iOS app firewall content filtering [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 10 years ago.
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We have a native iOS app that is used by schools across the country. We've had some instances where the user isn't able to access remote video content. I don't really have any details about the school networks that seem to be blocking our video content so I guess my question is more general in nature.
Is it possible for certain firewalls to block remote mov, m4v, mp4, mp3 content that is being requested from within a native iOS app? As far as we can tell the schools that are having trouble receiving video and audio content within the app are able to access the same content when browsing with Safari. This leads me to believe that the firewall might be setup with a different set of rules for the native app vs. Safari.
I can probably provide more detailed information but I'm just not sure what it is I need to know in order to trouble shoot this problem.

yes, the content retrieved from a server with an iOS app is accessed in the same way a browser does. Over the HTTP protocol. You can embed the video in the application as a fallback when it cannot be retrieved if you have to.


How can I make a React native app offline? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a react native application to answer evaluations with different fields and load images. I need to make than the user can login and answer the evaluations offline and when the device its online, use the Web Services to load the answers automatically.
I am using React Native with Expo and Web Services to get data of forms.
Any idea where to start or how can i do it?
First, you need to check to internet connection, to make sure the device is online or offline. For this, you can use this library #react-native-community/netinfo.
Second, you need to store the question and answer on redux, so when the device is offline, you can load the question from redux. When the device is online, you can load the question from api.
Hope this works for you.
You can use Realm for that, it is a mobile database and here you can manage offline data. If you're using redux then you can also implement redux-persist, but it is a library where the data is saving to redux store in the local storage.
After that, when the device is online then sync the offline data to your web server or handle it with the automatic load.
Hope this works for you.

Is Windows RT tablet able to receive push messages while it is in sleep mode [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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IPad is able to receive push messages while it has screen turned off.
Is it possible to receive push messages with WinRT device in sleep mode?
I would guess it is not possible with Intel based pro models...
Note. This is quite important issue when planning for Windows RT applications. Chat application could be made if somekind of alert could be given to user. Pro models can run real Windows Desktop apps, which can alert user when running at backround...
based on this whitepaper and what i have read before, there is a connected standby..
the whitepaper talks about background tasks working as should. no mention of notifications per say but i'd imagine they should be work as well. Apps however will be in suspended state at that point

Gmail label colors via API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Android client of Gmail uses labels which are exactly as my labels in Gmail web interface. When I started looking for API support, I wasn't able to find any.
IMAP extensions and
Email API: labels doesn't provide answer on how do they manage colors through API.
How can I get label colors from gmail via any programming language?
As far as I am aware color isn't one of the attributes that can be set/received.
Well, there's this: as an Android API, so if you're developing for android, this should help you. Otherwise, you might try checking what the labels uri resolves to and try accessing that from your app code.
Or download the android emulator and run gmail on it while running a network sniffer, and see what comes down the pipe.
With this:
You can get the background color of the label, in hex format 0xAARRGGBB

Music preview from iTunes music store in iOS app [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have interesting question. It is possible to play music preview from iTunes music store in iOS app? How to do that? I need your help.
Yes, you can do this. I have a published app which does this.
You need to get the URL's to the music preview files. One way is via the iTunes search API's. Another is via the Apple Enterprise Partner Feed.
Once you have the URL, you can feed it to MPMoviePlayerController for progressive-download/playback. Or you can download the file yourself and feed it into AVAudioPlayer or your own playback infrastructure.
Please check the Apple guidelines for using preview links. I believe you must be an affiliate, and you must be advertising the sale of the associated song. I also believe (please check) that Apple also permits affiliates to place these preview links on web pages, alongside affiliate links to purchase the songs.

Bot resistant website [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm building a website with lots of images and want to stop bots from accessing those images. So I'm looking something beyond cookies since bots can handle cookies. My idea is that all authentication should reside purely on the server side. Any ideas?
Someone suggested a website, that makes a user visit a thumbnail page first. Somehow visiting that page triggers a server side variable, which allows the main image to be displayed later. How can that be implemented.
That will stop some bots from spidering images on your site.
Also look into a .httaccess file