How datas are stored in lucene - lucene

I know that lucene creates an index and stores all the data .Can any one tell me how the data is stored in flat file? or what kind of algorithms they use to store the data in backend so that they can retrieve it quickly?

Don't know if this is what you asked for. But the more general answer is that they use/implement a Inverted Index. The specifics of how Lucene stores it you can find in file formats (as milan said).
But the general idea is that they store a Inverted Index data structure and other auxiliar data structures to help answer queries quickly. For example, it stores a vector of norms for each document and each term's IDF (inverse document frequency). Lucene also stores the actual document fields, but that is outside the Inverted Index.

You can find all that explained in the file formats section.

You can read this book to know about the data structures, algorithms and models used in information retrieval systems


What's the storage solution used by search engines to store indexes to enable efficient querying and scalability?

There are lots of articles on how search engines perform indexing, but couldn't find any information on how they store these indexed records in a way that enables fast querying with scalability. Could someone explain the index storing mechanisms used in search engines or point to any article ?
Solr is able to achieve fast search responses because, instead of searching the text directly, it searches an index instead. This is like retrieving pages in a book related to a keyword by scanning the index at the back of a book, as opposed to searching every word of every page of the book.
This type of index is called an inverted index, because it inverts a page-centric data structure (page->words) to a keyword-centric data structure (word->pages).
Inverted index is a major term in the domain of Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing. Take a document, note down all the unique words appearing in that document as well as frequency of the words. Here you are ready with your own inverted index. Solr creates similar inverted index of the documents posted to its core using a defined schema. Schema is a blue print which helps Solr in creating invered index of the documents by giving a set of predefined fields in the schema.xml file.

getting the document length during query evaluation apache lucene 5.3

I am trying to change the scoring in apache lucene 5.3, and for my formula I need the document length (the number of tokens in the document). I understood from answers to similar question, you don't have an easy way to do it. because lucene doesn't keep it at the index. so I thought maybe while indexing I will create an Map from docID to the document length, and then use it in query evaluation. But, I have no idea where I should put this map and where I will update it.
You are exactly right, storing this when the document is indexed is the best approach. The place to store it is in the norm (not to be confused with the queryNorm, that's something different). Norms provide a single value stored with the field, which is made available at query time for scoring.
In your Similarity implementation, this should go into the ComputeNorm method, which exposes the information you need through the FieldInvertState, particularly FieldInvertState.getLength(). Norms are made available at search time through LeafReader.GetNormValues.
If you are extending TFIDFSimilarity, instead, you just need to implement the encodeNormValue, decodeNormValue and lengthNorm methods.

Fastest way to access data in Objective C

I have an xml file with a list of 10k abbreviations and their full terms. I would like to store this xml into a structure in load time. Then will have a page of abbreviations that will constantly hit that structure to convert to the full term. In other word, one creation at the load time and many lookups. I am not sure what is the best structure I can use in terms of speed and reliance? For example should I use CoreData or NSDictionary, some other hash table? Should I just have the parser parse the NSXML for every term lookup?
Before anyone here can recommend any type of performance increases, you need to share two critically important pieces of information:
What are the details of your current implementation?
What is the specific [set of] performance bottleneck[s] that you are trying to address?
Without that, any subsequent discussion is no better than armchair quarterbacking during the superbowl; a mildly amusing means of wasting time.

What exactly is 'indexing' in Core Data?

As an answer to a question I asked yesterday (New Core Data entity identical to existing one: separate entity or other solution?), someone recommended I index an attribute.
After much searching on Google for what an 'index' is in SQLite/Core Data, I'm afraid I'm not closer to knowing exactly what it is or how it speeds up fetching based on an attribute. Keep in mind I know nothing about SQLite/databases in general other than a vague idea based on reading way, way, way, too much about Core Data the past few months.
Simplistically, indexing is a kind of presorting. If you have a numerical attribute index, the store maintains linked list in numerical order. If you have a text attribute, it maintains a linked list in alphabetical order. Depending on the algorithm, it can maintain other kinds of information about the attributes as well. It stores the data in the index attached to the persistent store file.
It makes fetches based on the indexed attribute go faster with the tradeoff of larger file size and slightly slower inserts.
All these answers are good, but overly technical.
An index is pretty much identical to the index you'd find in the back of a book. Thus if you wanted to find which page a certain word occurred at, you'd go through it alphabetically and thus quickly find the all the pages where that word occurred.
If you didn't have an index, then the user would have to resort to going thru EVERY single page word by word, which could take quite a while. Thus, the index is created pretty much in this way ONLY once, and not every time the user wants to search.
Wikipedia has a great explanation of a database index:
"A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the cost of slower writes and increased storage space."

Information Retrieval database formats?

I'm looking for some documentation on how Information Retrieval systems (e.g., Lucene) store their indexes for speedy "relevancy" lookups. My Google-fu is failing me: I've found a page which describes Lucene's file format, but it's more focused on how many bits each number is than on how the database is used in producing speedy queries.
Surely someone has some useful bookmarks lying around that they can refer me to.
The Lucene index is an inverted index, so any search on this topic should be relevant, like: