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Closed 4 years ago.
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Android client of Gmail uses labels which are exactly as my labels in Gmail web interface. When I started looking for API support, I wasn't able to find any.
IMAP extensions and
Email API: labels doesn't provide answer on how do they manage colors through API.
How can I get label colors from gmail via any programming language?
As far as I am aware color isn't one of the attributes that can be set/received.
Well, there's this: as an Android API, so if you're developing for android, this should help you. Otherwise, you might try checking what the labels uri resolves to and try accessing that from your app code.
Or download the android emulator and run gmail on it while running a network sniffer, and see what comes down the pipe.
With this:
You can get the background color of the label, in hex format 0xAARRGGBB
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am an IT also G suite Administrator.
When I use API explorer :
I got this error :
Error initializing the APIs Explorer
Cannot find specified method in converted discovery doc.
I check this page :
But I still don't understand.
This seems to be a bug:
Try this API functionality is currently not working for some of the methods of Admin SDK, including the ones from Directory API and Reports API.
Instead of displaying the usual Try this API sidebar:
The message you mentioned is getting displayed:
Because of this, you cannot currently try these methods in the reference docs.
Issue Tracker:
This problem has already been reported before in Issue Tracker, and it has been forwarded internally by Google:
Error initializing the APIs Explorer
Anyone affected by this, please consider clicking the star on the top-left of the referenced issue in order to receive updates and to help prioritizing this.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm working on a webshop. And would like to add the feature to be able to post product images to the shops Instagram account when a new product is added.
The thing is that the Instagram API does not seems to allow to post images. Either does the official Instagram Website. And a Google Search gives me multiple SO QA which says the same.
But at the same time, there seems to be a ton of websites, applications, and services and other non-emulators who let you post to Instagram (to mention a few: and is another one, there also seems to be some WordPress plugins who does it ex. but I'm not too good with eirhet PHP or WordPress to be able to tell how they have done it.).
And before anyone reports it as a duplicate. I do not consider this a duplicate since all other QA simply states that it is not possible via the API, but obviously, it is possible somehow, and I'm wondering how.
So I simply wondering how people are successfully implementing this feature when either the API or the official website allows it?
No official way to post media to Instagram doesn't mean that there is no way to do this.
If you are a developer you could simply reverse engineering the Instagram API and build some software to use that, otherwise you could just use some tools already developed.
And if this don't fit your needs you can go to github and search some other softwares already developed.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can anyone tell me (or suggest me a tutorial or something) to integrate google sign in my unity game...?
I searched but there are methods using OAuth. Is want something like Facebook SDK for unity.
You don't need google play games plugin and it doesnt work for iOS anyways if u don't have existing google play games account via ay android device in past.
However i am using this module available in Asset Store!/content/94517
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Closed 7 years ago.
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i want to develop a hybrid application which makes a phone call to a static number automatically when clicking on a button using mobilefirst.can you help me?
It's not specific to IBM MobileFirst. A bit of googling would've given you the answer you needed...
Here are a couple of options to open the dialer with a number:
Directly in the HTML (you can style the a to look like a 'button'): call this number
Using JavaScript code to be called in a function: document.location.href = "tel:+375292771265";
It seems that you want to auto-dial.
iOS: In iOS this is not allowed in webpages. Worklight apps are essentially web code and thus considered a "webpage" by the OS and will thus first display an alert confirming if the end-user truly wants to call this number or not. In a native app the dialer will auto-dial. This can be read in the iOS documentation:
Android: not allowed by the OS. You may be able to achieve this using a Cordova plug-in: see how to create Cordova plug-ins in MobileFirst Platform Foundation and a possible functionality implementation.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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We have a native iOS app that is used by schools across the country. We've had some instances where the user isn't able to access remote video content. I don't really have any details about the school networks that seem to be blocking our video content so I guess my question is more general in nature.
Is it possible for certain firewalls to block remote mov, m4v, mp4, mp3 content that is being requested from within a native iOS app? As far as we can tell the schools that are having trouble receiving video and audio content within the app are able to access the same content when browsing with Safari. This leads me to believe that the firewall might be setup with a different set of rules for the native app vs. Safari.
I can probably provide more detailed information but I'm just not sure what it is I need to know in order to trouble shoot this problem.
yes, the content retrieved from a server with an iOS app is accessed in the same way a browser does. Over the HTTP protocol. You can embed the video in the application as a fallback when it cannot be retrieved if you have to.