Interaction between custom forms and event receivers - sharepoint-2010

How can we interact with custom forms and event receivers? How can we talk to custom fields (asp controls) within the custom form from an event recievers?
I searched but cant find something like that or maybe I am not using the right keywords.

In the event receiver you do not have access to any of the controls on a form. What you do have is access to the SPItemEventProperties object which has the BeforeProperties and AfterProperties, er... properties. These are hashtables which contain the names of the SPListItem's fields and their corresponding values (from the form or from the existing item). You can use the event receiver to inspect these values and take a particular action, or even cancel the event.


Populate Outlook form Subject from user-defined fields

I designed the form below:
I would like the Subject to be automatically populated with the value of "[Machine] - [TAT]" as soon as those values are filled. I don't know how to access the values of these fields, the syntax for the value change listeners, nor where I should be putting this code.
When I click "Visual Basic", all I see is this:
It seems that this is only programmatic access to the Application, not the form.
How do I programmatically access the form that I designed?
Legacy form customizations require using VBScript for the "code behind", primarily for interactions with your custom UI. However, VBA macros are used independent of custom forms to work with Outlook items and data. If the business logic for your custom form requires working with the active MailItem, then VBScript is what you need to use.
For your scenario, you need to trap changes to the values of your custom controls. The best practice is to create custom fields in the Outlook item and map those fields to the controls. If you don't, you will only be able to write validation formulas in the designer for those controls, and you cannot trap value changes (odd, I know). Luckily custom fields fire the Item_CustomPropertyChange event, which is exactly what you need.
For more info, see:
Manipulating Controls Programmatically
MailItem.CustomPropertyChange Event

How to create click event for dynamically created custom control?

Let say that I'm creating thousands of custom controls, each control has own data assigned to it (like name, id, etc.), now I would like to add
click event for each of these custom controls
access from software any of these dynamically created controls
So I would like to show MsgBox if user click control #452, which will be returning values assigned to object in custom control class (passed during creation of new control on user form)
Second thing is that I would like to access at any time any of these objects and read values assigned to object in control....
How to do it ? Each control has name assigned like "Example1", "Example2", "Example3" but I don't know how to access it from code as any of these exists during writing...
Also I were trying to find how to create and rise events but it seems that all solutions are for statically created controls and I need to rise events for dynamically crated custom controls....
Thanks in advance for any tips/help how to solve it.
I'm using VB.NET
Ok I figured it out !
It is very simple actually.
If any one will be looking for an answer :
To access dynamically created control first we are going to name it :
Dim Control as new CustomControl
Control.Name = "Name" & Counter
Next after we've created new controls we are going to access it using:
Dim _Control as new CustomControl
_Control = Ctype(Me.Panel1.Controls("Name1"), CustomControl)
I still not sure about custom events for all controls on custom control (so where ever user click, there should be override event which returns something back, now I can only either click panel container (not labels/pictureboxes) from code inside user class, or event per control on custom control (but issue is that I want to pass data from custom control to user class).

Visual Basic 2010 - Referencing objects in different user controls

For an app that uses user controls instead of forms and the first user control has a listview, where the user clicks or selects "Create New" Or Delete, what is the best way to transfer the data selected in the listview to the detail screen (separate User Control) where the data can be edited?
Can I just reference the list view in the first UC in the Details UC? something like:
ucHeader.lvSetups.FocusedItem.SubItems.Count = 0
from the ucDetail user control?
Saying which way is the best would produce a heated discussion with every ones opinion. However, here are a few ways I would tackle this. While there are more options, these are what I would do:
You should expose any information you want to read from a user control in the form of a property, readonly if you must. Just an example because I don't know what your object types are:
Public ReadOnly Property SelectedItem as object
Return Listview1.SelectedValue
end get
End Property
You can also use events to tell the parent of your user control that a selection was made. You can pass whatever you want in this event, even the selected object. If you don't want to pass the selected object, grab it from the property you created (like #1) in the event handler.

How to handle event receiver with multiple ALVs in tabstrip?

I am trying to have two ALV in a tabstrip that editable by a buttom at toolbar.
There is a nice example at following page but it is a single ALV.
If we have two ALV how how to do lcl_event_receiver part? Do we need two of them?
Note: I am able to make teo ALV in tabstrip by looking at this code
You will either need a separate event handler for every control (or at least separate handler methods) or you add an implicit parameter named SENDER to the event handler methods. This parameter contains the reference of the control that triggered the event, so you can compare it to the two ALV grid references and decide which one triggered the event. (In my opinion, this leads to ugly code, but in the end, that's your decision.)

PropertyChanged Event, raise when OnClick?

I have a WinForms application with some business objects which implement INotifyPropertyChanged and hook the PropertyChanged event via some controls & BindingSource on the form which raises an event back to my business objects layer...
There's just one issue - everything works fine, except only when the control loses focus. E.G., the user changes some text field, but he has to actually click on some other control somewhere BEFORE he hits the 'save' button (e.g. he has to cause focus on another control).
Is there a way to wire this up to OnClick or something so the change is propogated to my business objects layer as the user types the text (or even after he changed a drop down value) so I don't have to force the user to click on a different text box before he can save?
Googling has lead me nowhere but to examples on how to easily do this in WPF =(. But no WinForms examples...
Please Advise,
If you are using Binding class to connect object to UserControl, you may try to set binding's DataSourceUpdateMode to OnPropertyChanged.
Please, note that in this way you are writing data to your object before validation. This may be unsuitable for some tasks.