SVC client proxy and WSDL hosted on remote server - wcf

I have one wsdl and xsd then I generated a SVC client proxy from a wsdl, wsdl is hosted on windows server 2003 (outside local domain), somewhere on internet. XSD is also located at same place. I can see them in web browser, no issue there.
Then I made a simple console application client, when I run the client, I see in fiddler that correct soap response is there but in console application response is null, i.e. SVC client can not deserialize it.
I am sure that xsd + wsdl are correct and response too(I see in fiddler).
When I put wsdl and xsd's on local domain server(intranet), it's all good, I see response in application properly deserialized.
If I compare both situation in fiddler, I don't see any difference in raw response.
Few more points: I am not hosting WCF service in IIS. I have got a different service running remotely. Let me know if I clarify more things.
Thank you.
Edit/ Update:Cleaned post. Problem seems not to be IIS6 or IIS7, it's remote server creating trouble with schema location. In SVC proxy client MessagContract namespace if pointed to a outside server, problem occurs else on intranet server it runs just fine.
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.MessageContractAttribute(IsWrapped = false)]
public partial class responseTypeOfMethod1
[System.ServiceModel.MessageBodyMemberAttribute( Namespace = "http://testserver.xxxxx/yyyy.wsdl", Order = 0)]
public RAT_type RAT;
if http://testserver.xxxxx points to local server, all fine, if points to an internet server , response is null

There are 2 things that could be happening here:
The response is not being returned from the remote server
The client is not able to deserialize the response
Use wireshark or some other network sniffer to see what response in coming back.
If the problem is due to inability to deserialize, it is probably a difference in the namespace.

Problem solved. It was namespace problem of-course, took a long time to find out a nasty place in server code, a tool we use internally. Thank you all who replied for your time.


Silverlight Security Issue Help - Debugging resource strings are unavailable.

I hosted silverlight application iis and that can be accessed in multiple ways..
When I access using Qualified name of server IP address IT WORKS fine:
When I access using IP address like below:
It gives error below:
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See StackTrace : at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary()
Follow these,
(i) Try to use fiddler and find the request which is making crossdomainpolicy xml request.
(ii)Check whether it is failing, if so add the crossdomain and clientaccesspolicy to the root folder of your Application
(iii)Check whether the service which is invoked by your application is blocked by firewall.

WCF message: protocol in To element changes

I have a WCF service to consume in .NET. As per requirement the Action element in the header has to be "http://abc" and the To element has to be "ws://xyz" in order for the service to recognize and respond to the request. The soapAction of the operation is however blank in WSDL and it can't be changed.
My service configuration built programmatically is this:
text message encoding binding with Soap11 envelope version and WSAddressing10 addressing version
no security biding
http transport binding
The setup I found achieving this requirement is "ws://xyz" as the endpoint URL and Request.Headers.Action set to "http://abc" in BeforeSendRequest using a message inspector added using an endpoint behaviour attached to the endpoint. Then I also attach a ClientViaBehavior with the URL of "http://abc".
On my development machine this causes as required
However on the test server it generates
I don't know exact configuration of the server but I believe it is Windows server as is my development box. Does the same code generates different messages on two different machines or how else would I achieve this? I should also say it worked fine for several weeks and stopped last Monday.
I have found the following later:
The test server has .NET 4.5 on it as well as another machine I tried it on (also failed). The dev machine where it works fine has just .NET 4.0 on it which would suggest it could have something to do with it. However I have no evidence it is caused by .NET 4.5 as it was installed several weeks before the problem appeared. Moreover there have been no Windows updates since it stopped to work!
I've also tried to set the To element in my ClientMessageInspector implementation but the protocol still gets flipped to http.
I think the BeforeSendRequest is not called due miss configration of your service bindings. Check if you have added the the extention configuration to you service endpoints you want to have the behavior.

WCF wsdualhttpbinding strange behaviour at client side that has no clear (Exception details)

to make long story as short as possible, I made a duplex WCF service, using wsdualhttpbinding, tested it on my local machine using Visual Stuido and using IIS7, thigs are working fine (i had to use windows authentication on IIS7 to make it work thu). Any way, I published the duplex service on my company network (LAN network, windows domain, IIS 6) which i used to for many WCF services (basic and ws http bindings and worked fine) and the problem is I can not get the service to work, I tried all possible configurations to the app.config and to the web.config files, still i can not make it work.. The problem is when the client start calling the duplex service It hangs and no error message or whatsoever, and after few minutes it gives me a timeout error.. there is no error at server side ( i have checked the even viewer). There is not error about port 80 or access privileges. Is there anything i am missing? anything i should take care of and i forgot? i have been awake for 20 hours trying to find a solution because i have a time line to follow or my boss will Dispose() Me..
i have tried the following:
1- I set the IsOneWay = true..
2- I run the program as admin.
3- I i set the base address to another port.. same result..
4- I used windows auth, none... same result..
5- i have tried another machine to test the client.. same result.. it hangs with no reponse.
6- I also tried running the client on windows vista, 7 and xp... same result..
7- I have played with all kind of configurations in config files and i made sure its the same on both files (app.config and web.config)..
8- I have added a static constructor in the service side to see if the service was ever reached by the client, i added few lines to add a value in the db.. and nothing was written to db.. so it was never reached..
9- Yes, when i access the service SVC page i see the page and it worked fine.. I could access the metadata as well..
10- restarting the server, restarting IIS server, Recycling AppPool...etc..
I tried all of that and many other solutions and tricks.. same result when the app is on IIS.. the strange thing is, there is no error at server side.. and i only get TimeOut error (if i get it).. While If i tried the service on the IIS installed locally it works fine.. change the config file to point to the company IIS server,,, no luck!
Is there anything i am missing??? could be something simple but i just missed it..

WebReference vs ServiceReference

I have to following problem. In my application I used a service reference to a non-WCF service from some external company. I created a proxy class using svcutil.exe tool. Everything worked fine for about a year.
Yesterday however, clients reported that it's not possible to get any response from the service. I figured out that the error returned from the service was:
The formatter threw an exception while
trying to deserialize the message:
There was an error while trying to
deserialize parameter
http://serviceurl:someResponse. The
InnerException message was 'There was
an error deserializing the object of
type specificType
So, what I did I firstly updated the service reference and also generated the new proxy using svcutil.exe. The problem still occurs.
I resolve the problem by using either 1) wsdl.exe tool to generate proxy class 2) add web reference (which behind the scenes using wsdl.exe tool internally to create proxy).
My question is : Why everything worked fine for a quite long time even if I used a service reference? How can I checked whether has something changed in the web service? Any help would be appreciated.
Contact the company that provides the web service and find out what changed.

Silverlight WCF service acting strange

I have a silverlight project that calls into a wcf service. Everything works fine on my local machine.
However when I deploy to a virtual machine, with the exact same query the wcf service returns, but the result is empty.
I've tried debugging, but have not been able to get it to break in the wcf service.
Any ideas what the problem could be, or how I could go about debugging it?
I figured out what the problem is, but am not sure what the solution is.
In my silverlight project the wcf service I am referencing is http://localhost/.../SilverlightApiService.svc
I used fiddler on my vm to see the request that was made and instead of trying to contact the above service, it was trying to contact:
So, for some reason my machine name is getting inserted in there instead of localhost. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I had this exact problem when deploying to amazon ec2 - The machine name for the service was being returned in the wsdl rather than the dns.
There were a couple solutions (one involved creating static wsdl - yuck!)
But the other was creating a sort of factory pattern for the service
This thread (you can read it all, but the answers are at the bottom.)
The slight downfall with this is that although it works - if you change the location of the server, you will need to remember to update your config - Which although isn't hard, it's easy to forget to do.
Can you give us a bit more information? What kind of binding are you using? What does the service config and the client config look like? Where do you get your data from that gets returned? Could it be the service on the VM just doesn't get any data? (e.g. queries a database that just doesn't have the data requested?)
I have had that happen before. I would try this. Set you start page as the web service file and run the app. Then set the start page back to your default page. Then update all the server references in your SL project. Recompile everything and republish. This has helped me a bunch of times in the past.
I figured it out.
Basically my machine name was hard coded in my ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file in my silverlight project.
What I had to do was specify programmatically what url to use for the service reference when instantiating my service client:
System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri
(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../WebServices/SilverlightService.svc"));
ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IService", address);
I figured out what the problem is, but am not sure what the solution is.
In my silverlight project the wcf service I am referencing is http://localhost/.../SilverlightService.svc
I used fiddler on my vm to see the request that was made and instead of trying to contact the above service, it was trying to contact:
So, for some reason my machine name is getting inserted in there instead of localhost. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.