework file). Where is it?
The framework flag is not available for tvOS at the moment. For tvOS we only provide a universal static library (*.a) with headers (universal in the sense that it includes a slice for the simulator as well as the device).
It seems that the compile process is broken because tvOS and iOS versions don't match: after compiling using tvOS 9.1, it complains about missing 9.0 SDK:
[info] Building MobileVLCKit (MobileVLCKit, Release, iphoneos)
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos9.0" cannot be located.
I am not very confident in understanding the compilation prices but it appears that the last phase must hardcode the compilation directories and apparently set a bad target but also use this information as the base SDK so I added a new parameter like below:
buildxcodeproj MobileVLCKit "TVVLCKit" phones appletvos9.0
buildxcodeproj MobileVLCKit "TVVLCKit" iphonesimulator appletvsimulator9.0
that replace the value for --sdk of xcodebuild in buildxcodeproj
Further the paths in final lipo commands are wrong
hope that helps

Is it possible to covert swf to apk and ipa file using AIR SDK?

I use FlashDevelop to make game using HaxeFlixel which handles multi-resolution and touch.
I've downloaded the merged SDK of Flex and AIR SDK but have no clue to convert.
I can easily compile to apk only if I download the Android SDK, NDK which use up more than 1 GB of space.
I read somewhere says that I need AIR SDK to compile to iPad file.
I want to use only AIR SDK to compile to both apk (without Android DK things) and ipa file.
I hope I'm not missing something here, but why are you trying to convert swf to apk when you can compile targeting directly to iOS target?
The whole point of using Haxe, is that you can target to misc platforms, including iOS, by
Exporting native code (Objective-C for iOS)
Compiling the exported native code, (using Hxcpp and Xcode for iOS)
The major advantage for compiling native code. is that after the compilation, your application will run much faster, better optimised for the targeted device, and way more reliably, compared to a converted swf.
For iOS targets, a full Xcode project will be created for you, so you can even use the Xcode's tools to test your app
more info about targeting to iOS on HaxeFlixel's docs

gdata-objectivec Architecture armv7 error in video sharing on youtube from iphone sdk

i am using gdata-objectivec library for video sharing on Youtube from my app, i am using xcode 4.6 and iOS 6.0 to do this but the compiled static library "libGDataTouchStaticLib.a" does not support for the architecture armv7 and armv7s.
can anyone help me to compile the libGDataTouchStaticLib.a for armv7 architecture ?
i have also posted this on google group.
i have also seen this sample code and it successfully uploaded the video from iPhone simulator but giving error on device.
i have also tried to install it on device using xcode 4.3 but not got any success.
i have also changed some flags in target>build like header search path, other C linker flag etc and also followed this tutorial
i have also downloaded gdata-objectivec library from svn server using terminal window but i dont know how to compile libGDataTouchStaticLib.a using the command from terminal of mac os for armv7 architecture (xcode 4.5 or 4.6).
if anyone used gdata-objectivec library for video uploading on Youtube from latest xcode or successfully compiled libGDataTouchStaticLib.a for latest xcode then please help me?
Make sure to add below three items in your other linker flags in project's build settings:
-ObjC,-lxml2,-all_load. It worked for me.
Just remove the arv7s from the valid architectures under build settings and compile it would work for you.

How to build single .a (Cocoa Touch Static Library)

I have a Objective-C Cocoa Touch Static Library, which (depending on the schema/target - i.e. MyProject > iOS Device or MyProject > iPhone 5.1 Simulator) builds specific libMyProject.a archive which I can re-use/share with other projects.
Generally it works fine, however, I have to build for iPhone 5.1 Simulator and use this libMyProject.a in another project but only if this other project is going to run in Simulator. If attempt to use this .a but build the other project for iOS Device I am getting build errors claiming that library was not built/linked for this project settings.
So the question is, how do I build "unified" Cocoat Touch Static Library's libMyProject.a which I can re-use in other projects regardless how I build the other project?
I hope this all makes sense, or if not, I'll be happy to clarify.
You should take a look at iOS Universal Framework on GitHub.